
the future of Culture & Religion, June 2004

pdf version   SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers TO BE AND NOT TO BEAbout religion and God in a secularised society We live in a paradoxical world. Numerous religions and cultures provide people a s...

the future of Architecture – Architecture, a new kind of Science? / May 2004

Club of Amsterdam pdf version     SupportersPricewaterhouseCoopersSurprising Switzerland Architecture and scientific research are assimilating into a new architecture. Methods such as generative and e...

the future of Healthcare & Technology – “the patient empowered”, April 2004

Club of Amsterdam pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers For the quality of a person’s life good health ranks very high in priority. Good healthcare to cure health problems and care for tho...

the future of Robotics, June 2005

Club of Amsterdam pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers “A few hundred kilometres above us, outside the thin layer of gas we call atmosphere, lies a hostile environment we commonly refer t...

the future of Branding, April 2005

Club of Amsterdam pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers Branding as we know it is a thing of the past. If you put on the right glasses, you will notice a paradigm shift: – no more higher v...

the future of Water, March 2005

Club of Amsterdam pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers Water as a commons, water management as a public cause As water is vital for life and shapes economic development, water has always been a...

the future of the Service Industry, February 2005

Club of Amsterdam Services – a future in The Netherlands? pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers The future of trade and services Ever since the 17th century, known as its Golden Age, the N...

the future of Taxes

Content Program Tickets Supporters Bios Location Ressources Contact the future of Taxes Thursday, May 31, 2012Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15 Tickets Location: &...

the future of Germany

Content Program Tickets Supporters Bios Location Ressources Contact the future of Germany Thursday, April 26, 2012Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15 Tickets Location:&nb...