Club of Amsterdam
Global Entrepreneurship Week
The event is part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week
Giuseppe Bruni, IBM Global CEO Study 2008 Program Director, Business Strategy Consultant
CEO Study 2008 Small and Medium Business Point of View
What will The Enterprise of the Future be like? What will your business look like in five years, or even ten? While we don’t have a crystal ball to provide all the answers, The IBM Global CEO Study sheds light on what the future may hold.
Through interviews with 1,130 business and public sector leaders worldwide in 45 countries, the IBM Global CEO Study provides new and compelling perspectives on strategic issues such as global integration, new and changing customer groups, and business model innovation – facing organizations of all sizes.
Annegien Blokpoel, founder and managing director, PerspeXo and author “Maak je bedrijf meer waard”
Increase the value of your company
– Why do 80% of enterprise owners not know what the value of their company is?
– Why do more than 85% of these companies have less than 10 employees?.
There are more than 20 million companies in Europe, and less than 2% have more than 1.000 employees. A major challenge for European SME’s is therefore to overcome the “growth challenges” and their own personal and managerial pitfalls. To overcome – in a well risk managed way – the transformation moments is of key essence for growing on the business life cycle.
In order to find out what the major challenges are, and how they could be overcome, Annegien interviewed 20 entrepreneurs and their advisors/capital providers (accountants, private equity and bankers) in the Netherlands. In her presentation she will share her know how as strategic advisor and apply the outcome of the research to practical ways of dealing with the challenges for SME’s.
Nicolas Hardinghaus, President and CEO, Hansa Real Consultants, C.A.
Does the financial crisis leave us with values?
What could we understand as values of capitalism? Profitability? Pecuniary rewards? Financial independence, even might? Associated to virtues as self determination, valour, bravery, guts?
Are these values suffering alteration in or after the financial markets crisis? Turn to greed and frivoulness?
Which will be the foreseeable consequences: Regulation instead of deregulation, public ownership instead of private ownership, supervision instead of laissez-faire. Rebirth of state intervention.
Consequences for the so called real economy. Don’t make money with money.
Is a return to the former, the “old” system (“ancient regime”) thinkable?
Another Bretton Woods? Another Gold Or Commodities Standard?
After the downfall of the “real existing socialism”, is now the end of capitalism in sight?
Money and Mystery, money and eschatological prophecy. Cool down or the ultimate collapse of world finance system? Outlook.
19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Paul Hughes, Strategic Director and Partner of Lava graphic studios
Coach to the Creative Class
Part I: Giuseppe Bruni, IBM Global CEO Study 2008 Program Director, Business Strategy Consultant
CEO Study 2008 Small and Medium Business Point of View
Annegien Blokpoel, founder and managing director, PerspeXo and author “Maak je bedrijf meer waard”
Increase the value of your company
Nicolas Hardinghaus, President and CEO, Hansa Real Consultants, C.A.
Does the financial crisis leave us with values?
20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.
20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Open discussion
Giuseppe Bruni
IBM Global CEO Study 2008 Program Director, Business Strategy Consultant
Giuseppe has worked for 9 years for IBM, and had a joyride since his very first day.
He worked as developer for the latest pervasive technologies, then developed an IBM worldwide java-based application, then collaborated as IT Architect in the BI group and finally ended his technical career as ERP expert in Retail.
After his MBA at Rotterdam School of Management, he joined the Strategy and Change team and has worked for 3 years as Business Strategist in a variety of engagements across sectors, helping clients re-design their business model and value proposition, prioritize their strategic initiatives, and spot unexplored sources of business value.
He currently directs the CEO Study 2008 program.
Giuseppe lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands with his two adorable sons and his girlfriend.
Annegien Blokpoel
Founder and managing director, PerspeXo and author “Maak je bedrijf meer waard”
Annegien Blokpoel (1966) is founder and managing director of PerspeXo. She has worked in the fields of strategy, investor relations, strategic communications and structured finance at MeesPierson (now Fortis), Fortis Holding, Corporate Express and as a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. She gained through these different positions experience in strategic decision making processes, capital market transactions and implementation of investor relations and communication strategies at (international) stock listed companies and SME’s.
She holds degrees in Economics, Business Economics and Archeology and studied at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Jerusalem. Since 2007 she uses amongst other intervention techniques the method of result oriented coaching.
Annegien lectures on risk management, economic capital, asset management and positioning & branding at enterprises, business schools and financial institutions. She acts on a regular basis as moderator and speaker at international conferences.
Formerly she was board member NEVIR, board member and corporate secretary NCVB, audit committtee member ABN AMRO Pension Fund and Treasurer of the IIRF. Annegien is currently Counsel to the NEVIR (Dutch Investor Relations Society) and since 2003 executive board member of the IIRF (International Investor Relations Federation).
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Herbert Hardinghaus
President and CEO, Hansa Real Consultants, C.A.
Advice and support to business, especially independent companies when building up equity, plan company growth, work out equity – and capital market strategies, take-overs and other company acquisitions, major investments and desinvestments, spinnoffs, buy outs, and in general all kinds of participation, inside or outside stock exchange. Works through the Hansa Real Consultants, C.A. office in Zurich, range Europe-wide and beyond this.
Professor of International Finance, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas.
Until 1984
– Business lawyer, fiscal advisor; founder and senior partner of major
internationally active companies of tax counsellors and public chartered accountants
in the cities of Wiesbaden and Munich
– Advisor and representative of the Prime Minister of the State of Hesse in international
banking matters of the state and of the state bank of Hesse
– Author of books and articles concerning issues of economy and consumer relevance
1984 until 1988
– 1985 Universidad Autónoma de México, Facultad de Economía, Mexico City.
Catedrático (full professor)
– Guest lectures in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Costa Rica,
El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala.
Since 1988
– Professor of International Finance
– Institute for International Business Administration IESA, Master
and Management programs
– Central University of Venezuela UCV, Caracas
– CENDES Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo, Caracas, doctorate´s program
– Work shops for business founders and start ups
– Advisor to Venezuelan oil industry (Petroleos de Venezuela PdVSA) Caracas
– Radio – and Television interviews and features as well as publications
concerning issues of International Finance and the global financial order
Since 2000
– Relocation of centre of activity to Spain and Switzerland. Business consultancy
through Hansa Real Consultants, C.A.
– Chairman of the board of various companies domiciled in the US,
Switzerland, Germany
German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Latin and Greek
Paul Hughes
Strategic Director and Partner of Lava graphic studios
Coach to the Creative Class
Paul Hughes left the rolling green hills of his native Ireland, shortly after completing his studies in Visual Communication, and arrived in the distinctive flat planes of the Netherlands, where he has worked in the creative industries for over 12 years.
Currently, he is based in Amsterdam where he is a strategic director and partner of Lava graphic studios and since 2005 he has consulted with Design Machine in New York.
There is an emerging group of people who have become a key driving force in economic development that Richard Florida calls the Creative Class. These people face new challenges, have new responsibilities, and require a skill of life-long learning. Hughes is an active coach to people who interact with, or act within, this Creative Class on an individual and team level. Coaching is always tailored to the needs of a client and training is always offered on an organizational specific request. Hughes has offered trainings within a wide spectrum of organizations, including the real estate industry, the academic sector, the financial industry, and the design industry.
Additionally Hughes is a trainer on the subject of Unpacking the Creative Process. Creative processes need not be haphazard or questionable procedures; rather, creativity can become deliberate and effective procedures. This deliberate approach to creativity and innovation is captured in what he calls Design Thinking.
Hughes has additionally held trainings at a variety of institutes in Europe and worldwide, including: School of Visual Arts New York, Parsons School of Design New York, New York University, The Fashion Institute of New York, University of Arts Vilnius (Lithuania), The National College of Art and Design Dublin (Ireland), Hojer College of Visual Communication (Denmark), Bergen National Academy of the Arts (Norway), University of Science & Technology Islamabad (Pakistan), Kyoorius DesignYatra Goa, (India), Hallo Academy Amsterdam, Willem De Kooning Academy Rotterdam, and Eindhoven Design Academy.
Many institutes have also called upon his knowledge as a jury member including: Yale University (USA) academic evaluations, Print magazine interactive annual (USA), and Vilnius European Capital of Culture 2009 identity consultation (Lithuania).
Additionally Hughes has been called upon as a moderator for a variety of events including: the Alliance Graphique Internationale 2007 event (, a variety of events in Amsterdam for Creating Brands, Brand Genetics, and the Design Management Network, and recently an international design event in Goa, India, DesignYatra (
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