the future of Beauty, January 2009

Club of Amsterdam

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AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute
Amsterdam International Fashion Week
Innergy Creations
Instituut voor Media en Informatie Management – HvA

Presentations by

Sabina Huf, Beautydesk, Sanoma Magazines sells

Zoltan Kruppa, Plastic Surgeon, Medea Medisch Esthetisch Instituut of plastic surgery

Francesca Bona Demichelis, Director, Bona Consulting sprl, Belgium to Be

Beauty is an evolutionary concept.

The conference aims to give an overview at the different aspects and interpretation points of what is considered beauty.

  • Demystifying and pinpointing the issues and various perspectives on the concept of beauty.
  • That define and shape contemporary beauty in fields of fashion, cosmetics and wellbeing / fitness-health. Huf, Beautydesk, Sanoma Magazines
Beauty sells

Beauty is a still growing business, today even more due to the financial crisis. A few psychologists examined that. During a crisis people spend more money on cosmetics – they don’t want to look bad. If you look bad you feel bad. Not only lipsticks can make you feel better, magazines are an even greater way to escape reality for a brief moment and make you feel happy again. Deurloo, Photographer
Beauty of being different

Of course there is a lot of beauty out there and every culture has it’s own version of beauty. But I would like to focus on the exceptional beauty. The ones that stand out. The ones that are beautiful without having to follow the rules that should make them beautiful. Kruppa, Plastic Surgeon, Medea Medisch Esthetisch Instituut
Future of plastic surgery

Beauty and youth has been and will always be appreciated. Everlasting beauty is an oximoron – contradiction in terms. We should decide whether we accept this with dignity or we try to do something. But where are the limits if there are any? Should we perform all the surgeries we are capable of? I would say ‘no’, but the practice shows just the opposite. It may seem cynical, but in the quest of eternal youth we seem to pay everything imaginable. What’s extreme here and now, may seem acceptable tomorrow or somewhere else. Bona Demichelis, Director, Bona Consulting sprl, Belgium
Free(d) to Be

There is a new concept of beauty, a new freedom concerning ourselves. Are we ready for the challenge represented by customers more creative and more aware of themselves as a whole?

19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Veenhoff, Programme Director, Amsterdam International Fashion Week, Partner, Fronteer Strategy

Part I: Huf, Beautydesk, Sanoma Magazines
Beauty sells Deurloo, Photographer
Beauty of being different Kruppa, Plastic Surgeon, Medea Medisch Esthetisch Instituut
Future of plastic surgery Bona Demichelis, Director, Bona Consulting sprl, Belgium
Free(d) to Be

20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Open discussion

Sabina Huf
Beautydesk, Sanoma Magazines

After a 4 years study at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, Sabina started her career as a fashion stylist for Elle Magazine. She also worked for Elle Girl, and stood at the cradle of a few more magazines like Red en Shop magazine. In 2003 she started to produce beauty editorials and her love for beauty was born.

For tree years now she’s working for Sanoma Magazines where she was beauty editor for Viva en Celebrity magazine. At the moment she is chief of a pilot called Beautydesk, to find out if it’s possible to serve more titles with editorial pages on Beauty.

Marc Deurloo

Marc Deurloo was born in a small rural town in the northwestern part of the Netherlands and dreamt for a long time of becoming a ninja. After he found out that it was impossible for a young Dutch boy to become a ninja he started to focus on the other thing he was good at, telling stories through photography. He became a photographer. He started studying on the famed Royal Arts Academy in The Hague and decided to quit when he thought he learned enough. After his academic period he started to discover the work that was out there and first focused on portraits. He works with the concept that a portrait is a self-portrait of the photographer with the help of the portrayed. He got lot’s of famous Dutch artists in front of his camera and after having shot portraits of some of the Netherlands best fashion designers they asked him to also do fashion shoots. With the opportunity to show his stories on more pages than the portraits would allow him and thus tell bigger and more complicating stories, he jumped into the fashion scene. Marc gets a lot of his inspiration from the street. While living in Amsterdam he saw how all the different cultures collide and create a new one. Marc wants to combine elements of different worlds and create a new world. His world with his views on life and on how people should live. Marc likes to give either a realistic image which could be shot right around the corner five minutes ago or a strangely colored over the top image of what definitely could not happen in a realistic world. To complete the biography, Marc works for really really really a lot of magazines and does cool work for designers and big companies!

Zoltan Kruppa
Plastic Surgeon, Medea Medisch Esthetisch Instituut

1984-1990 University of Szeged, Hungary, Faculty of Medicine summa cum laude
1994 specialization in general surgery
1999 specialization in plastic surgery
2001 EBOPRAS European exam in plastic surgery, Graz, Austria
1990-1997 Dept of Surgery County Hosp. Salgótarján Hungary
1997-2005 Dept of Head and Neck Surgery and Plastic Surgery, National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary
2000-2005 AURA International Cosmetic Surgery Center, Budapest, Hungary
2005-2008 Medea Medisch Esthtetisch Instituut Amsterdam, Netherlands
2007-2008 Dept of Plastic Surgery, OLVG, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Field of interest:
Breast surgery, breast augmentation, breast reconstruction

Francesca Bona Demichelis
Director, Bona Consulting sprl, Belgium

Over the past seven years she has been focusing on the cosmetic and luxury packaging industries.
Since 2006 she is a member of the Brussels Future Panel of the Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies.
Before moving to Brussels, in 2002, Francesca has lived three years in Zurich, Switzerland, and before that in Turin, Italy, where she was born, raised, and where she completed her studies with a degree in economics and a specialization in international marketing from the Université de Lyon, France. Within her previous experience, she can list working for large advertising agencies as senior account manager as well as for no-profit organisations as marketing and fund raising manager.

James Veenhoff
Programme Director of Amsterdam International Fashion Week
Partner at Fronteer Strategy

Background in Business Administration and Anthropology
Hobbies and interests include music, rugby, boxing, cakes and graphic design.

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