Water & Africa & about Collective Intelligence

The Future Now Show April 2015

about Water & Africa
a contribution for COP21 Paris
UN Climate Change Conference

James M Dorsey, Singapore
Katie Aquino, aka “Miss Metaverse”, Futurista™, USA
Paul Holister, Editor, Summary Text

Clean water, like oil, is a critical resource over which wars are fought. But, unlike oil, it can be recycled and used again, under the right circumstances (and there’s the rub). This important distinction is often forgotten.
The African continent ‘boasts’ the highest percentage of any global population without access to clean water. What does the future look like for this population, short-term and long-term (think climate change) in terms of access to water when the situation is already dire in so many parts of the continent and the status quo seems never to change? But maybe it is changing – economic growth is at least being seen and the US and China are focussing ever more attention there. Time to get out the divining rods…

about Collective Intelligence

Jerome C. Glenn, Co-founder, Director, The Millennium Project
Katie Aquino, aka “Miss Metaverse”, Futurista™, USA
Paul Holister, Editor, Summary Text

Many believe that humanity is facing unparalleled crises, relating to resources, population, climate change, energy, environmental destruction, increasing inequality, proliferating weapons and more. We ape-men aren’t even remotely rising to the challenges.
Meanwhile, accelerating technological development brings threats, benefits and, of interest here, new reasoning capabilities.
In this show Jerome C. Glenn presents the idea of better understanding and responding to the above challenges with ‘collective intelligence’, a sort of global fusion of minds, data, and systems (part of The Millennium Project). Intriguing – a hive of bees exhibits intelligence beyond that of a single member. Can we do something similar with people plus software plus the Internet? (No, we aren’t talking hive-minds. Yet.)
Let’s hope so – we need something to counteract the collective stupidity that our current global society exhibits.

The Future Now Show
April 2015

Katie Aquino, aka “Miss Metaverse”, Futurista™, USA

Thought Leader
James M Dorsey, Singapore
Jerome C. Glenn, Co-founder, Director, The Millennium Project

Intro voices
Ferananda Ibarra, VillageLab, Mexico
Mathijs van Zutphen
, the Netherlands

Paul Holister, Editor, Summary Text

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