Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2008, Issue 99

Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal.

“There is some uncertainty as to what constitutes fashion.
By definition fashion morphs every day. People change clothes, and clothes change people. Fashion reflects who we are, who we want to be. Influencing individuals and the world as a whole – a fashion statement can be just that, a form of language that acknowledges something larger within a culture.”

… join us at our next Season Event about the future of Fashion – January 31, 18:30-21:15

 Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief

Lumalive fabrics

Lumalive fabrics
Boost Products are introducing a groundbreaking concept based on Philips Lumalive technology, which will enable businesses to attract the attention of customers, clients and other target groups in an exciting, direct and distinctive way.

The new concept relates to clothing for promotions and events. Special Lumalive LED technology has been integrated into the fabric, turning the clothes into a ‘live’ display or billboard on which any given text, animation or (moving) images can be displayed – in every colour of the rainbow.

With this product specialists in brand and sales activation, are targeting the market for sales and brand promotion (which includes trade fairs and advertising campaigns) and for events (which include dance parties) in the Benelux countries.

By wearing the Lumalive shirts, the hosts, the people manning the stands, the dancers, etc., will have no trouble at all in drawing attention to themselves and to the message on their clothing, thus making a positive and unforgettable impression. The content on the ‘live’ fabric can be tailored exactly to suit the relevant target group. This enables a totally new and effective form of (marketing) communication.

After years of research, Philips has succeeded in incorporating special LED technology into fabric. “Lumalive brings fabrics and clothing alive”, says Bas Zeper, CEO of Philips Lumalive. “This now gives marketeers a tool with which to reach their market in an interactive and more effective way.”

“Thanks to the innovative power and high quality of Lumalive, we are enabling businesses and brands to communicate with their target groups in a unique way. The LED technology in Lumalive offers unlimited graphics and interactive applications and, in combination with the trendy promotion clothing, guarantees an impressive and distinctive experience. We are proud of this cooperation and the trust that Philips Lumalive has shown in us,” says Raymond Lentz, director of Boost Products.
Light-emitting shirt which expresses mood, ambiance and give messages to the people around us.

On jackets containing the Philips Lumalive fabrics dynamic advertisements, graphics and constantly changing color surfaces can be displayed.

This couch gives an extra dimension to the mood and atmosphere you want to create, not even thinking about the possibilities to emphasize brands that you can promote!

Next Event

the future of Fashion
Lifestyle & Technology

Thursday, January 31
, 2008
Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15

Where: AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute, Mauritskade 11, 1091 GC Amsterdam, Near corner Wibautstraat / Mauritskade
The conference language is English.

The speakers are
Truus Dokter, It fits! & PeclersParis
Fashioning the Future

Cathal McKee, Founder and Creative Director, CMK
Where technology ends and fashion begins.

Stefan Lehner, Recycling Designer
How can Eco-Design become fashionable?

and more.

Moderated by James Veenhoff, Programme Director and co-founder of Amsterdam International Fashion Week

We would like to thank our supporters:AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute, Innergy Creations, Amsterdam International Fashion Weekand the Instituut voor Media en Informatie Management.

Club of Amsterdam blog

 Club of Amsterdam blog

November 19:  Sex, The Internet’s Own Wasteland
November 8:  Sexuality in the 21st Century?
October 22:  Alexandria burned – securing knowledge access in the age of Google
September 6:  Are chimeras part of our future?

News about the Future

Spiderman suit

Every grown up and child’s dream of sticking to the ceiling and acting as a world-saving superhero may finally come true.

Writing in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, a Professor from the Polytechnic of Turin has found the formula for a Spider-Man suit that will enable all budding Peter Parkers to skip the elevator and scale the Empire State building in much the same way as their cartoon superhero.

The suit will use a similar principle to the one used by geckos and spiders, which possess millions of tiny hairs on their limbs allowing them to stick to surfaces and hang upside down. These microscopic hairs adhere to surfaces by using the intermolecular phenomena called Van der Waal forces.‘Some researchers were able to measure an adhesion strength 200 times higher than that of a gecko. But there is a large gap between theory and practical applications,’ said Professor Pugno. ‘If we are able to make a surface a little bit stronger, so that the size effect vanishes, we might be able to make a suit with the same adhesion as a gecko.’

Personal Media Viewer

Movies are projected inside a pair of glasses.

Myvu Corporation is a leading supplier of eyewear viewers for the portable electronics industry.

The myvu personal media viewer has the SolidOptex optical technology incorporated inside a unique eyewear frame to form a comfortable, compact design. It’s the ultimate solution for viewing broadcasted and downloaded entertainment on cell phones and portable media players. The myvu viewer takes the output signal from media players such as MP4, DVD and cell phone products and projects a floating image that the user can see around – providing an enjoyable viewing experience for on-the-go lifestyles. Complete with in-ear earbuds for stereo sound, the viewer represents a breakthrough in portable display technology

A sustainable energy system in 2050: Promise or possibility?

By ECN Policy Studies

Energy policy is facing major challenges. Industrial countries are increasingly dependent on imports of oil and gas, and global warming is becoming more of a reality. In order to address these challenges, a sustainable energy system must be developed. This document presents an outline of a sustainable energy situation for Europe in the year 2050. The research institutes ECN and NRG hope that this vision will guide energy research and inspire both businesses and governments.

The authors describe a consistent development path that leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions in Europe to 60% below 1990 levels, and to a signifi cantly reduced level of oil and gas imports. However, in 2050 the energy system will not be completely sustainable. The authors have formulated additional sustainability conditions for the reliable use of nuclear energy, biomass, and CO2 capture & storage in a sustainable energy system. If these conditions are complied with, the overall picture will meet realistic criteria of sustainability. Despite this, continued energy conservation and further development of renewables should be pursued after 2050. In the vision for 2050 presented here, much weight is given to new technologies, new resources and new energy infrastructure. In addition to such innovation, new ways of decision-making and new patterns of behaviour are essential. With respect to technological developments that result in, for instance, affordable solar cells, the deployment of second-generation biofuels and reliable CO2 capture & storage, realistic judgements have been made as to the timing of their commercialisation. The technology policy required to bring about such technological developments is briefly outlined.

Recommended Book

Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage
by Heather Rogers

*Starred Review* America leads the world in garbage, and that is nothing to be proud of. A clear-thinking and peppery writer, Rogers presents a galvanizing expose of how we became the planet’s trash monsters. Americans were ingeniously thrifty until industrialization ushered in consumer culture and the age of disposable goods and built-in obsolescence. But once the public was exhorted to buy stuff whether they needed it or not–and Rogers provides many eye-opening examples of corporate strategies and propaganda–new forms of garbage began to pile up and break down into toxic substances. Rogers details everything that is wrong with today’s wasteful packaging, bogus recycling, and flawed landfills and incinerators. Here, too, is the inside story of the plastic revolution and the irresponsibly wasteful beverage market, the Mafia’s involvement in commercial waste, and the illegal overseas shipping of garbage, especially toxic e-waste–trashed computers and cell phones. Rogers exhibits black-belt precision in her assault on American corporations that succeed in “greenwashing” the public while remaining “hell-bent on ever-expanding production no matter what the ecological toll.” Set this beside Elizabeth Royte’s Garbage Land (2005), and contemplate Rogers’ dictum: garbage “never really goes away.” – Donna Seaman


Five years ago,  Aptera’s founder Steve Fambro endeavored to design and build a passenger vehicle that was safe, comfortable, and more fuel-efficient than anything ever produced. This aspiration, combined with his background in engineering, led him to an intensive study of aerodynamics, and composite aircraft construction. He hypothesized that a low-drag, aerodynamic body shape could be achieved without sacrificing comfort, drivability or safety.

What emerged, after much designing, conceptualizing, and constructing, was a prototype two-seat, three-wheeled vehicle. This first operating prototype achieved a stunning 230 miles per gallon, Building on this success, Steve expanded his Aptera team and created the Aptera Typ-1, which has been re-designed, re-engineered, and refined into a production ready vehicle.

Futurist Portrait: Thomas Frey

Thomas Frey – Senior Futurist, Executive Director of  the DaVinci Institute and well known futurist speaker Thomas Frey

“The greatest value in understanding the future comes from spotting the major cultural, demographic, societal, and economic shifts early and translating them into viable business opportunities,” says Tom.

As the Executive Director and Senior Futurist at the DaVinci Institute, he works closely with his Board of Visionaries to develop original research studies, which enables him to speak on unusual topics, translating trends into unique opportunities.

As part of the celebrity speaking circuit, Tom continually pushes the envelope of understanding, creating fascinating images of the world to come. His keynote talks on futurist topics have captivated people ranging from high level government officials to executives in Fortune 100 companies including NASA, IBM, AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, Lucent Technologies, First Data, Boeing, Capital One, Bell Canada, Visa, Ford Motor Company, Qwest, Allied Signal, Hunter Douglas, Direct TV, International Council of Shopping Centers, National Association of Federal Credit Unions, and many more.

Because of his work inspiring inventors and other revolutionary thinkers, the Boulder Daily Camera has referred to him as the “Father of Invention”. The Denver Post and Seattle Post Intelligence have referred to him as the “Dean of Futurists”.

Before launching the DaVinci Institute, Tom spent 15 years at IBM as an engineer and designer where he received over 270 awards, more than any other IBM engineer. He is also a past member of the Triple Nine Society (High I.Q. society over 99.9 percentile).

Tom has been a columnist for the Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, and Boulder County Business Report, and is the author of the 1998 book “Inventions of Impact”. He currently writes a newsletter entitled “News from the Future” and has written numerous articles on a wide range of futurist topics. He has also been a contributing writer for The Futurist Magazine and is the Editor of  the Impact Lab, an online emerging technology blog which was recently rated by Popular Science Magazine as one of the “top five science blogs in the known universe”.


The Season Events are on Thursdays
Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15
January 31
18:30 – 21:15
  the future of Fashion
Lifestyle & Technology
Location: AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute, Mauritskade 11, 1091 GC Amsterdam
February 28
18:30 – 21:15
  the future of NanoEnergy
Location: Syntens, De Ruyterkade 5, 1013 AA Amsterdam [Building of the Chamber of Commerce]
March 20
18:30 – 21:15
 the future of Ecological Architecture

April 24
18:30 – 21:15
 the future of Money

May 29
18:30 – 21:15
 the future of Children

June 26
18:30 –
 Taste of Diversity – the future of INDIA

Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club

 Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club
Are you interested in networking, sharing visions, ideas about your future, the future of your industry, society, discussing issues, which are relevant for yourself as well as for the ‘global’ community? The future starts now – join our online platform …

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