Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2024, Issue 264 HomeJournals ArchiveJournals – Main TopicsClimate Change Success StoriesThe Future Now Shows Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactDonateSubs...
Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2023, Issue 259 HomeJournals ArchiveJournals – Main TopicsClimate Change Success StoriesThe Future Now Shows mobile versions and tablets are not supported CONTENT L...
CONTENT Lead Article Are European welfare systems accessible to foreigners?by Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila, Université de Liège Article 01Why Diversity Matters | Katherine Phillipsby T...
Aiming to encourage those who are struggling to move forward in life, Ram Gidoomal shares stories that demonstrate the difference made by a can–do attitude, by a spirit of generosity and by prioritizi...
CONTENT Lead Article Our Seafood Technology FutureBy Tony Hunter Article 01A Why strive for a Used Future? Equality vs Equal OpportunityBy Leif Thomas Olsen The Future Now Show Aquaponicswith Saro Van...
Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2021, Issue 233 CONTENT Lead Article For the EU’s ‘Green Deal’ to succeed, economic theory must take into account qualitative growthBy Sergio Focardi,...
CONTENT Lead Article First Out, Last Back: The Economic Impact of the COVID Crisis on New Yorkers With Disabilities By Melissa Lent, Eli Dvorkin, and Laird Gallagher Article 01The 2030 Agenda for Sus...
Roland Schatz recounts how early insights into shortcomings of financial reporting practices, motivated his work at the UN and the UNGSII foundation, being first Senior Advisor to Michael Moller, Dire...
James M. DorseyIndependent geopolitical analystSingapore James M. Dorsey puts the current development of relations with China into context. China is becoming an economic, military and technological su...