Club of Amsterdam
Part I
Meet with ‘Thought Leaders’ – they will visit each breakfast table and spend time to present her/his ideas and projects and will be available to answer your questions.
Entertainment, content, advertising, video, wireless, media rights, news, movies, TV, games, blogging, SMS … Meet the Experts!
The ‘Thought Leaders’ are
Madanmohan Rao, Consultant and prolific writer from Bangalore, Research Director, Asian Media Information and Communication centre (AMIC), Singapore.
Sylvia Paull, Founder, Berkeley Cybersalon (United States)
Igor van Gemert, Founder & CEO, Innergy Creations BV
Gabriele Gresta, Deputy Chairman, Digital Magics Group (Italy)
Mary Hodder, CEO, Dabble (United States)
Jonathan Marks, Director, Critical Distance BV
Part II
Presentation of the “ICCT institute of creation, content & technology” by
Arnold Smeulders, Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam (ISLA)
Simon Jones, Director, Human-Computer Studies Laboratory, University of Amsterdam
Where manufacturing of goods has become a low-cost activity, value is in entertainment, information & content: news, movies, TV, games, blogging, SMS, MMS and tourism. In this economic arena, The Netherlands has a great chance of success as we have a long tradition of creativity, entertainment, cultural heritage, and social interaction. The creative sector accounts for around 10% of the EU’s economy and in larger cities such as Amsterdam combined with ICT as much as 25%.
The Institute for Creation, Content & Technology is an initiative of the University of Amsterdam and the Waag Society. It is going to develop the skills, tools and prototypes ready for this world’s market.
Madanmohan Rao
Consultant and prolific writer from Bangalore, Research Director, Asian Media Information and Communication centre (AMIC), Singapore.
Dr Rao has edited three book series: “The Asia Pacific Internet Handbook”, “The Knowledge Management Chronicles” and “AfricaDotEdu” (McGraw Hill). He is also editor-at-large of and contributor to the Poynter Institute blog on new media trends. Madan was on the international editorial board of the recently published book, “Transforming e-Knowledge” and “Asia Unplugged”. Madan has been the communications director at the United Nations Inter Press Service bureau in New York, and vice president at IndiaWorld Communications in Bombay. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst USA, with an M.S. in computer science and a Ph.D. in communications. He is currently the director of the InfoComm Observatory at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. Madan is a frequent speaker at international conferences, having given talks and lectures in over 60 countries around the world. He has worked with online services in the U.S., Brazil, and India. His articles have appeared in, The Economic Times, Electronic Markets magazine, Economic and Political Weekly, and the Bangkok Post.
Sylvia Paull
Founder, Berkeley Cybersalon (United States)
Who is Sylvia?
It depends on the context.
For work that’s also play, she develops strategies for creating awareness of new technologies, people, companies, publications, organizations and events ( She’s had the good fortune of working with the founders of CNET, Wired magazine, Marimba, and Ask Jeeves when their companies were nascent or still on life support.
She founded Gracenet, a networking group for women in high tech with chapters in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and is also on the advisory board of BlogHer. For several years, Gracenet’s DisGraceful Award in Advertising – given to the most sexist ad in high tech media — made the news itself and encouraged companies like IBM and InfoUSA to withdraw ads depicting women as inferior beings (not only to men, but to aliens as well!).
She organizes events that bring people together and are intended to generate ideas, sometimes even disruptive ones. The Cybersalons ( focus on the impact of technology on all aspects of our personal and social gestalts, and have been taking place regularly since 1994. The Last Friday Ladies Lunch ( seems to have become a magnet for a randomly generated and open group of amazing women who share their yearnings as well as disillusions over lunch in Berkeley on the last Friday of the month.
She’s also served on the board of the Grizzly Peak Cyclists and encourages everyone to take up cycling or at least not run over a cyclist.
Igor van Gemert
Founder & CEO, Innergy Creations BV
Innergy Creations developes new Internet & Multimedia driven products and services. Innergy Creations initiates & implements innovative business cases. We believe that business innovation is all about balance. Balance of vision, ideas, creativity, business, marketing, technology and the management of it.
Gabriele Gresta
Deputy Chairman, Digital Magics Group (Italy)
Gabriele Gresta is the executive vice-chairman of Digital Magics Group. He started his work career on software development as a young boy. He enriched his curriculum vitae by studying and working in the UK, USA and Australia. He then focused on the world of ‘infotainment’. In 1995, he founded Bibop Research International, a cross-media agency dealing with the realisation of communication projects and events for new media. In 2003, Bibop Research International began creating and managing online communities, giving life to the first interactive web-TV in Italy.
In 2004, together with Enrico Gasperini and Gabriele Ronchini, he launched a new company: Digital Magics. With Digital Magics, he started dealing with the innovative market of digital content. He is also a partner of Bibop TV, the group’s television company, which focuses on the production of interactive and participatory IPTV formats.
Mary Hodder
CEO, Dabble (United States)
Mary Hodder is the CEO of Dabble, a recently launched company that aims to be ‘the most comprehensive search and remix community on the planet’ by assisting users to organise, search, tag, describe, promote, and remix video. She is an information architect and interaction designer specialising in social media sites. She works with companies in open source, photo sharing and blog aggregation, worked for Technorati, and recently completed a survey of the current state of research and development in academia in the area of new media for the American Press Institute. She is a blogger at Napsterization ( and an original author at bIPlog – the first UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism blog, which covers intellectual property, security and privacy issues.
Jonathan Marks
Director, Critical Distance BV
Jonathan Marks describes himself as a sort of media anthropologist, currently studying the impact of digital technology on traditional broadcasting. In his commercial activities, he guides companies through the maze of communications possibilities currently facing them, helping them to develop a cross-media strategy. He also produces and is currently working on documentaries using HD technology. You’ll also find Jonathan at conferences on disaster communication – as a founding member of “Broadcasters Without Borders” he is working on schemes to help radio stations affected by natural disasters. A father of three, he learns a lot about the future by watching his kids!.
Arnold Smeulders
Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam (ISLA)
I received an M.Sc from the Technical University of Delft in physics in 1977, and in 1983, a PhD from the medical faculty of Leiden University on the topic of visual pattern analysis. Subsequently, I was associated professor in medical image analysis at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 1989, I moved to the University of Amsterdam to become associate professor of computer science and full professor in biological image processing. Since 1994, I am full professor in multimedia information analysis at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam.
Currently, I lead the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam. ISLA is composed of three groups. The IAS group researches intelligent autonomous systems and the ILPS group investigates information and language processing. The Intelligent Sensory Information Systems group, ISIS, conducts research in the theory, practice, and implementation of multimedia information analysis. In this group, my scientific interest is in computer vision, content-based image and video retrieval, tracking, learning, and pictures and language. ISIS has an extensive record in co-operations with Dutch industry and long-term relations with the Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid and the Nederlands Forensisch Instituut. Since 2001, I am director of MultimediaN, a nation-wide, large program for multimedia information processing supported by the Dutch government. I am currently also director of ASCI, a nation-wide research school on computing and imaging. I am an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision and of the IEEE transactions on multimedia. Since 2000, I am elected fellow of International Association of Pattern Recognition, and I am a honorary member of the Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing.
As concerns the past, in 1987, I received a Fulbright grant for a visiting associate professorship at Yale University. I was visiting professor at the City University Hong Kong and ETL Tsukuba Japan. I was associated editor of the IEEE transactions PAMI as well as Cytometry. I served as the treasurer of the Faculty in 1996-1997, director of the institute 1997-2001, and as a director of educational programs 2001-2004. In 2005, I was chairman of the organizing committee of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2005 in Amsterdam.
Simon Jones
Director, Human-Computer Studies Laboratory, University of Amsterdam
Simon Jones has been the Managing Director of the M.I.T. Media Lab Europe. With 20 years of success in generating and deploying innovative R&D, Simon is a significant figure in the European Technology Landscape. His technical expertise, vision, experience, contacts and team-building skills marks him out as one of the few individuals able to drive innovative research teams in an international context.
In the mid-1980’s Simon was one of the first to emerge from UK universities with research skills in Microelectronics Systems Design. Five years after his PhD he was awarded a full Professorship at the UK’s largest Engineering Research Institution – Loughborough University, where he held the ARM/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Embedded Microelectronic Systems. He was also awarded at the age of 31 the British Association for the Advancement of Science ‘Brunel Prize’ awarded to ‘an outstanding academic in engineering under the age of 40’. Simon is a fluent German speaker with a degree-level qualification in German Language and Business. He was awarded in 1998 ‘The Siemens/German Research Ministry Research Chair’ at the Technical University of Dresden working that year with Siemens to advance new computer systems for the consumer electronic market and he continues to be well connected with European industry.
A period as Dean of Engineering and Design at the University of Bath, one of the top 5 universities in the UK, gave him valuable experience in the leadership of complex organisations.
Bob Stumpel
Result Strategy, Cellspace, OpenBC, Ideabroker, LBI, GetMobile, TCS, Mendix, FON
(in business since 1978)
Bob started his career as a copywriter and concept maker, later developing into a business strategist and consultant. He built two advertising agency groups in The Netherlands, developing both to a level of ‘biggest independent agency in the Benelux’, and then merging them into international agency networks. He is a long time pioneer in helping marketers to use or integrate new technologies, new media and new channels to enhance or revive more traditional marketing and communication routines.
Bob is a co-founder and board member of Result, an international growth consultancy, and a co-founder and managing partner at Cellspace, a radical marketing communications agency. Bob works or worked for clients like Nivea, Kimberly Clark, Courvoisier, Balantine’s, Mazda, Toyota, Lexus, Lotus, Robeco, Rodamco, Cisco, LogicaCMG, Microsoft, KPN, Sonera, Mindport, Irdeto, Compuserve, Sony, Philips, Cannon Films, Cannon Movie Theaters, UIP, Universal, Sony Music & Entertainment, VNU, Sanoma, RTL, several governemental bodies, and many NGO’s.
He’s a co-founder and board member of DDMA, the Dutch DMA. He recently launched Cellspace, his third marcom agency adventure. As an international account co-ordinator he is presently responsible for the roll-out of the successful social software provider Open Business Club ( in 6 countries, taking the role of country manager for OpenBC in The Netherlands.
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