Welcome to the Club of Amsterdam Journal.
As the beauty is in the eye of the beholder democracy has many possible definitions. One may say it was a result of a process of reconciliation between the aristocratic ruling class and its subjects from the beginning of the industrial revolution. Clearly, recognizing the rights of people’s decision making instead of oppressing them proved to be a more efficient tool of governance. To keep the safety of the mass production at the industries’ factories and the necessity of a consistent environment for “the free flow of goods”, monetary stability and exchange ability became more important than imposing the direct power of the ruling class.
However, democracy has not only failed to prevent big wars and general justice it has become insufficient as a rule of principle at the age of information as systems became rather complicated for having a deep knowledge in many different fields. The vote for the late 300 page EU constitution draft was too much a demanding task to go through, let alone studying and understanding the details of the text. The same applies to numerous other issues awaiting ruling from our democracies. The technical difficulty of getting people’s attention and asking them to focus on many issues than one can handle at a life time while the world is already an increasingly challenging place for earning one’s living and even survival, is it reasonable to expect a fair judgement from the majority to make the best decisions for the future?
Are European Democracies fit for dealing with the challenges ahead? Do we need new tools? New decision making processes? Or do we need to radically renew our approach?
…. interested in knowing more and sharing thoughts and ideas …. join us at the event about the future of European Democracy – Thursday, 23 June!
Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief
Social networks impact on democracy, dictatorships and freedom of information
By Patrick Dixon, Chairman of Global Change Ltd.
By Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project
Democracy as a Condition for Philosophy. 2006
By Alain Badiou, French Philosopher
Democracy: Rhetoric and Reality
By Noam Chomsky, American Philosopher
Participatory Democracy: What prospects in Europe?
Next Event

the future of European Democracy Thursday, June 23, 2011
Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15
Location: Nautiek.com, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE)
The conference language is English.
The speakers and topics are
Ben Crum, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The essence of democracy and the challenge of internationalization
Maurice de Hond, Dutch pollster and entrepreneur
Hardy F. Schloer, Owner, Schloer Consulting Group, Democracy is dead, as we know it!
Moderated by Kwela Sabine Hermanns
About Wilderness: The Idea and the Space

By Arnab B. Chowdhury, Prarthana Kalaskar, Rémi Boutinet
Arnab is founder of Ninād – an Integrality-centered network that ideates Knowledge Management strategies to help entrepreneurs and organisations to become nimble and dynamic. Prarthana and Rémi are core members of IndiaThinks – Ninad’s research arm, which focuses on strategies that unite Knowledge-Business-Consciousness in harmony.
Historically, the word Wilderness has derived from the notion of wildness or that which is not controlled by humans. The word’s etymology is from the Old English wildeornes, which derives from wildeor or wild beast (from wild + deor beast, DEER).
In European culture, the word first appears in medieval Bibles, in reference to arid, uninhabited lands that were often a sign of God’s displeasure. The traditional Judaeo-Christian view has been that it is right and proper, in the eyes of God, to transform the wilderness and make it bloom. At the same time, wilderness was seen as a place to cleanse the soul. Hermits retired to the wilderness to become closer to God. Eastern cultures had an even stronger tradition of contemplation and meditation in natural places.1 In America, wilderness areas are defined as a place “where man himself is a visitor who does not remain”. 2
Wilderness is also considered to be a human construct. It is a recovery of a memory of spaces in nature before humans changed it to suit their needs; a pristine, sacred nature, undisturbed by any human activity. Late 20th century saw changes in this vision of Wilderness and humans seemed to have found their place in nature in a peaceful co-existence.
The World Wilderness Congress is the longest-running and one of the most prestigious international environmental forums in the world. The World Wilderness Congress of 1998 held in Bangalore, India, introduced the concept of wilderness areas in Asia, where before no such wilderness protected areas existed. Reintroduction of the Cheetah in India and a discussion of marine wilderness protected areas was a result of this meeting that had 700 delegates from 30 nations voicing their concerns.3
Wilderness then is an idea, a feeling experienced by humans as being with nature and not disturbing it; and geographical spaces that are specially set aside for nature and which humans merely visit but neither occupy or use for personal benefit.
Locating Wetlands in Laws and Policies
India’s National Environment Policy (2006) states that apart from forests, India’s freshwater resources comprise the single most important class of natural endowments enabling its economy and its human settlement patterns. The fresh water resources comprise the river systems, groundwater and wetlands. Each of these has a unique role, and characteristic linkages to other environmental entities —- Wetlands, natural and manmade, freshwater or brackish, provide numerous ecological services. They provide habitat to aquatic flora and fauna, as well as numerous species of birds, including migratory species’ —- A holistic view of Wetlands is necessary which looks at each identified Wetlands in terms of its causal linkages with other natural entities, human needs, and its own attributes.
The Report of the National Forest Commission (2006) recommends that a National Wetland Conservation Act should be framed with the following: Inclusion of all types of wetlands (freshwater, coastal, marshes, swamps, mangroves, waterlogged areas) in the land use classification in the country should be done.A National Wetland Biodiversity Register should be started.An inventory of ‘user groups’ also should be prepared while collecting information for the biodiversity register. It should also list out the priorities of the communities on particular wetland resources.To establish a National Wetland Inventory and Monitoring Programme and a National Wetland Information System and therefore, to develop a sustained and serious programme for monitoring wetlands.The economic evaluation of wetlands must be computed and it must be integrated with National Resource Accounting.Wetland productivity studies on a long-term basis by identified organizations from different parts of the country need to be undertaken.
This would bring out indisputable data on wetland productivity, which is many times more than that of other ecosystems. Moreover, it would be an excellent tool to check the wetland ecosystem health.At the policy level in India there is the Wild Life Protection Act 1972, Forest Conservation Act 1980 and National Forest Policy of 1988 and a host of rules formulated under these acts are implemented by the Forest Department. The states in India have their own State Forest Policies. There is an independent Ministry of Environment and Forests with its minister holding a cabinet rank at the Union Government level. The call is now for a Wetland Conservation Act from lawyers, environmentalists, activists, Green organisations and people dependent on wetlands Conservation of water bodies. The scheme on conservation and management of wetlands was initiated in 1987 India is also a signatory to the Ramsar Convention.
The ‘Convention on Wetlands’, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 158 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1758 wetland sites, totaling 161 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. Ramsar Convention is the only global environment treaty dealing with a particular ecosystem.
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was developed as a means to call international attention to the rate at which wetland habitats were disappearing, in part due to a lack of understanding of their important functions, values, goods and services. Governments that join the Convention are expressing their willingness to make a commitment to helping to reverse that history of wetland loss and degradation.
Ground Reality — The case of recreating wilderness in an urban wetland
So many laws, rules, recommendations and for all these years … what is the ground reality?
“I have worked like there is no tomorrow!” says Mr. Joss Brooks the chief “knowledge architect” of the Tholkappia wetlands, in the south Indian city of Chennai. These wetlands were recovered from the filth laden dumping grounds of what was once the Adyar River that flowed across Chennai and emptied into the Bay of Bengal. A serene 58 acres of land now present an occasion to recover a not-so-distant memory of a forest along the banks of the river. For this project, Joss is a government contractor, but sees himself ‘a gardener from in the international township of Auroville’, who created in 1973 the Pitchandikulam Forest a bio-resource centre in the bioregion of Auroville.

The beauty of the Tholkappiar Eco Park project has been a revelation to one and all: as one retraces the steps taken to address causes one ends up finding more inclusive and holistic solutions. At a cost of 22 million USD, the government of Tamil Nadu has committed to work backwards and clean the entire Adyar River, about 358 acres of area, which means resolving a lot of issues of all those who in one way or another use the river for domestic or commercial purposes. In Joss’s own words, “This goes to show that if there is a political will and community support and good budgetary provisions, it is possible; it is not easy but it is possible and that is a good sign. The word ‘Innovation’ interests all and a change of mindset, to understand that things can be done and therefore be done, is new level of being on a collective level”.
According to India’s National Forest Policy (1988), all urban areas should have 33% of their land under forest cover by 2012. The best efforts of the forest department notwithstanding, Chennai the capital of Tamil Nadu, south India, remains the least green metro in the country, with a green cover extending to just 9.5% of its geographical area in the city limits.
In this backdrop the creation of the Tholkappiar Eco Park has a special significance, it is already fulfilling the role of an urban forest area in not just providing a beautiful aerial view of the city but by playing a key role in maintaining the environmental balance and supplying good quality oxygen to a polluted city. Human trails are light footprints by students who come to study nature or simply “be” in nature. The Department of Environment (Tamil Nadu) holds interactive training programme for school students.
Joss’s involvement in this project began in 2004 as the founder of Pitchandikulam Forest — a Conservation site within the Auroville International Township. Auroville was invited to come to the middle of Chennai to help restore the estuary, starting with the Adyar Creek (Adyar Poonga).
Joss grew up in the Australian state of Tasmania, a place full of wild natural beauty and wide open empty spaces. After living in Europe and Africa he came to Auroville in 1970 to participate in the early pioneering work of the newborn community. In 1973 he established the community of Pitchandikulam dedicated to restoring the eroded 60 acres of Auroville Green Belt land to its former green cover. Now it is a vibrant forest with more than 600 species of plants, many with medicinal value. In 1993, associating with the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) he developed the medicinal plant conservation Park at Pitchandikulam. In 2002, the Nadukuppam Environment Education Center was founded in a village 30 km north of Auroville in order to spread the restoration ecology message into the Auroville bioregion. In 2004, Pitchandikulam Forest Consultants was created to implement restoration work in other areas of Tamil Nadu including the city of Chennai.
The actual work on the Adyar Creek began in 2008 and Joss brought with him his rich experience of “recreating” natural ecosystems, and an aspiration for deep harmony between man and nature.
Wilderness and Sacredness – Nature in the City
Joss has revived the cultural sanctity of Nature with modern, rigorous scientific studies and innovative practices through all his initiatives at Auroville and it is this experience that he brought with him as he set to restore the wetlands in the urban area of Chennai. For Joss, the transition between Auroville to Adyar Poonga is like integrating the rural into the urban and it is here that his uniqueness is best expressed.
Revival of Sacred Groves: Stretches or fragments of forests protected by the local or the visiting community with reverence and respect which is traditionally accorded to the Divine. One of the most important functions of the sacred groves was that it was a repository for various medicinal plants. The groves supplied humans with replenishable resources like fruits, honey and dry fallen wood. The groves also had natural ponds and streams, and when embanked met the water needs of the communities in the neighbourhood.

Contemporary sacred groves serve as biodiversity hotspots, often house plants and animals that have become extinct in neighboring areas. They can help with genetic diversity and ensure flourishing of such species. Sacred groves in urban areas act as “lungs” of the city. Wilderness is about letting Nature heal herself.
Scientific study and field experiments in regeneration of indigenous plant species native to a particular geography: Pitchandikulam is a peaceful sanctuary of a self-generating forest where over 800 species of plants can be found in the sanctuary forest, grasslands and ethno medicinal gardens. With 60 other in situ and ex situ conservation areas, Pitchandikulam Forest is part of the Medicinal Plant Conservation Network. This network implements detailed programs of botanical and social documentation as well as conservation and planting initiatives. There is a stress on reviving traditional health systems.

Pitchandikulam Forest planted more than a 100 thousand native species of plants and trees in the Adyar Poonga. Thanks to a bountiful monsoon, the Poonga resembled a wild scrub forest in less than two years.
Creating a Knowledge base that includes the local community, its belief systems and practices, and village elders as an important resource of information, insight and wisdom and disseminating this knowledge. Since the tsunami, Auroville has been monitoring the survival of some of its coastal plantations where many Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF) species have been tried. It has been observed five months after the wave that some 90%, 120 species, have survived. This information is invaluable in the planning process for future plantations.

The Tholkappiar Eco Park has several elements to sensitize visitors to the environment. It has four primary zones. The first is the Arrival and Orientation Zone, which will provide safe arrival areas for visitors and at the same time ensure minimal disturbance to the rest of the park. The second is the Interactive Learning Zone with interpretive education gardens, learning areas and an Environmental Education Centre. The third zone is the Nature Interpretation Zone, which has a natural trail with occasional viewing points for people to experience the various ecosystems of the Coromandel Coast. The largest zone is the Silent Zone, which is not accessible to the public.

Sustainable technologies: Where possible, the use of sustainable technology is embedded in all activities. Examples of such technology can be found at Nadukuppam Environment Education Centre where an integrated water sanitation system has been developed, solar technology and organic agricultural activities are demonstrated.
By providing working examples of sustainable technologies the task of encouraging communities to implement them becomes a lot easier.

The Tholkappiar Eco Park is a green and plastic free zone where solar panels light up the street lights. The small canteen at the entrance serves organic food. An important aspect of conservation is the water management plan — Water from collection tanks spread out in the park will be pumped using solar pumps. The park will generate its own water from storm water collection and treatment of sewage and grey water from surrounding urban areas using innovative engineering technology, effective micro organisms and special fountains that aerate and energize tired and polluted water. The purification and reactivating of this essential element of life will be a key principle of the park.
Nature will be allowed to work herself out in decontaminating ground water and soil. With vigorously growing health plants, the air has been rid of foul smells that existed earlier.
Training the young generation of students and volunteers: The vision is to set up an environmental education centre with the aim of restoring biodiversity in the Poonga through student and community participation. The Environmental Education Centre then becomes a point for community involvement in integrated training. Teaching the necessary skills to bring biodiversity back to the land are researched and taught involving the community, particularly school children.

The aim is to show visitors the wonder and importance of ecological diversity; communicate scientific studies and research into indigenous fauna and flora; raise awareness of local environment issues; and inspire people to engage in the process of restoration and preservation of the environment. It will introduce visitors to the basic principles of ecology with an emphasis on coastal ecology and watershed rehabilitation. These programmes will help to nurture a deeper appreciation and reverence for living things and natural systems. Visitors will become familiar with plants and animals native to Chennai and learn about their interrelationships and how human activities affect them.
A profound level of Collaboration from the polity, economy and society: In case of Auroville, collective responsibility and community living are at its foundations.
Adyar Poonga Ecological Restoration Project, Chennai – Part 1 & 2
With the granting of a two-year maintenance contract Pitchandikulam Forest Consultants is looking forward to a similar model and spirit of governance to take shape for the Tholkappiar Eco Park. Urban forests and wetlands can become an ‘essential infrastructure’ in city planning and budgetary allocations. The notion of urban forests is not new in India nor is the idea of Wilderness; India has had its ‘Aranyas’ (forests and wilderness where man could contemplate on his essence and of that of the universe). Transcending piecemeal environmental remedial measures as well as deep ecology, “if this project works then it is a reminder that wilderness can be … even inside the city; it brings back a memory, a collective memory and a conviction. It shows how urban wetland could be cleaned up. The park is not about entertainment or making a profit. It is about pulling out something different, about making a big shift and a place to dream, to imagine.
People have forgotten to imagine … to imagine … so important to imagine, not to be scared of imagining”.
As we celebrate the World Environment Day on 5th June, the news that Bolivia has enshrined natural world’s rights with equal status for Mother Earth has clearly turned the spotlight again4 on “Wilderness” as a global issue that needs to be addressed sensitively and urgently; followed by Ecuador, which changed its constitution to give nature “the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution”. 5
“Ley de Derechos de La Madre Tierra” in Spanish (Law of Mother Earth)
The legislation in Bolivia creates 11 distinguished rights for the environment:
They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.
“It establishes a new relationship between man and nature, the harmony of which must be preserved as a guarantee of its regeneration.”
Still some way to transit from Human Rights to Rights of Nature and essentially to a harmony, goodwill and collaboration between all!
1 http://www.taiga.net/yourYukon/col077.html
2 http://www.wilderness.net/NWPS/documents//publiclaws/PDF/16_USC_1131-1136.pdf
3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wilderness_Congress
4 http://therightsofnature.org/trees-could-sue/
5 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/apr/10/bolivia-enshrines-natural-worlds-rights and http://www.rightsofmotherearth.com/rights-nature/ecuador-rights/ and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/13/bolivias-law-of-mother-earth_n_848966.html
Club of Amsterdam blog

Club of Amsterdam blog
March 23: Socratic Innovation
January 1: On the meaning of words
November 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happiness
November 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future.
News about the Future

Toyota Friend
Toyota Friend is a private social network for Toyota customers and their cars. Toyota Friend will be powered by Salesforce Chatter, a private social network used by businesses, and will be offered, first in Japan, initially with Toyota’s electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles due in 2012.
Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff said: “Toyota and salesforce.com share a vision to take the auto industry into the future. Social and mobile technologies will transform the car ownership experience, and we are excited to be Toyota’s partner in this transformation.”

Based on the latest developments in neuro-technology, Emotiv has developed a revolutionary new personal interface for human computer interaction. The Emotiv EPOC is a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset. It uses a set of sensors to tune into electric signals produced by the brain to detect player thoughts, feelings and expressions and connects wirelessly to most PCs.
World Ocean Review
In this first “World Ocean Review”, we present a report on the state of the oceans which will be followed by periodic updates in the future. Our aim is to reveal the consequences of intense human intervention for the ocean realm, including the impacts of climate change. We already understand some of the effects, but many unanswered questions remain. What is certain, however, is that human society must change its behaviour with the goal of achieving sustainable interaction with the environment and the oceans in particular.
The Chapters
The world oceans, global climate drivers
The oceans cover around 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. They thus play an important role in the Earth’s climate and in global warming. One important function of the oceans is to transport heat from the tropics to higher latitudes. They respond very slowly to changes in the atmosphere. Beside heat, they take up large amounts of the carbon dioxide emitted by humankind.
How climate change alters ocean chemistry
Massive emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere have an impact on the chemical and biological processes in the ocean. The warming of ocean water could lead to a destabilization of solid methane deposits on the sea floor. Because of the excess CO2, the oceans are becoming more acidic. Scientists are making extensive measurements to determine how much of the humanmade CO2 is being absorbed by the oceans. Important clues are provided by looking at oxygen.
The uncertain future of the coasts
It is now accepted that global warming will result in a significant sea-level rise in future, with many low-lying coastal areas around the world being lost to the sea over the coming centuries. The wealthy industrialized countries will be able to defend themselves from the encroaching waters for a time, albeit with massive technological effort. In the long term, however, they too will have to withdraw back from the areas under threat or, alternatively, adapt to rising water levels.
Last stop: The ocean – polluting the seas
Human society inevitably generates immense amounts of waste arising from the production and utilization of food as well as industrial and consumer goods. A considerable amount of this waste eventually ends up in the oceans. Fortunately, the pollution from oil has been decreasing in recent years. But the increasing load of nutrients and pollutants and general littering of the oceans are a growing cause for concern.
Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems
There can be no doubt that climate change will alter marine life. Changes in ecosystems usually have multiple natural causes, but increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and global warming are now playing a critical role. The extent of the coming disruption to biotic communities is unknown.
Exploiting a living resource: Fisheries
For decades, the catch from the world’s fisheries steadily increased – with the result that many fish stocks are now classified as overexploited or depleted. Failed fisheries policies and poor fisheries management are to blame for this situation. Short-term profits appear to take priority over the development of a low-impact, sustainable fisheries sector that will remain economically viable in the long term.
Marine minerals and energy
Our appetite for energy and mineral resources seems insatiable. As landbased resources become increasingly scarce, those in the oceans are attracting greater interest. The fuels and ores in the deep sea are particularly tempting. But wind and wave power could also meet a proportion of our energy needs.
Maritime highways of global trade
The volume of maritime traffic increased significantly over recent decades, but the global economic crisis brought the industry to its knees. Now there are promising signals for a recovery, however, nobody knows what the future holds for the process of globalization, the global imbalances still linger on and the world of finance continues to be in a fragile state. The growing threats of piracy and terrorism could also compromise shipping.
Medical knowledge from the sea
Marine organisms such as bacteria, corals and sea sponges contain thousands of interesting substances that could provide us with the medications of the future. Some of these agents have already been approved as drugs. Research on primordial organisms can reveal both how diseases occur and how they can be treated. Before the treasure trove beneath the sea can be claimed, however, some legal issues must be resolved.
The law of the sea: A powerful instrument
Today, a raft of international treaties determines which state has jurisdiction over coastal waters and the seabed and where a country’s fishing fleet may legally operate. However, the extraction of mineral resources from the ocean floor and climate change are confronting the international law of the sea with new challenges. Balancing the protection of the marine environment with intensive use of the oceans is also a difficult task.
Recommended Book

Democracy: Crisis and Renewal (Big Ideas)
By Paul Ginsborg
Despite the global expansion of democracy, a looming threat has appeared in the countries that claim to love it most: declining electoral turnout, diminishing faith in political institutions and the growing gap between the political class and those who elect them? Historian and commentator Paul Ginsborg goes back to first principles and examines anew a concept that we once fought for in this brilliant and bold new diagnosis of our political system.
Political parties have lost swathes of members and effective power is ever more concentrated in the hands of their leaders. Behind these trends lie changing relationships between economics, the media and politics. Electoral spending has spiralled out of all control, with powerful economic interests exercising undue influence. The ‘level playing field’, on which democracy’s contests have supposedly been fought, has become ever more sloping and uneven. In many democratic”countries media coverage, especially that of television, is heavily biased. Electors become viewers and active participation gives way to mass passivity. Can things change? By going back to the roots of democracy and examining the relationship between representative and participatory democracy, political historian Paul Ginsborg shows that they can and must.
Organic architecture
Organic architecture is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world through design approaches so sympathetic and well integrated with its site that buildings, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated composition.
The term organic architecture was coined by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959).

Falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright
History Project Organic Architecture S3238821
Futurist Portrait: Prabhu Guptara

Professor Prabhu Guptara (born 1949 in Delhi, India) is an authority on the impact of technology on globalization, on strategy, on knowledge management, on corporate social responsibility, on comparative and cross-cultural ethics, and on management and leadership issues.
Professor Prabhu Guptara is Executive Director, Organisational Development, Wolfsberg (a subsidiary of UBS – one of the largest banks in the world). He is also Freeman of the City of London and of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, and Chartered Fellow of the of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; he is also Fellow: of the Institute of Directors, of the Royal Commonwealth Society, and of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts Commerce and Manufactures; and has supervised PhD research at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) as well as to be Visiting Professor at various Universities and Business Schools around the world.
Earlier roles include: a Governor of the Polytechnic of Central London, Member of the Council of the British Institute of Management, of the International Federation of Training & Development Organisations (IFTDO), of the Association for Management Education and Development (UK), of the South East Regional Council of the Confederation of British Industry.
Judge, 1988 National Training Awards, 1980 Commonwealth Poetry Prize, 1990 & 1991 Deo Gloria Prize for Fiction; Chair of the Panel of Judges, Deo Gloria Prize 1992 & 1993.
Experience with an enormous range of organisations including: Akzo Nobel (Netherlands), the Associated Banks Institute (Germany), Barclays Bank (UK), British Petroleum (UK), the Council of Europe, Cultor (Finland), Deutsche Bank (Germany), Groupe Bull (France), Federation of Finnish Engineers (Finland), the International Management Association of Japan, Kemira (Finland), Kraft Jakob Suchard (Switzerland), Leadership Academy (Finland), Nokia Telecommunications (Finland), Novo Nordisk (Denmark), Sedgwick International Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers (UK), Singapore Institute of Management, Sonatrach (Algeria), Sun Alliance (UK), UNCTAD, Valeo (France), and so on.
Why are loans bad for the poor?
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Our Season Program 2010/2011 | ||
June 23, 2011 18:30 – 21:15 | the future of European Democracy Location: Nautiek.com, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE) ![]() | |
Past Season Events 2010/2011 | ||
Oct 14, 2010:the future of Hacking Nov 25, 2010:the future of Happiness Jan 20, 2011: the future of Financial Infrastructure Feb 17, 2011: the future of Services March 17, 2011: the future of Shell April 14, 2011: the future of the Human Mind May 19, 2011: the future of Singularity | ||
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