CONTENT Lead Article Understanding others’ feelings: what is empathy and why do we need it?by Pascal Molenberghs, Monash University Article 01TikTok, a new learning platform?by Peter van Gorsel The Fu...
Club of Amsterdam pdf version Supporters Hogeschool van Amsterdam “Mankind”, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche observed, “does not strive for happiness; only the Englishman do...
Content When happiness happens Next Event FUTUREForest Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Urbee Hybrid – the first car to have entire body 3D printed Recommended book The National Foun...
Content Powering Europe:wind energy and the electricity grid Next Event Hatsune Miku – pop star as a 3-D hologram February 4: Visiting CERN Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Tokyo Gra...
Content Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban MobilityNext Event: the future of Urban Mobility Freedom ShipCar researchClub of Amsterdam blogNews about the FutureRecommended Book: Happy City:...