Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2023, Issue 255
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Journals – Main Topics
Climate Change Success Stories
The Future Now Shows
Lead Article Green energy: South Africa’s transition plan must be careful not to deepen inequality – the 3 top issues by Mzukisi Qobo, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Article 01 Brienz/Brinzauls, Switzerland Rockfall The Future Now Show Deep Transitions Futures with Wendy Schultz & Miss Metaverse Article 02 KANTHARI, change from within by Marijn Poels News about the Future > The Protected Planet Report > The development of gene doping detection methods Article 03 Biophilic Design Recommended Book Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes by William Bridges Article 04‘ A kind of meditative peace’: quiet hour shopping makes us wonder why our cities have to be so noisy by Eduardo de la Fuente, University of South Australia and Michael James Walsh, University of Canberra Climate Change Success Story Plant migration The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC), Canada Assisted migration’ helps trees move so forests survive climate change Assisted Migration of Plants and Animals in a Changing Climate Global Seed Vault becomes more important than ever as climate change threatens crops Futurist Portrait April Rinne Change Navigator Tags: Albinism, Assisted Migration, Biodiversity, Biophilic Design, Blind, Canada, Circumcision, Climate Change, Deep Transitions Futures, East Africa, Flux, Futurist, Gene doping, Germany, India, Investor, Kerala, Noise, Plant migration, Rockfall, SDGs, Shopping, Switzerland, Tibet, Uganda, USA Club of Amsterdam Search Submit your article Contact Subscribe Welcome ![]() Felix B Bopp Website statistics for May 2023: this year visits: 246,000 visitors: 66,000 last year visits: 535,000 visitors: 98,000 Quotes Johan Schot: “Deep Transitions Futures has vast ambitions, taking a novel and bold approach to develop a new investment philosophy. We are striving for long-term transformation. Naturally, the process will come with uncertainties. And yet, exploring new horizons, developing radical and innovative ideas and embracing unusual collaborations and opportunities like this one, are the paths that need to be taken if we are to forge a better future.” April Rinne: “In a world of constant change, we need to radically reshape our relationship to uncertainty to sustain a healthy and productive outlook.” |
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