The Future Now Show

Aquaponics with Saro Van Cleynenbreugel – The Future Now Show

What is aquaponics and how can we use it as a tool for food production. This is a short introduction to aquaponics, to get your imagination going. CreditsSaro Van CleynenbreugelFreelance at Zone5the N...

Crypto Economy – The Future Now Show

Aftershocks and Opportunities – The Rise of the Crypto Economy with Rohit Talwar, Kapil Gupta, Mario de VriesIn this fast-paced session, Rohit Talwar and Kapil Gupta will share key insights from...

Global Food with Tony Hunter – The Future Now Show

Global Food with Tony Hunter Ensuring food companies can cope with exponentially changing food technologies to survive, profit and gain a competitive a...

Circular Economy with Giulia Viero, Ricardo Weigend, Patrick Crehan – The Future Now Show

The Circular Economy is conceived by many as paramount to decouple economic growth from environmental impacts and resource depletion. Implementing this economic paradigm in the private sector is chall...

Violence with Mandar Apte – The Future Now Show

Mandar is the Founder & Executive Director of Cities4Peace – a not-for-profit initiative that actively promotes peace in cities worldwide. The flagship program was held in Los Angeles, where...

Regenerative Thinking with Claudia Rodriguez Ortiz – The Future Now Show

There’s a buzz around the term “sustainability”, but what does it really mean and what is the type of thinking that is required to make a fundamental shift outside the existing paradigm? What kind of ...

SDGs and the UNGSII on reporting what matters with Roland Schatz and Patrick Crehan

Roland Schatz recounts how early insights into shortcomings of financial reporting practices, motivated his work at the UN and the UNGSII foundation, being first Senior Advisor to Michael Moller, Dire...

China, the US and Europe with James M. Dorsey – The Future Now Show

James M. DorseyIndependent geopolitical analystSingapore James M. Dorsey puts the current development of relations with China into context. China is becoming an economic, military and technological su...

The Shows – The Future Now Show

The Future Now Show New Show The Shows Dialog & Networking The Team June 2021 Regenerative Thinking with Claudia Rodriguez Ortiz May 2021 SDGs and the UNGSII on reporting what matters with Roland ...