
the future of the Media & Entertainment Industry, November 2003

Club of Amsterdam pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers 17:30 – 19:00VIP Reception 18:30 – 19:30Registration, drinks, snacks, networking & great music featuring Russian singer Ma...

the future of Food & Biotech, October 2003

pdf version Supporter PricewaterhouseCoopers Jan Willem van der Kamp Programme Director Biotechnology, TNO Bureau for Biotechnology After graduation in chemistry at Utrecht University (1970) Jan Wille...

Re-Inventing Democracies for the Future, June 2003

Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporters PricewaterhouseCoopers Surprising Switzerland Part I: Keynotes by Tom Kok, Director, Cool Capital Thomas Held, Director, Avenir Suisse – Think Tank for e...

the future of Medicine / The Patient Experience, May 2003

Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporter PricewaterhouseCoopers Part I: Keynotes by Oliver Angerer, MD, MSS, Human Exploration Science Coordinator, European Space Agency You can download his presentati...

Senior Citizens & future Technology, April 2003

Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporter PricewaterhouseCoopers Worldwide, the number of senior citizens is projected to more than double by 2030, from 420 million to 973 million. Almost 20% of Europea...

the future of Mobility, March 2003

Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporter Hogeschool van Amsterdam André Hammer, General Director, Connekt: “Modern society is facing major problems with its mobility and accessibility. Especially...

the future of Urban Development, February 2003

Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporters PricewaterhouseCoopers LOGICmerce Are you prepared for the changes in the European market? Do you know how to create a competitive business, which survives the...

Globalisation, Sustainability in the 21st Century, January 2003

Club of Amsterdam   pdf version SupporterHogeschool van Amsterdam Our keynote speakers are: – Annemarie Jorritsma-Lebbink, former Dutch Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs: &#...

The Convergence of Nanotechnology, Biotech and ICT, November 2002

Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporter Hogeschool van AmsterdamOur keynote speaker of the evening Tim Harper, the leading European analyst on Nanobusiness and CEO of CMP Cientifica Spain. On our pane...