with Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury & Felix Bopp
“Know Your Rhythm” is a training programme and network that helps participants discover their own sense of Rhythm in life and work, creating ‘conditions’ to experience Aha! Moment, raising well-being, wellness, empathy, teamwork, leadership.
Know Your Rhythm is founded by Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury who is based out of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville, India. Arnab is inspired by Integral Yoga, founded by Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa (The Mother).
Arnab is an Indian composer – trainer – therapist – researcher, 3rd generation from a family of Indian Classical musicians from Senia Maihar Gharana founded by Baba Allaudin Khan, master-teacher to sitar maestro Ravi Shankar.
Arnab’s eclectic music inspires itself from the healing properties of ancient Indian classical music, harmony from Western classical, sound design from electronic music and AI. His therapeutic music has been tested by doctors in clinical settings, healed patients and seekers, choreographed in the form of innovative ballet.

Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury
Composer / Educator / Therapist / Explorer of Consciousness
Puducherry, India
Felix B Bopp
Producer, The Future Now Show
Founder & Publisher, Club of Amsterdam
The Future Now Show
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