
Integrating Genomics Technologies into Food Research

THE KEY FACTOR FOR SUCCESS FOOD RESEARCH IN THE NETHERLANDS, A BIRDS-EYE VIEWThe pace of development of new food products and ingredients is increasing at an unprecedented speed and the R&D to eff...

Final report on the the Green Paper

by European Commission “Towards a European strategy for the security of energy supply” The Green Paper on the security of energy supply, adopted by the Commission more than a year ago, ope...

Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality

by EC, Directorate-General for Education and CultureNovember 2001 When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people.”...

Incubating ‘Real Time Learning’

by Tom Bentley, Demos, Matthew Horne, Demos & NCSL Incubating ‘Real Time Learning’: The role and nature of Real Time Learning in Networked Learning Communities AbstractThis paper outlines the conc...

Embracing the Knowledge Society: a Public Sector Challenge

by Unisys EXECUTIVE SUMMARY While millions of people browse the Internet, send mail, and while away time in chat rooms, the Internet still largely a highly complex and often mysterious room for societ...

New Entertainment Media: Transformation the Future of Work

by Institute for the Future August 2003 Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device This report focuses on four new entertainment media: Web logging (blogging), digital music, massively multiplayer online games, an...

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