Club of Amsterdam Journal, July/August 2024, Issue 266 HomeJournals ArchiveJournals – Main TopicsClimate Change Success StoriesThe Future Now Shows Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactDo...
with Jake Aaron, Jenni Nexus, Katie Schultz (Miss Metaverse™) & Mario de Vries The Future Now Show hosts a webcast discussing the metaverse, AI, and their potential impact on society. The panelist...
CONTENT Lead ArticleWhat is the metaverse? 2 media and information experts explainby Rabindra Ratan, Michigan State University and Yiming Lei, Michigan State University Article 01Bitcoin City The Futu...
CONTENT Lead Article Our Seafood Technology FutureBy Tony Hunter Article 01A Why strive for a Used Future? Equality vs Equal OpportunityBy Leif Thomas Olsen The Future Now Show Aquaponicswith Saro Van...