
Felix B Bopp
Website statistics for
January 2021 – December 2022:
Visits: 954,000
Visitors: 204,000
Ram Gidoomal: “Over the course of my life, there were some roads I did not choose, some I did. But whether or not we have chosen the path we’re on, we can always choose how we walk it. As for me, I chose to simplify my lifestyle, to find a different road, one which ironically led me to riches of greater worth than I could have imagined.
“A road where the obstacles were many but never insurmountable. A road of compassion that left me with a peaceful heart. A road that led me far and wide but took me right where I belonged. My chosen path, “My silk road”.
Laura Liswood: “Companies are ultimately looking for increased creativity, better ideas, and multiple perspectives, so they will in fact benefit from diversity. However, we will see that achieving this takes much more effort than merely assembling a workplace that looks like Noah’s ark.”
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