Talwar: "Aftershocks and Opportunities 2: Navigating
the Next Horizon is a provocative, challenging, and inspiring book
in which 37 world-class futurists, analysts, subject matter experts,
and strategists explore the issues and opportunities that could arise
in our post-pandemic world in a range of fiction and non-fiction chapters."
"Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence form
the technology trifecta that is slowly leading the path to unlock a
tremendous amount of value. These three technologies are revolutionary
in nature and will shape positive outcomes in the era of the 4th Industrial
Varoufakis: “Regular
crises perpetuate the past by reinvigorating cycles which started long
ago. In contrast, (capital-C) Crises are the past's death knell. They
function like laboratories in which the future is incubated. They have
given us agriculture and the industrial revolution, technology and the
labour contract, killer germs and antibiotics. Once they strike, the
past ceases to be a reliable predictor of the future and a brave new
world is born.”
Streamers broadcast their lives and activities
- often digital gaming - to audiences who interact
and chat with them in real-time. Twitch, the dominant streaming
platform, also currently houses around 150 channels offering the live
broadcasting of real-money
slot machine gambling - the most popular of these regularly
receive over 100,000 views.
Slot streaming channels have recently made
headlines. Well-known streamers have been racking up views and wagering
and winning large sums of money. Criticism from other streamers
has flowed in, such as Imane "Pokimane" Anys calling
the hosted slots sites "sketchy" and "ethically ambiguous."
And Felix "xQc" Lengyel eventually ended his slots streaming, concerned
he was addicted to gambling and apologized
for exposing his audience - which included underage youth
- to gambling.
Age-gating and gambling
Research on Twitch is growing, particularly
in relation to gambling
streams. One
of the first studies in this area found that approximately
four per cent of adults in the United Kingdom watch gambling streams
like the Twitch slot channels, compared to approximately 14 per cent
who actually play such slot machine games online. This study also found
a correlation between watching gambling online and self-reported problem
gambling, but cause and effect remain unclear.
Live gambling streams inspire some important
ethical and regulatory discussions. The media
these streams often points to the risk of exposing youth
to gambling. Age-gating,
or age verification, on Twitch or elsewhere is minimal. A streamer can
indicate that the stream is intended for mature audiences, but this
does not restrict any viewer from clicking "Start Watching."
Twitch is the dominant
streaming platform when it comes to live broadcasting of
real-money slot machine gambling.(Shutterstock)
The decades-long norm
of disregardingage-gating
in digital games demonstrates how easy these sorts of barriers are to
evade. This suggests new legal concerns for live streaming platforms
that allow gambling to be broadcast.
Transparency and legal issues
A separate set of issues exist when it
comes to transparency. Streamers may be committing malicious deception,
or even outright fraud, if they fail to disclose affiliations with the
gambling sites at which they play.
For example, some
sponsorship contracts may entitle the streamer to regular
balance "top ups." This involves a gambling site providing a free
(or in casino terms, "comped") account balance refresh. This practice
raises questions regarding advertising standards, as well as the safety
and mental health of the streamers themselves - like xQc`s concerns
over a possible gambling addiction.
In addition, the underlying gambling activity
itself could
be illegal depending on the license status of the gambling
website and geolocation of the streamer. Yet determining what is permitted
is not always a simple task.
If the gambling website is hosted in one
location, the streamer in another and the viewers are located around
the world, which local, national and international laws apply? Compound
this with
a variety of currencies - like fiat,
crypto, non-fungible
crypto, virtual currencies without cash value - not all of
which are legal tender for gambling in all jurisdictions, and the complexity
of the situation becomes clear.
Streamers should be
cautious of committing fraud, like failing to disclose gambling site affiliations.(Shutterstock)
Twitch`s community
guidelines are nevertheless clear that streamers must follow
relevant laws, that illegal content is prohibited and that the
platform will take action via suspensions
or bans following investigations of reported illegal gambling.
In mid-August, Twitch
announced a creator update prohibiting sharing links and
referral codes to slots, roulette or dice games. The goal was "preventing
harm and scams created by questionable gambling services that sponsor
content on Twitch." As a blanket prohibition, it does not discern between
licensed and unlicensed gambling sites and does not include poker, another
commonly streamed game.
Why do people watch live gambling streams?
With this range of issues, why do people
watch live gambling streams? For people experiencing problems with their
gambling, they might turn to casino streams to cope with cravings. On
a recent
podcast episode of All Bets Are Off, a gambling
addiction recovery podcast, two men discussed using live gambling streams
as part of their recovery.
Our latest ongoing research explores viewing
motives using data from Twitch live chat, alongside an analysis of the
characteristics of Twitch`s major slots stream videos.
LetsGiveItASpin is a popular streamer
in the Slots category on Twitch and YouTube Live.
Technological innovation has always developed
more quickly than government rules that govern any given space. As a
result, activities like slots streaming fall into an area of uncertainty.
Ultimately, it seems that consideration of consumer protection in this
space cannot solely be a government-regulated effort.
Given the complexity of jurisdictional
rule and the potential harm that may arise from gambling, all stakeholders
- streamers, platforms, game developers, consumers themselves, parents
and more - have a role to play in ensuring that games and their many
means of play and broadcast are, as Twitch declares as its goal, "a
friendly, positive experience for our global community."
Broadcasting real-money gambling inevitably
complicates the ethical practices of such a platform. Gambling live
streams appear likely to become an increasingly important part of contemporary
gambling practices in the years to come, and merit the closest study.
This article
is republished from The
Conversation under a Creative Commons
Blockchain-based decentralised university
By John Domingue | TEDxOpenUniversity
I believe that with blockchain technology we can create
a radically new type of university: a DAO University. A DAO is a Decentralised
Autonomous Organisation which operates with no central control and no
humans in the loop and are based on Smart Contracts: pieces of computer
code on a blockchain which can represent and enact financial and legal
In a DAO University value and reputation
associated with teaching and learning would be accounted for through
a blockchain with no central control. Instead the whole learning community
would agree how the educational elements, for example, learning materials,
teaching resources and teaching delivery are shared and recompensed.
A DAO University is a next step evolution
in higher education. A born digital community owned educational institution
for the 21st Century.
Domingue is a Professor of Computer Science at the Open
University, Director of the Knowledge
Media Institute, the OU's technology research and innovation
centre, and the President of STI International, a semantics focused
networking organization. He has published over 280 refereed articles
(h-index 56) in the areas of semantics, the Web, distributed ledgers
and eLearning. His current work focuses on how a combination of blockchain
and Linked Data technologies can be used to process personal data in
a decentralised trusted manner and how this can be applied in the educational
with Rohit
Talwar, Kapil Gupta, Mario de Vries
Aftershocks and Opportunities - The Rise of the Crypto Economy
In this fast-paced session, Rohit Talwar and Kapil Gupta will share
key insights from the new book Aftershocks and Opportunities 2: Navigating
the Next Horizon published on September 28th, 2021. They will focus
in particular on how the development of the crypto economy has been
accelerated, how it is starting to impact individuals, nations, and
businesses, and the types of assets and applications that are emerging.
The aim is to demystify the underlying concepts, explain what's going,
highlight where it might be heading, and explore the potentially transformational
impacts the crypto economy could have on every aspect of our world.
Rohit Talwar
Global futurist, award-winning keynote speaker, author, and the CEO
of Fast Future
brings Decentralized Finance to the music industry, changing how artists
access the funding they need and providing a launchpad for the first
music copyright-backed NFTs (non-fungible token - NFTs can be used to
represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital
Opulous offers music copyright NFTs and DeFi loans for musicians and
have fans invest in them.
to Opulous: A Game-Changing Platform for the Music Industry
How Opulous
Differs From Other DeFi Platforms
DeFi is one of
the crypto world’s fastest-growing sectors and set to shape the
future of finance. It’s already started to break the stranglehold
of banks and make people rethink the archaic processes established by
traditional lenders.
While existing platforms
have experienced rapid growth — with over $37 billion currently
locked up in DeFi projects — Opulous will introduce a new peer-to-peer
service, with a game-changing approach to collateral which harnesses
the true value of real-world music assets.
DeFi is The Future of Finance
DeFi allows any borrower
to quickly access loans without the need for credit checks and audits
commonly used by conventional banking institutions.
Essentially, DeFi uses
blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to provide financial services
like loans, all facilitated via smart contracts.
It is decentralized and
anonymous, cutting out unnecessary middlemen and extortionate fees.
Users can also generate above-average interest rates by staking their
crypto funds in lending pools.
While the benefits of DeFi
are clear, current platforms still have challenges to overcome and users
must accept a number of unpredictable risks.
Challenges Facing DeFi
As with any lending process,
borrowers need to provide collateral of at least equal value to the
DeFi loan they want to take out. On current platforms, cryptocurrency
is used as collateral. This is where DeFi faces its biggest challenge.
The price
of cryptocurrency is notoriously unpredictable. If the value of the
crypto in question drops, so does the value of the loan’s collateral.
The price of Bitcoin and other alt-coins have been on a wild ride in
recent years, which can cause real problems for both DeFi lenders and
borrowers using it to back up loans.
In order to mitigate this
risk, one of the most prominent DeFi platforms MakerDAO asks borrowers
to provide crypto collateral at a much higher value than that of the
loan they’re requesting. A minimum of 150% in fact.
And if prices drop, the borrower often ends up paying the price.
In cases where the value
of a DeFi loan’s crypto collateral does start to tail-spin, the
lending pool is usually regulated to make sure investors don’t
lose the money they’ve staked. This can be done by liquidating
the collateral to cover the loan. The borrower will be able to keep
their loan, but will likely lose out on the crypto they provided to
cover it.
As you can see, the fluctuating
price of cryptocurrency can bring about complications. But this is where
Opulous differs from other DeFi platforms.
The Opulous Solution
Opulous is a decentralised
peer-to-peer DeFi loan platform, providing artists with a more direct
and accessible way to secure funding, while also offering everyone the
opportunity to invest in one of the world’s fastest growing and
most lucrative industries: music.
But it’s the Opulous approach to collateral that truly sets it
Opulous loans are backed
by future music royalty earnings and copyrights. Unlike cryptocurrency,
these assets have predictable future value and carry no risk.
The platform will analyse
a borrower’s music data and copyright assets to ascertain how much
money they are eligible to borrow. It will then establish a custom loan
repayment plan based on their predicted future earnings.
Musicians currently earning
a steady royalty income will be eligible to receive up-front loans equal
to the value of revenue they generate over 12 months, paying as little
as 4% in interest rates.
Harnessing Algorand
Most of the DeFi services
out there right now run on Ethereum. Opulous however, is built on the
Algorand blockchain.
Algorand is one of the
most advanced and exciting blockchain projects in the world, renowned
for its security, efficiency and scalability. It can handle 84 million
transactions a day and completes all transactions in under 4.5 seconds.
It’s the perfect partner to help Opulous scale at pace as more
people become aware of the platform’s ground-breaking potential.
The Algorand blockchain
is built around its permissionless Pure Proof-of-Stake protocol, which
was developed by two-time Turing Award winner Dr Silvio Micali. Since
its inception, Algorand has attracted leading computer science, network
and cryptography experts from across the globe and established itself
as a major player in the blockchain space.
Alongside partners and
investors including Borderless Capital, Somesing, Basic and TrustVerse;
Opulous and Algorand are set to revolutionize DeFi.
More than 1.7 billion people
around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services
they need. Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San
Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved
communities thrive. Kiva allows people to lend money via the Internet
to low-income entrepreneurs and students in 77 countries.
"We do this by crowdfunding
loans and unlocking capital for the underserved, improving the quality
and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers
to financial access around the world. Through Kiva's work, students
can pay for tuition, women can start businesses, farmers are able to
invest in equipment and families can afford needed emergency care."
E2S Power AG in Switzerland
will offer a cost-effective and easy to operate solution for transforming
fossil fuel power stations into thermal storage systems for renewable
Our primary product is
a novel energy collector, the “hamster”, which constitutes
the building block at the heart of our power plant conversion solution.
The hamster is a standardized module of about the size of a typical
shipping container, a number of this modules will be combined to match
the required storage capacity of a project. The modular design enables
both, minimizing investment cost and maximizing adaptability to a variety
of power-plant sizes and configurations. Like the boiler they replace,
the hamster modules are integrated into the water-steam cycle between
feed water pumps and turbine system.
E2S Power’s vision is to turn the world’s existing power plants
into large-scale thermal storage systems for electrical energy. Together
with batteries for frequency response applications and a chemical energy
carrier for seasonal load shift, these converted plants will provide
the capacity required for balancing demand and supply in the fully-renewable
future energy system. Giving legacy thermal power plants a second life
is also a contribution to reusing valuable infrastructure.
A Collaborative
Creation Ecosystem for the Symbiotic Integration of Disruptive Concepts
from Mobility to IT and Social Structures and their Implementation Path,
given a 10 year Time Horizon and a Critical Mass Scale ... created to
build the First HubTropolis.
In this
remarkable and provocative book, Yanis Varoufakis explores the myth
that financialisation, ineffectual regulation of banks, greed and globalisation
were the root causes of the global economic crisis. Rather, they are
symptoms of a much deeper malaise which can be traced all the way back
to the Great Crash of 1929, then on through to the 1970s: the time when
a ‘Global Minotaur’ was born. Just as the Athenians maintained
a steady flow of tributes to the Cretan beast, so the ‘rest of
the world’ began sending incredible amounts of capital to America
and Wall Street. Thus, the Global Minotaur became the ‘engine’
that pulled the world economy from the early 1980s to 2008.
Today’s crisis in
Europe, the heated debates about austerity versus further fiscal stimuli
in the US, the clash between China’s authorities and the Obama
administration on exchange rates are the inevitable symptoms of the
weakening Minotaur; of a global ‘system’ which is now as unsustainable
as it is imbalanced. Going beyond this, Varoufakis lays out the options
available to us for reintroducing a modicum of reason into a highly
irrational global economic order.
An essential account of
the socio-economic events and hidden histories that have shaped the
world as we now know it.
Ioannis "Yanis" Varoufakis is a Greek-Australian
economist and politician. A former academic, he has been Secretary-General
of MeRA25, a left-wing political party, since he founded it in 2018.
A former member of Syriza, he served as Minister of Finance from January
to July 2015 under Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. - Goodreads
music of proteins is made audible through a computer program that learns
from Chopin By
Peng Zhang,
The Rockefeller University and Yuzong Chen, National University of Singapore
With the right computer
program, proteins become pleasant music.
There are many surprising
analogies between proteins,
the basic building blocks of life, and musical notation. These analogies
can be used not only to help advance research, but also to make the
complexity of proteins accessible to the public.
We�re computationalbiologists
who believe that hearing the sound of life at the molecular level could
help inspire people to learn more about biology and the computational
sciences. While creating music based on proteins isn�t
new, different musical styles and composition algorithms
had yet to be explored. So we led a team of high school students and
other scholars to figure out how to create
classical music from proteins.
The musical analogies of proteins
are structured like folded chains. These chains are composed of small
units of 20 possible amino acids, each labeled by a letter of the alphabet.
A protein chain can be
represented as a string of these alphabetic letters, very much like
a string of music notes in alphabetical notation.
Protein chains can also
fold into wavy and curved patterns with ups, downs, turns and loops.
Likewise, music consists of sound waves of higher and lower pitches,
with changing tempos and repeating motifs.
Protein-to-music algorithms
can thus map the structural and physiochemical features of a string
of amino acids onto the musical features of a string of notes.
Enhancing the musicality of protein mapping
Protein-to-music mapping
can be fine-tuned by basing it on the features of a specific music style.
This enhances musicality, or the melodiousness of the song, when converting
amino acid properties, such as sequence patterns and variations, into
analogous musical properties, like pitch, note lengths and chords.
For our study, we specifically
selected 19th-century Romantic
period classical piano music, which includes composers like
Chopin and Schubert, as a guide because it typically spans a wide range
of notes with more complex features such as chromaticism,
like playing both white and black keys on a piano in order of pitch,
and chords. Music from this period also tends to have lighter and more
graceful and emotive melodies. Songs are usually homophonic,
meaning they follow a central melody with accompaniment. These features
allowed us to test out a greater range of notes in our protein-to-music
mapping algorithm. In this case, we chose to analyze features of Chopin�s
"Fantaisie-Impromptu" to guide our development of the program.
To test the algorithm,
we applied it to 18 proteins that play a key role in various biological
functions. Each amino acid in the protein is mapped to a particular
note based on how frequently they appear in the protein, and other aspects
of their biochemistry correspond with other aspects of the music. A
larger-sized amino acid, for instance, would have a shorter note length,
and vice versa.
The resulting music is
complex, with notable variations in pitch, loudness and rhythm. Because
the algorithm was completely based on the amino acid sequence and no
two proteins share the same amino acid sequence, each protein will produce
a distinct song. This also means that there are variations in musicality
across the different pieces, and interesting patterns can emerge.
For example, music generated
from the receptor protein that binds to the hormone
and neurotransmitter oxytocin has some recurring motifs due
to the repetition of certain small sequences of amino acids.
On the other hand, music
generated from tumor
antigen p53, a protein that prevents cancer formation, is
highly chromatic, producing particularly fascinating phrases where the
music sounds almost toccata-like,
a style that often features fast and virtuoso technique.
By guiding analysis of
amino acid properties through specific music styles, protein music can
sound much more pleasant to the ear. This can be further developed and
applied to a wider variety of music styles, including pop and jazz.
Protein music is an example
of how combining the biological and computational sciences can produce
beautiful works of art. Our hope is that this work will encourage researchers
to compose protein music of different styles and inspire the public
to learn about the basic building blocks of life.
This study was collaboratively
developed with Nicole Tay, Fanxi Liu, Chaoxin Wang and Hui Zhang.
This article
is republished from The
Conversation under a Creative Commons
Cellular agriculture is the production of animal-sourced
foods from cell culture. ... Acellular products are made of organic
molecules like proteins and fats and contain no cellular or living material
in the final product. Cellular products are made of living or once-living
cells. - Google
The Future of Meat - Lab Grown Meat Explained by Roborock S7
Current meat consumption
is causing devastating damage to our planet. Producing meat takes up
80% of all agricultural land, and contributes to around a fifth of all
human-produced greenhouse gases. And that’s just what’s happening
right now. Meat demand will continue to soar as the world's population
reaches 10 billion, and our planet will be stretched beyond its limits.
People love meat, and always have; the problem is how it’s made.
We want to move away from traditional agriculture practices, to a more
sustainable and efficient model.
2006, scientist Mark Post and food technician Peter Verstrate met
for the first time, through a government-funded program exploring
the opportunities of cultured meat. After the program ended, Mark
and Peter continued to try and make sustainable burgers a reality.
In 2013, they unveiled
the world’s first cultured beef burger at a packed press conference
in London. Just this one burger took years of research and €250,000
to make. And luckily for us – the press loved it.
In 2016, Mosa Meat was
incorporated and the team of scientists and engineers started to grow.
Crucial technical milestones were reached, like adding fat, removing
animal components from the production process, and reducing the cost.
Fast forward to now, and
it’s all about getting that burger to you. We’re working at
our new Mosa Home in Maastricht, the Netherlands, to develop our burgers,
bring the price down, and help make the future of food a bit brighter
in the process.
Founded in 2014 by bioengineers Ryan Pandya and Perumal
Gandhi, Perfect Day is on a mission to create a kinder, greener tomorrow
through the thoughtful use of biology. Leveraging expertise across biological
engineering, food innovation, and consumer products, Perfect Day is
helping companies big and small to develop, scale, and commercialize
next-generation products that satisfy consumers’ demands and champion
a path toward a sustainable future.
The company’s flagship
product, the world’s first precision-fermented protein, debuted
in 2020. Instead of relying on cows, Perfect Day utilizes microflora
to create proprietary animal-free milk protein. Perfect Day’s protein
can be used across a range of products to deliver the same taste and
texture without compromise. An ISO compliant, third-party reviewed life
cycle assessment (LCA) found that Perfect Day’s whey protein reduces
blue water consumption by up to 99%, greenhouse gas emissions by up
to 97%, and non-renewable energy use by up to 60%, compared to conventional
production methods.
Perfect Day created a new way to make the foods you love
today, for a kinder, greener tomorrow. We’re taking the compromise
out of the dairy aisle and restocking it with the best of both worlds:
the taste and texture of conventional dairy, but produced sustainably,
without the downsides of factory farming, lactose, hormones, or antibiotics.
Changing the world doesn’t
happen overnight, and we couldn’t have gotten here without collaboration
and support. Look at all the people, places, and events that helped
get us to where we are today. And join us where we’re going next.
Solar Foods
is a Finnish food-tech startup that is pilot testing a technology that
uses electricity to produce hydrogen which is combined with carbon dioxide,
water, vitamins and minerals to feed and grow a microbial biomass that
can be used as edible protein. The company was founded in 2017.
Solar Foods is developing
processes to manufacture protein powder called Solein that can be used
as a protein ingredient in food production, and plans to license its
Although it's natural, Solein is disconnected from agriculture: we
intended our platform for an environmentally sustainable food industry
to be used anywhere scaling us beyond the agricultural limitations of
the Earth.
This was literally
taken to another world when Solar Foods collaborated with the European
Space Agency ESA by developing a food production concept for a mission
to Mars as part of the astronauts' life support system.
Solar Foods - Cellular Farming For A Better Future
contributor and Featured Technology Futurist on CNN, Ian Khan is a highly
sought-after emerging technology expert. A three times TEDx Speaker
& Author, Ian has impacted hundreds of organizations in his career
of 20 years to help organizations understand emerging technology and
the steps they can take to create limitless value.
Ian is a passionate
believer in good things. Dedicated to his expertise in helping organizations
achieve excellence, he is always hard at work to cut through noise and
to find ways to deliver a message of hope.
Ian is the creator
and inventor of the Future Readiness Score, a management and Future
Readiness methodology to help organizations address the impact of Disruption
before it occurs.
An advocate of emerging
technologies, Ian helps organizations gain a competitive advantage in
today’s era of disruption and rapid change. His core speaking topics
include technology trends, industry future outlook, and the role of
IoT, AI & Blockchain in shaping our future.
Ian is also the author
of over 8 books. Some of these include Cloud Wars, The Internet of Things
(IoT) A Concise Introduction, The Internet of Things & the Future
of Innovation, Make Me Like You, 21 Steps & Get Ahead, and Meaningful
He is also a contributor
to After Shock with Ray Kurtzweil, Ray Kurzweil, George Gilder, Martin
Rees, Newt Gingrich, Alan Kay, David Brin, Po Bronson, John Schroeter,
Deb Westphal and contributor to multiple industry publications including
McGraw Hill, Forbes,,
A highly sought after
expert, Ian has dedicated the last 20 years evangelizing technologies
such as Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and emerging tech.
Though his career he Ian has worked with Information Technology startups,
SAP EBS Partner Companies, and key Microsoft partner ecosystem providers.
Through his two decades of working in the industry, he also gained a
complete understanding of where organizations face a maximum challenge
as his roles included Sales, Business Development, Management, to managing
global marketing teams.
As a filmmaker, Ian
released his debut documentary “Blockchain City” in 2019,
which was a raving success. A story that captured the development of
Blockchain across the world, the documentary features interviews with
leading influencers to understand the broader impact of Blockchain.
He is also working on his second documentary, a film on Artificial Intelligence,
to be released in early 2020. AI – The Next Frontier features Ian’s
conversations with the worlds greatest AI minds in helping understand
what the impact of Artificial Intelligence will be on humanity. He is
also releasing a documentary on Government Experience (GXNow) that highlights
changes within government service delivery across the world.
Ian’s other
upcoming documentary films include “The Future of Work” &
“The Bitcoin Dilemma”
Contributing Author
He is also a frequent
contributor to industry publications including Forbes,,
Entrepreneur Magazine, McGraw Hill Education, AccountingWeb and other
Community Involvement
Passionate about helping
newer generations develop key technology understanding, Ian also works
with educational institutions & nonprofit organizations. His recent
work includes Chang School (Ryerson University), Schulich School of
Business (York University), and others.
Media Host
Ian is also the host of
the Ian Khan Show, 4Sight, Unbreakable series of podcasts and video
series. Ian interviews Futurists, celebrities, Executives, and thought
leaders, helping shape the future of the world through meaningful conversations.
He also hosts the official Government of UAE Government Experience (GX)
Personal Life
Ian primarily lives in
Toronto, Canada with his wife and two children and has a local presence
in Toronto, New York, and Dubai. He enjoys photography, creative arts,
music, nature, and trail walking as hobbies.
City - The Future of Cities Driven by Blockchain (Full Movie 40 minutes) Director Ian
Khan Capturing the insights
of leading figures from the technology industry, the Blockchain City
Documentary is the story of cities around the world and their shift
towards being technologically powered through Blockchain. With Interviews
from leading governments worldwide that have implemented Blockchain
technology, including the Government of the Netherlands, Government
of Estonia and of course the City of Dubai, the film captures what is
shaping our collective tomorrow so that we can all join hands and take
the next steps together.
The Bitcoin
Dilemma Documentary - The Past, Present & Future of Cryptocurrencies,
NFT's, DeFi
The Bitcoin Dilemma Documentary delivers a new installment
of the latest developments in Cryptocurrencies, NFT's and DeFi. Created
by Futurist and Filmmaker Ian Khan, the Bitcoin Dilemma interviews some
of the world's most prolific technology and finance leaders to help
understand the future.
The Bitcoin DIlemma is
a clear and conscious story of the development of the cryptocurrency
industry today. Featuring interviews with key players within crypto,
finance, technology, cybersecurity industries, Khan brings a highly
sensitive topic to clarity. "Cryptocurrencies have received a bad
name over the past decade and it's time to bring the real picture to
people worldwide. We hope this clears a lot of confusion, eliminates
the dilemmas behind crypto, and helps the common man or woman understand
what role crypto is going to play in their lives in the future",
says Khan.