Crehan: "The challenge of feeding the world is inseparable
from the that of achieving net-zero in 2050, avoiding catastrophic climate
change and loss of biodiversity. To adequate address this challenge,
farmers must now become key players in the carbon economy."
Pelletier: "Sustainability is at least as much about
morals and behaviour as it is about technology. We need to shift thinking
from always more to always enough." Rom
"Restaurants dont need MORE technology to improve their
CX they just need smart, strategic technology. When thats
in place, the kitchen and back-office can operate far more efficiently,
customers are able to devote more time to enjoying their dining out
experience, and perhaps most importantly servers are freed
up to focus more on creating a memorable, standout guest experience.
Lead Article
Why the
EUs proposed carbon border levy is an important test for global
action on climate change By Neil Kellard
Neil Kellard,
Dean, Professor in Finance, Essex Business School, University
of Essex
m.mphoto / shutterstock
In the more than two decades since the Kyoto
Protocol was adopted, national policies on climate change have
had dangerously and disappointingly little effect on global emissions.
Within the current economic system, perhaps the most ambitious attempt
to reduce emissions has been the EU’s emissions
trading system (or ETS). In operation since 2005, the ETS
covers more than 11,000 heavy-energy-using power stations, factories
and airlines, representing around 40% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The scheme operates via a cap-and-trade principle where an EU-wide cap
on emissions means that firms must buy allowances, essentially paying
for their polluting activities.
Yet although the ETS has had some success in reducing emissions, finance
professor Panayiotis Andreou and I recently showed that the scheme is
those who pollute the most – primarily because the price
of allowances has typically been too low.
The current price of an allowance to emit greenhouse gases is around
€33 per tonne, a price already much higher than the average over the
life of the ETS. However, to meet EU climate change targets, this price
will need to be more like €40 by 2030 and close
to €250 in 2050. Given the substantial costs this will impose
on EU firms, either to pay for allowances or to invest in low carbon
technologies, companies based outside the EU will have a hefty competitive
advantage unless they face similar regulatory controls in their own
This is why the European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, plans
to present its carbon border levy in June 2021 as part of its Green
Deal planning. Frans Timmermans, the first vice-president
of the European Commission, recently
stressed that:
It’s a matter of survival of our industry.
So, if others will not move in the same direction, we will have to protect
the European Union against distortion of competition and against the
risk of carbon leakage.
The carbon border levy for steel could be around €57 per tonne.Mr. Amarin Jitnathum /
Although its details are still undecided, the carbon
border levy is expected to charge imports into the EU at an amount related
to the emissions trading system price. As commission official Benjamin
Angel notes, this could mean setting a carbon amount per product and
it by the ETS price. For example, given production of each
tonne of steel typically generates around 1.9
tonnes of CO2 emissions, if we assume an ETS price of €30
then a firm would pay €57 extra to import it.
Having such a levy in place would send a strong signal
to EU firms that potentially expensive investments in environmentally
beneficial technologies would not result in undercutting, either by
non-EU rivals that enjoy looser regulations, or by firms relocating
to outside the EU – the so called “carbon leakage” that Frans Timmermans
Combining the EU ETS with a border levy is a sensible
and workable strategy, providing a long-term context for firms that
encourages the reduction of emissions by pricing in the pollution they
produce. The benefits of a border levy may also spill over to outside
the EU in at least one of two ways. First, and most obviously, non-EU
firms that wish to export into Europe will be encouraged to reduce emissions
to limit their charge. Secondly, other governments and regulatory authorities
will be watching closely to see if the approach is workable and this
could see the spread of cap-and-trade agreements more globally.
Of course, less optimistically, the levy could result
in protectionist moves by other trading blocs and this leads to a wider
question. The world faces a number of issues which can only be solved
by international co-operation, including climate change and protection
of biodiversity but also encompassing issues such as the taxation
of global technology firms. Can we work together to answer
global challenges, or will national agendas stop this happening? The
success or otherwise of the EU’s carbon border levy will provide some
This article is republished from The
Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
The Triple-Challenge
of Feeding the World
Patrick Crehan
The challenge of feeding
the world is inseparable from the that of achieving net-zero in 2050,
avoiding catastrophic climate change and loss of biodiversity. To adequate
address this challenge, farmers must now become key players in the carbon
The Consequences of Feeding the World in 2050
By 2020, the world population
already stood at 7.8 billion people. Various models attempt to predict
how this will grow and by 2050 and 2100. Projections require all kinds
of assumptions about the rates of fertility and life expectancy in different
parts of the world, as well as the effects of conflict, disease, and
rising prosperity. And so, the modelers run scenarios and try to estimate
most likely outcome.
The general consensus is that the global population will reach about
9.7 billion in 2050 and 10.9 billion in 2100, after which it will start
to decline. On this basis the challenge of feeding the world sustainably
is that of catering to the needs of about 11
billion people.
On the face of it, there are two ways forward. One is to develop technologies
and production systems to grow more food with the limited amount of
land, soil, and water that is available. Understandably, this approach
has overwhelming and enthusiastic support from large industrial producers
of food, seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs to the global food productions
Another approach is to tackle the issue of food waste. This is a global
issue. Globally, one third of all food produced is wasted, approximately
1.3 billion tonnes a year. Food production is responsible for 8% of
GHG emissions and an average of 4kg of CO2 or other GHG equivalent is
emitted for every kg of food produced. Waste can occur at any stage
in the food production cycle. Normally unharvested crops are not counted
as part of the food waste problem, but the probably should be. What
is counted is food lost in the field at harvest time and during storage,
transport, and processing. A lot is also wasted in the shop when it
reaches its sell-by date and even more is thrown out at home, bought
but never used. In the EU alone food waste comes to 88 million tonnes
a year, more than 170 kilos for every man, woman, and child. Most of
the waste in the EU occurs during processing (19%) and in households
(53%) and it corresponds to the annual emission of 70
million tons of CO2.
Tackling the issue of food waste, presents a more complex challenge
because it requires a change in behavior from the general public, from
the managers of commercial kitchens as well as from the companies that
put food products on the shelves in shops.
But all of this deflects
from arguable bigger issues which accompany population growth, and which
are intimately linked with the challenge of food production.
The general consensus is that while the population will likely increase
from 7.8 billion to 9.7 billion in 2050, an increase of just over 24%,
demand for food will grow at a much higher rate, somewhere
between 59% and 98%, and demand for energy will likely grow
by 50% in 2050 compared to the
levels of demand today.
Of course, people need far more than food and energy. They also need
the material resources that provide for other essential needs such as
accommodation, communication, and mobility.
A bigger population translates into greater demand for shelter and transport.
This uses up land that could have been used for food production. It
also leads to the destruction of forests, and the spoiling of natural
habitats for insects, birds, and mammals. This in turns puts added pressure
on food systems. It adds to the emissions that are driving climate change,
and aggravates the damage being done by the use of non-renewal energy
The IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services) a working group of the UN that studies biodiversity
reports that loss of bio-diversity is become an issues of great concern.
It has pointed out that the main diver of loss of bio-diversity is now
climate change, even more important than land use. In early reports
it pointed out that Europe had already lost more than 50% of its wetlands,
that a third of European species have an unfavorable conservation status,
that South East Asia risks losing 90% of its coral reefs by 2050 and
that Africa could lose half of its animal species by 2100. More recently,
it has updated its assessment noting that the decline in biodiversity
is proceeding at an accelerated pace, and that as many as 1 million
species are under threat of extinction, with the
next ten years or so.
A 2017 study found that flying
insect populations in the EU have declined by over 75% in just 27 years.
Wild pollinators in particular face threats from intensive agricultural
practices, loss of habitat, pesticide use and climate change. The study
also notes that in the EU, 78% of native flora and 84% of crops are
either partially or fully dependent on these invertebrates for pollination.
It is clear that agricultural activity, though necessary for life on
this planet is having a devasting effect on nature and is undermining
the possibility of its own existence due to its impact on land, soil,
water, climate, and biodiversity. Arguably, the measures being taken
until now to link agriculture with the climate and biodiversity until
now have been far too timid. Even in the EU, where the Common Agricultural
Policy has sought to link farming with the environment for decades,
by rewarding farmers for employing climate and environment-friendly
One of the biggest risk to the global food system is the inadequate
remuneration of farmers and the concentration of production in a relatively
small number of global players, producing a small number of major crops.
This makes the system vulnerable to climate change and e risk of loss
through disease or adverse weather phenomena. Kit also makes it vulnerable
to people moving away from farming as a career and taking up other jobs,
due to the perception of hardship or an inability to make a reasonable
living from agriculture.
The EU has had some success in maintain a highly diverse system of food
production. But not all actors fare well in this system. Some do very
well, but many barely scrape by and survive on the basis of off-farm
work, occasional windfalls from the sale of land or incomes from the
alternative work of a spouse, often in a nearby town.
One possibility for improving farm incomes and thereby boosting food
security in Europe on the basis of a more diverse system of production,
is related to the need to guarantee the provision of essential eco-system
the Food Industry and Farmers
Most will be are of the
consumer backlash against beef and dairy. In its most extreme form,
this is expressed by the emergence of the vegan movement, which has
even resorted to violence against farmers in the past. Less extreme
but highly committed are the various vegetarian movements. These are
quite ideological and avoid animal products on the basis of various
ideologies and a concern for animal rights. These movements have a long
history but have never grown beyond to any significant size. New movements
include the flexitarians and climatarians. These involve a significant
and increasing number of people who are "flexible" and consume
vegetarian options, out of curiosity, out of concern for their own health
or for that of the planet, or because they want to accommodate vegetarian-vegan
friends or family members. The climatarians are a more recent but increasingly
significant group. They consists of conscious consumers that think about
the consequences of what they consume and its impact on the planet.
Some signal their affiliation by explicitly labelling themselves as
such, but most are essential concerned citizens that are unaware of
the term. Nevertheless, they are increasingly important market segment
and are driving the adoption of consumer
labelling systems such as the eco-score.
Food processors have been reacting to these trends for many years now.
Danone recently report that its 2020 turnover from plant-based dairy
substitutes was more than €2B for the year. It also announced its
ambition to exceed turnover of €5B from these products by 2025.
Danone of course is not the only major food company to follow this trend,
and many VC backed have also started to enter the domain, with plant-based
or lab-based substitutes for beef, chicken fish, milk, and eggs, as
well as anything else that comes from traditional agriculture, such
as silk, leather, and various forms of packaging and insulation.
At the same time the biggest companies have started to announce their
to achieve net-zero, setting end-dates as well as intermediary dates
and milestone for achievement.
Danone is quite explicit on its own website that 57% of its CO2 emissions
come from the farms that supply it. It has also accepted "responsibility"
for those emissions and has undertaken to see them reduced. Danone of
course is not the only one. Unilever, Nestlé, and Barry Callebaut
are other examples. Note that both Nestlé and Barry Callebaut,
each have more than 500,000 farmers in their supply chains. These companies
cannot credibly achieve net-zero unless the farmers that supply them,
start to measure and report on their emissions.
Note that ESG or Natural Capital reporting required or increasing required
or even demanded of large companies, such as Danone, Nestlé and
Barry Callebaut, includes reporting not only on CO2 emissions, but also
on de-forestation, impact on biodiversity and scarce natural resources
such as high-quality soils and water, as well as employment conditions,
it is easy to imagine a future where much more will be asked on farmers
in terms of measuring and reporting their impact on the planet and its
inhabitants, in order to retain their status as a qualified supplier
to these major food systems.
Although the main focus of consumers has been on avoiding animal products
and reducing the negative impact that beef and dairy in particular has
on the climate and on the availability of scarce natural resources such
as land, soil and water, the reality is that all agricultural activity
has an impact on the environment, despite the fact that some sectors
are singled out as more damaging or more virtuous than others.
Although it is common to decry the rules imposed on farmers in the EU
by the CAP policy, these rules are needed to preserve what is left of
European biodiversity, drinkable water sources and sustainably productive
farm-lands. They are also inadequate in terms of the real challenges
that farming poses for the future of humanity, not only in the EU but
The biggest elephant in the room right now, is arguable that of emissions.
The EU and many member states have studiously avoided the issue of CO2
and methane emissions from farming. The lobbying of large agro-industry
concerns has been highly effective in this regard. But there are signs
that this position may not be entirely representative of farmers.
On February 3, 2020, the Irish Farmers Journal streamed a live debate
between politicians and farmers to talk about their most pressing concerns
in advance of general which were held on February 8. Farmers were (and
still are) one of the most vulnerable economic groups, especially those
working in the beef sector, who often rely on second jobs to make ends
meet. It is interesting to note that several of the farmers involved
in the debate referred to the carbon economy.
The discussion was very rich and wide-ranging and among the main issues
put forward was the observation that they are constantly by certain
consumer groups and activists in particular for the damage they do to
the environment. They pointed out that this is a very one-sided assessment
of their contribution, that they also sequester carbon in soils and
hedgerows, they preserve certain habitats and maintain high levels of
bio-diversity. They were of the vies that be being more filly included
in the carbon economy and in the economy of eco-system services, they
would not only earn more income, but earn more respect among consumers
for their contribution to the maintenance of a healthy planet. They
pointed out that this could be a source of competitive advantage, but
that it cannot be tapped until farming fully participates in the carbon
and a more detailed note on this interview can be obtained from the
author on request)
I started off by looking
at the triple challenge of feeding the world, by framing it not as the
simple challenge of producing more food, but as the triple challenge
of doing so while also achieving net zero and avoiding the catastrophic
collapse of bio-diversity and essential eco-system services.
I argued that the triple-nature of the challenge is not being adequately
addressed, and at best only partially addressed by the EU in its CAP.
I argued that it is becoming urgent and necessary to address the issue
of sustainable food systems fully and in all their complexity, including
the link between food and the carbon economy.
I observed that powerful factors are driving change in recognition of
these issues and that by some happy accident, they may converge to create
a situation where the systemic change needed to fully address the triple
challenge of feeding the world becomes possible, at least in advanced
economies such as the EU. Those factors include the needs of citizens
as conscious consumers of food, the need of all to act on climate, the
increasingly detailed reporting requirements of large companies with
global supply chains, and the willingness of farmers to consider becoming
full actors in the carbon economy.
All of the issues discussed above deserve more complete treatment, and
I will try to do this in future articles, but for now the conclusion
for me is clear, that farming must be treated as a full member of the
carbon economy. Not only is this necessary for the EU to achieve net-zero
in 2050, for the world to avoid climate catastrophe and biodiversity
collapse, but that it could pave the way for a new model of farming
and promote a form of social justice whereby farmers are adequately
compensated for the entire range of services they provide.
We must produce better
and smarter. The same is true for consumption. We can't succeed the
future if we don't all contribute to improvements.
Over-consumption is the forgotten food waste. It doesn't end in garbage,
but in fat. In rich countries, food consumption is twice the actual
nutrition needs. This means a waste of 50%.
Sustainability is at least as much about morals and behaviour as it
is about technology. We need to shift thinking from always more to always
enough. - Christophe Pelletier
Climate Change / USA - Europe / Consumption / Education / Innovation
/ Global Situation - Example India
Shape the future
now, where near-future impact counts and visions and strategies for
preferred futures start.
Do we rise above global challenges? Or do we succumb to them? The
Future Now Show explores how we can shape our future now
- where near-future impact counts. We showcase strategies and solutions
that create futures that work.
Every month we roam through current events, discoveries, and challenges
- sparking discussion about the connection between today and the futures
we're making - and what we need, from strategy to vision - to make the
best ones.
Solve Fake News
with Digital Identity
Niels van den Bergh
Solve Fake News with Digital Identity
The ability to trace our actions online back to us as
individuals will shape our behaviour.
guard the prevailing moral code
Why is it that most of us fill out
our tax returns properly? Or that we scan that truffle tapenade on the
self-scan checkout at the supermarket? You could say that we follow
our moral compass as humans, but this is only half of the truth. We
do these things because there are certain rules with consequences if
we fail to comply, and the authorities can identify us if we break them.
We are held accountable for our actions, and thats why we behave;
the authorities are guarding our morals, and ultimately that is a good
Privacy and anonymity
However, an important side note
here is the difference between privacy and anonymity. We are pseudonymous
in the public. If we steal something in the supermarket, the authorities
may ask us for identification. If we wear a mask when stealing in the
supermarket, were anonymous and the authorities cant identify
us. Our face acts as a pseudonym; recognizable, but not identifiable
to everyone.
Online it is a wild wild west
Currently, there is
almost no accountability online because of a lack of traceability. To
spread disinformation on the internet, all anyone has to do is create
an email address and social media accounts with a fake name or unidentifiable
username (also free of charge), register a new domain name that sounds
official, and design a website to look like a news site. Voila! You
have your own news site. Now, any information true or false
can be shared on this unverified news site without the author suffering
any consequences, as there is no way to identify the creator and hold
them accountable. Without accountability, the creation and spread of
fake news are incredibly easy.
Accountability on the internet
The hypothesis is that when Twitter
users or blog writers are held accountable for the content they post,
they will pay more attention to its integrity just like in the
offline world. If a piece of content is not accurate and/or against
the law, and a regulatory organization discovers this, it can be traced
back to the author who will have to face sanctions.
For example, we see this
accountability mechanism working online when we look at social media
influencers: if a vlogger posts a video with law-breaking
content under their name, the vlogger is held responsible for this.
However, this system does
not always work online as it does in the offline world. As it is possible
to conceal your identity online, not all online content is traceable
and people are no longer held accountable for their actions. As a result
of this lack of digital traceability, we see changes in behaviour (compared
to the offline world); in theory, anyone can do anything online without
suffering any consequences.
fake news
Currently, we do not have
any mechanism in place that can effectively identify fake news. Algorithms
try to separate the wheat from the chaff and identify unverified news,
but fail to do so effectively. Next to this, even if the content is
found to be unverified, identifying law-breaking internet users costs
authorities a lot of energy, and is sometimes impossible especially
if they mask their IP address with a VPN service. Besides, the programming
of these algorithms lies with organizations such as Google and Facebook
that have commercial motives, whilst the core of this problem is moral.
We have also attempted
to solve the problems of fake news and legal violations on the internet
with new legislation or by imposing (financial) sanctions on media platforms,
however, the effectiveness of these methods is also limited. The new
legislation is incredibly difficult to enforce given the size and scope
of the internet, and especially because the (technically un-savvy) government
will have to try to keep up with the Big Tech companies. Furthermore,
so far, financial sanctions do not seem to be effective given the amount
of wealth these media platforms have amassed, in addition to the political
tension it can create.
A key reason that these
solutions are not effective to combat fake news is that they do not
tackle the underlying issue: the fact that authors have no accountability
because they can be anonymous online.
The solution for fake news
To tackle fake news effectively,
a system is needed that registers activities of individuals online to
create an evidence trail, but without endangering privacy,
and guaranteeing pseudonymity. Only when a crime is committed could the
authorities conduct a retroactive investigation targeted on a very specific
piece of content to find out the identity of the author with a court order.
This would not mean that
the authorities could retroactively retrieve all information about a
suspect from such a system each logged activity (think comments,
likes, posts, articles published) has a separate pseudonym and thus
requires a new court order from the police to access it. This in turn
will ensure accountability from the police; Trias Politica in the digital
age. Compare this to a thief being caught in a supermarket: the police
can get the identity of the thief, but they cannot ask in which supermarkets
they have been in the last 5 years. That is separate data that the police
cannot see nor receive via a court order.
Now the key question is:
who manages this system that records every activity of every online
entity under pseudonyms? Currently, online activity is recorded and
managed by Big Tech companies such as Google. However, this is problematic
as it is privately owned by companies with commercial motives, and as
the administrators of these databases, it is possible for this information
to be manipulated or deleted.
In contrast, if we would
build that activity-logging system on a distributed system and store
the information there, no individual or organization would control it,
and due to the nature of technology, data cannot be manipulated or deleted.
With a system like this, untraceable fake accounts would be a thing
of the past.
Unifying the online with the offline world
When an online activity is
stored immutably on a distributed database, actions are traceable yet
pseudonymous. A court order can link a specific action back to the individual,
ensuring accountability, and resulting in the same system that we have
always relied upon in the offline world.
Niels van
den Bergh
is an Amsterdam based Growth Hacker working on marketing and innovation
projects for Google, Allianz, Achmea, HEMA and more. He
thinks that a single shared ledger will ensure accountability and enables
data integrity. This will be the key in solving things like Fake News,
Deep Fakes and other forms of Fraud.
Niels currently is CEO of
a simple solution to connect your business to the blockchain.
Osmotex Steriliser is a quick, effective, safe and environmentally friendly
technology. Through a controlled interaction of moisture and electric
pulses we create an anti-viral and anti-bacterial effect inside and
on the surface of a textile, proven by the Zürich University of
Applied Sciences. For more details on the tests and results, please
scroll down and take a look at the the enclosed reports from the Zurich
University of Applied Sciences.
The Osmotex Steriliser face mask is our first commercial sterilising
product. The face mask is a reusable textile facemask with a lifespan
of two months. In addition to the Osmotex Steriliser technology, we
have also implemented a N95 filter to meet the regular standards for
face masks and optimise the safety for the wearer. The mask is powered
by a fully reusable electronic control unit connected to the face mask
with a textile cable. In our initial production we use a control box
the user can put in a pocket, but in the volume production we are setting
up we are planning to integrate the control box on the back of the head
- similar to a head-light.
that turns air into drinking water The team
of researchers at Singapore university has created an ultra-light aerogel
that works like a sponge that does not need a battery. To extract water from this underutilised
source, a team led by Professor Ho Ghim Wei from the NUS Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering created a type of aerogel, a
solid material that weighs almost nothing. Under the microscope, it
looks like a sponge, but it does not have to be squeezed to release
the water it absorbs from the air. It also does not need a battery.
In a humid environment, one kilogramme of it will produce 17 litres
of water a day.
Given that atmospheric water is continuously replenished by the
global hydrological cycle, our invention offers a promising solution
for achieving sustainable freshwater production in a variety of climatic
conditions, at minimal energy cost, shared Prof Ho. CONTENT
Article 03
from the Future By Rosana Agudo
Rosana Agudo.
Vision & Life Coach
In the year 2020, The
Year of the Great Pause, human beings, in search of Unity in Diversity
as the main global aspiration, found that the planetary crisis, the
COVID 19 virus, not only affected human beings without distinction of
race, gender, social class but also made us aware that it was
a virus that affected the HUMAN BEING, not as a plural concept, but
as the unity we represent, as the species that represents the mind,
the thought on the planet, the HUMAN archetype. That of which the great
Masters speak to us, The Only Son of God, The One,
The Buddha .
That year, we discovered
that we represent the One, who we are, because we are not really separated.
We understood that everything the Human Being had created is the representation
of what it is, the step-by-step narration of its existence, the need
to tear away the veil of ignorance and fear and to discover what we
are and what we represent in the world of the reality we live. Our cells
remembered their immortality and ceased the insanity of destroying their
host, the body of the human being, instead they began spreading their
discovery of light and the mutation of the human began to become conscious.
We realized that if we
were able to understand, retrospectively, our evolution as a species,
if we had become aware of this, and had accepted it as a reality, we
were at the historical point where it was important to help our evolution
in a voluntary way, it was the great Adventure of Our Time, and we were
going to participate.
In the year 2020, The
Year of the Great Pause, the Human Being became aware that the
global crisis was due to a great planetary evolutionary crisis, led
by the thinking species. The entire planet was preparing to offer the
necessary resources to that species and a critical mass of humans was
able to see and understood that the contagion not only served in terms
of disease, but was also necessary for the transmission of confidence
and certainty. Great pressure on the different forms of human unity,
on the means of production, agriculture, energy spread and created
great confusion; these were the years of post-truth due
to the great differences among social classes and fear of the future,
of the new.
Little by little, the binary
dimension of our mind opened up and diversity stopped being a theoretical
concept of the binary, contradictory and dual thinking mind. The disruptive
went viral and gave way to a great surge of creativity and made the
species support each other and understand themselves as responsible
partners in a new form of planetary association.
Diet was one of the first
changes experienced. The body of the more evolved Human Being could
no longer digest certain foods, depending on which, and especially those
of animal origin. Non-exploitation began to include not only fellow
human beings but also other evolving species; collaboration was the
On the other hand, Democracy,
having regressed towards Democracism, took a step forward
and diverse national confederations began to be established. Nationalisms
ended and Unity in Diversity emerged. The Ideals of Liberty, Equality
and Fraternity finally acquired their broadest and deepest spiritual
dimension. A new Human organization, more in line with the aspiration
of a more evolved being, was gradually installed.
In short, these were very
difficult and complex times for understanding and implementing, mainly
because the mind we were accustomed to for working, thinking and therefore
building our reality, no longer served us, we could only make versions
of the known, versions that quickly became useless vanished like sand
between the fingers.
Only the certainty of our
Unity as cells of the great ONE, the Human Being, the Only Begotten,
helped us to move forward, with iron will. The seed of our continuity
in life without limit, as creators in time and space, in this body made
of time, like everything created, everything we can comprehend and understand,
that seed was already buried in fertile soil and brought forth wonderful
human beings.
These, equipped with Strength,
Clarity and Beauty, were pioneers, great sculptors of reality, gave
unexpected, multidimensional forms to all matter. They created the symphony
of the World in which all species had their own score and we played
together, at first a little distorted, but then in a majestic way.
We, the children of those
pioneers, little by little we were building the societies of Unified
Consciousness once we were acquiring consciousness of our temporal matter
in its form, but knowing that our primordial substance, pure consciousness
vibrating, is eternal, infinite, multi-diverse, all vibration
All this came in that Year
of the Great Pause, and for those who heard, the Great Adventure of
Our Time began, it began to come true.
Time became Art, because
we understood that this, our body is made of Time, and Consciousness.
What if life isnt just a part of
the universe . . . what if it determines the very structure of the universe
The theory that blew your
mind in Biocentrism and Beyond Biocentrism is back, with brand-new
research revealing that its radical claims might not be so radical after
What is consciousness?
Why are we here? Where did it all come from - the laws of nature, the
stars, the universe? Humans have been asking these questions forever,
but science hasnt succeeded in providing many answers - until
now. In The Grand Biocentric Design, Robert Lanza is joined by
theoretical physicist Matej Pavic and astronomer Bob Berman to
shed light on the big picture that has long eluded philosophers and
scientists alike.
This engaging, mind-stretching
exposition of how the history of physics has led us to Biocentrism -
the idea that life creates reality - takes readers on a step-by-step
adventure into the great science breakthroughs of the past centuries,
from Newton to the weirdness of quantum theory, culminating in recent
revelations that will challenge everything you think you know about
our role in the universe.
This book offers the most
complete explanation of the science behind Biocentrism to date, delving
into the origins of the memorable principles introduced in previous
books in this series, as well as introducing new principles that complete
the theory. The authors dive deep into topics including consciousness,
time, and the evidence that our observations - or even knowledge in
our minds - can affect how physical objects behave.
The Grand Biocentric
Design is a one-of-a-kind, groundbreaking explanation of how the
universe works, and an exploration of the science behind the astounding
fact that time, space, and reality itself, all ultimately depend upon
Robert Lanza, MD is one
of the most respected scientists in the world-a U.S. News & World
Report cover story called him a genius and renegade
thinker, even likening him to Einstein. Lanza is head of Astellas
Global Regenerative Medicine, Chief Scientific Officer of the Astellas
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and adjunct professor at Wake Forest
University School of Medicine. He was recognized by TIME magazine in
2014 on its list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.
Prospect magazine named him one of the Top 50 World Thinkers
in 2015. He is credited with several hundred publications and inventions,
and more than 30 scientific books, including the definitive references
in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine. A former Fulbright
Scholar, he studied with polio pioneer Jonas Salk and Nobel Laureates
Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. He also worked closely (and coauthored
a series of papers) with noted Harvard psychologist B. F. Skinner and
heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard. Dr. Lanza received his
undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Pennsylvania,
where he was both a University Scholar and Benjamin Franklin Scholar.
Lanza was part of the team that cloned the worlds first human
embryo, as well as the first to successfully generate stem cells from
adults using somatic-cell nuclear transfer (therapeutic cloning). In
2001 he was also the first to clone an endangered species, and recently
published the first-ever report of pluripotent stem cell use in humans.
Matej Pavic is a physicist
interested in foundations of theoretical physics. During his more than
forty years of research at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana,
Slovenia, he often investigated the subjects that were not currently
of wide interest, but later became hot topics. For example, in the 70s
he studied higher dimensional, Kaluza-Klein, theories when they were
not very popular, and in the 80s he proposed an early version of the
braneworld scenario that was published, among others, in Classical and
Quantum Gravity. Altogether, Pavic published more than one hundred
scientific papers and the book The Landscape of Theoretical Physics:
A Global View. He is among the pioneering authors in topics such as
mirror particles, braneworld, and Clifford space, and has recently published
important works explaining why negative energies in higher derivative
theories are not problematic, which is crucial for quantum gravity.
Pavic studied physics at the University of Ljubljana. After obtaining
his masters degree in 1975, he spent a year at the Institute of
Theoretical Physics in Catania, Italy, where he collaborated with Erasmo
Recami and Piero Caldirola. Under their supervision he completed his
PhD thesis which he later defended at the University of Ljubljana. Pavic
has participated at many conferences as an invited speaker and regularly
visited the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste.
Bob Berman is one of the
best known and most widely read astronomers in the world. Hes
Astronomy magazines Strange Universe columnist as
well as Discover Magazines astronomy columnist since 1989, and
is responsible for the astronomy section of the Old Farmers Almanac.
He is perhaps uniquely able to translate complex scientific concepts
into language that is understandable to the casual observer yet meaningful
to the most advanced.
Berners-Lee's plan to save the internet: give us back control of our
data By Pieter
Verdegem, Senior Lecturer, School of Media
and Communication, University
of Westminster
Pieter Verdegem
Tim Berners-Lee
Releasing his creation for free 30 years ago, the inventor
of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, famously declared: “this is
for everyone”. Today, his invention is used by billions – but it also
hosts the authoritarian
crackdowns of antidemocratic governments, and supports the
infrastructure of the most wealthy and powerful companies on Earth.
Now, in an effort to return the internet
to the golden age that existed before its current incarnation as Web
2.0 – characterised by invasive data harvesting by governments
and corporations – Berners-Lee has devised a plan to save his invention.
This involves his brand of “data sovereignty”
– which means giving users power over their data – and it means wrestling
back control of the personal information we surrendered to big tech
many years ago.
Berners-Lee’s latest intervention comes
as increasing numbers of people regard the online world as a landscape
dominated by a few tech giants, thriving on a system of “surveillance
capitalism” – which sees our personal data extracted and
harvested by online giants before being used to target advertisements
at us as we browse the web.
Courts in the US and the EU have filed
cases against big tech as part of what’s been dubbed the “techlash”
against their growing power. But Berners-Lee’s answer to big tech’s
overreach is far simpler: to
give individuals the power to control their own data.
Net gains
The idea of data sovereignty has its roots
in the
claims of the world’s indigenous people, who have leveraged
the concept to protect the intellectual property of their cultural heritage.
Applied to all web users, data sovereignty
means giving individuals complete authority over their personal data.
This includes the self-determination of which elements of our personal
data we permit to be collected,
and how we allow it to be analysed, stored, owned and used.
This would be in stark contrast to the
current data practices that underpin big tech’s business models. The
practice of “data
extraction”, for instance, refers to personal information
that is taken from people surfing the web without their meaningful consent
or fair compensation. This depends on a model in which your data is
not regarded as being your property.
Scholars argue that data extraction, combined
with “network effects”, has led to teach
monopolies. Network effects are seen when a platform becomes
dominant, encouraging even more users join and use it. This allows the
dominant platform more possibilities to extract data, which they use
to produce better services. In turn, these better services attract even
more users. This tends to amplify the power (and database size) of dominant
firms at the expense of smaller ones.
This monopolisation tendency explains why
the data extraction and ownership landscape is dominated by the so-called
– Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft – in the US and the
so-called BAT
– Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent – in China. In addition to companies, governments
also have monopoly power over their citizens’ data.
The world’s largest tech companies
are increasingly regarded as monopolistic.Koshiro
sovereignty” has been proposed as a promising means of reversing
this monopolising tendency. It’s an idea that’s been kicked about on
the fringes of internet debates for some time, but its backing by Tim
Berners-Lee will mean it garners much greater attention.
Building data vaults
Berners-Lee isn’t just
backing data sovereignty: he’s building the tech to support it. He recently
set up Inrupt,
a company with the express goal of moving towards the kind of world
wide web that its inventor had originally envisioned. Inrupt plans to
do that through a new system called “pods” – personal online data stores.
Pods work like personal data safes. By
storing their data in a pod, individuals retain ownership and control
of their own data, rather than transferring this to digital platforms.
Under this system, companies can request access to an individual’s pod,
offering certain services in return – but they cannot extract or sell
that data onwards.
Inrupt has built these pods as part of
its Solid
project, which has followed the form of a Silicon Valley startup – though
with the express objective of making pods accessible for all. All websites
or apps a user with a pod visits will require authentication by Solid
before being allowed to request an individual’s personal data. If pods
are like safes, Solid acts like the bank in which the safe is stored.
One of the criticisms of the idea of pods
is that it approaches data as a commodity. The concept of “data
markets” has been mooted, for instance, as a system that
enables companies to make micro-payments in exchange for our data. The
fundamental flaw of such a system is that data is of little value when
it is bought and sold on its own: the value of data only emerges from
its aggregation and analysis, accrued via network effects.
Common good
An alternative to the commodification of
data could lie in categorising data as “commons”. The idea of the commons
was first popularised by the work of Nobel Prize-winning political economist
Elinor Ostrom.
A commons approach to data would regard
it as owned not by individuals or by companies, but as something that’s
owned by society. Data
as commons is an emerging idea which could unlock the value
of data as a public good, keeping ownership in the hands of the community.
Tim Berners-Lee’s intervention in debates
about the destiny of the internet is a welcome development. Governments
and communities are coming to realise that big tech’s data-driven digital
dominance is unhealthy for society. Pods represent one answer among
many to the question of how we should respond.
This article is republished
from The
Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
District Heating
and Cooling in Greater Copenhagen
"Greater Copenhagen and all the utilities
taking part in this system can present smart sustainable energy solutions
at the level of the metropol as well as specific city districts, e.g.
Carlsbergbyen, Høje Taastrup and Taarnby.
Denmark is
one of the most energy efficient countries in the world. The widespread
use of district heating systems and CHP supported by national energy
policies since the 1970s has proved to be a successful way to improve
the energy efficiency and tackle climate change and security of supply
in Danish cities.
These successful results can be illustrated through Greater Copenhagens
integrated DHC system; the City of Copenhagen and 24 surrounding municipalities
have since the 1980s developed a world-class DHC system which today
covers 98% of the total heat demand in the district heating zones, mainly
through CHP and waste-to-energy."
Energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions are an
ingrained part of the Danish mindset. While many countries have opted
for individual, on-site heating and cooling solutions, Denmark decided
to focus on collective heating systems after the oil crisis of the 1970s.
Today, 64 per cent of all Danish households are supplied by district
heating, contributing to making Denmark one of the most energy-efficient
countries in the world. The efficiency of the system is created in three
parts; creating heated or chilled water, avoiding heat loss in the distribution
as well as effective connection and use on the consumer side.
Denmark passed
its first heat supply law in 1979. Based on this law, Danish stakeholders
have developed a political framework to implement district heating successfully
across Denmark and thereby gained valuable experience over the past
four decades. This has also spurred the growth of numerous companies
that deliver state-of-the-art technologies and know-how within all parts
of the value chain of district energy systems.
Flexible, clean co-generation of electrical and thermal energy
of electrical and thermal energy at Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants
enables to reach efficiency levels above 90 per cent, making it a particularly
efficient and cost-effective way of supplying heat and cooling in densely
populated areas. An example is the Danish capital Copenhagen, where
98 per cent of the households are supplied by district heating. Also,
district heating and cooling are able to utilise all energy sources,
including renewables, which allows a flexible and clean production.
In fact, 60 per cent of the Danish district heating is based on renewable
Similar to
district heating, district cooling possesses immense potential for reducing
costs and CO2 emissions. For instance, district cooling systems in Copenhagen
can use seawater from the harbour.
Integrating upgraded biogas and heat pumps
In combination
with district energy, Denmark also utilises a natural gas grid as well
as individual solutions for heating and cooling. Upgraded biogas is
fed into the natural gas grid and heat pumps are increasingly used for
individual heating solutions. Large heat pumps are also used at various
CHP plants to help integrate surplus renewable power into the thermal
energy system and thereby balance the energy system.
Heating and cooling for all
With more
than 100 years of experience in district heating, Denmark hosts some
of the worlds leading suppliers in the fields of district heating
and cooling, as well as in waste-to-energy. Their technologies, solutions
and knowhow can serve as inspiration for other countries looking for
energy-efficient heating and cooling systems.
of Green
is a not-for-profit, public-private partnership from Denmark. We foster
relations with international stakeholders interested in discussing their
challenges and bring into play relevant Danish competencies and technologies
that enable the green transition.
DBDHis Denmarks leading district heating export organisation.
mission is to promote district energy for a sustainable city transformation.
We represent the leading actors of the district energy sector, and identify,
inform and facilitate partnerships between our members and partners
in more than 70 countries. Through co-operation, DBDH strengthens the
export of Danish technology and knowledge, consequently providing a
brighter future for the environment globally while creating jobs and
Globally there is an enormous
amount of energy loss caused by inefficient power plants and distribution.
In Europe, the energy waste is equivalent to 1000 euros per EU citizen
annually. DHC (district heating and cooling) is an energy efficient
technology that effectively reduces this waste. At the same time it
is economically advantageous, environmentally safe and extremely reliable.
Denmark has accumulated
know-how through more than 100 years of experience in district heating
systems, ranging from energy planning, renewable energy and surplus
energy, which results in today´s most efficient combined heat
and power technology. DBDH wishes to share this experience worldwide
as well as serving the interest of the industry at a local level.
We invite you to learn
from our members by participating in our activities and by inviting
us to participate in your events. Do you have an interest in learning
more about the worlds most advanced DHC system, we also invite you to
visit Denmark and we will help you with a relevant program for your
Heat planning
for the Greater Copenhagen area
Energy Agency (DEA) At the Danish Energy Agency, we monitor
and develop energy and supply sectors in Denmark. We focus on being
a diverse working environment always strengthening the interdisciplinary
Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities
The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities is responsible
for national and international efforts to prevent climate change. Through
visionary green leadership we aim to achieve the Danish Government's
target to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent by 2030.
The Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities and leads the promotion
of world class utility and energy services to support sustainable growth.
Through professionalism, transparency and credibility they secure a
clear path towards an efficient and effective energy supply system for
replacing existing stand-alone water- and space-heating systems, district
heating can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6.3-9.9 gigatons by
2050 and save $1.6-$2.4 trillion in energy costs (setup costs would
be $219-$329 billion). Our analysis estimates that currently, less
than 2 percent of delivered building heat is supplied with renewable
district heating systems. While natural gas is currently the most
prevalent fuel source for district heating facilities, we model the
impact only of renewable sources such as geothermal and biomass energy
that will become more prevalent over time, and an availability analysis
shows that there is much room to grow. -
Futurist, Speaker & Entrepreneur
Rom Krupp is a visionary,
disruptor, and thought leader with over 24 years of experience innovating
technologies for the restaurant and hospitality industries. Prior to
launching OneDine Rom founded Marketing Vitals, the most comprehensive
analytics solution specifically developed for the restaurant industry
and currently used in over 200 brands around the world to drive top-line
sales. An official member of the Forbes Business Council, Roms
passion is to help drive growth in the restaurant industry while maintaining
a purpose-driven culture.
was born when Founder & CEO Rom Krupp recognized that many POS systems
lack the agility and functionality to allow servers to deliver the best
dining experience to their guests. In creating the handheld tablets
that interface with the merchants existing tech stack, Krupp developed
a solution that optimizes labor, creates a contactless and efficient
ordering and payment process for both servers and guests, and establishes
PCI and EMV compliance, immediately eliminating 100% of fraudulent chargebacks.
But that was only the beginning.
Krupp and his team of restaurant and hospitality industry veterans have
expanded the product offering to incorporate additional contactless
payment technologies, mobile menu browsing, and curbside order and payment
options that help restaurants generate additional off-premise revenue.
AI surveys, guest preference tracking, and offer management have all
made their way into the 360-degree solution to make OneDine the single
preferred technology provider for the restaurant and hospitality industries.
The initial platform has
now been expanded to accommodate multi-merchant venues (such as malls
and entertainment districts), hotels, airports, retail establishments,
and event venues, and can quickly adapt to the changing requirements
that brands are seeking in todays world.
The Future of Restaurants
& Hospitality with Rom Krupp of OneDine & Shama Hyder - "Let's
Take a Moment"