Club of Amsterdam Journal 010, January 2004 – Journal 267, September 2024
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The Future Now Show
Climate Change Success Stories
Club of Amsterdam Journal 010, January 2004 – Journal 252, March 2023
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2024, Issue 267
Agriculture, Andes, Artificial Intelligence, Biodiversity, Cities,
Ecuador, FAO, Global Security, Go-To-Gemba, Indigenous,
Indigenous Kultural-Agricultural Systems Heritage, Indigenous
Values, IPCC, MOBILITY, Namibia, Nature, Public Space,
SDGs, Shadow AI, Uganda, Water
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July/August 2024, Issue 266
ARCHITECTURE, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, Brain,
Collective Intelligence, Creativity, Data, Design,
DNA, EDUCATION, European Commission, Exhibition,
Festival, Fungi, Games, Green Deal, Holograms,
Macrobiota, Metaverse, Microbiome, Mushrooms,
Neurotechnology, Photography, Storytelling,
Sustainable Development Goals
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2024, Issue 265
Africa, Air, Cameroon, Climate Change, EDUCATION,
ESG Investing, FOOD, Impact Investment, Kenya,
Oceanography, Rwanda, SDGs, Soil, Sustainable
Investment, Tanzania, Uganda, UK, Urban Studies,
USA, Waste, Water, Wildlife
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2024, Issue 264
Agriculture, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Atmosphere, Banking, Bioacoustics,
Capitalism, Carbon Capture, Carbon Storage, ChatGPT, Climate Change,
Collective Intelligence, DEMOCRACY, Denmark, EDUCATION, EU, Europe,
Forest, Natural Language Processing, North Sea, Real-Future, Renewable
Energy, Resilience, SDGs, Singularity, Solar Energy, Sustainable Development
Goals, UN, Weather
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2024, Issue 263
Ai Weiwei, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, Awakening, Cosmos, Design, Ecosophy,
Gaia, Innovation, Magnetic Field, Morocco, New Mexico, PHILOSOPHY,
Production, Quantum Relations Intelligence, Renewable Energy,
SCIENCE, Seaweed, Solar Energy, Space, Sustainability,
Sustainable Furniture, Wind Energy
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2024, Issue 262
Africa, Agriculture, ARCHITECTURE, Artificial Intelligence,
Australia, Brain, Britain, Chernobyl, Climate Change, Danube,
Electric cars, Europe, Forest, Futurenomics, Global Economy,
Japan, Magnetic Cars, Megacities, Nature, Nevada, Rewilding,
Robotics, South Africa, TECHNOLOGY, the Netherlands,
Ultrasound, UN, Wildlife

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2024, Issue 261
Africa, Amazon, Animal Welfare, Asia, Australia, Baltimore,
Brazil, California, Climate Change, Consciousness,
Ecovillages, Ecuador, Europe, Ghana, Inner Development
Goals, Investment, Latin America, Microgreens, NASA,
Natural Reserve, New Zealand, North America, Oceania,
Paraguay, Peru, Portland OR, Portugal, Reforestation,
Scotland, Security, Space, Tanzania, West Bengal
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December & January 2023/24, Issue 260
Artificial Intelligence, Auroville, Carbon Removal, Climate Change,
Digital Twins, Digital Water, Entertainment Futurist, Equity, Green
Hydrogen, Hollywood, Hyperloop, Inclusivity, India, Innovation, LiDAR,
Movies, Plants, Resilience, Sri Aurobindo, Entertainment Futurist,
Hollywood, Movies, Artificial Intelligence
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2023, Issue 259
Artificial Intelligence, Barcode, Bill Gates,
Bitcoin, Carbon Reduction, China, Climate Change,
Cloud Seeding, Cryptocurrency, Dubai, EU,
Geoengineering, HAARP, Internet of Things,
IoT, Logistics, NASA, QR Code, Quantum Computing,
Science Fiction, Scientific Foresight, Soundscapes,
Supercomputer, UAE, UN, Weather Modification,
WEF, Wireless
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2023, Issue 258
3D printing, Africa, Air Conditioning, Australia, Belize, Brazil,
China, Coastal Management, Collective Intelligence, ECONOMY,
England, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Innovation, IPCC, Netherlands,
Portugal, SDGs, Singapore, Stakeholder Capitalism, State of the World,
Turkey, United Nations, United States, Vietnam
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2023, Issue 257
Artificial Intelligence, Green Architecture, South America,
Mexico, Africa, Scandinavia, China, USA, Spain, India, Australia,
Indonesia, QRI technology, CQ: the communication code, Cooling, Fish,
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2023, Issue 256
Africa, Agriculture, Architecture, Biopiracy, Cement,
Cleantech, Climate Change, Club of Rome, Energy
Storage, Flora, FOOD, Global energy need, Global Warming,
Green New Deal, Hydrogen, India, Investment, Kenya,
New York, Rice, SDGs, Small Farmer, Sustainability, Zimbabwe
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2023, Issue 255
Albinism, Assisted Migration, Biodiversity, Biophilic Design,
Blind, Canada, Circumcision, Climate Change, Deep Transitions Futures,
East Africa, Flux, Futurist, Gene doping, Germany, India, Investor, Kerala,
Noise, Plant migration, Rockfall, SDGs, Shopping, Switzerland, Tibet,
Uganda, USA
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2023, Issue 254
ASEAN, Auroville, Climate Change, Coasts, Culture,
Digital Economy, ECONOMY, FOOD, Marine Biosphere,
Oceans, Philippines, SDGs, Singapore, Smart Roads,
Sustainability, Thailand, Ultra-high-speed transportation,
Water, Water Resources
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2023, Issue 253
Africa, Banking, Biodiversity, Common Good,
Corporate Responsibility, Diversity, Ecotourism,
Empathy, ENERGY, Funding the Future, Inclusion,
Management, TECHNOLOGY, Tourism, Values, Wildlife

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2023, Issue 252
Lead Article What are postbiotics and how can they improve our gut health? by Deep Jyoti Bhuyan, Research Fellow in Healthy Ageing, Western Sydney University Article 01 Regenerative Agriculture by Regenerative Farmers of America The Future Now Show About the Microbiome and Digestive Health with Michael Smith & Miss Metaverse Article 02 Healthy guts are swarming with bugs, so what do they do? by Robert Moore, RMIT University News about the Future > Dufttunnel > NSK Havfarm Article 03 How Flip-Flop Art Helps Clean Kenya’s Beaches | World Wide Waste by Insider Business Recommended Book Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well by Tim Spector Article 04 On Violence by Fred Phillips Climate Change Success Story Soil TrapBag® Soil Research Institute, Ghana Kiss the Ground EU Science Hub: Soil ‘4 per 1,000’ initiative Antarctica and Sub-Antarctic Permafrost, Soils and Periglacial Environments Group (ANTPAS) ‘Biomes of Australian Soil Environments’ (BASE) Initiative 20×20 Latin America & the Caribbean Futurist Portrait Ben Crowther Farming Futurist Tags: Aeroponics, Aquaculture, Arts, Australia, Consciousness, Digestive Health, Fish, Homicide, Japan, Kenya, Latin America, Microbiome, Microbiota, Organic Farming, Postbiotics, Regenerative Agriculture, Salmon, Social Change, The Caribbean, Violence, War, Waste |

Felix B Bopp
Website statistics for
January 2021 – February 2023:
Visits: 1,016,000
Visitors: 224,000
Tim Spector: “As a scientist, I focus all my energies in researching the microbiome, the large community of microbes that live in our gut, skin and body.”
Fred Phillips: “Have confidence in the multi-century trend toward less violent societies. We need not feel that our efforts are wasted, or that the quest for peace is a hopeless one. Persons of conscience may advocate for peace, become peaceful role models, and support peace-oriented organizations, having confidence that further evolution of human sentiment is possible.”
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2023, Issue 251
Lead Article
Spotting plastic waste from space and counting the fish in the seas: here’s how AI can help protect the oceans
by Philipp Bayer, Ahmed Elagali, Julie Robidart, The University of Western Australia, and Kate Marie Quigley, James Cook University
Article 01
Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons
by DW Documentary, Tilman Wolff and Ranga Yogeshwar
The Future Now Show
Open Data and Our Net Zero Future
with Gavin Starks & Miss Metaverse
Article 02
What is net zero?
by The Economist
News about the Future
> Axiom Space
> XPENG X2 Electric Flying Car
Article 03
Simon Beck gigantic snow art
Recommended Book
Big Data Mining for Climate Change
by Zhihua Zhang (Editor), Jianping Li (Editor)
Article 04
Digital technologies for biodiversity protection and climate action: Solution or COP out?
by James Stinson, York University, Canada and Lee Mcloughlin, Florida International University
Climate Change Success Story
Futurist Portrait
Jason Schenker
Financial Market Futurist
Africa, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, Australia, Biodiversity, Brazil,
Climate Change, Data, Data Mining, Europe, Fish, Flying Car,
India, International Space Station, Net Zero, Ocean, Open Data,
Plastic, Recycling, Waste
Lead Article What is The Line, the 170km-long mirrored metropolis Saudi Arabia is building in the desert?by Andrew Allan, University of South Australia and Subha Paridat, University of South Australia Article 01 Building An Off-Grid Solar System With Your Child To Fight Climate Anxiety by Renogy The Future Now Show Integrated Sustainability with Tom Bosschaert & Mario de Vries Article 02 Knowledge Hubs for Cities > URBACT > The C40 Knowledge Hub News about the Future > European Battery Alliance > Ethiopia Museum of Art and Science Article 03 The World by 2100 Recommended Book The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim by Yizhao Yang, Anne Taufen Article 04 8 billion humans: How population growth and climate change are connected as the ‘Anthropocene engine’ transforms the planet by Manfred Laubichler, Global Futures Professor and President’s Professor of Theoretical Biology and History of Biology, Arizona State University Climate Change Success Story Energy Storage Sodium-ion battery Solid Hydrogen Flywheel Energy Storage Turbocharging Iron Air Battery Urban Planning Richard de Cani Director and Global Cities, Planning and Design Leader at Arup Tags: Art and Science, Climate Anxiety, Design, Energy Storage, Ethiopia, Flywheel Energy Storage, Green New Deal, Hydrogen, Integrated Sustainability, NEOM, Pacific Rim, Saudi Arabia, Sodium-ion battery, Sustainable cities, Vietnam |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2022, Issue 247
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2022, Issue 246
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2022, Issue 245
Lead Article Has Xi Jinping miscalculated in aligning himself with Vladimir Putin? by Tony Walker, La Trobe University Article 01 New climate insight revealed Unexpected predictions from the military and insurance industry on the effects of climate change by Saul Boyle, Tom Bosschaert, Mark Ratcliff, Except Integrated Sustainability B.V. The Future Now Show New World Order with Hardy Schloer & Chris Edwards Article 02 A new world order by VPRO Documentary News about the Future > Whole Body Digital Twin™ > Remedy Health Media Article 03 Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio Recommended Book Sustainable mining in an AI-driven world by Dr Kash Sirinanda Article 04 Biases and creativity by Peter van Gorsel Climate Change Success Story Artificial Intelligence & Robots Futurist Portrait John L. Petersen Founder of The Arlington Institute |
Africa, Artificial Intelligence, China, Climate Change,
Cryptocurrencies, Farming, Fixed Mindset, FOOD,
Food Insecurity, Global Political Trends, Growth Mindset,
Healthcare, Innovation, Insurance Industry, Law and Trade,
Macro Economics, Megatrends, Military Industry, Mining,
Neuroscience, New World Order, Political Choices,
Resilience, Risk, Robotics, Russia, Social Ecology,
Sustainability, USA, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2022, Issue 244

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2022, Issue 243

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2022, Issue 242
Lead Article DIY Light For Light On Main Street (especially during the pandemic) by Leni Schwendinger Article 01 Cities need to embrace the darkness of the night sky – here’s why by Nick Dunn, Lancaster University The Future Now Show Futurists about Sun & Light with Elisabet Sahtouris & Peachie Dioquino Article 02 Why the Sun is Necessary for Optimal Health With Alexander Wunsch News about the Future > The liquid metal battery > Forest seeks village to grow up in Article 03 LightingEurope Recommended Book The Architecture of Natural Light by Henry Plummer Article 04 Traveling vehicle powered by water and wood by Professor Pardal Brasil Climate Change Success Story Tarun Bharat Sangh Visionary Architect Portrait Peter Zumthor Swiss architect Tags: ARCHITECTURE, Battery, Climate Change, Design, Ecology, ENERGY, Light, Light pollution, Sun, Sustainability, URBAN DEVELOPMENT, Water |
Lead Article
What is the metaverse? 2 media and information experts explain
by Rabindra Ratan, Michigan State University and Yiming Lei, Michigan State University
The Future Now Show
Hybrid Space
with Elizabeth Sikiaridi
News about the Future
> New European Bauhaus
> Notpla
Article 03
Urban Spaces in a Digital Culture
With Gernot Riether
Recommended Book
Home in a Hybrid World
by Martin Pot
Article 04
Making the ‘City in Nature’ a reality
by Future Cities Lab Global / Singapore-ETH Centre
Climate Change Success Story
Global Forest Watch
Futurist Portrait
Greg Lindsay
Journalist, Urbanist, Speaker, Futurist
Augmented Reality, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Children, Digital Twins,
EDUCATION, Forest, Humboldt Forum Berlin, Hybrid Space, MEDIA,
Metaverse, New European Bauhaus, Packaging, URBAN DEVELOPMENT,
Virtual Reality
Lead Article Understanding others’ feelings: what is empathy and why do we need it? by Pascal Molenberghs, Monash University Article 01 TikTok, a new learning platform? by Peter van Gorsel The Future Now Show Regenerative Business with Rudy de Waele Article 02 The Hacking of the American Mind with Dr. Robert Lustig University of California Television (UCTV) News about the Future > Space debris > Plastic Bank Article 03 Foodscaping With Matt Lebon Recommended Book The Age of Empathy: Nature’s Lessons for a Kinder Society by Frans de Waal Article 04 Applied Empathy With Michael Ventura Climate Change Success Story Climate Neutral Group Visionary Portrait Rana el Kaliouby pioneer of artificial emotional intelligence Tags: A.I., Artificial Emotional Iintelligence, Artificial Iintelligence, Dopamine, Empathy, Foodscaping, Happiness, Healthcare, LEARNING, Love, Nature, Pleasure, Primates, Serotonin, Space, Tik Tok, USA |
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2022, Issue 239
Lead Article
Chasing the dragon
by Peter van Gorsel
Article 01
The Ocean Economy will eclipse $3 trillion by 2030
by CaspianReport
The Future Now Show
“It is all about the right focus”
with Annegien Blokpoel
Article 02
Three financial firms could change the direction of the climate crisis – and few people have any idea
by Jan Fichtner, University of Amsterdam, Eelke Heemskerk, University of Amsterdam, and Johannes Petry, University of Warwick
News about the Future
> Startup Europe
> Global Gateway
Article 03
Exploring the TRUE cost of ditching fossil fuels.
by Just Have a Think
Recommended Book
Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems
by Abhijit V. Banerjee, Esther Duflo
Article 04
The Chef’s Menu: Bugs, Plants, and Anything He Can Forage
by The New Yorker Documentary
Climate Change Success Story
Energy Islands – Denmark
Futurist Portrait
Riane Eisler
social systems scientist, cultural historian, futurist
Blue Economy, Business Development, Carbon neutral,
Climate Change, Culture, Denmark, Economics, EDUCATION,
ENERGY, Evolution, FOOD, Gambling, Human Rights, Humanity,
Impact Investment, Investment, Leadership, Mass Media, Ocean,
Ocean acidification, Peace, Population, Spirituality, Startups, Wind

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2021, Issue 238
Lead Article
Our Seafood Technology Future
by Tony Hunter
Article 01
A Why strive for a Used Future? Equality vs Equal Opportunity
by Leif Thomas Olsen
The Future Now Show
with Saro Van Cleynenbreugel
Article 02
A global carbon removal industry is coming – experts explain the problems it must overcome
by Johanna Forster, University of East Anglia and
Naomi Vaughan, University of East Anglia
News about the Future
> Water Harmony
> Carbfix
Article 03
The Real Cost of Nuclear Energy
by Except Integrated Sustainability
Recommended Book
The Future of Water: A Startling Look Ahead
by Steve Maxwell, Scott Yates
Article 04
The EU’s Green Deal: opportunities, threats and risks for South African agriculture
by Wandile Sihlobo, Stellenbosch University and
Tinashe Kapuya, Bureau for Food and Agricural Policy
Climate Change Success Story
Futurist Portrait
Matthew Griffin
The Adviser behind the Advisers
5G, Agriculture, Aquaponics, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality,
Bioeconomy, Cloud Computing, CO2, Digital Twins, Edge Computing,
Environmental Footprint, EU, Europe, Fish, FOOD, Green Deal,
Internet of Things, Metaverse, Nuclear Energy, Quantum Computer,
Seafood, South Africa, Virtual Reality, Water
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2021, Issue 237
Lead Article
Gambling live streams on Twitch: What are they and why do they matter?
by Brett Abarbanel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas;
Dimitrios Avramidis, University of British Columbia;
Luke Clark, University of British Columbia, and
Mark R Johnson, University of Sydney
Article 01
A Blockchain-based decentralised university
by John Domingue | TEDxOpenUniversity
The Future Now Show
Crypto Economy
with Rohit Talwar, Kapil Gupta, Mario de Vries
Article 02
Opulous – Decentralized Finance to the music industry
News about the Future
> Kiva: Loans that change lives
> E2S Power
Recommended Book
The Global Minotaur: America, the True Origins of the Financial Crisis and the Future of the World Economy
by Yanis Varoufakis
Article 04
The music of proteins is made audible through a computer program that learns from Chopin
by Peng Zhang, The Rockefeller University and
Yuzong Chen, National University of Singapore
Climate Change Success Story
Cellular Farming
Futurist Portrait
Ian Khan
Technology Futurist, Author, Speaker
Algorand, Blockchain, Cellular Farming, Crypto Economy, Cryptocurrencies, Defi,
ENERGY, Energy Storage, FOOD, MUSIC, NFTs, Online Games, Opulous, Proteins,
Lead Article Climate disaster viewed from different angles By Konstantin Müller, CEO, EduMedia AG, Basel/Switzerland Article 01 World Nuclear Performance Report 2021 By World Nuclear Association The Future Now Show Global Food with Tony Hunter and Felix Bopp Article 02 The Futuristic Farms That Will Feed the World By Freethink News about the Future > Deep Green – Underwater Kite > City Intelligence Lab (CIL), Vienna Article 03 Bjorn Lomborg Declares “False Alarm” on Climate Hysteria With Hoover Institution Recommended Book Silent Earth By Dave Goulson Article 04 A New Accounting & Taxation Paradigm By Leif Thomas Olsen, Master of Philosophy & Master of International Relations Climate Change Success Story Reforestation Projects By Tree-Nation Futurist Portrait Alex Steffen Planetary Futurist Tags: Accounting, Agriculture, Agrifood, Anthropocene, Artificial Intelligence, Climate Catastrophe, Climate Change, Corona, Culture, FOOD, Gnostics, Health, Nature, Nuclear Energy, Ocean Energy, Reforestation, Sustainable Development Goals, Taxes, TECHNOLOGY |
Lead Article The Critical Path Model By Leif Thomas Olsen, Master of Philosophy & Master of International Relations Article 01 Project Susthiti A healing initiative to help Covid healthcare workers with Yoga & Music Therapy By Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury The Future Now Show Circular Economy with Giulia Viero, Ricardo Weigend, Patrick Crehan Article 02 A circular economy could end waste – at the cost of our privacy By Nigel Walton, Assistant Professor, School of Strategy and Leadership, Coventry University and Anitha Chinnaswamy, Assistant Professor of Computing, Coventry University. News about the Future > EPFL develops solution for detecting deepfakes > Environmentally sensitive concrete Article 03 Fine-tuning the climate By Deutsche Welle Recommended Book The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis By Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac Article 04 How Singapore Uses Science to Stay Cool By Bloomberg and Future Cities Lab (FCL) Global Climate Change Success Story What if Climate Change was Made Illegal? By One Tree Planted Futurist Portrait Nikolas Badminton Chief Futurist Tags: Aletsch Glacier, Backcasting, Bioprotection, Business, Business models, Carbon footprint, Circular Economy, Climate Change, Corona, Cradle to cradle, Forecasting, Foresight, Future, Geoengineering, Iceland, Ideas, Music therapy, Nature, Peru, Small-Medium Enterprises, SMEs, Sustainable cities, Sustainable Development Goals, Switzerland, Transformation, United States, Yoga |
Lead Article Homo Economicus By Peter van Gorsel Article 01 Toyota’s Woven City – A Prototype City of the Future The Future Now Show Violence with Mandar Apte Article 02 How do I talk to my child about violence? 4 essential reads By Alvin Buyinza and Jamaal Abdul-Alim, The Conversation News about the Future > Color-Changing Suture > Schibsted Future Report 2021 Article 03 Why People Hurt People By Chris Hedges Recommended Book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined By Steven Pinker Article 04 The Language of Traffic Safety With Prof. Marco te Brömmelstroet Climate Change Success Story Celtic Reptile & Amphibian Futurist Portrait Ben Hammersley Journalist, technologist, and strategic foresight Tags: Behavioral economics, Children, Cryptocurrencies, Cybercrime, Darknet, ECONOMY, Future City, Hydrogen, Reptile & Amphibian, Sustainable Development Goals, Toyota, Traffic Safety, Traffic Violence, Violence |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2021, Issue 233
Lead Article For the EU’s ‘Green Deal’ to succeed, economic theory must take into account qualitative growth By Sergio Focardi, Davide Mazza, and Manon Rivoire Pôle Léonard de Vinci – UGEI
Article 01 The Future Now Show Article 02 News about the Future Article 03 Recommended Book Article 04 Climate Change Success Story Futurist Portrait Tags: Biocarbon, Capital, Children, Circular Economy, Climate Change, Degrowth, Economic growth, Economic theories, ECONOMY, Emissions reductions, EU, Green Deal, Greenhouse gas emissions, Ideology, Macroeconomics, MOBILITY, Permaculture, Poverty, President Joe Biden, Regenerative Thinking, Social Impact Bonds, South Africa, Sustainability, URBAN DEVELOPMENT, Ursula von der Leyen, Water

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2021, Issue 232
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2021, Issue 231
Lead Article
African Renaissance: When Art Meets Power
Ethiopia / Senegal / Kenya
with Afua Hirsch
Article 01
3 Questions: How philosophy can address the problem of climate change
by Kieran Setiya
The Future Now Show
China, the US and Europe
with James M. Dorsey
Article 02
Achieving gender equality in India: what works, and what doesn’t
by Smriti Sharma
News about the Future
> Ultralightweight, Crush-Resistant Tensegrity metamaterials
> Horizon Europe is the EU’s research and innovation framework programme running from 2021-2027
Article 03
Nano Coated Salt Technology
by Just Have a Think
Recommended Book
Nature Obscura: A City’s Hidden Natural World
by Kelly Brenner
Article 04
Creative Sustainability
by Except Integrated Sustainability
Climate Change Success Story
Futurist Portrait
Bruno Mario
The Futurist Monk
Arts, Batteries, China, Climate Change,
Creativity, Ethiopia, Europe, Futurist, Gender,
India, Innovation, Kenya, MUSIC, PHILOSOPHY,
Senegal, Sustainability, USA
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2021, Issue 230
Why the EU’s proposed carbon border levy is an important test for global action on climate change
By Neil KellardThe Triple-Challenge of Feeding the World
By Patrick CrehanFood Strategies
with Christophe PelletierSolve Fake News with Digital Identity
By Niels van den Bergh> Osmotex Steriliser
> Aerogel that turns air into drinking waterChronicle from the Future
By Rosana AgudoThe Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates Reality
By Robert Lanza, Matej Pavsic and Bob Berman
Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the internet: give us back control of our data
By Pieter VerdegemRom Krupp
Technology Futurist, Speaker & EntrepreneurTags
Agrifood, Carbon, Climate Change, Corona, Design,
Electronic Identity, FOOD, Future, Futurist, INTERNET,
Restaurant, The Future Now Show

Lead Article
Kickstarting sustainable agriculture in arid regions
By Except
AI makes huge progress predicting how proteins fold – one of biology’s greatest challenges – promising rapid drug development
By Marc Zimmer
DDOs (Deliberately developmental Organizations)
with Ferananda Ibarra
The Civium Project 01: Civium vs City
By Jordan Greenhall
> The Great Bubble Barrier: A smart solution to plastic pollution
Utopia Cornucopia
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
By Bill Gates
Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion
By Just Have a Think
Phoebe Barnard
environmental futurist
A.I., Agriculture, Climate Change, Communities,
DDOs Deliberately developmental Organizations,
Drugs, ENERGY, Environment, Futurist, Green Economy,
Ocean, Plastics, South Africa
Club of Amsterdam Search
Submit your article
Public perceptions of forestry and the forest-based bioeconomy in the European Union
Making bioeconomy circular: How far can circular economy principles be applied
to the bioeconomy?Regenerative agriculture
Can Regenerative Agriculture Reverse Climate Change? | One Small Step
By NowThis EarthThe New Future of Marketing
with Myléna PierremontWhy don’t we all just use Geothermal Energy?
By Just Have a Think> A vast new ocean sanctuary
> Food Outlook – Biannual Report on Global Food MarketsRecession and Automation Changes Our Future of Work, But There are Jobs Coming,
Report Says
By World Economic ForumThe Future After COVID: Futurist Expectations for Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities After the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Jason Schenker
The fastest drummer in the world is a cyborg
By Big Think x FreethinkThe GELCLAD project
Portugal/ES/DE/GB/SIBronwyn Williams
Johannesburg, South AfricaTags
Agriculture, Change, Circular Economy, Climate Change,
Cyborg, EU, FOOD, Forest, Futurist, Geothermal Energy,
Global Workplace, Marketing, MUSIC, Ocean, The Future Now Show
Felix B Bopp
We are happy to launch our new website. It includes a collection ofmemorable events, journals, videos, presentations and articles. You are invited to play an active role and share your insights. We are looking forward to an inspiring new time and thank our supporter Prisma Analytics.

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2020, Issue 227
Rewilding: rare birds return when livestock grazing has stopped by Lisa Malm Finding the people and the books transforming the future of society and business in positive ways The Future Now Show A third way: Self Sovereign Identity and Disposable Identities with Rob van Kranenburg Project Dormio: Interfacing with Dreams by MIT’s Dream Lab News about the Future: Reshaping the retail experience / DNA testing kits directly to consumers Fraunhofer UMSICHT – a pioneer for sustainable energy and raw materials management Recommended Book: Resilience Thinking: Sustaining Ecosystems and People in a Changing World by Brian Walker Electric Oil Tankers & Batteries in EVERYTHING by Fully Charged Climate Change Success Story: Farming for Conservation -The Burren Programme Futurist Portrait: Andy Lowe, Food Futurist |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2020, Issue 226
Rewilding: lessons from the medieval Baltic crusades by Aleks Pluskowski, Alex Brown and Rowena Banerjea Digital Fabrication House The Future Now Show The Corona Challenge with Elisabet Sahtouris Piet Oudolf – the “emotion” of nature News about the Future: Carculator / Google drone delivery service Reimagining Life In The Cloud by Frank Spencer Recommended Book: Seeing Through the World: Jean Gebser and Integral Consciousness by Jeremy Johnson Green Hydrogen : Can Australia lead the world? Climate Change Success Story: ITER – Unlimited Energy Futurist Portrait: Ramez Naam |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2020, Issue 225
Climate disasters increase risks of armed conflicts: new evidence by Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
A Fast, Fair and Effective Solution to the Climate Crisis by Brigitte Van Gerven
The Future Now Show Africa: A Ticking Bomb with Cristiana Benedetti Fasil
Green New Deal for Europe
News about the Future: Solar Windows / Energy self-sufficient households in Switzerland by 2050?
5G is Bad For Our Health – Not! by Peter Cochrane
Recommended Book: Resilience Thinking: Sustaining Ecosystems and People in a Changing World by Brian Walker, David Salt
The Animal Communicator Anna Breytenbach
Climate Change Success Story: Sustainable Rubber by Seow Lye Lok
Futurist Portrait: Ken Dychtwald

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2020, Issue 224
Richer countries must do more to help those already experiencing the climate crisis by Keith Hyams and Morten Fibieger Byskov
Data analysis: the dawn of precision agriculture by Naïo Technologies
The Future Now Show
Energy Efficiency with Michael Pachlatko
and from Beijing talking about Corona
The future of zoos
News about the Future: Self-healing potassium batteries / UV-Disinfection Robot
Green chemistry
Recommended Book: Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy by Hazel Henderson
BeThe Big Role of Small Business in Dealing with the Climate Crisis by Patrick Crehan
Climate Change Success Story: Sahara Forest Project
Futurist Portrait: Blake Morgan

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2020, Issue 223
Critical minerals are vital for renewable energy. We must learn to mine them responsibly by Bénédicte Cenki-Tok
Participatory democracy platforms gain traction in Switzerland by EPFL
The Future Now Show Human Digitalisation with Philippe Gerwill
INVEST IN Matrix-Q Solutions
News about the Future:Low-cost “smart” diaper / Innovation: Africa
Can fashion ever be sustainable?| BBC Ideas
Recommended Book:The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac
European Capital of Culture
Climate Change Success Story:TECNARO – The Biopolymer Company
Futurist Portrait:Tom Cheesewright

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2020, Issue 222
Batteries made with sulfur could be cheaper, greener and hold more energyby Mahdokht Shaibani
Rinspeed’s “MetroSnap”
The Future Now Show5G with Peter Cochrane
Food and nutrition security
News about the Future:A new way to irrigate crops year-round / Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent 2020-2030
Existence of Fear Precedes Essence by Desh Subba
Recommended Book: There Is No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years by Mike Berners-Lee
The pitfalls of eco-efficiency by Régis Chenavaz
Climate Change Success Story:Impossible Foods
Futurist Portrait: Sirkka Heinonen

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2019 / January 2020, Issue 221
Creative intelligence in organisations by Annedien Hoen
Volumetric display
The Future Now Show
December: Emotional Intelligence with Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
January: Content Creators with Katie King
The Vegetarian Butcher
News about the Future: first fully rechargeable lithium-carbon dioxide battery / MIT report examines how to make technology work for society
Recommended Book: Handbook of Collective Intelligence Edited by Thomas W. Malone and Michael S. Bernstein
Light pollution
Climate Change Success Story: TeamTrees
Futurist Portrait: Richard Yonck

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2019, Issue 220
Science fiction offers a useful way to explore China-Africa relations by Nedine Moonsamy
HeartMath Institute
The Future Now Show: Intuition / Life Energies with Peachie Dioquino-Valera
News about the Future: Earth Archive / Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront
Noise Polution
Recommended Book: Human Compatible: AI and the Problem of Control by Stuart Russell
North Sea Wind Power Hub
Climate Change Success Story: Freiburg Green City
Futurist Portrait: Jerry Kaplan

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2019, Issue 219
What if we ran society not based on the market but on evidence? by Spyros Samothrakis
Regenerative Agriculture
The Future Now Show: City Futures in the Asia Pacific with Shermon Cruz
Vertical Farm
News about the Future: Global EV Outlook 2019 / Puncture-Proof Tire System
Law of Vibration by Michiko Hayashi
Recommended Book: The End of Money and the Future of Civilization by Thomas H. Greco Jr.
A smart artificial hand for amputees merges user and robotic control
Climate Change Success Story: Solar Foods
Futurist Portrait: Mark McCrindle

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2019, Issue 218
Food system needs a revolution, not tinkering around edges by the ultra-processed producers by Norah Campbell and Francis Finucane
BioSolar Leaf
The Future Now Show: Fashion Technology with Anina Net
Sea Agriculture
News about the Future: Kernza® Grain: Toward a Perennial Agriculture / Artificial Heart
The future of sound, noise & music
Recommended Book: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker
Aquanaut, the Underwater Transformer
Climate Change Success Story: Swedish Forests
Futurist Portrait: George Friedman

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2019, Issue 217
Ethics of AI: how should we treat rational, sentient robots – if they existed? by Hugh McLachlan
Permaculture 101 with Geoff Lawton
The Future Now Show: Preferred Future with Glen Hiemstra
Holographic circus
News about the Future: Future Carbon-neutral fuel made from sunlight and air / Solar Methanol Islands
All-electric aircraft Alice
Recommended Book: Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet by Leonard David, Ron Howard (Foreword)
200 kilometers in 8 minutes: ABB’s fast chargers power the e-mobility revolution
Climate Change Success Story: Nutri2Cycle
Futurist Portrait: Jamie Metzl

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2019, Issue 216
The Matrix 20 years on: how a sci-fi film tackled big philosophical question by Richard Colledge
The Liquid Metal Battery: Innovation in stationary electricity storage by Donald Sadoway
The Future Now Show: The Truth Engine with Peter Cochrane
FutureHotel Innovation Network
News about the Future: Future Economy – Singapore / Storing renewable energy in molten salt
Deep Space 8K
Recommended Book: Clean Meat by Paul Shapiro
Nature’s Bounty: What You Need To Know About Harvesting Rainwater by Anna Kucirkova
Futurist Portrait: Eric Haseltine

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2019, Issue 215
For the love of technology! Sex robots and virtual reality by Neil McArthur and Markie Twist
teamLab Planets TOKYO
The Future Now Show: Breaking the laws of thought with Mathijs van Zutphen
Basic Income
News about the Future: Social Biking challenge / Targeted seeding featuring swarm technology
A Tale of Cells and Cities – Our Human Evolutionary Agenda by Elisabet Sahtouris
Recommended Book: Who Really Feeds the World?: The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology by Vandana Shiva
Biosphere 2
Understanding The Science Of Climate Change | Earth’s Survival
Futurist Portrait: Ian Goldin

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2019, Issue 214
We talk about artistic inspiration all the time – but scientific inspiration is a thing too by Tom McLeish
The EU in 2018
The Future Now Show: AI and Business with Maarten Stol
A Technology to Reverse Climate Change
News about the Future: The Animal-AI Olympics / The Future of Urban Living
A Better Path to Prosperity by Umair Haque
Recommended Book: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff
Illuminate a flower
Urban Resilience
Futurist Portrait: Judith L. Hand

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2019, Issue 213
Should we engineer the climate? A social scientist and natural scientist discuss by Rob Bellamy and Matt Watson
In Conversation with the Mystic – Jonathan Coslet with Sadhguru | Capitalism and Spirituality
The Future Now Show: the future of Europe with Humberto Schwab and Marleen Stikker
Bruce Schneier – a “security guru”
News about the Future: Bio Based Battery / Predicting cancer
Bionic limbs
Recommended Book: The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment
Getting entrepreneurial spirit into our schools
How drones will change cities
Futurist Portrait: Madeline Ashby

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2019, Issue 212
Hydrogen Mobility
Oppenheim Architecture
The Future Now Show: Change with Humberto Schwab
Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura
News about the Future: The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) / Orkney – an island with sustainable energy
How we’re designing musical instruments with the help of disabled musicians and VR by Franziska Schroeder and Matilde Meireles
Recommended Book: Limitless Biohacking: Gain An Unfair Advantage by Conrad Smith
Brain-Computer Interface
David Suzuki Foundation
Futurist Portrait: Richard Buckminster Fuller

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2018 & January 2019, Issue 211
We’re not prepared for the genetic revolution that’s coming by Robert Chapman
The Future Now Show: We Make Change with James Sancton hosted by Annie Moon
Repair Café
News about the Future: Putting food-safety detection in the hands of consumers / Climeworks
Reimagining Civilization with Floating Cities
Recommended Book: The European Union – What it is and what it does
A new visualization of Drive Sweden’s long-term vision
UN Alliance aims to put fashion on path to sustainability
Futurist Portrait: Matthew Griffin

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2018, Issue 210
Organic farming with gene editing: An oxymoron or a tool for sustainable agriculture? by Rebecca Mackelprang
Modern bioenergy leads the growth of all renewables to 2023, according to latest IEA market forecast
The Future Now Show: CHANGE is led by Disabled People with Philipa Bragman hosted by Annie Moon
Village tests Future
News about the Future: AI systems shed light on root cause of religious conflict / Elements of success: Urban transportation systems of 24 global cities
The Sustainable City in Dubai
Recommended Book: Silicon States by Lucie Greene
Cycling Industries Europe by Patrick Crehan
Radical Cities

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2018, Issue 209
Why Industry 4.0 ? by Peter Cochrane
Empower a Billion Lives
The Future Now Show Special: Arjen Kamphuis still missing in Norway
1.6 trillion litres of air cleaned so far.
News about the Future: New Battery-Operated Train and Sets Standards for Sustainable Mobility / Biodegradable Plastics
Amputees feel as though their prosthesic limb belongs to their own body by EPFL
Recommended Book: The Next Step: Exponential Life by Aubrey de Grey
Sound & Architecture
The GRI Standards
Futurist Portrait: Mark Stevenson

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2018, Issue 208
Will artificial intelligence become conscious? by Subhash Kak
The Future Now Show: Annegien Blokpoel from Israel
Does Life = Intelligence ? by Peter Cochrane
News about the Future: Future of Transportation Report / RotoBeds
Vortex Turbines
Recommended Book: China and the Middle East: Venturing into the Maelstrom (Global Political Transitions) by James M. Dorsey
When Lakshmi – our temple elephant ‘visited’ the grand park at Lyon by Arnab B. Chowdhury
Quadrocopter Ball Juggling, ETH Zurich
Futurist Portrait: Mark Pesce

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July & August 2018, Issue 207
Our Devices Know More Than We Think! by Peter Cochrane
Earth Overshoot Day
The Future Now Show: Do Banks have a Future? with Brett King hosted by Miss Metaverse
Computer program looks five minutes into the future
News about the Future: The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture / The Mindfire Foundation
What is Collective Intelligence? by Michael Silverman & Geoff Mulgan
Recommended Book: Evolving Ourselves: Redesigning the Future of Humanity – One Gene at a Time by Juan Enriquez, Steve Gullans
How can an artificial material instruct neurons and influence their behavior? by Laura Ballerin
Futurist Portrait: Jeremy Bentham

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2018, Issue 206
From drone swarms to tree batteries, new tech is revolutionising ecology and conservation by Euan Ritchie and Blake Allan
Yanny or Laurel
The Future Now Show: Global Economy with Peter R Luik hosted by Miss MetaverseEnergy Predictions – What Is The Future Of Energy?
News about the Future: Digital Weeding / An electronic rescue dog
Oudebosch eco-cabins at Kogelberg Nature ReserveRecommended Book: The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression by Peter Joseph
What Plants Talk About
Futurist Portrait: Alexander Mankowsky

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2018, Issue 205
The fishy problem of underwater noise pollution by Adam Crane and Maud Ferrari
The Future Now Show: the future of Financial Services with John Best hosted by Miss Metaverse
Tribalism – Security or Sovereignty? by Mara Lemanis
News about the Future: Voting in real time / The Next Wave Of Tech-For-Good Companies Are Being Built By Women And Minorities
Resilient by Design
Recommended Book: The Future by Nick Montfort
Processed Food by Robert Lustig
Futurist Portrait: John Renesch

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2018, Issue 204
7 success factors to empowering rural women through ICTs
Truth in the Time of Chaos by Jordan Peterson
The Future Now Show Foresight Future of the Sea
News about the Future:
Laying Down the Groundwork for a Knowledge-Led Society: Policy and Practice
How a New World-view will emerge from Industry 4.0 by Mark Timberlake
Recommended Book: Living Well Now and in the Future: Why Sustainability Matters by Ellen Metzger and Randall Curren
The World In 2050 The Real Future Of Earth – BBC
Futurist Portrait: Jean-Christophe Bonis

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2018, Issue 203
How to make smart cities human again by Nick Malleson & Alison Heppenstall
China’s Demography Challenge by Miraç Yazici
The Future Now Show:
Wearable technology for breast cancer patients with Victor Portes hosted by Miss Metaverse
Powering Businesses with Space Data
News about the Future:
Engineers create plants that glow / Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2017
Recommended Book:
The Silent Intelligence – The Internet of Things by Daniel Kellmereit, Daniel Obodovski
The Still Small Voice in the Eye of Contradiction by Mara Lemanis
Futurist Portrait: Nancy Giordano

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2018, Issue 202
Does Passion Ignite Perception by Mara Lemanis The Library of Congress The Future Now Show: Social Banking with Christian Heyner World’s biggest ‘smart city’ to rise in Philippines News about the Future: This is how money grows from trees UNICEF Sudan Humanitarian Situation Report, December 2017 How Nanotechnology Will Bring The End of Scarcity by James Burke Recommended Book: Dawn of the New Everything: A Journey Through Virtual Reality by Jaron Lanier Common Sense – helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology Futurist Portrait: Bertalan Meskó |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2018, Issue 201
Biodiversity From India with Love with Mandar Apte The Future Now Show: Causalities and A.I. with Hardy Schloer hosted by Simon JonesNew Website For Women Pioneers in Architecture News about the Future: Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2017 / The IEEE 5G and Beyond Technology Roadmap The Global Sanitation Crisis Is A Huge Problem. The WASH Initiative Can Solve It Recommended Book: The Race to Remake Civilization in Earth’s Newest Age by David Biello The Pinocchio Fable Revisited by Dario Poli Futurist Portrait: Anil Gupta Club of Amsterdam Search Submit your article Contact Subscribe |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2017, Issue 200
Europe’s slow suicide by Michael Akerib
Europe – too old to grow? by Miraç Yazici
The Future Now Show:
Happy Rain with Isabelle Antunès
Cryptocurrencies & AI with Quinn Michaels
News about the Future:
Metasonics / NexLoop
Build on Water
Recommended Book:
Eating Promiscuously: Adventures in the Future of Food by James McWilliams
Music with Plants with Mileece
Futurist Portrait: Morgaine Gaye

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2017, Issue 199
Spread of ESGs could herald new global movement
Plant trees while you search the web
The Future Now Show:
Demography of Europe with Michael Akerib
Hanlon Lab
News about the Future:
New report: Establishing Best Practice for Forensic DNA Databases
Changing Societies through Urban Commons Transitions
Hashgraph – The Future of Blockchain
Recommended Book:
Home Made Bio Electronic Arts
BLOOM – Smart surface for spatial acoustics
Futurist Portrait:Olakunle Soriyan

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2017, Issue 198
Biomimicry, Climate Change & Architecture: an interview with Michael Pawlyn
Internet Society Global Internet Report 2017
The Future Now Show:
Digital Twin Cities & Artificial Intelligence with Igor van Gemert
Yuval Noah Harari on the Rise of Homo Deus
News about the Future:
A Sustainable Future Powered by Sea / Special Report: The Maker Movement
Recommended Book:
A History of the Future: Prophets of Progress from H. G. Wells to Isaac Asimov
European Inventor Award 2017
Futurist Portrait: Chris Skinner

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2017, Issue 197
The EU Global Strategy – Year 1 What humans will look like in 1,000 years The Future Now Show: Cryptocurrencies with Hardy F Schloer The Pregnancy Panopticon News about the Future: Future of an Ageing Population / New horizons: Future scenarios for research & innovation policies in Europe – Study How Will Nanotechnology Change the World Recommended Book: Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Trump’s Afghan Military Solution Will Fail with James Dorsey ULTRANOW Briefings with Lise Voldeng: TRUE POWER Futurist Portrait: Glen Hiemstra |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2017, Issue 196
Trip to China with Mike Rana – Part II Countries of the world – put pressure on the United Nations! by Christer NylanderThe Future Now Show: Global Marketplace with Hardy F SchloerUnbelievable Intelligence of Plants News about the Future: Palgrave Studies of Sustainable Business in Africa / New EU Commission transport modernisation initiativesThe Block Research GroupRecommended Book: Brilliant Green Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit ULTRANOW Briefings with Lise Voldeng Futurist Portrait: Jane McGonigal |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2017, Issue 195
Trip to China with Mike Rana – Part I
Kenny Ausubel: Imagining Our Way Out of the Unimaginable
The Future Now Show: Disruptive Technology Trends with Hardy F Schloer
Deep sea mining
News about the Future: Artificial Intelligence 2017: Top 100 Influencers, Brands and Publications /
Fiber Optic fabric, Luminous fabric items for decor & fashion
Digital Fabrication Technologies
Recommended Book:
Adults In The Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment by Yanis Varoufakis
Melting of Greenland – Prof. Dr. Konrad Steffen
Futurist Portrait: Daniel Simon

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2017, Issue 194
Towards a New World Order in Eurasia: The 21st Century’s Great Game By James M. Dorsey
Space Debris 1957 – 2016 | Watch this Space
The Future Now Show: Emotional Intelligence with Hardy F Schloer
Mashambas, The Farm Skyscraper Project
News about the Future: Descartes Labs’ GeoVisual Search / Electric propulsion
Dementia Village
Recommended Book: The Future: A Very Short Introduction by Jennifer M. Gidley
A Day in the Life of…Recep Tayyip Erdogan by Iclal Akcay
Futurist Portrait: Matthias Horx

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2017, Issue 193
Innovation in Innovation by David A. Smith
Supersonic jet boom
The Future Now Show
Analysis of the Energy Geopolitics of the Democratic Republic of Congo by Rophi M. NZUZI
News about the Future: Foresight Africa / World Report 2017 – Human Rights
Graphene Goes 3-D
Recommended Book: The Digital Mind: How Science Is Redefining Humanity
Analemma Tower by Clouds Architecture Office
Futurist Portrait: Eric Larsen

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2017, Issue 192
Lifesaving simulations for vital infrastructures by Igor van Gemert Currency Solutions for a Wiser World – Bernard Lietaer The Future Now Show with James M Dorsey 2016 & 2017: Quest for ChangeGlobal statistical dislocation: the multiplication of tools for measuring economic reality News about the Future: Ecocapsule / Africa’s Cities : Opening Doors to the World PlasticRoad Recommended Book: Killing the Host Sentinel services for agriculture Commission presents White Paper on the Future of Europe Futurist Portrait: James Hughes |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2017, Issue 191
Eurasia – A Return to Sino-Centrism? by Michael Akerib
The Wind Dance Clip
The Future Now Show Special 2016 & 2017 with Simon Jones, Annegien Blokpoel and Huib Wursten
European Cultural Capitals 2017: Pafos & Aarhus
News about the Future: Cyber Security and Resilience of smart cars / The Inclusive Growth and Development Report 2017
3D holograms
Recommended Book: Liminal Thinking: Create the Change You Want by Changing the Way You Think
Research D’Andrea
Futurist Portrait: Max More

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2016 & January 2017, Issue 190
Small Data – Big Impact
From India with love
The Future Now Show with Hardy F Schloer
Le Corbusier, Chandigarh India
News about the Future: Proposed quantum nano-MRI could generate images with angstrom-level resolution / 3D printed Jaipur foot prosthetic launches in 4-month pilot project
Recommended Book: The Quantum Relations Principle by Hardy F. Schloer and Mihai I. Spariosu
Arctic Resilience Report 2016
Futurist Portrait: Robin Hanson

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2016, Issue 189
How to reach zero hunger in fragile states. Interview with Connell Foley
Breakfast Event in Amsterdam
2.6 million more children plunged into poverty in rich countries during Great Recession
News about the Future: The Future of Mobility / World Cleanup Day
Step-by-Step: learning from implementing behavioural changes in transport
Recommended Book: Visions of the Future
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music – Nigel Stanford
Futurist Portrait: Christopher Barnatt

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2016, Issue 188
Middle East 2030: Three visions for one region
Breakfast Event in Amsterdam
The Future Now Show with Phyllis Josefine and Zak Field
Trust Yourself by Terence Mckenna
News about the Future: Magnetoreception / Future of an ageing population
Back to the Job
Recommended Book: Future Humans
Futurist Portrait: Vint Cerf

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2016, Issue 187
Smart health: The death of hospitals by Ed Currie
The Future Now Show with Valery Spiridonov and Katie Aquino
The Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow
News about the Future: Inferring urban travel patterns from cellphone data / EnergieTracker
Asteroid Mining
Recommended Book: Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future
Futurist Portrait: Jaron Lanier

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2016, Issue 186
Transformation of Food and Agriculture- Part 2 by Patrick Crehan
The Future Now Show with Anina and Katie Aquino
Biobased Products Innovation Plant: ‘Innovation for companies’
Partnership with InsightBee
News about the Future: What do Europeans do at work? A task-based analysis: European Jobs Monitor 2016 / Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2016
Why Is Arctic Methane An Emergency?
Recommended Book: The Industries of the Future
Futurist Portrait: Jose Cordeiro

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2016, Issue 185
Transformation of Food and Agriculture- Part 1 by Patrick Crehan
The Future Now Show with Chris Dancy and Katie Aquino
PopUp House
Robotics in Logistics
News about the Future: Hotel Yearbook 2036 – Eyewitness reports from the year 2036 / Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology
Shell Concept Car launched
Recommended Book: Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts
Futurist Portrait: Mehmood Khan

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2016, Issue 184
Reinventing Leadership Development by George Por
The Future Now Show with John Nosta and Katie Aquino
Wisdom of the Crowd or Wisdom of a Few? by Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Yahoo! Labs. Barcelona, Spain
and Diego Saez-Trumper. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona, Spain
A Harvard Mad Scientist Invented Ice Cream That Has Skin
News about the Future: Artificial muscle / Freight Farms
Mathematics and sex
Recommended Book: Daemon by Daniel Suarez
Futurist Portrait: Thornton May

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March / April 2016, Issue 183
Culture, (self) exclusion, extremism and terrorism
The Future Now Show with Steve Hill, Elena Milova and Katie Aquino
The Middle East and North Africa: A 30-minute whirlwind tour
The Food Porn Superstars of South Korea: Mukbang
News about the Future: Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report 2016 / European Economic Forecast
A new report from Ireland explains how technologies will transform food and agriculture between now and 2035 by Patrick Crehan
Futurist Portrait: Chris Riddell

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2016, Issue 182
An aging planet, an old Europe, new problems by Michael Akerib
The Future Now Show with B.J.Murphy and Katie Aquino
The Future of Consciousness: Robot Love – Sentience, and the Eye of the Beholder by Lise Voldeng
Club of Amsterdam blog
10 Biohackers Who Turned Into Superhumans
News about the Future: The Future of Jobs / The Futures of Work
Recommended Book: Prospects for Human Survival
Futurist Portrait: Jason Silva

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2016, Issue 181
Middle-East Situation Report by Hardy Schloer
The Future Now Show with Nikola Danaylov and Katie Aquino
Warka Water
Club of Amsterdam blog
Bioluminescent Organisms
News about the Future: 2016 Global Forecast / Tech Trends 2016
Recommended Book: Global food security 2030
Carrara Robotics by Jelle Feringa (Odico) and Lucas Terhall (Hyperbody)
Futurist Portrait: Anne Lise Kjaer

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2015, Issue 180
Do we really comprehend sustainability?
The Future Now Show with Mikey Siegel and Katie Aquino
Leaving Texas: Two futurists, two stories – Story 2
Club of Amsterdam blog
Concrete printing
News about the Future: The Fragile States Index / The Shit Museum
Recommended Book: The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance
Bamboo Architects
Futurist Portrait: Alex Steffen

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2015, Issue 179
Looking to the Future: Introducing the Concept of Cultural Maturity
The Future Now Show with Mikey Siegel and Katie Aquino
A journey to 2115: Two futurists, two stories – Story 1
Club of Amsterdam blog
DARPA’s Top Secret Weapons
News about the Future: Tennis Tracking and Analysis System / Cities, green infrastructure and health
Marine World Heritage
Recommended Book: Designed for the Future: 80 Practical Ideas for a Sustainable World
International Space Station – interactive panorama
Futurist Portrait: Karlheinz Steinmueller

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2015, Issue 178
The Asian Square Dance – Part 9: Mini Scenarios
The Future Now Show with Andreas Walker, Peter Cochrane and Katie Aquino
Videos with Rohit Talwar, Gray Scott and Gerd Leonhard
Club of Amsterdam blog
Surfing into a Greener Future
News about the Future: Magnetic Patterns / WikiHouse
Nature Is Speaking – Harrison Ford is The Ocean
Recommended Books: Who Are We? / Creative Intelligence
Contrasting futures for the ocean give a stark warning to governments ahead of Paris climate negotiations
Futurist Portrait: Hans Rosling

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2015, Issue 177
Dancing with Disruption – Forces Shaping the Future of Business * The Future Now Show * London Event: Dancing with Disruption: The Future of Business * Club of Amsterdam blog * The Asian Square Dance – Part 8 * News about the Future: Free Heating / Forests for a sustainable future * Daring to invent the future of Africa: Kah Walla * Recommended Book: Thinking the TwentyFirst Century * IBM Watson Health and the Future of Healthcare * Futurist Portrait: David Wood * Agenda |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2015, Issue 176
Coming to Terms With the American Empire * The Future Now Show * VIDEOS about the future of Metro Vitality * Club of Amsterdam blog * The Asian Square Dance – The Role of the USA * News about the Future: Electric motor for aircraft / Smart Homes that Monitor Breathing and Heart Rate * DARPA Outlines Vision for the Future * Recommended Book: Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World * Making Africa – A Continent of Contemporary Design * Futurist Portrait: Mark Stevenson * Agenda |

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2015, Issue 175
The UN in the Urban Anthropocen * The Future Now Show: Collective Intelligence / Water & Africa * April Event in London: the future of Metro Vitality * Club of Amsterdam blog * The Asian Square Dance – Russia * News about the Future: ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index / Race for Water Foundation * In Search of Utopias * Recommended Book: The Origins & Futures of the Creative City * Exploring Tomorrow’s Organised Crime * Futurist Portrait: Marc Goodman * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2015, Issue 174
What’s Hot in 2015 – Technology Trends * The Future Now Show: Digital Startups from Asia / Innovating in Emerging Economies * the future of Collective Intelligence by Hardy Schloer * The Asian Square Dance – The Koreas * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future: Data-storage for eternity / * Recommended Book: Smart Biomaterials * Building Resilience and Livelihoods with Agroforestry in Uganda * Futurist Portrait: Claire A. Nelson * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2015, Issue 173
2013-14 State of the Future * The Future Now Show * February Event in London: the future of Collective Intelligence * The Asian Square Dance – Part 4 * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Social Collective Intelligence: Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society * The War Prayer * Futurist Portrait: Marina Gorbis

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2015, Issue 172
The Asian Square Dance – Part 3 The Future Now Show * February Event: the future of Collective Intelligence * Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, Step Forward to Make This Energy Transition Real! * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies * Syntact – touch the sound * Developing the capacity to “See More” is the great adventure of our time * Futurist Portrait: Ramez Naam

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2014, Issue 171
Change is inevitable – Confusion is undesirable * The Future Now Show * December Event: the future of Personal Growth * Drowning Prevention * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: The Resilience Dividend: Being Strong in a World Where Things Go Wrong * The Asian Square Dance – Part 2 * balance4yourlife * Futurist Portrait: Cecily Sommers

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2014, Issue 170
Europe’s Rare Earth dependence on China – Future Perspectives * The Future Now Show * December Event: the future of Personal Growth * Energy Innovation * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion * The Asian Square Dance – 1st part * ISIS and Western intelligence role in the Middle East * Futurist Portrait: Geci Karuri-Sebina

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2014, Issue 169
Colombia’s Path to Prosperity * The Future Now Show * October Event: the future of Historic Pianos * Transformation, Liminality and Change * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Flash Foresight: How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible * Climate change adaptation can help promote sub-Saharan African livelihoods * Neuromorphic ‘atomic-switch’ networks function like synapses in the brain * Futurist Portrait: Riel Miller
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July / August 2014, Issue 168
Daring for Big Impact * June Event: the future of Transformation * The Future Show with Gerd Laonhard * Entrepreneurship Summit – GES 2014 * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Big Bang Disruption * How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Disruption * Futurist Portrait: Danielle Nierenberg

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2014, Issue 167
Scaling up inclusive innovation: asking the right questions? * May Event: the future of Green Architecture * June Event: the future of Transformation * News from the world of robots * Ocean noise – the underestimated disruptive factor * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Social Innovation: Solutions for a Sustainable Future * Socratic Design * Futurist Portrait: Jeremy Rifkin

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2014, Issue 166
Revamping existing buildings to make them energy efficient * April Event: the future of Women in Business * May Event: the future of Green Architecture * India e-commerce * How can design change the world? * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: The Greening of Architecture * What keeps energy leaders awake at night? * Futurist Portrait: Jørgen Randers

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2014, Issue 165
Gender balance on corporate boards * March Event: the future of Creativity, Arts & Consciousness * April Event: the future of Women in Business * Video games bring new life to old brains * The Age of Inequality: Farm Crisis, Food Crisis & Media * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead * Enabling human high-performance and well-being * Futurist Portrait: Lisa Bodell

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2014, Issue 164
Humanity and the Era of Art * February Event: the future of Learning * March Event: the future of Creativity, Arts & Consciousness * Manifesto: Crisis as catalyst. Risk as renewal * Flowers that generate heat * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness * The Letters of Utrecht * Futurist Portrait: Jerome C. Glenn

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2014, Issue 163
The impact of culture on education * January Event: the future of Urban Mobility * February Event: the future of Learning * Meat Atlas * Architecture and urbanism as a potent lever to contribute to an ongoing paradigmatical shift in world balances * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Diversity Pedagogy: Examining the Role of Culture in the Teaching-Learning Process * Illuminating textiles * Futurist Portrait: Janna Quitney Anderson

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2014, Issue 162
Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility * Next Event: the future of Urban Mobility * Freedom Ship * Car research * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book: Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design * 2013 Argentina Digital Future in Focus * Futurist Portrait: Christophe Pelletier

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November / December 2013, Issue 161
Arcosanti explores the concept of arcology – architecture + ecology * Next Event: the future of Urban Mobility * Internet and electricity * Delve Into Your Past with DNA Testing * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Club of Amsterdam in Bilbao, Spain * Recommended Book: LEGO Space: Building the Future * Futurist – Foresight – Scenario Planning * Futurist Portrait: Michael Rogers

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September / October 2013, Issue 160
Shaping our Future Evolution * Next Event: the future of Economy and Consciousness * Next level * Invisible architecture * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * More creativity in post-production * Recommended Book: Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System * Economies * Demography and Hegemony * Futurist Portrait: Clement Bezold

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June / July 2013, Issue 159
Club of Amsterdam – the next level – the story – connecting globally * Chronicle and Reflexions of the Women in the World Summit Experience in New York * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Time Reborn * Recommended Book: Who Owns the Future? * Sustainable connected cities * Futurist Portrait: John L. Petersen

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2013, Issue 158
Practicing Commons in Community Gardens: Urban Gardening as a Corrective for Homo Economicus * Next Event: the future of Urban Gardening * Insight on Conflict * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The EU: the third great European cultural contribution to the world * Recommended Book: The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City * Agricultural Urbanism Lab * Futurist Portrait: Stuart Candy

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2013, Issue 157
The Future of Europe * Next Event: the future of Europe * NASA | SDO: Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Rural-Urban Dynamics and the Millennium Development Goals * Recommended Book: The End of the West: The Once and Future Europe * The Future of Wearable Technology * Futurist Portrait: John L. Casti * Agenda

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2013, Issue 156
Identity Theft in 2013: The Battle for Your Data * Next Event: the future of Digital Identity * CubeSensors * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * International Institute of Tropical Agriculture * Recommended Book: Identity, Community, and Learning Lives in the Digital Age * Tree Houses * Futurist Portrait: Ross Dawson

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2013, Issue 155
Markets for Good: Put Your Data Where Your Mouth Is * Next Event: the future of Impact Investment * Tablet Touch Walls in your hotel room * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Bringing down Europe’s energy prices for 2020 and beyond * Recommended Book: Impact Investing: Transforming How We Make Money While Making a Difference * Earth Hour * Futurist Portrait: Michell Zappa

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2013, Issue 154
Fan Culture – a social and political indicator * Next Event: the future of Football * Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The internet must remain borderless * Recommended Book: A Beautiful Game: The World’s Greatest Players and How Soccer Changed Their Lives * Computer Aided Architectural Design, Departement for Architecture, ETH Zürich * Futurist Portrait: Evgeny Morozov

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2013, Issue 153
Uploaded e-crews for interstellar missions * Next Event: the future of Space Travel * Joy Rides and Robots are the Future of Space Travel * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * 5 Future Technology Innovations from IBM * Recommended Book: Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier * Results of the 10 Years Club of Amsterdam event * The SCG Global Trend Report * Futurist Portrait: Nicholas Negroponte

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2012, Issue 152
One Minute before 12: Understanding The Global Model * What is exponential growth? * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Wageningen UR – Food Projects * Recommended Book: One: The New Abundant Energy Revolution & The Power of You * Changes in demography * Futurist Portrait: Sundeep Waslekar

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2012, Issue 151
Public Brainstorm: Economic-Demographic Crisis / Energy / Environment / Food and Water / Human Overpopulation * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * X Prize * Recommended Book: Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku * Final Report of the Future of Europe Group * Futurist Portrait: Peter Diamandis

Club of Amsterdam Journal, July 2012, Issue 150
Autonomy and Solidarity. – Prospects of an Unconditional Basic Income * Next Event * The New Purpose of Business and Government * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The TOKYO SKYTREE mural * Recommended Book: Us Against Them: How Tribalism Affects the Way We Think * To grow or to evolve: The Challenge for a World in Full Transformation * Futurist Portrait: Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2012, Issue 149
Sustainable Energy – Initiatives & Reports. * Next Event * A nose for the future * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Jane McGonigal: Truths & Myths in Gaming * Recommended Book: The Very Hungry City: Urban Energy Efficiency and the Economic Fate of Cities * The Global Information Technology Report 2012 * Futurist Portrait: Brian David Johnson

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2012, Issue 148
Debt does not matter. Spending and taxes do. * Next Event * ETT: Skyrocketing speed trains and cars * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Platform strategy shaping the future of Automotive OEMs * Recommended Book: National Tax Policy in Europe: To Be or Not to Be? * Liquid Robotics * Futurist Portrait: Markku Wilenius

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2012, Issue 147
Feldheim in Germany – an inspiration for green energy * Next Event * Evolution Fast-forward * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Economic forecasts for Germany * Recommended Book: The German Economy: Beyond the Social Market * Modern Houseboats in the Netherlands * Tofu energy * Futurist Portrait: Josephine Green

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2012, Issue 146
Towards a Global Theatre of Languages * Next Events * Quantifying climate impacts: new comprehensive model comparison launched * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Conversations on the future of translation * Recommended Book * India’s top-performing CEOs * Solar panels made from plant material * Futurist Portrait: Rohit Talwar * Agenda

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2012, Issue 145
Towards a Biomimicry Culture of Cooperation * Next Events * iCub – European humanoid robot * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Morphogenetic Design Approach * Recommended Book * Rich with Youtube * Michael Gazzaniga – The Interpreter * Futurist Portrait: Sheryl Connelly * Agenda

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2012, Issue 144
10 Big Ideas for the Future of Film * Next Event * Italo – the “Ferrari” train * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * International Year of Cooperatives (IYC) * Recommended Book * Shaping our Evolution * Preferred Futuring * Futurist Portrait: Faith Popcorn * Agenda

Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2011, Issue 143, SPECIAL EDITION
Burning Issues * Next Events * A Education * B Resources: Water, Energy, Air, Food * C Health * D Climate Change / Sustainability * E Economy / Stock Market / Poverty * F Biodiversity * G Waste / Pollution * H Globalization * Agenda

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2011, Issue 142
Limits to Knowing * Next Events * 3D Food Printer * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Aquarius Yields NASA’s First Global Map of Ocean Salinity * Recommended Book * Domestic slavery: An invisible modern tragedy? * China-Africa Partnership * Futurist Portrait: David Brian Johnson * Agenda

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2011, Issue 141
Trend Report for Luxury Interiors 2011 and 2012 * Next Event * Anisotropia * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Yacht Islands * Recommended Book * The Indus Equation * Enduring Legacies: Slavery, Serfdom and Prison in America, Europe and Russia * Futurist Portrait: Dave Evans * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July 2011, Issue 140
The Indian Rupee-USD Exchange Rate – Will the Rupee Depreciate? * New Video * The Blue Brain Project * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Fast fashion meets luxury labels * Recommended Book * Zeitgeist: Moving Forward * Futurist Portrait: Syd Mead * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2011, Issue 139
Democracy * Next Event * About Wilderness: The Idea and the Space * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * World Ocean Review * Recommended Book * Organic architecture * Futurist Portrait: Prabhu Guptara * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2011, Issue 138
A Measure of Machine Intelligence * Next Event * Aquarius – undersea research laboratory * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * EU Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015 * Recommended Book * Creative Company Conference * Futurist Portrait: Michael Anissimov * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2011, Issue 137
Human Mind * Next Event * Brazil Automobile Forecast to 2013 * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The State of the World’s Children 2011 * Recommended Book * SOCAP Europe * Futurist Portrait: Richard Florida * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2011, Issue 136
Energy 2020 * Next Event * Solowheel * Visiting CERN * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The Global Transformation of Healthcare * Recommended Book * Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication * LED teeth * Futurist Portrait: Richard Worzel * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2011, Issue 135
Socratic Innovation * Next Event * Desert Greening * The Personal Futures Workbook * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * European Values Study * Recommended Book * Global Food and Farming Futures * Acasa look to print new homes in the developed world * Futurist Portrait: Ian Pearson * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2011, Issue 134
Euro Money Market Study * Next Event * Electric sail – a new space propulsion concept * Social Networks – the next generations * Lift11 * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Cold-water coral reefs * Recommended Book * Robot Restaurant in China * The Centre for Fashion Science * Futurist Portrait: Andrew Zolli * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2010, Issue 133
Powering Europe: wind energy and the electricity grid * Next Event * Hatsune Miku – pop star as a 3-D hologram * February 4: Visiting CERN * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Tokyo Graffiti Bar * Recommended Book * Learning Robots * Webcast – the future of Happiness * Futurist Portrait: Don Tapscot * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2010, Issue 132
When happiness happens * Next Event * FUTUREForest * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Urbee Hybrid – the first car to have entire body 3D printed * Recommended Book * The National Foundation for the Promotion of Happiness * Webcast – the future of Hacking * Futurist Portrait: David Houle * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2010, Issue 131
Web Hacking Incident Database * Next Event * The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle * Visit to CERN * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * Contribution to the “GLOBAL NGO FORUM FOR WOMEN BEIJING + 15” * 145 new species described last year in the Greater Mekong * Futurist Portrait: Jack Uldrich * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2010, Issue 130
Cybercrime or the end of scarcity? The future of hacking. * Next Event * Designer of the Future 2010 * Visit to CERN * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * Recycled Island * World Social Science Report, 2010 * Futurist Portrait: Patricia Aburdene * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2010, Issue 129
Sustainable Technologies for the Next Decade * Videos: the future of CERN * Future Retail Center * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * University of Illinois Scientists Demonstrate Us Little Known Solutions to Create More Effective Photo voltaic panels * When Zero means All * Futurist Portrait: Michio Kaku * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2010, Issue 128
What is the future of natural gas in Europe? * Next Event * Restaurant of the Future * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * The Dawn of the Intelligent Planet IDEO – a global design and innovation firm * Futurist Portrait: John R Grizz Deal * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2010, Issue 127
Digital Music Report * Next Event * Regenerative Medicine * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * LAB on the future of TOURISM * Graffiti in South Africa * Futurist Portrait: Gerd Leonhard * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2010, Issue 126
Innovation & Sports * Next Event * N Building * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future
* Recommended Book * LAB on the future of TOURISM * Uranium price, supplies and the megatons to megawatts agreement * The world needs a new taxation paradigm * Futurist Portrait: Marina Gorbis * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2010, Issue 125
sports innovation @ M.I.T. * Next Event * Lumiblade OLED * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * Transformative Thinking * Futurist Portrait: Jonathan C. Peck * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2010, Issue 124
Emotional Cartography * Next Event * SixthSense * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recommended Book * How to make money from Emerging Technologies * Futurist Portrait: Lidewij Edelkoort * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2009, Issue 123
World Economic and Social Survey 2009 * Next Event * The GalaxyDress * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Permaculture Food Forest * Recommended Book * Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change * Futurist Portrait: George Dvorsky
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2009, Issue 122
‘Designers don’t be shy!’ * Next Event * Bed of the Future * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Institute for Water Education * Recommended Book * New Kabul City * Futurist Portrait: Nick Bostrom * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2009, Issue 121
GDP Fetishism * Next Event * Healthcare Revolution for Community Development * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Just as Beauty lies in the Eyes of the Beholder … Wisdom found in the Mind of the Receiver * Recommended Book * New Personal Mobility Device * Futurist Portrait: Vint Cerf * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2009, Issue 120
Engineering the new Content Ecosystem * Next Event * Behavioral Advertising – Monetization versus Privacy * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Solar Roadways * Recommended Book * Underground City * In Memory of Tom Lambert * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July 2009, Issue 119
Seattle 10 years on: “Go Glocal” * Videos about the future of Connectivity * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Australia’s Digital Economy: Future Directions * Green School * Recommended Book * Futurist Portrait: Rajendra K. Pachauri * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2009, Issue 118
Education, Intercultural Knowledge, and the Global Practitioners of Tomorrow * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Guerrilla Marketing * Connectivity Scorecard * Recommended Book * Futurist Portrait: Jamais Cascio * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2009, Issue 117
Healthcare Manifesto * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * “Parampara” * NASA Leads Team in Establishing a Renewable Hydrogen Fueling Station * Recommended Book * Futurist Portrait: Don Tapscott * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2009, Issue 116
Games for older ‘kids’ * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Recycled * Mobile Applications * Recommended Book * Environmental Bamboo Foundation (EBF) * Futurist Portrait: Juan Enriquez * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2009, Issue 115
Contemplation, science and technology * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * C.L.E.A.R. Village Lab * The Future of Forests * Recommended Book * Chris Jacobs Vertical Farm * Futurist Portrait: Daniel Burrus * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2009, Issue 114
10 Formats: Agency Models of the Future * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * C.L.E.A.R. Village Lab * Great Androids * Recommended Book * How China, A Rising World Power Deals with the Current Crisis and Challenges Facing the World * Futurist Portrait: Jacque Fresco * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2009, Issue 113
Creative Economy Report 2008 * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * C.L.E.A.R. Village * Recommended Book * Alternative medicines – a possible threat to pharmaceutical industry? * Futurist Portrait: Peter Cochrane * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2009, Issue 112
Quotes about Beauty * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The Mixed Reality Lab * Recommended Book * FutureHotel * Futurist Portrait: Jim Carroll * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2008, Issue 111
2020 Future seen from 2015: Futurist Mobile World * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Wearable Technology * A Federated Model for a New Economy * Recommended Book * Copenhagen Consensus 2008 * Futurist Portrait: Derek Woodgate * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2008, Issue 110
Ups and Downs, and Mostly Ups – What Drives the Price of Oil? * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Tidal power – energy from the sea * Recommended Book * Smart Cities * Futurist Portrait: Glen Hiemstra * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2008, Issue 109
DNA can predict European region of origin * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Stanford’s ‘autonomous’ helicopters teach themselves to fly * Recommended Book * EFMN correspondents’ day 2008: Weak Signals in Foresight * Futurist Portrait: James Lovelockl * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2008, Issue 108
User-generated content and weblogs – a new challenge * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Studio Monte Rosa * Recommended Book * ‘Major discovery’ from MIT * Futurist Portrait: Jane McGonigal * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2008, Issue 107
Technology and Rural Development, a case in perspective, “Computers on Wheels” * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Pakistan in the 21st Century: Vision 2030 * Recommended Book * An Indispensable Guide to Equity Investment in India * Futurist Portrait: James Canton * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2008, Issue 106
Is the Venture Capital Market in India Getting Overheated? * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Beyond Innovation * Recommended Book * What future coal? * Futurist Portrait: J. C. Kapur * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2008, Issue 105
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * ICT often overlooked in carbon reduction initiatives * Recommended Book * The Rosetta Project * Futurist Portrait: Paul Saffo * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2008, Issue 104
Global executives identify 12 key risks for the next decade * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Agriculture – The Need for Change * Recommended Book * Project OR * Futurist Portrait: Peter Schwartz * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2008, Issue 103
The Economic Storm * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Global Economic Prospects 2008 * Recommended Book * interior innovation award cologne * Futurist Portrait: Patrick Dixon * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2008, Issue 102
The world’s first sustainable city at Dongtan, in Shanghai, China * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * International Union for Conservation of Nature * Recommended Book * Futurist Portrait: Alvin & Heidi Toffler * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2008, Issue 101
The Hannover Principles for Sustainable Design * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * International Green Roof Association * Recommended Book * San Francisco in 2108 * Futurist Portrait: Ray Kurzweil * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2008, Issue 100
Nanotechnology and Energy * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The Key to Innovation * Recommended Book * Wind Shade Roof * Futurist Portrait: Craig Rispin * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2008, Issue 99
Lumalive fabrics * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * A sustainable energy system in 2050: Promise or possibility? * Recommended Book * Aptera * Futurist Portrait: Thomas Frey * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2007, Issue 98
Conserve New Delhi * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Information Society and Health: Linking European Policies * Recommended Book * Nano Fashion * Planetary Coral Reef Foundation * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2007, Issue 97
Sex, The Internet’s Own Wasteland * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The Future of Human Evolution * Recommended Book * The Oceans of the Future * Household Robots * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2007, Issue 96
Sexuality in the 21st Century * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * 2007 Horizon Report * Recommended Book * Piccard closer to the sun * Inventions * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2007, Issue 95
Alexandria burned – securing knowledge access in the age of Google * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry * Recommended Book * Lighting Research Center * European Futurists Conference * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2007, Issue 94
Attention is the New Currency – Forget the idea of “controlling distribution” * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * wearIT@work * Recommended Book * Biodiversity Institute of Ontario * Budapest at Het Ij * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2007, Issue 93
Report: Meetings in 2020 * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Linden Lab Innovation Award winners * Recommended Book * Importance of Multiculturalism Expertise, and a Program to Acquire It * Coming Clean: The future of coal in the Asia-Pacific region * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2007, Issue 92
Towards a Post-Human World? * Next Event * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * EFMN correspondents’ day 2007: Foresight and Europe * Recommended Book * A Second Enlightenment * EcoSmart Fire * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July 2007, Issue 91
Open Letter to the Independent Music Industry * Taste of Diversity Impressions * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * BioSUB Project * Recommended Book * Brazil: Sustainable Electricity Agenda 2020 * Vertical Gardens * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2007, Issue 90
Strategies for cultural diversity * Special Event: Taste of Diversity * News about the future of Cultural Diversity * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Open Architecture Network * Recommended Book * Who designs your life? * Zero Emissions Future * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2007, Issue 89
Culture and Trade * Special Event: Taste of Diversity * News about the future of Cultural Diversity * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * AlphaSphere * Recommended Book * Universal Declaration of Human Values * Biodiversity Hotspot * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2007, Issue 88
UNWTO calls for promoting sustainable tourism practices and policies in Central and Eastern Europe * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * News about the future of Tourism * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Sustainable Energy: A Framework for Decision Makers * Event about the future of Tourism * Recommended Book * Scientists discover new life in the Antarctic deep sea * The world’s smallest published book * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2007, Issue 87
The Future of Travel: The ‘Disappearing Destinations’ of 2020 * News about the future of Tourism * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * WikiSKY * Event about the future of Tourism * Recommended Book * E-Solex * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * Food Art * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2007, Issue 86
Aspects of Mobility * News about the future of Success * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * CitySense * Event about the future of Success * Recommended Book * First Deep-Sea Observatory * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * From water into wine into … dresses? * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2007, Issue 85
Turning Your Wishes Into Reality * Energy LAB * News about the future of Success * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Lifestyle and New Media * Event about the future of Success * Recommended Book * Dongtan Eco City * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * Futurist (definition): (Twelve) Types of Futures Thinking * Media goes PULL * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2007, Issue 84
Impact of Globalisation on daily working life * Energy LAB * News about the future of the Global Workplace * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * “We Media” * Event about the future of Global Workplace * Recommended Book * So, how is life in 2020? The future of Europe * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * The Future of the Web * Shop of the Future * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2007, Issue 83
Knowledge Process Offshoring * Energy LAB * News about the future of the Global Workplace * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * The Future of China’s Economy – The Path to 2020 * Event about the future of Global Workplace * Recommended Book * Q&A with Nathalie Horbach about the future of Nuclear Energy * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * Q&A with Simon Taylor about Climate and Energy Provision * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2007, Issue 82
Innovation – a hybrid connection between old practices? * Energy LAB * News about the future of Energy * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Q&A with Paul Holister about Nanotechnology & Energy * Event about the future of Global Workplace * Recommended Book * Cross-Media Summit for Content Discovery * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2007, Issue 81
Changing lives for the better * LAB on Old and New ENERGY in Spain * News about the future of Ambient Intelligence * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * LAB on MEDIA and Human Experience in Spain * Market Overview – Ambient Intelligence * Event about the future of Ambient Intelligence * Recommended Book * ASTRONET * Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap to 2020 * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2007, Issue 80
The Future Evolution of Consciousness * International LABs * News about the future of Consciousness * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Event about the future of Consciousness * Recommended Book * Architecture for Children * World Energy Technology Outlook – 2050 * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2007, Issue 79
The Future of Consciousness * News about the future of Consciousness * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Event about the future of Consciousness * Recommended Book * The evolutionary significance of spiritual development * Lifelong Kindergarten * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2006, Issue 78
Together They Stand * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Event about the future of Consciousness * Recommended Book * Mobility in Europe * On the Art of Value-Webbing * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2006, Issue 77
Food for your senses * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about Food Design * News about the Future * Event about the future of Food Design * Cross Cultural Competence in a Globalised World * Recommended Book * Horizons2020 – Thinking ahead * State of the Future Index * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2006, Issue 76
Synthesis of elBulli cuisine * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about Food Design * News about the Future * Event about the future of Food Design * ”They think the unthinkable and do it.” * Recommended Book * The new Corinthians: How the Web is socialising journalism * Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007 * Waterarchitecture * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2006, Issue 75
A Future Love Story * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about Business Meetings * News about the Future * Special Event * ”My Genes, My Health” * Recommended Book * Event * ‘the future of Business Meetings * ‘The Auroville Earth Institute * VDA Design Award: Future Road Transport 2020 * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2006, Issue 74
The Future of Business Meetings: Applications for AMI Technologies * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about Business Meetings * News about the Future * Special Event * Innovation and Risk: The New Media Perspective * Recommended Book * Event ‘the future of Business Meetings’ * The Tarot Garden by Niki de Saint Phalle * Agenda
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2006, Issue 73
IPTV – a different television * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about Cross Media * News about the Future * Next Event * Picks from the Summit for the Future * Recommended Book * European Bioplastics * BELUX * Agenda * Our News
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July 2006, Issue 72
Q&A with Igor van Gemert * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the Future * Picks from the Summit for the Future * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * The Biology of Business: Key to a Sustainable Future * Summary of the Summit for the Future 2006 * Newtown – South Africa* Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2006, Issue 71
Introduction Africa * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Ethics in Journalism * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * If Thailand is ‘New Spain’ – is then South East Asia ‘New Europe’? * The Statu(t)e of Liberty. Spatial Location as a Blueprint of Evil * Architectural Body Research Foundation * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2006, Issue 70
Notes Towards a Literacy for the Digital Age * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Ethics in Journalism * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Development Marketplace — 2006 Winners * Code of Ethics * Genetic Testing in Sports * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2006, Issue 69
The Road to Recovery * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Reputation Management * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Glen Hiemstra’s Video message from the Future * Announcement * Europe in 2020. Towards a new golden century, a silver century, and back to the middle ages* Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2006, Issue 68
CEO views on reputation management * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Reputation Management * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Impressions from the Summit for the Future * Conferences * The Future of Leisure Travel – Trend Study * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2006, Issue 67
Corporate Governance * Opening Event Summit for the Future * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Drugs & Pharma * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * IDEAS Competition * Creative Leadership * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2006, Issue 66
Innovation: The DNA for Growth * Opening Event Summit for the Future * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of gs & Pharma * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Light Projects * Intellectual Capital Report * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2006, Issue 65
UN Global E-government * Creative Leadership * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Governance * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * O2 sustainability * China’s Future, Your Strategy * Announcements * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2006, Issue 64
Your Voice on eGovernment 2010 * Values and Spirituality * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Governance * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Consumer Idealized Design * Ice Hotel Quebec-Canada * Announcement * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, Febuary 2006, Issue 63
eID for business in Belgium * Knowledge based Risk Management * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Electronic Identity * News about the Future * Next Event * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Hydropolis * Announcements * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, Febuary 2006, Issue 62
Release the power of cultural diversity in international business * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Cross-Cultural Competence * News about the Future * Next Event Millennium Ecosystem Assessment * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Microsoft’s Vision for an Identity Metasystem * Innovation Trip * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2006, Issue 61
Risk, Return and Responsibility * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Corporate Governance * News about the Future * Next Event * slowLab * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * Future face of knowledge transfer * The Eden Project * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2006, Issue 60
The Future Belongs to Those Who… * Club of Amsterdam blog * News about the future of Healthcare * News about the Future * Next Event * Health And Wellness Healthcare Products in The Netherlands * Summit for the Future blog * Recommended Book * The micro compact home * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2005, Issue 59
Asian Leadership in Trade and Associated Risks * News about the future of Trade in Asia * News about the Future * Next Event * The convergence of gaming and broadcast * Recommended Book * Social Cognitive Neuroscience Lab * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2005, Issue 58
Corporate Longitude: What You Need to Know to Navigate the Knowledge Economy * News about the future of Life Sciences * News about the Future * Next Event * The European Approach to Corporate Governance: A Model for Japan? * Recommended Book * FLY Pentop Computer * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2005, Issue 57
The Top 10 Elements of Good Software Design * News about the future of Software Architecture * News about the Future * Next Event * Cockpit in a acoustic wall * Recommended Book * GlobalSourcingNOW * Finding Spiritual Courage: Risking the Unfamiliar to Have the Future We Want * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2005, Issue 56
The Web 2.0 Community * News about the future of Software Architecture * News about the Future * Next Event * 2008 to be the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue * Recommended Book * GlobalSourcingNOW * The car that makes its own fuel * New project puts European adolescents under the spotlight * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2005, Issue 55
The 2020 Global Landscape * News about the future of the USA * News about the Future * Next Event * National Basic Research Program of China * Recommended Book * GlobalSourcingNOW * The Biometric Consortium * VISION 2050: An Integrated National Transportation System * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2005, Issue 54
The Knowledge Economy: Is the United States loosing its competitive edge? * News about the future of the USA * News about the Future * Next Event * Science Museum London * Recommended Book * GlobalSourcingNOW * Mayo Clinic Creates * “Office of the Future” * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2005, Issue 53
IP Value 2005 * News about Intellectual Property * News about the Future * Next Event * Looking Out for the Future: An Orientation for Twenty-first Century Philanthropists * Recommended Book * Eco-resort, Guludo, Mozambique * Climate Change: Risk and Vulnerability * Summit for the Future 2006 * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2005, Issue 52
Offshoring Patent Drafting and Prosecution Services * News about Intellectual Property * News about the Future * Next Event * 15 Global Challenges * Recommended Book * The Luck Project * Games People Play * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2005, Issue 51
Extreme Engineering * News about the Future * International Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2005 * Research Labs in China * Recommended Book * Future of Tourism in Asia and the Pacific Islands * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2005, Issue 50
The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception * News about Philosophy * News about the Future * Next Event * eGovernment in the Member States of the European Union * Recommended Book * Ecology Asia * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2005, Issue 49
Why Philosophy is Everybody’s Business * News about Philosophy * News about the Future * Next Event * Vision 2020 Reports – India * Recommended Book * Studio créative of France Telecom R&D * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2005, Issue 48
Human-like NASA Space Robot Goes Mobile with Leg, Wheels * News about Robotics * News about the Future * Next Event * StoryCast: simple, digital storytelling with photos and narration * Recommended Book * First Commercial Wave Farm * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2005, Issue 47
2004 World Robotics survey * News about Robotics * News about the Future * Next Event * Notes Towards a Literacy for the Digital Age * Recommended Book * Radical Trends Guide * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2005, Issue 46
Technology Brands Meet the Bottom Line * News about Branding * News about the Future * Next Event * Navigating in a Rough Sea * Summit for the Future Report * Recommended Book * Prospects of E-Content in Europe * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2005, Issue 45
Sellers as Brand Ambassadors * News about Branding * News about the Future * Next Event * Vision 20/20 * Summit for the Future Report * Recommended Book * Future Tools for Growth * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2005, Issue 44
The Gender and Water Resource Guide * News about Water * News about the Future * Next Event * Desert Knowledge Australia * NEW: Summit for the Future Report * Recommended Book * Enculturated Management Models – the Need of a Globalised World * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2005, Issue 43
Q&A with Daco Enthoven * Q&A with Linden Vincent * News about the Future * Next Event * Ecological House of the Future * Summit for the Future: Video * Recommended Book * Office of the Future * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2005, Issue 42
Services – a future in The Netherlands? * News about the Future * Next Event * The Future of the European Union * Summit for the Future: Video * Recommended Book * Ocean Arks International * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2005, Issue 41
Club of Amsterdam Community Projects * News about the Future * Next Event * VISH&CHIPZ check out the Club of Amsterdam NanoWater Conference * Impressions from the Summit for the Future * Recommended Book * NanoRobotics Lab * 2050 Future Shock * Agenda * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal – Special Issue, January 2005, Issue 40
Club of Amsterdam Summit for the Future * Speakers at the Summit * Quotes from the Summit * Exhibitions * Music at the Opening Event * Live Music * Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * Opening Event * Recommended Book * Upcoming Events * Partners
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2005, Issue 39
Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club * News about the Future * Summit Highlights * Summit for the Future: Opening Event * Recommended Book * Digital music ‘niche’ market for foreseeable future, won’t replace CDs * The new healthcare-ICT marketplace in England * How research and innovation differ * Upcoming Events * Partners * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2004, Issue 38
Marja Toivonen: Future prospects of knowledge-intensive business services * News about the Future * Summit Highlights * Summit for the Future: Opening Event * Recommended Book * Arctic Climate Change and Its Impacts * What is a Smart Community? * MIT OpenCourseWare * Upcoming Events * Partners * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2004, Issue 37
Helen Shaw: Regulating broadcasting – for citizens or consumers? * News about the Future * Summit Highlights * Summit for the Future * Recommended Book * The European Services Forum * Toyota i-unit * Upcoming Events * Partners * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2004, Issue 36
Jacques van der Gaag about the future of Developing Countries * News about the Future * about the future of Developing Countries * Summit for the Future * Recommended Book * Global Development Learning Network * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2004, Issue 35
Ton Dietz about the future of Developing Countries * about the future of Developing Countries * News about the Future * Summit for the Future: Healthcare * Recommended Book * Arche Noah * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2004, Issue 34
Erik L.J. Klein Nagelvoort about ICT-breakthroughs * about the future of ICT * News about the Future * Summit for the Future – January 26-28, 2005 * Recommended Book * Offshore Operations in India * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2004, Issue 33
Peter R. Luiks: True Globalization hitting The Netherlands * about the future of ICT * News about the Future * Health Evidence Network (HEN) * Recommended Book * Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2004, Issue 32
Simon Jones, MIT Media Lab Europe * about the future of Energy * News about the Future * >>> in the long run * Recommended Book * The Japan Research Institute * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2004, Issue 31
Dr. Philippe Rychen speaks at NanoWater * about the future of Healthcare * News about the Future * Ervin Laszlo’s View of the World * Recommended Book * The Centre for Future Studies * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2004, Issue 30
Jonathan Marks about Media & Entertainment * about the future of Media & Entertainment * News about the Future * Recommended Book * European TRIZ Association * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, August 2004, Issue 29
Fred Tepper about NanoWater * about the future of Water & Nanotechnology * News about the Future * Recommended Book * Foresight, UK * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, July 2004, Issue 28
Tim Harper about NanoWater * about the future of Water & Nanotechnology * News about the Future * Recommended Book * IntelCities * Questionnaire about ‘the future of Culture & Religion’ * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2004, Issue 27
Q&A with Anton van Harskamp * about the future of Culture & Religion * News about the Future * Bioenergy at Wageningen University and Research Centre * Recommended Book * Q&A with Joep de Hart * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2004, Issue 26
Q&A with Jacques Janssen * about the future of Culture & Religion * News about the Future * Questionnaire about ‘the future of Architecture’ * Recommended Book * Club of Amsterdam Round Table: Homme Heida * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2004, Issue 25
Q&A with Jelle Feringa * about the future of Architecture * News about the Future * Media Lab Europe * Recommended Book * Paul Holister * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2004, Issue 24
Q&A with Kas Oosterhuis * about the future of Architecture * News about the Future * International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design * Questionnaire about ‘the future of Healthcare & Technology’ * Recommended Book * Round Table: Claudia Rodriguez * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2004, Issue 23
Q&A with Graham Smith * about the future of Healthcare * News about the Future * The Computer History Museum * Society of Rheology * Recommended Book * Club of Amsterdam Experts Group: Jan Thie * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2004, Issue 22
Q&A with Bernard Vast * about the future of Energy * News about the Future * Research Information Centre * The Future of the European Union * Questionnaire about ‘the future of Energy – the Hydrogen Economy?’ * Recommended Book * Club of Amsterdam Experts Group: Patrick Crehan * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2004, Issue 21
Q&A with Kees Daey Ouwens * about the future of Energy * News about the Future * Smart Cards: Accessibility and Social Inclusion * International Education * ERICarts-Institute * Recommended Book * Q&A with Rob van Hattum * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2004, Issue 20
‘The Greening of Gas’ Project [VG2] * about the future of Energy * News about the Future * International Space Station: Science Experiments * Bombardier EMBRIO * Bubble Fusion * Recommended Book * Round Table: Willem Basten * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2004, Issue 19
Q&A with Frank Lekanne Deprez * about the future of Education & Learning * News about the Future * Report about ‘the future of the European Knowledge Society’ * Executive Course * Center for the Minds * Recommended Book * Round Table: Jelle Feringa * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2004, Issue 18
Q&A with Wim H. Gijselaers * about the future of Education & Learning * News about the Future * Executive Course * Paul Scherrer Institute – PSI * Recommended Book * Round Table: Job Romijn * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 17
Q&A with Wendy L. Schultz * about the future of the Knowledge Society * News about the Future * “Einstein year” in 2005 * Recommended Book * Round Table: Homme Heida * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 16
Q&A with Paul Iske * about the future of the Knowledge Society * News about the Future PARC – Palo Alto Research Project * Recommended Book * Round Table: Hans van der Schaaf * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 15
Q&A with René Gude * Q&A with Thomas Thijssen * about the future of the Knowledge Society * News about the Future * The OPTE Project * Recommended Book * Round Table: Mark Bolick * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 14
Q&A with Michel Mol * about the future of the Media & Entertainment Industry * News about the Future * The European Design Centre * Recommended Book * Round Table: Henrik Brameus * Upcoming Events * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 13
Q&A with Jonathan Marks * about the future of the Media & Entertainment Industry * News about the Future * Ambient Intelligence * ‘Learning Economies’ * Recommended Book * Round Table: Wanda van Kerkvoorden * Questionnaire about the future of Food & Biotech * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 12
8 predictions for the Future of the Music Business by Gerd Leonhard * about the future of the Media & Entertainment Industry * News about the Future * BBC Research & Development: MixTV * Recommended Book * Round Table: Hugo de Bruin * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 11
Q&A with Jeanine van de Wiel * about the future of Food & Biotech * News about the Future * Biotech Start-Up * Recommended Book * Round Table: Karel van der Poel * Articles * Submit your article * Links
Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2004, Issue 10
Round Table * about the future of Food & Biotech * News about the Future * Biotech Project * Recommended Book * Articles * Submit your article * Links * Events 2003/2004
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