The Future Now Show

Know Your Rhythm – The Future Now Show

with Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury & Felix Bopp “Know Your Rhythm” is a training programme and network that helps participants discover their own sense of Rhythm in life and work, creating &#...

Energy Diplomacies – The Future Now Show

with Adriaan Kamp & Patrick Crehan “The meeting covers Adriaan Kamp’s journey from the oil industry to advocating for sustainable energy solutions, highlighting the need for a transfor...

New Forms of Governance – The Future Now Show

With Rob van Kranenburg & Reto Brosi “Rob van Kranenburg & Reto Brosi talk about the evolution of data gathering and management systems, the challenges of technological advancement and g...

Crypto Currencies – Quo vadis? – The Future Now Show

with Peter Maissen, Rohit Talwar, Chris Skinner, Hardy Schloer & Mario de Vries ” The meeting is about the future of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, with a focus on their potenti...

AI Collaboration in Creative Workflow – The Future Now Show

with Kris Krüg & Katie (Miss Metaverse®) Schultz “Kris, a tech artist and cyberpunk antihero, views AI as a collaborator and assistant in his creative work, especially in photography and dig...

Collective Wisdom and AI  – The Future Now Show

with George Pór & Reto Brosi “George and Reto discuss the concept of wisdom, with George emphasizing its relational and contextual nature. George also highlighted that wisdom aims for positi...

Redefining Indigenous Roles – The Future Now Show

Redefining Indigenous Rolesin Climate Actionwith Nkwi Flores & Reto Brosi Nkwi and Reto discuss the effects of industrialization on non-industrialized societies, particularly in developing countri...

Building The Metaverse – The Future Now Show

with Jake Aaron, Jenni Nexus, Katie Schultz (Miss Metaverse™) & Mario de Vries The Future Now Show hosts a webcast discussing the metaverse, AI, and their potential impact on society. The panelist...

Impact Investment Challenges – The Future Now Show

with Robert Rubinstein & Mario de Vries Robert Rubinstein and Mario de Vries discuss the world of impact investment and its challenges. Robert emphasizes that sustainable investing does not have t...