The Future Now Show

Energy for One Planet – The Future Now Show

with Adriaan Kamp & Miss Metaverse Adriaan Kamp, Founder of Energy For One World, on the implications of the War in the Ukraine, the Geopolitics of Emotions and Halfway The UN 2030 Agenda – ...

Deep Transitions Futures – The Future Now Show

with Wendy Schultz & Miss Metaverse Deep Transitions Futures uses the findings of Deep Transitions History to explore a set of future scenarios that illustrate the transformations needed to combat...

ASEAN – the Future? – The Future Now Show

with Shermon Cruz, James M. Dorsey, Mike Jackson & Miss Metaverse ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, is a political and economic union of 10 member states in Southeast Asia, which ...

“Who’s gonna pay for it?” The Cost of A Pro Human Future – The Future Now Show

with Brett King & Miss Metaverse Brett King, the author of a new book titled The Rise of Technosocialism, to discuss how 21st century economics will be reframed by inequality, automation and clima...

About the Microbiome and Digestive Health – The Future Now Show

with Michael Smith & Miss Metaverse Michael Smith introduces the microbiome, how you can improve it, what it means for your digestive system, your autoimmune conditions and other health issues. Mi...

Open Data and Our Net Zero Future – The Future Now Show

Data should be as open as possible, while protecting people’s privacy, commercial confidentiality and national security. Data from multiple organisations is needed to address challenges and the data n...

Diversity with Ram Gidoomal & Miss Metaverse – The Future Now Show

Aiming to encourage those who are struggling to move forward in life, Ram Gidoomal shares stories that demonstrate the difference made by a can–do attitude, by a spirit of generosity and by prioritizi...

Integrated Sustainability with Tom Bosschaert & Mario de Vries – The Future Now Show

Moderator Credits Tom BosschaertFounder & Director @ Except Integrated SustainabilitySystemic Sustainability strategy & designthe Netherlandsexcept.ecoChairman, Environment Committee of the Wo...

Digital Fitness with Martijn Aslander – The Future Now Show

How we work isn’t working. What now? The hope was once that computers would help people to work smarter and more efficiently. And that the advent of the network society, some ten years ago, woul...