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Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2010, Issue 132

Content When happiness happens Next Event FUTUREForest Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Urbee Hybrid – the first car to have entire body 3D printed Recommended book The National Foundation for the Promotion of Happiness Webcast – the future of Hacking Futurist Portrait: David Houle Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. “Mankind”, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche observed, “does not strive for happiness; only the Englishman does that.” Yet, famously enshrined in the US constitution, the pursuit of happiness has conquered the world as a constant obligation: be happy now!The ancient Greek sought “eudaimonia”, happiness, as the highest desirable good and the object of virtue. Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher and reformer, later turned utility, or “Greatest Happiness”, into the basis or definition of virtue and made it useful as an organizing principle for society. Advances in neuroscience, the empirical investigation of subjective well-being and quality-of-life studies have brought an evidence based understanding on what makes us happy. Once we have escaped from abject poverty, more wealth does not make us feel happier, yet the relative status it provides adds to our individual satisfaction. The reproductive advantage endowed by ambition and status ensures we always want twice as much as we have. This keeps our economy turning and suggests that we are destined to consume whatever there is without ever getting any happier. No future for happiness, then? Some believe that happiness cannot only be measured but also taught, and that societies and economies, even a future, can be built on the idea that the opportunity to feel happy is truly valuable.– What makes us happy? (Human nature, the individual perspective)– What contributes to our common happiness? (The effect of society)– How can there be most happiness? (The future of happiness) Join us at the event about the future of Happiness – 25 November! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief When happiness happens Nic Marks is a speaker at our next event about the future of Happiness Dalai Lama: “Compassion: The Source of Happiness Next Event the future of HappinessThursday, November 25, 2010Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15 Location: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam Introduction by our ModeratorMichael MünkerMichael briefly introduces Tim Mulgan, Professor of Moral & Political Philosophy, Princeton / St.Andrews (in absence)Utilitarianism for a broken future. Ruut Veenhoven, Emeritus-professor of ‘social conditions for human happiness’, Erasmus University RotterdamGreater happiness for a greater numberIs that possible? Nic Marks, Centre for Well-being, New Economics Foundation, LondonThe Happy Planet FUTUREforest What is FUTUREforest?A partnership of regions sharing ideas on how the forests of Europe could adapt to climate change using innovative natural solutions, contribute towards carbon sequestration and reduce risks caused by climate change such as flooding, drought, fire and soil erosion. In particular it looks at:• Adaptation of forests to maintain their resilience• How forests can help society adapt to the impacts of climate change• How trees and timber can do more than just lock away carbon Partner regionsEach of the seven partners is responsible for looking at the challenges to be faced:• Auvergne, France – biodiversity• Brandenburg, Germany – knowledge transfer• Bulgaria – soil protection• Catalonia – natural risks• Latvia – timber production• Slovakia – carbon sequestration• Wales – water management Why forests?Trees and woodlands deliver multiple economic, environmental and social benefits including – timber and non-timber products, biodiversity, local climate regulation, soil protection, water management and a healthy environment. How does the project work?In three phases FUTUREforest aims to identify the threats, weaknesses and strengths of Europe’s forest as they face up to climate change; developing best management techniques to guide policy makers and stakeholders. Seeing is believing – study visits to see examples of practice guidelines and then promoting new best practice across the project regions. Developing together – workshops on transferable good practice guides, policy recommendations, strategic guidelines, forest programmes and policy tools. Transfer to policy – the exchange of experiences, transfer of policy and good practice guides, between the regions, European public authorities and key stakeholders. Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog October 6: The GirlOctober 6: LifeOctober 6: The BirdOctober 6: Deep DivingOctober 6: ShadowsOctober 6: DarknessOctober 6: An ExecutionJune 16: LeadershipMay 14: Sustainable Technologies for the Next DecadeMay 10: What is the future of natural gas in Europe?April 8: The Dawn of the Intelligent Planet News about the Future 14,000 known uses for saltThere is much to learn about salt. Salt, sodium chloride, touches our lives more than any other chemical compound. The chemical properties and physical properties of sodium chloride are a treasure to mankind. Salt or salt-derived products are ubiquitous in our material world and the very cells of our bodies swim in a saline solution. We take for granted the salt crystals that make our foods safe and palatable and we give thanks for salt’s lifesaving properties when applied to slick winter roads. Most are unaware of the 14,000 known uses for salt, how it’s produced and our success in ensuring the environmental compatibility as it provides the foundation for the quality of our lives. Salt Institute is the world’s foremost source of authoritative information about salt (sodium chloride). Global Aging 2010: An Irreversible Trutha report by Standard & Poor No other force is likely to shape the future of national economic health, public finances, and policymaking as the irreversible rate at which the world’s population is aging. The problem has been long observed and is well understood: U.N. figures show the proportion of the world’s population aged over 65 is set to more than double by 2050, to 16.2% from 7.6% currently. By the middle of the century, about 1 billion over 65s will join the ranks of those classed as of non-working age. Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services believes that the cost of caring for these people will profoundly affect growth prospects and dominate public finance policy debates worldwide. Urbee Hybrid – the first car to have entire body 3D printed . Stratasys and Kor Ecologic are creating one of the world’s most fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. Code-named, Urbee, it is the first car ever to have its entire body 3D printed by additive manufacturing processes. The electric / liquid-fuel hybrid reaches more than 200 mpg, highway and 100 mpg, city in U.S. gallons with either gasoline or ethanol (250 mpg highway /125 mpg city, Imperial gallons). The car is charged overnight for just pennies from any standard home electrical outlet. Alternately, it can be charged by renewable energy from a windmill or a solar-panel array small enough to fit on top a single-car garage. For combined city and highway use, the Urbee gets about 150 mpg and costs only 2 cents per mile. This is only about 10 percent of the fuel consumed by a typical SUV. And on the highway, it costs about 1 cent per mile, or 95 percent less than that same SUV. “Other hybrids on the road today were developed by applying ‘green’ standards to traditional vehicle formats, says Jim Kor, president and chief technology officer, Kor Ecologic. “Urbee was designed with environmentally sustainable principles dictating every step of its design. “Urbee is the only practical car we’re aware of that can run solely on renewable energy,” says Kor. “Our goal in designing it was to be as ‘green’ as possible throughout the design and manufacturing processes. FDM technology from Stratasys has been central to meeting that objective. FDM lets us eliminate tooling, machining, and handwork, and it brings incredible efficiency when a design change is needed. If you can get to a pilot run without any tooling, you have advantages.” Urbee is the first prototype car ever to have its entire body 3D printed with an additive process. All exterior components – including the glass panel prototypes – were created using Dimension 3D Printers and Fortus 3D Production Systems at Stratasys’ digital manufacturing service – RedEye on Demand. Recommended Book Stumbling on Happinessby Daniel Gilbert Gilbert’s central thesis is that, through perception and cognitive biases, people imagine the future poorly, in particular what will make them happy. He argues that imagination fails in three ways Imagination tends to add and remove details, but people do not realize that key details may be fabricated or missing from the imagined scenario. Imagined futures (and pasts) are more like the present than they actually will be (or were). Imagination fails to realize that things will feel differently once they actually happen — most notably, the psychological immune system will make bad things feel not so bad as they are imagined to feel. The advice Gilbert offers is to use other people’s experiences to predict the future, instead of imagining it. It is surprising how similar people are in much of their experiences, he says. He does not expect too many people to heed this advice, as our culture, accompanied by various thinking tendencies, is against this method of decision making. Also, Gilbert covers the topic of ‘filling in’ or the frequent use of patterns, by the mind, to connect events which we do actually recall with other events we expect or anticipate fit into the expected experience. This ‘filling in’ is also used by our eyes and optic nerves to remove our blind spot or scotoma, and instead substitute what our mind expects to be present in the blind spot. The book is written accessibly for the layperson, generally avoiding abstruse terminology and explaining common quirks of reasoning through the simple experiments that exploited them. The National Foundation for the Promotion of Happiness The National Foundation for the Promotion of Happiness (abbreviated “the Happiness”) is a multicultural, not-for-profit network of artists, play writers, actors, musicians and volunteers who invest in children and teenagers in asylum-seeking centres. The Happiness organises creative activities on a regular basis in 30 asylum-seeking centres in the Netherlands. Creativity provides space. Art challenges, but doesn’t force. For children and teenagers it is of great importance to be able to demonstrate during their development who they are and who they can be. This can be done through music, sculpture, theatre, play and game, in brief, during creative activities. Our target group was, and still is a blind spot for public and private institutions both in terms of refugee-policies and in terms of working for asylum-seekers or children and teenagers. While the children and teenagers of the Happiness are mentioned in the International Covenant for the Rights of Children, they do not ‘fit’ into any mandate of the Dutch government. The Happiness has a unique role through the diversity of its flexible regional network; a large amount of the projects are executed by employees with a refugee background. The Happiness is an independent organisation supported by individuals and private funding. Please support this initiative Donate Webcast – the future of Hacking the future of HackingThursday, October 14, 2010View the webcastPart 1Part 2 Futurist Portrait: David Houle David Houle & Associates provides future oriented strategic consulting at the highest level to clients. David Houle is a futurist, strategist and keynote speaker. He has always been slightly ahead the curve. Houle is consistently ranked as one of the top futurists and futurist keynote speakers on the major search engines. He has keynoted numerous conferences both across the country and internationally. He is regularly invited to speak and corporate management retreats. He recently won a Speaker of the Year award from Vistage International, the leading organizations of CEOs in the world. He is often called the “CEOs futurist” having spoken to or advised 1200+ CEOs and business owners in the past three years. Houle spent more than 20 years in media and entertainment. He has worked at NBC, CBS and was part of the senior executive team that launched MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1 and CNN Headline News. He helped to create television series on A&E for his client Bill Kurtis, “Investigative Reports’ and “American Justice”, introducing single subject documentaries and legal programming to prime time before those programming concepts became common place. Both series were award winning and ran for more than ten years. Houle has won a number of awards. He won two Emmys as Co-Executive Producer for a nationally syndicated kids program, “Energy Express”. He won the prestigious George Foster Peabody award and the Heartland award for “Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream” and was nominated for an Academy Award. He writes the highly regarded futurist blog with the tag line “A Future Look At Today”. For those of you on Twitter his user name is evolutionshift which is also the name of his YouTube channel. He publishes a free monthly newsletter and the highly acclaimed semi-annual Shift Age Trend Report. Both are available at He has been speaking about the future for a number of years and his first book “The Shift Age” was published in 2008. He is currently working on two new books. Seven Key Issues America Must Face to Remain a Great Nation Agenda Season Program 2010/2011 November 25, 201018:30-21:15   the future of HappinessLocation: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam January 20, 201118:30-21:15   the future of Financial Infrastructure February 17, 201118:30-21:15    the future of Services March 17, 201118:30-21:15    the future of Shell April 14, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Human Mind May 19, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Singularity June 23, 201118:30-21:15   the future of European Democracy

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2010, Issue 133

Content Powering Europe:wind energy and the electricity grid Next Event Hatsune Miku – pop star as a 3-D hologram February 4: Visiting CERN Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Tokyo Graffiti Bar Recommended book Learning Robots Webcast – the future of Happiness Futurist Portrait: Don Tapscot Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. Happy Holidays and a rich 2011!…. and join us next year at the event about the future of Financial Infrastructure – Thursday, 20 January! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Powering Europe: wind energy and the electricity grids A report by the European Wind Energy Association In order to achieve EU renewable energy and CO2 emission reduction targets, significant amounts of wind energy need to be integrated into Europe’s electricity system. This report will analyse the technical, economic and regulatory issues that need to be addressed in order to do so through a review of the available literature, and examine how Europe can move towards a more secure energy future through increased wind power production. The report’s main conclusions are that the capacity of the European power systems to absorb significant amounts of wind power is determined more by economics and regulatory frameworks than by technical or practical constraints. Larger scale penetration of wind power faces barriers not because of the wind’s variability, but because of inadequate infrastructure and interconnection coupled with electricity markets where competition is neither effective nor fair, with new technologies threatening traditional ways of thinking and doing. Already today, it is generally considered that wind energy can meet up to 20% of electricity demand on a large electricity network without posing any serious technical or practical problems. When wind power penetration levels are low, grid operation will not be affected to any significant extent. Today wind power supplies more than 5% of overall EU electricity demand, but there are large regional and national differences. The control methods and backup available for dealing with variable demand and supply that are already in place are more than adequate for dealing with wind power supplying up to 20% of electricity demand, depending on the specific system and geographical distribution. For higher penetration levels, changes may be needed in power systems and the way they are operated to accommodate more wind energy. Experience with wind power in areas of Spain, Denmark, and Germany that have large amounts of wind energy in the system, shows that the question as to whether there is a potential upper limit for renewable penetration into the existing grids will be an economic and regulatory issue, rather than a technical one. For those areas of Europe where wind power development is still in its initial stages, many lessons can be learned from countries with growing experience, as outlined in this report. However, it is important that stakeholders, policy makers and regulators in emerging markets realise that the issues that TSOs in Spain, Denmark and Germany are faced with will not become a problem for them until much larger amounts of wind power are connected to their national grids. The issues related to wind power and grid integration mentioned in this report are based on a detailed overview of best practices, past experiences, descriptions and references to technical and economic assessments. The report collects and presents detailed facts and results, published in specialised literature, as well as contributions from experts and actors in the sector. The aim is to provide a useful framework for the current debates on integrating wind power into the grid.[…] Conclusions The modelling analysis backs up the theory that increased wind power capacities will reduce power prices in the future European power market system. It has been estimated that if wind power capacity increases by 200 GW in 2020 (reaching a total of 265 GW), this would give a merit order effect of €10.8/MWh, reducing the average wholesale power price level from €85.8/MWh to €75/MWh. However, this figure assumes a fully functioning market. It also includes the long-term investments forecast and is therefore based on the long-term market equilibrium. Simulated generation volumes in 2020 require economic feasibility with regards to long run marginal costs. Wind capacity replaces the least cost efficient conventional capacities so that the system is in equilibrium. This shift in the technology mix is the main reason for the observed merit order effect. In reality this might not always happen. Power market bids are based on short run marginal costs, plants that are not cost efficient might be needed in extreme situations, for example when there is a lot of wind power on the system. The short-term effects of wind power are mostly related to the variability of wind power. The responding price volatility due to increased wind power stresses the cost efficiency of wind power generation. And in the real world, this would lead to a smaller merit order effect than analysed in the future optimal market equilibrium. Consequently, the results of the study have to be considered carefully, especially considering the assumed future capacity mix, which includes a lot of uncertainties. Moreover, results should not be directly compared to recent literature, which usually estimate the short-term price effects of wind power. Here the market is not always in equilibrium and actual price differences and the merit order effect might therefore be very different. Moreover, the study estimates the volume merit order effect referring to the total savings brought about due to wind power penetration during a particular year. Assuming that the entire power demand is purchased at the marginal cost of production, the overall volume of the MOE has been calculated at €41.7 billion/year. But this should not be seen as a purely socio-economic benefit. A certain volume of this is redistributed from producer to consumer because decreased prices mean less income for power producers. Currently, only the long-term marginal generation which is replaced by wind has a real economic benefit, and this should be contrasted to the public support for extended wind power generation. The scenarios were developed so that the modelling analysis could show the effect of the additional wind capacities on future power prices. For this reason, the main difference between the two scenarios is the amount of wind capacity. All other renewable sources and capacities have been kept at 2008 levels in both scenarios. Hence, there is no future capacity increase assumed for bio-energy, solar or geothermal energy resources. This, however, does not reflect a very realistic market development. A higher renewable share would influence the abatement costs to reach the defined CO2 emissions cap. Indirectly, this would also influence investment decisions in conventional fossil based technologies, especially in the Reference scenarios. However, it is difficult to estimate the outcome on the merit order effect. Lower emission levels and hence lower carbon prices might also lead to coal power becoming more cost-efficient. This might counteract the effect of renewables on emissions. It is therefore recommended that these impacts be studied in a more thorough sensitivity analysis with the help of a quantifying modelling tool. The sensitivity analysis resulted in an increase of the merit order effect by €1.9 /MWh when fossil fuel prices (gas, coal and oil) are increased by 25%. In the High fuel price case, wind power makes the power price drop from €87.7/MWh in the Reference scenario to €75/MWh in the Wind scenario. Comparing the resulting merit order effect in the High fuel case of €12.7/MWh to the Base case results of €10.8/MWh,the 25% higher fuel price case gives a merit order effect that is 17.5% higher. The study showed that fuel prices have a major influence on power prices and marginal cost levels. The merit order effect has been mostly explained by the difference in the technology capacity and generation mix in the various scenarios, especially the differences in the development and utilisation of coal and gas power technologies. Investigating fuel price differences is therefore highly relevant. However, even stronger impacts on the merit order effect might be observed by changing the relative price differences of gas and coal price levels. The study proved that carbon market assumptions and especially the resulting carbon price level will be a very important variable for the future power market and its price levels. Regarding the sensitivity of the assumed GHG emissions reduction target, the analysis illustrated higher equilibrium prices for the 30% reduction case than for the 20% reduction base case. However, the results of the sensitivity analysis do very much depend on the assumptions for future abatement potential and costs in all EU ETS sectors, as well as in the industrial sectors. Download the full report as *.pdf Next Event the future of Financial Infrastructure What influence will the crises have on financial services and products?Thursday, January 20, 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location:Deloitte, Orlyplein 10, 1043 DP Amsterdam The speakers and topics are Maarten Mol, COO, Commercial & Merchant Banking, ABN AMROEarning TrustBouke de Vries, Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Rabobank NederlandStrengths of the cooperative model – a more effective value proposition for clients?Dave Rietveld, Manager Innovation, EquensTransparency of financial settlement – rethinking the value proposition of institutionsHans Hintzen, Hintzen Legal ServicesThe Ratio of Leverage Moderated by John Grüter, Owner, Digital Knowledge Hatsune Miku – pop star as a 3-D hologram Japan’s newest singing sensation is a… Hologram. Hatsune Miku is a singing synthesizer application and its female character, developed by Crypton Future Media. It uses Yamaha Corporation’s Vocaloid synthesizing technology. The name of the character comes from a fusion of the Japanese for first, sound and future sounds like a nanori reading of future, normally read as “mirai”, referring to her position as the first of Crypton’s “Character Vocal Series”. Her voice is sampled from Japanese voice actress Saki Fujita. Hatsune Miku has performed onstage in what appears to be a dynamic hologram. Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application, with its signal processing part developed through a joint research project between the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and the Yamaha Corporation, who backed the developement financially – and later developed the software into the commerical product “Vocaloid”. The software enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody. It uses synthesizing technology with specially recorded vocals of voice actors or singers. To create a song, the user must input the melody and lyrics. A piano roll type interface is used to input the melody and the lyrics can be entered on each note. The software can change the stress of the pronunciations, add effects such as vibrato, or change the dynamics and tone of the voice. Each Vocaloid is sold as “a singer in a box” designed to act as a replacement for an actual singer. The software is available in English and Japanese, although a Chinese version was produced for Sonika. Hatsune Miku was released on August 31st, 2007. And since then, there have been more than 30,000 songs and movies about Hatsune Miku were posted in a popular Video sharing web site such as YouTube and Nico-Nico-Douga (Japan). February 4: Visiting CERN The Club of Amsterdam organises a visit to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Date: Friday, February 4, 2011. 12:00 – 17:00FULLY BOOKED! Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog November 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future.October 6: The GirlOctober 6: LifeOctober 6: The BirdOctober 6: Deep DivingOctober 6: ShadowsOctober 6: DarknessOctober 6: An ExecutionJune 16: Leadership News about the Future The European Environment – State and Outlook 2010SOER 2010 provides a set of assessments of the current state of Europe’s environment, its likely future state, what is being done and what could be done to improve it, how global megatrends might affect future trends… and more. Environmental policy in the European Union and its neighbours has delivered substantial improvements to the state of the environment. However, major environmental challenges remain which will have significant consequences for Europe if left unaddressed. Grow Food Year Round With HydroponicsWindowfarms are vertical, hydroponic, modular, low-energy, high-yield edible window gardens built using low-impact or recycled local materials. The Windowfarms Project operates in what seems a small niche, but the team hopes it might be what Buckminster Fuller would call a “trim tab,” a small part that turns giant ships by being particularly well placed. Growing some portion of one’s own food is a simple pleasure that can make a big difference in one’s relationship with nature. As we choose nutrients to feed plants we hope to eat in turn, we gain experience with a nearly-lost fundamental human art, get a microcosmic view of the food system, develop a stake in the conversation, and come up with new ideas for how to take care of ourselves and our planet in troubled times. Tokyo Graffiti Bar Graffiti offers customers an “Artistic” experience unlike anything seen in any club in the world. With seven 46” and seven 32” interactive large LCD screens built as tables, and set into the 5.3 meter bar, we are the world’s first Resto-Lounge club with such a large media entertainment installation. Customers can draw their own graffiti on the Tables, browse food and drink menus, interact with their waiters, play games, and enjoy media content provided by Graffiti. Keep yourself entertained at your table with interactive special effects, including virtual champagne bubbles and lightning bolts, and many other effects which react to touch and objects placed on your table. Recommended Book Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New WebBy Brian Solis Social media has democratized influence, forever changing the way businesses communicate with customers and the way customers affect the decisions of their peers. With platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, anyone can now find and connect with others who share similar interests, challenges, and beliefs-creating communities that shape and steer the perception of brands. Without engagement in these communities, we miss major opportunities to shape our marketing messages. However, use of the tools does not guarantee that people will listen. Engagement is shaped by the interpretation of its intentions. In order for social media to mutually benefit you and your customers, you must engage them in meaningful and advantageous conversations, empowering them as true participants in your marketing and service efforts. With Engage! as your guide, you can effectively compete in this new era of digital Darwinism while engendering the support of online champions. Social and participatory media significantly contribute to the success of every modern business, and with this book, you will find out how to: Create a space in the online ecosystem that truly represents your business and cultivates your customers’ loyalty and trust Participate in the unique culture of each available social media platform to engage your customers Establish an organizational structure that constantly targets the next new media trend Attract online champions and change agents who will uncover the social networks you need to reach and the influencers who will help build your reputation in the networked world Consistently adapt your company to market needs and trends based on the invaluable connections you forge and the empathy and insight you garner in the process There are thousands of customers waiting to hear from you about your business and vision. It’s the minimum ante to create a vibrant and loyal online community. When you engage, you will build an authoritative social network that increases your visibility, relevance, influence, and profitability. It’s time to Engage! Learning Robots Robots playing Ping-PongRobot Learning Lab Department for Empirical Inference & Machine Learning (AG Schoelkopf)Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Our research centers around the goal of bringing advanced motor skills to robotics using techniques from machine learning and optimal control. Please check out our research or contact any of our lab members. Creating autonomous robots that can learn to assist humans in situations of daily life is a fascinating challenge for machine learning. While this aim has been a long-standing vision of artificial intelligence and the cognitive sciences, we have yet to achieve the first step of creating robots that can learn to accomplish many different tasks triggered by environmental context or higher-level instruction. The goal of our robot learning laboratory is the investigation of the ingredients for such a general approach to motor skill learning, to get closer towards human-like performance in robotics. We thus focus on the solution of basic problems in robotics while developing domain- appropriate machine-learning methods. Bionic Learning Network Inspired by nature: Festo pursues its “Biomechatronic Footprint” – biological principles providing a new impetus for technical and industrial applications – in cooperation with renowned universities, institutes and development companies. From human muscle to flight simulatorThe principle of tensing and relaxing muscles has been used for several practical applications – e.g. for the Airmotion_ride simulator, where pneumatic muscles ensure flowing movements.From fish fin to gripperUnder pressure, fins bulge out in the direction of the applied force. The Fin Ray Effect uses this principle in applications such as the Bionic Tripod and the FinGripper. Webcast – the future of Happiness the future of HappinessNovember 25, 2010 View the webcast & presentationsor go directly to the webcast:Ruut Veenhoven Greater happiness for a greater number – Is that possible? Nic Marks The Happy Planet Futurist Portrait: Don Tapscott Don Tapscott, one of the world’s leading authorities on business strategy, is Chairman of nGenera Insight. He was founder and chairman of the international think tank New Paradigm before its acquisition by nGenera. Don is an internationally sought writer, consultant and speaker on business strategy and organizational transformation. He has given more than 400 keynotes speeches and presentations over the past five years. His clients include top executives of many of the world’s largest corporations and government leaders from many countries. The Washington Technology Report called him one of the most influential media authorities since Marshall McLuhan. Don is the author of thirteen widely read books about information technology in business and society, with his fourteenth book Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World, co-authored by Anthony D. Williams, due to be released in September 2010. Macrowikinomics is the follow up to Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (2006) co-authored by Anthony D. Williams. Wikinomics was an international bestseller, #1 on the 2007 management book charts, and on The New York Times and BusinessWeek bestseller lists. Translated into 20 languages, Wikinomics was a finalist for the prestigious Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Best Business Book Award and was chosen as one of the best books of the year by a number of publications, including The Economist. Don’s other well-known books include: Paradigm Shift: The New Promise of Information Technology (1992); The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence (1995); Growing Up Digital (1998); Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs (2000); The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency Will Revolutionize Business (2003) and Grown Up Digital (2008). Don is a frequent writer for the Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Business 2.0, The Financial Times, USA Today, and BusinessWeek, and has been interviewed and quoted widely in the broadcast media including CNN, NBC, CBS, NPR, and the BBC. Don is Adjunct Professor of Management, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. He holds a B.Sc. in Psychology and Statistics, an M.Ed. specializing in Research Methodology, and three Doctor of Laws (Hon) granted from the University of Alberta in 2001, Trent University in 2006 and McMaster University in 2010. He is involved extensively in the transformation of education, working with many universities, school boards and Educational Secretaries and Ministers around the world. He is also working with government leaders around the world to reinvent government for the digital era and strengthen democratic institutions. He is a Fellow of the World Economic Forum. Deeply committed to the issue of mental health, Mr. Tapscott is a former member of the Board of Trustees at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and was Chair of the Centered on Hope Campaign for the Center for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation. He is a founding member and a member of the committee of Advisers of the Business & Economic Roundtable on Addiction & Mental Health. He and his wife, Ana P. Lopes, are the benefactors of the Tapscott Chair in Schizophrenia Studies at the University of Toronto. He was Chair of the 1999-2001 Trent University Beyond Our Walls Capital Fundraising Campaign. Agenda Season Program 2010/2011 January 20, 201118:30-21:15   the future of Financial InfrastructureWhat influence will the crises have on financial services and products?Location:Deloitte, Orlyplein 10, 1043 DP Amsterdamutrtr February 17, 201118:30-21:15   the future of ServicesLocation:, Sint Antoniesbreestraat 16, 1011 HB Amsterdam March 17, 201118:30-21:15   the future of ShellLocation: Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam, Grasweg 31, 1031 HW Amsterdam April 14, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Human Mind May 19, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Singularity June 23, 201118:30-21:15   the future of European Democracy  

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2011, Issue 134

Content Euro Money Market Study Next Event Electric sail – a new space propulsion concept Social Networks – the next generations Lift11 Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Cold-water coral reefs Recommended book Robot Restaurant in China The Centre for Fashion Science Futurist Portrait: Andrew Zolli Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. John Grüter: “In 2008, the unthinkable happened. Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Banks had to seek shelter with governments. In 2010, the unthinkable happened again. Local European economies were based on bubbles. Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland. What or who can we trust?The financial infrastructure is intrinsically based on trust, between clients, financial institutions and governments. No trust, no financial infrastructure. Bail out by governments, the World Bank, the IMF, but can we still trust them to do so?Perhaps we should think differently. Perhaps we should look for ways to boost robustness of the financial infrastructure. Increase transparency. Take away the need for intervention. Infuse loyalty into clients. How to seduce them? Products and services differentiation, mutual value. Client-side risk management. Interaction based on relationship, not (simple) products.So, what will future financial products and services look like? Will they be more transparent? Will they allow clients to accurately manage risk? Will they return serious value for the relationship? Will competition between financial institutions force a long-term relationship focus?”…. and join us at the event about the future of Financial Infrastructure – Thursday, 20 January! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Euro Money Market Study Euro Money Market Studyby the European Central BankDecember 2010EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This eighth study on the structure and functioning of the euro money market is the result of a survey conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks that are members of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). The survey asked panel banks to indicate their average daily turnover in various money market instruments during the second quarter of 2010 and 2009 and to answer a number of qualitative questions. Two features are new to this study which did not feature in the previous ones: the coverage of the survey was extended from 169 to 172 counterparties and additional procedures were put in place to enhance the quality of the data and to better assess the impact of the financial market turbulence, that began in 2007, on the euro money market. The main findings of the study suggest that the financial market turbulence and the sovereign crisis that hit Europe in the second quarter of 2010 had an important impact on the euro money market. Aggregate turnover for all instruments decreased in the second quarter of 2010 by 3%. Volumes declined for the third consecutive year, albeit at a slower pace. The largest declines in turnover were observed in the unsecured market and in the overnight index swaps (OIS) segments (18% and 19% respectively). The contraction in the unsecured market was influenced by credit risk concerns and, in the second instance, by the large participation in the ECB’s 1-year long-term refinancing operations in June, September and December 2009 that provided a gross EUR 614 billion to the market and which remained outstanding over the period of analysis covered by the survey. The steep decline in the OIS segment is partly the result of lower volatility in short-term interest rates following the increase in surplus liquidity conditions in the interbank market, and similar declines were also observed in other interest rate derivative segments. In contrast, the secured market segment (also referred to as “repo” in this study) increased by 8%, positively influenced by the higher share of transactions concluded through a central counterparty (CCP). The CCP share rose from 41% of all repo transactions reported in 2009 to 45% in 2010. The main reason behind the growing importance of CCP iscounterparties’ interest in protecting themselves from rising credit-risk concerns and the greater use of electronic platforms for trading reposvia CCPs. As regards the derivative segments covered by the study, there was a general decline. Apart from the above-mentioned OIS segment, turnover in forward rate agreements (FRA) decreased by 10%, in other interest rate swaps (other IRS), excluding OIS, by 11% and in cross currency (Xccy) swaps by 4%. The only exception to this trend was that of foreign exchange (FX) swaps, whose turnover increased by 3%, as this segment benefited from an increased demand from European banks from outside the euro area. Turnover in short-term securities also registered an important increase, growing by 67% in the second quarter of 2010 mainly as a result of a growing volume of transactions in securities issued by credit institutions. Concentration on short-term maturities remained very strong, in particular in the unsecured, secured and FX swaps segments. The shortening of the maturities traded in the unsecured and secured segments in particular has been a feature of the market since the outbreak of the financial turmoil, as the greater weight attached by banks to counterparty credit risk led them to reduce their longer-term exposures. As regards the perception of market conditions, the respondents to this year’s survey assessed market liquidity to have deteriorated in the unsecured market and worsened significantly in Xccy swaps segments. Conditions in the other segments stabilised or improved slightly in comparison with the second quarter of 2009. According to the 2010 survey the structure of the euro money market changed slightly compared with 2009. The data relating to the constant panel indicates that, in the unsecured market, the share of transactions concluded with counterparties outside the euro area was 31% in 2010, against 24% in 2009. In the secured market, the number of transactions concluded with a counterparty outside the euro area fell to 19% from 24% in 2009, while the number of transactions with a national counterparty increased from 32% to 37%. The data on the use of collateral shows that the share of national collateral used for repo transactions declined to 32% from 36% last year, while the use of euro-area collateral increased from 59% to 64% in 2010. The trading structure saw some relevant changes too. The introduction of new electronic platforms led to a decrease in voice broker transactions, in favour of electronic and direct trading. In general, direct trading tends to be more frequent in the other IRS and Xccy swap segments and in the unsecured market, while about 57% of the repo market relies on electronic trading, against 24% for direct trading. This data depends largely on the CCP repo subset, where transactions are conducted almost exclusively via electronic platforms. Finally, concentration data revealed mixed trends. Concentration increased in the unsecured market, especially in lending, where the first five institutions lend over 46% of interbank deposits, but it decreased in the repo market, and to a larger extent in the CCP repo segment. As regards over-the-counter (OTC) products, concentration increased noticeably in all segments reported. The short-term securities market is one of the most concentrated segments. The top five institutions cover over 68% of the market, and the top 20 account for more than 92%. For the full study click here Next Event the future of Financial Infrastructure What influence will the crises have on financial services and products?Thursday, January 20, 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location: Deloitte, Crystal Tower, Orlyplein 10, 1043 DP Amsterdam The speakers and topics are Maarten Mol, COO, Commercial & Merchant Banking, ABN AMROEarning Trust Bouke de Vries, Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Rabobank NederlandStrengths of the cooperative model – a more effective value proposition for clients? Dave Rietveld, Manager Innovation, EquensTransparency of financial settlement – rethinking the value proposition of institutions Hans Hintzen, Hintzen Legal ServicesThe Ratio of Leverage Moderated by John Grüter, Owner, Digital Knowledge Electric sail – a new space propulsion concept The electric solar wind sail, or electric sail for short, is a propulsion invention made in 2006 at the Kumpula Space Centre, a collaboration between the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Department of Physics of the University of Helsinki. The European Union has now selected the Finnish Meteorological Institute to lead an international space effort whose goal is to build the largest and fastest man-made device. The electric sail is a new space propulsion concept, which uses the solar wind momentum for producing thrust. The electric sail is somewhat similar to the more well-known solar radiation pressure sail which is often called simply the solar sail. A full-scale electric sail consists of a number (50-100) of long (e.g., 20 km), thin (e.g., 25 microns) conducting tethers (wires). The spacecraft contains a solar-powered electron gun (typical power a few hundred watts), which is used to keep the spacecraft and the wires in a high (typically 20 kV) positive potential. The electric field of the wires extends a few tens of meters into the surrounding solar wind plasma. Therefore the solar wind ions “see” the wires as rather thick, about 100 m wide obstacles. A technical concept exists for deploying (opening) the wires in a relatively simple way and guiding or “flying” the resulting spacecraft electrically. The solar wind dynamic pressure varies but is on average about 2 nPa at Earth distance from the Sun. This is about 5000 times weaker than the solar radiation pressure. Due to the very large effective area and very low weight per unit length of a thin metal wire, the electric sail is still efficient, however. A 20-km long electric sail wire weighs only a few hundred grams and fits in a small reel, but when opened in space and connected to the spacecraft’s electron gun, it can produce several square kilometer effective solar wind sail area, which is capable of extracting about 10 millinewton force from the solar wind. For example, by equipping a 1000 kg spacecraft with 100 such wires, one may produce acceleration of about 1 mm/s^2. After acting for one year, this acceleration would produce a significant final speed of 30 km/s. Smaller payloads could be moved quite fast in space using the electric sail, a Pluto flyby could occur in less than five years, for example. Alternatively, one might choose to move medium size payloads at ordinary 5-10 km/s speed, but with lowered propulsion costs because the mass that has to be launched from Earth is small in the electric sail. The main limitation of the electric sail is that since it uses the solar wind, it cannot produce much thrust inside a magnetosphere where there is no solar wind. Although the direction of the thrust is basically away from the Sun, the direction can be varied within some limits by inclining the sail. Tacking towards the Sun is therefore also possible. The electric sail won the 2010 Finnish Quality Innovation Prize among Potential innovations. A full-scale electric sail consists of a number (50-100) of long (e.g., 20 km), thin (e.g., 25 microns) conducting tethers (wires). The spacecraft contains a solar-powered electron gun (typical power a few hundred watts), which is used to keep the spacecraft and the wires in a high (typically 20 kV) positive potential. The electric field of the wires extends a few tens of metres into the surrounding solar wind plasma. Therefore the solar wind ions “see” the wires as rather thick, about 100 m wide obstacles. A technical concept exists for deploying (opening) the wires in a relatively simple way and guiding or “flying” the resulting spacecraft electrically. Social Networks – the next generations by David A. SmithChief ExecutiveGlobal Futures and ForesightNovember 2010 Executive Summary Explosive growth Building on technologies that surfaced in the 1970’s and 1980’s, social networks emerged in the late years of the 20th century. They have since grown to encompass almost a sixth of the global population, and in May 2010 attracted more UK internet traffic than did search engines. As a communication medium it is now firmly established, with around two-thirds Britons using it to keep in contact with friends and family. Getting to grips with social networksFor years this growth failed to deliver many profitable business models, whilst organisations failed to capitalise on social networks’ potential. However, innovative uses in the business world, private sphere and even governmental realm are now appearing. A number of factors – not least the need to discover new markets, enhance the bottom line and save money – are becoming increasingly important in the globally connected world that social networks are helping to foster. However impressive the impact of social networks so far, we can only consider ourselves at an early stage of their progression. IndividualsPeople are engaging with social networks both in and out of the home, at whatever time of day suits them and where allowed, in any circumstances. Being in touch with those people that matter to us is at the heart of the human condition. Over two billion people are connected in the top forty social networks today and by 2020 we expect that up to five billion people around the world will be online and most will connect via social networks. Changing internet and how we connectIn May, 2010, for the first time in the UK, there was more traffic across social networks than searches on the internet. At the same time, we saw a rapid growth in accessing information on the internet through the semi closed worlds of the apps (applications) facilitated, for the most part, by the success of Apple’s iphones and ipad tablet. The government plans to facilitate access to 2 mbps (million bits per second) broadband for everyone in the UK by 2015. By 2016 we are forecasting that there will be twelve million 1 gbps (thousand million bits per second) lines in the UK – these lines are fifty times faster!. What we can be sure of is that the current form of the internet and how we use it is not at the end of its evolution. Gaming and virtual worldsMassively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG’s) attract huge participation to their rich game playing worlds. The popular ‘World of Warcraft’ game had over twelve million subscribers as at October 2010. These games are very visual and there is huge engagement between the individuals who take part. On the other hand social networks have the capacity to involve huge numbers of people in group activities but offer relatively little opportunity for engagement. It is clear that this will not remain the same for long – as social network operators seek to inject game playing and participation in increasingly realistic virtual worlds where participants can explore, learn and even fight together. When once we might have phoned our friend, today we might text one another, tomorrow it will be common to ‘go for a walk together’ in a virtual world, irrespective of where we might be in the world. These changes are likely to impact how we engage with our friends and family, our teachers and even our government and transform the engagement models in the process. CrowdsourcingMany existing business processes will be challenged by the power that individuals have through their connected strength. We’ve hardly seen the start of this ‘revolution’. The last major shift caused by access to the internet was, disintermediation, the power of individuals with access to services normally brokered to us via agents. Now we buy airplane tickets, book holidays, buy car, life, pet and holiday insurance over the internet and now prefer this to using a human intermediary. Social networks are allowing us to take part, as individuals, in large-scale projects where we can contribute a small part to a large outsourced task. CrowdpowerSocial networks enable us to use the scale of our connected network tobulk buy or band together to leverage our collective size. For example; we can even gather together to self insure ourselves against all manner of risks. No longer would we need an insurer to gather a large group to spread risk across. They may be needed to provide the services around managing the premiums, claims and reinsurance. How much lower might the claims be inflated by and how many fewer fraudulent claims might we see if we knew each other and knew who was claiming. These ‘village like’ environments can connect us in joint endeavours in new ways, which will proliferate in the coming decade. EducationPeople intensive services are expensive. Over the past sixty years automation has driven out much human activity from manual work and is now set to repeat this amongst professional and managerial roles. In the UK we are struggling to maintain outdated models of delivering education to our pupils and university students. The future of mass education will involve large-scale use of on-line resources over the internet and socialising over social networks. These facilities will replace much of the mass delivery of information to students, reserving the role of teacher and tutor for the more important, interpersonal and individual guidance of their charges. Older networkersGovernment is seeking to reduce its operational costs and engage more closely with its citizens. Social networks are increasingly being engaged to facilitate both of these aims. The size of the over 50 years of age population in the UK is growing rapidly. The over 85 years of age population has doubled in the past twenty five years and is set to increase by 250% in just the next twenty years. It will be vital that these older citizens get on-line and engaged with the many resources the internet has to offer, as quickly as possible. The most vulnerable people in our society can be ‘included’ in so many ways, if they can be shown how to join and engage in social networks. ‘Big Society’The coalition government is keen for people to become increasingly active to help resolve some of the issues we face in the UK. As individuals, we often feel our contribution can’t make a difference. Social networks have the power to facilitate mass engagement around issues we are passionate about, as strangers seek to build a better world together. Helping everyone in our society to have access to the internet and by so doing, find new relationships and engage in matters of concern to them with like-minded people is vital if we are to develop a society where we feel valued and included. Ambient technologyBy 2020 we expect to have over 22 billion devices communicating over the internet. As we will be connected to it through many devices, our use of technology to communicate effectively blends into our surroundings. For example as we walk down a street it’s possible for our diary to connect with a bus stop and tell us to stop right there and wait 30 seconds for the right bus to take us where we want to go. In the same way will may be able to connect with our friends, family and business associates in new ways that might have only happened by chance today. The issue will be one of privacy versus utility – which is likely to be one of the most discussed and argued over issues of the coming decade. BusinessSome organisations are now discovering the power of facilitating connection between their staff and their business partners through social network technologies. Others are more concerned about the potential distraction for staff and a fall in productivity and yet others see social networks as a threat to information security. As with all new technologies, if they can be called that still, there are threats to the status-quo but we learn to harness the benefits of these new tools and minimise their risks and by so doing realise their true disruptive potential. ProductivitySocial media, as we might collectively describe these social connection tools, offers a real opportunity to facilitate improved communication and increased productivity, across our enterprises. Increasingly organisations are fragmented and distributed, often across wide geographies and nowthat we are working in a more mobile fashion we need to harness socialnetworks to allow groups to connect in both an organised and viral way.Recent studies are indicating that allowing staff access to their personal social networks at work can increase their overall productivity and that those who are allowed to use these tools to do their job are less likely to leave. SecurityFacilitating personal access certainly shows employees that they are trusted to manage their time properly and also that they can be trusted not to divulge proprietary information to outsiders. If we allow people to send e-mails with attachments, then we should also allow people who use social media, as their preferred communications method, to use these tools. The job at hand is to protect sensitive data from moving inappropriately, not limit the communication channels we use. After all, there will be many new and currently unknown communications technologies employed by business’ in the coming years. Rather than fearing new technologies, we need to become quickly confident in their use and exploit them to our advantage. InnovationAs open-source innovation and cocreation become familiar means for firms to innovate their products and service offerings the role of social media becomes more critical. Firms that have embraced these collaborative ways of surfacing new ideas, understand that the greater the size and diversity of input the higher the likelihood is of imaginative and break-through innovation happening. Social networks provide the transport layer on which new ideas can flow into the organisation. Procter and Gamble built a network of over three million contributors to their product innovation process and moved from one of the lowest to one of the highest new product success rates in their industry. MobileOur workforce and consumers are all living in a more mobile and spontaneous environment today, frequently facilitated through technology. Smartphone sales are rapidly replacing ‘normal’ mobile phone sales. At the same time mobile broadband coverage and capability is increasing rapidly. Laptop computers, notebooks, netbooks, mobile phones, smart phones and now tablets – popularised through the explosive take-up of the Apple ipad – are facilitating our 24/7 mobile world. The challenge for business is to harness these technologies for advantage. New business modelsSocial networks, cloud computing (where the computing power and data storage takes place on the internet), ambient technology (pervasive technology that’s all around us that knows who we are and where we are – if we let it), mobile and combinations of information coming together to provide new products and services (mash-ups) are changing consumers expectations of service and changing the business models organisations deploy. These models have the capacity to transform how we communicate, sell and connect with our staff and customers in the future. Data explosionSo how will we cope with all this information about where people are, what they are doing, in what mode (business or leisure) and what they are saying across their social networks and through a variety of technologies. We will be recording the data we send – words, pictures, video, sounds etc, but we will also capture our ‘mood’ our facial expression and tone of voice, where we are and maybe even who or what is happening around us – our context. Successful companies will know how to manage this information to their advantage. The question today is: Where will the storage capacity come from and who will own the information? Data analytics will need to move on rapidly to keep pace and we will need to consider how long this information should persist and who should have access to it. We will also need to consider new forms of copyright and business models that reward more open behaviours in the future as we seek to share this rich data between individuals and organisations. New stakeholdersAs we are very aware, our customers are increasingly listening to other people’s opinions about our organisation’s performance and our products and services. Tweets, social networks, blogs, advisory sites, buying portals and e-mails are always that people are sharing their opinions about brands, for good or ill and can have a major impact on the perception of their brand and therefore its value. It’s now time to consider these social networkers the next major stakeholders in our firms. No longer are they the concern of the marketing and IT departments but now need to be considered in the development and implementation of the organisations strategy at the highest level. Where next?It is generally agreed that the next step of progression is towards mobile social networking. Rather than just using a mobile interface, new GPS and geo-location systems have the potential to radically enhance the wealth of data, generated by social networks – with tomorrow’s industry winners emerging from those who better adapt their business models to it. The expansion of technology and social networks to effectively blend into our surroundings seems quite likely – which if combined with more mobile applications, has the potential to revolutionise human behaviour, commerce, industry and government. The explosion of data this will generate will be truly transformational should the ability of analytics keep pace. This new platform of data would herald the dawn of a new, more efficient economy, better able to cope with future challenges of an ageing population, economic problems and declining corporate profit. The advent of social networks has left the world better off, yet in many ways the benefits have only just started to be realised. Lift11 Lift11: what can the future do for you? Lift11 is a three-day conference about current and emerging usage of digital technologies such as online communities, social media and casual games. Participants come to better understand the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies, and meet the people who drive these innovations. Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog January 1: On the meaning of wordsNovember 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future. News about the Future CityziThe AFSCM (Association Française du Sans Contact Mobile) say they have drawn positive conclusions from the first European mobile contactless rollout that took place in Nice last May. A qualitative survey demonstrates positive user feedback, underlining a quick and enthusiastic adoption of “cityzi”-branded contactless services and mobile phones. The strong cooperation between project participants has allowed the successful rollout of interoperable cityzi services in Nice: access to local and cultural information (cityzi tag reading), purchase and validation of urban transport tickets, real time traffic information and timetables (BPASS Lignes d’Azur service), smart shopping with major retailers (couponing, digital loyalty programs), contactless mobile payment with major banks, etc… The Cityzi service will be launched commercially across France in 2011, making it one of the world’s first mass-market commercial contactless services. Real-time visualization of geolocated tweets around the world A World of Tweets is all about playing with geography and bits of information. Simply put, A World of Tweets shows you where people are tweeting at from the past hour. The more tweets there are from a specific region, the “hotter” or redder it becomes. This continuous collection of Twitter statuses also allows for the presentation of other interesting visuals as well as statistical and historical data about the tweeting world we live in. Through the activity of Twitter users it is possible to tailor a new map of the world that evolves during the day according to the time zones and the spreading of mobile technologies. Cold-water coral reefs Think of coral reefs and you imagine warm, shallow tropical seas, not the cold, dark waters of the deep ocean. Now the deep ocean’s best-kept secrets are being revealed – ancient coral ecosystems hidden from view at great depths. is an information resource on the cold-water coral ecosystems of the deep ocean. Cold-water coral reefs are amazingly colourful and form diverse habitats. As well as creating a home for many other species, cold-water coral reefs may also be important centres for speciation in the deep-sea. Only in the last few decades have cold-water corals been studied in detail. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries a few cold-water coral specimens were found by fishermen and early researchers. Due to technological limitations it was impossible to learn much more about them. In recent years, with the advent of manned submersibles and deep-sea remotely operated vehicles, our knowledge has increased significantly. ROV Hercules working on Balanus Seamount, New England USA © DASS05_NOAA_IFE (2005) Lophelia pertusa and the clam Acesta excavata in the Kristin Pockmark field, Norway © Statoil ASA, Norway (2005) Recommended Book Bank 2.0: How Customer Behavior and Technology Will Change the Future of Financial Servicesby Brett King BANK 2.0 is organized into three sections:Part One examines the evolution of consumer behaviour that started with the internet, and have rapidly accelerated with the recent phenomenon of Blackberry, Social networking, the iPhone, etc. As customer expectations increasingly depart from traditional service models, King examines institutions need to understand what it will take to adapt, not just for profitability, but to protect brand, Assets under Management (AuM) and revenue. King exposes the flaws in the organization structures and strategic thinking of financial service companies today that created the financial crisis, and has separated them intellectually from their customers. Part Two looks specifically at channel improvement opportunities within the retail bank. In this section, King looks at the key issues that choke development of innovation across the organization, but more importantly identifies the quick wins that can justify improvement programs today. In Part Three, King examines the trends, innovations and technologies that are likely to have the most significant impact on financial services and consumers over the next decade. From social networking and mobile technologies, to the massive disruptions to traditional media and advertising, King looks at the forces shaping the way we interact, pay and trade in the 21st Century. Brett King built the research and methodologies for BANK 2.0 over 10 years working with some of the biggest names in the business including HSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered, EmiratesNBD (largest bank in the Middle-East), BNP Paribas, UBS and others. Whether a banker, an entrepreneur or a consumer of financial services – BANK 2.0 is an entertaining read that challenges the very concept of what banking means in today’s changing society. Robot Restaurant in China A new restaurant where all of the waitresses are robots has opened in China. The Dalu Rebot Restaurant, in Jinan, northern China’s Shandong Province, has six robot waitresses and can cater for up to 100 diners.The 21 tables are set in circles and the robots follow a fixed route to serve diners in rotation. After serving, the robots return to the kitchen to refill their cart for the next round.Restaurant spokeswoman Wang Xianwei said that robots did all of the waiting on tables. However, humans in the kitchen prepared the food, mainly the Chinese version of fondue. And people were also employed to welcome customers and explain to them how the restaurant worked.The restaurant was developed by the Shandong Dalu Science and Technology Company, which plans to further develop the concept. Spokesman Zhang Yongpei said: “Next, we’ll develop robots which can climb stairs and help with kitchen chores like washing the dishes. “And our waitresses will become more sophisticated so they can go direct to a customer’s table and even refill diners’ drinks.” The Centre for Fashion Science The Centre for Fashion Science aims to break new ground in fashion-related research, to create new concepts, products and processes which harness innovations in science and technology to reconcile the paradoxical – fashion and sustainability – for clothing, accessories and better lives. “Our design-led approach to research catalyses connections between new and old technologies, craft and industry, science, design, art and technology. The clash of disciplines and approaches sparks ideas and short-circuits developments to reconcile the needs of people, the environment, and industry. Collaborations can take many forms. We welcome contacts from scientists in academia and industry, start-up or established companies and related organisations – please get in touch It has been said that scientists study what is; designers study what can be. Whatever the opinion, the combination of diverse approaches can develop ideas beyond what each can achieve separately. In this way we hope to make a difference.” A few topics and research themes:Considerate Design for Personalised Fashion led by Prof Sandy BlackDesign process, sustainability and personalisation Evolving TextileRapid manufacturing for pseudo-textile structures which conform to the body. Led by Philip Delamore with external partners ‘Freedom of Creation’ and ‘Complex Matters’ this project aims to create body conformable seamless and flexible textile structures, through the use of generative software, which allows the converting of 3D body data into textile like structure. The personalised design potential includes a unique shape bespoke fitted to an individual, together with colouration and surface pattering. The contribution to the Considerate Design process includes efficient use of materials, less waste, localised ‘on demand’ production and fewer travel miles, a one stop process using less labour. SERVIVE – style advisor led by Sue Jenkyn JonesPart of major collaborative EU funded project for customise womenswear online In the next few years the small-scale success stories of the early adaptors can and should be used as the foundation for the implementation of Mass Customisation in Fashion throughout Europe on a wide and large scale. SERVIVE aims to be the launching platform enabling large-scale implementation of Mass Customisation in the European Fashion Domain. Enlargement of the assortment of customisable items currently on offer Design of Virtual Customer Advisor (VCA), which, depending on the profile of the customer will recommend the optimum product configuration Encouraging the active participation of end consumers in the configuration of the customised items Provision of knowledge-based web services related to style expertise, human body expertise and data, material and specific manufacturing knowledge Introduction of the innovative organisational concept of the Networked Micro-Factory (MF) Futurist Portrait: Andrew Zolli Andrew Zolli is an expert in global foresight and innovation, studying the complex trends at the intersection of technology, sustainability and global society that are shaping our future. His firm, Z + Partners, helps senior leaders at some of the world’s preeminent companies, institutions and governments see, understand and respond to complex change. Andrew is also the Curator of Pop!Tech, the renowned thought leadership forum and social innovation network. Andrew serves as a Fellow of the National Geographic Society, where he is leading development of a global initiative to envision new scenarios for a sustainable world in 2030 and beyond. He was also recently named the first Business and Society Fellow of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. Andrew has previously served as Futurist-in-Residence at publications including Popular Science and American Demographics magazines, as well as Public Radio’s Marketplace. He is also a Visiting Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. In 2005 Andrew was named to Fast Company’s Fast 50, the magazine’s annual compilation of emerging business leaders. In the same year, he was named one of Red Herring’s “Top 20 Under 35”. Andrew’s work, writings and ideas have appeared in a wide array of media outlets, including PBS, National Public Radio, The New York Times, Wired, BusinessWeek, ID, Fast Company, The History Channel and many others. In addition to his work with larger multinational organizations, Andrew advises a number of cutting-edge not-for-profit, public policy and venture-backed startups. He currently serves on the boards of, a leading online resource tracking the future of sustainability, Blurb, a revolutionary publishing company, and BAM, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, one of the country’s leading urban arts centers. Agenda Our Season Program 2010/2011 January 20, 201118:30-21:15 February 17, 201118:30-21:15 March 17, 201118:30-21:15 April 14, 201118:30-21:15 May 19, 201118:30-21:15 June 23, 201118:30-21:15 February 4, 2011    the future of Financial InfrastructureWhat influence will the crises have on financial services and products?Location: Deloitte, Crystal Tower, Orlyplein 10, 1043 DP Amsterdam utr the future of ServicesServices as part of productsLocation: Het Bethaniënklooster, Barndesteeg 6B, 1012 BV Amsterdam the future of EnergyLocation: Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam, Grasweg 31, 1031 HW Amsterdam the future of the Human MindLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of SingularityLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of European DemocracyLocation:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE) The Club of Amsterdam visits CERN in Geneva, SwitzerlandFULLY BOOKED!  

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2011, Issue 135

Content Socratic Innovation Next Event Desert Greening The Personal Futures Workbook Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future European Values Study Recommended book Global Food and Farming Futures Acasa look to print new homes in the developed world Futurist Portrait: Ian Pearson Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. We see more and more examples of services as part of products. Thinking on services is hot. From service design to design thinking, taking a service as a central element in possible success of a product is adopted by many. But what is the next stage in this development. Will services become the dictators of our life. Will services shape our products? An important development is the rise of service ecosystems. Services as the glue and fuel of connected touch points. Example of this evolution is the way our travelling in public transport transforms from a fare based experience into a subscription based experience. The virtual credit on the OVchipcard (Dutch public transport card) results in different kind of service, behavior and product experience.These kinds of shifts will happen in all areas. The way we move to a service dominate economy will influence the way we consume, we behave and the way products and services itself will be shaped. In this session we look at these developments from different angles. – Iskander Smit, Strategy Director, …. and join us at the event about the future of the future of Services – Services as part of products – Thursday, 17 February! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Socratic Innovation By Humberto Schwab, PhilosopherDirector, Club of Amsterdam Innovation is on the lips of all strategic leaders and all not-strategic leaders. If we look back at the figures worldwide about the increase of Internet connections and the increase of mobile phone connections, even in Africa or Latin America; we know innovation is not any longer something you can do or something you chose. If you do not innovate you will run out of business, unless you have good traditional craftsmanship products. One thing is four sure: in our hyper-fast information driven world, good traditional values are cornerstones of trust. For all the other stuff we must be continuously focused on the sustainability and effectiveness of our client approaches. It is not that products and services are changing rapidly, it is the fact that they can be reached in complete new ways, that they can be produced in complete new ways and that the information about these facts uses new ways. These factors can change the character of product. The techniques of making products ors services are most of the time creations of intelligent designers dealing with visions and imagination on the one hand and technical limitations to that vision and imagination on the other hand. Products and services are answers to real needs or desires of people like you and me or are strong new imaginations of new human needs or experiences, or put in another way are incentives for new needs and desire. All these new and old desires and needs are part of the rich “human experience”. The discussion is of course always legitimate about the question; if a certain product, services or (nowadays) application factually serves a real need, an authentic need or ultimately a good need. This debate is ongoing since Plato. The desire to smoke cigarettes was a strong need, probably generated and in any way enhanced by the “Dandy” culture of the “roaring twenties”. The culture nestled this need in the hearts and minds of the people. I myself was really in need of cigarettes during almost twenty year. It was not an authentic need but it connected with a body desire, evoked and at the same time satisfied by the nicotine! The same holds for the television, which generated a need that did not exist before. Although you can say that we had visual needs and we – human creatures – have very strong visual reward systems in our neurological system. The television awakened a visual reward system that was potential present, but evoked and satisfied by the apparatus. It was not an authentic need, but it generated a strong desire and still does to a lot of people. The wine we drink gives another strong example of another type of need; it is almost a natural desire that stems from our bodily statue. Yet its influence has increased the last decades. We drink more wine, we enjoy more qualities and the new ways of producing, transporting and valorization have even deepened our wine desire and the satisfaction that goes with it. If you are enjoying the wine, you praise the day that somebody taught you how to drink. If we look for another need, our need to move, to transport ourselves, to travel; the change of the way of moving from horse riding to flying with planes, is paramount. The human desire is not originally aimed at flying, but it s existence is a perfect match on the cultural and physical needs we have. We want to move on, like nomads and we want to settle down, both genetic engraved drivers that constitute our system. Any innovation of the experience of traveling can count on these inclinations. You can travel fast to exotic places, but you want to feel at settled. All the examples are nice from the perspective of the contraposition between real needs and artificial needs, or as Rousseau would put it between human needs and alienated needs. But we might state that almost all our newly created desires are aimed at enriching the human experience, to give daily life experiences more dimension or more quality. Or to say it in another way, it tries to boost the human development, the emancipation to richer forms of life. The question is always did this or that innovation really reached that? We can bluntly mistake ourselves in the value of innovations. Also we can see that – although bad for our physical and mental health – they all connect with real authentic needs in one way or another. We can sometimes say they are not intelligent connected with our rudimental needs. The smoking is a good example. The destroying of nature in all aspects is quite unintelligent, but as soon as we get awareness of the stupidity of the so-called innovation of human experiences, we will eventually stop it (although sometimes late or too late). But the process of eliminating the value of smoking is unheard. Governments have really innovated their way of dealing with health issues. Here is where innovation start, innovation is mostly connected with changing old products and services into new varieties or into better qualities of higher level. But if we look at the examples, we can easily say that innovation has to do with the way we create our needs and the way we validate our way of satisfactions. The reconsidering of the coolness of smoking into coolness without smoking is an innovation of the concept “cool”. The same way holds for driving cars: the Prius experience and not BMW one, we innovate the car production lines, but Toyota also innovated our value of the car experience. The noise producing gasoline cars were also creating the value of being heard by everyone in the street, the technical limitations gave form to the product. There were not a few people, who love to hear the sound of noisy gasoline engines! Nowadays all the car experience is about not being heard outside the car and listening to super hi-fi stereo! Driving in your hybrid car is a very satisfying and tranquilizing experience.We want to eat well; we want to eat slowly (after decennia of fast food desires) so we innovate our eating experiences. We want to buy clothes that are made in a fair way, the same for coffee, chocolate etc. that really enriches our experiences. Eating chocolate did not incorporate – till recently – the aspects of child labour or the suppression of other people. Some people really enjoyed the idea that slaves had worked for their products. The way we inform, the way we make, and the way we design all innovated the chocolate experience. So we innovate our parts or building elements of our daily human experiences and we probably practice an evolution in these innovations. Sometimes this evolution is an improvement and sometimes it is an impoverishment (or better put: an erroneous attempt to evolution), but always there is a intrinsic connection with elements of the human neurological and cultural “desire complex”. The goal of innovation – at least the intended one – is improvement of the human condition; an improvement of previous solutions, better solution to burning problems, a jump in the possibility of esthetic-cultural experiences or even the improvement of the concept of human experiences in general. Of course comes on all these levels the critical question: what is a good innovation, or what are the criteria to measure the value of an innovation? There are of course different forms of innovations: we just innovate the product, the service, the process, the producer- client relation, the price, the image, the marketing, the business concept or do we innovate the experience related to the original product? Some innovations were really small in the concept but huge in their output. When Ryan air realized that planes are flying machines that ought to be in the sky as much as possible, they drastically innovated the whole flight travel industry. This is fundamentally a “deep dive” reflection on what you really are doing, what your competence is or what your distinctive competence is. Socratic Innovation As we see that the scope and dimension of innovation are not or should not be limited, the methods to reach good innovations should be limitless in the creative sense. There are a lot of very expensive managerial systems to trigger innovation. These fixed systems do not serve because they were always constructed in the world preceding the innovation, they will always try the old paradigm to create new concepts, which is contradictory. Or at least it will ignore fissures in the old paradigm. A real innovation strategy is one which incorporates paradigm switches from any levels. This can also mean a switch on the creation of human desire or human experience. Steve Jobs: People are in no condition to know what the next star product will be.Henry Ford: If I would have asked my clients what they wanted, they would have answered: a faster horse! We have to be able to rethink all the aspects of the human experience with his or that product, service or application. Even old boundaries between separated domains, for example making phone calls and making photographs, should be “virtually” forgotten. To deal with such a demand we need the possibility of reframing completely old concepts, the only honest tool is the Socratic discourse method. It can make fruit of millions of ideas and concepts ever surged in whatever context, so in the domain of the rich Socratic context, every person gets back the chance of testing his or hers most strange, normal or personal idea. The total ocean of ideas is the most open domain to deliver creative open innovation. Every other discipline is stuck to its paradigm; the Socratic paradigm is that we can explore a lot of paradigms. Most important of all, we have to realize that people are very context dependent; we continuously make the mistake of thinking in dispositions. People of such a background or such a personality will do this or that in whatever circumstances. Psychological investigation shows – over and over again- that the environment influences our inner world profoundly. If we want to create in an innovative way, we have to recreate our way of working or being together. The classical organization of a company is that of an industrial army. Top down management, task-division, marketing, finance etc. There is a strong hierarchical line within the company; everybody is looking up to and “waiting for ” the management and – in some cases – with the backs positioned towards the client. The central fallacy of this system is that the higher you get the better the creative thinking occurs; that individuals have to create smart ideas. And that people have fixed roles in these hierarchies. This classical surrounding puts people in an isolated position. Talking to your staff will not catalyze at once creative collaborative thinking. In normal discussions people will stick to fixed roles and use the same power games over and over again, people with very bright ideas often have a lack of self confidence in articulating them, people who keep silent most of the time think more then people who easy talk; also hierarchical higher personalities taking more speaking time in the assumption that that is the best for everyone. In the Socratic dialog, this is in a subtle way replaced by a process in which people do not discuss much, but listen more, take more empathic stands and are guided to a more “question oriented” approach then to a solution oriented approach. So the central organizer is the common shared question. Starting from common values we then organize a travel towards a possible answer, which is shared by all. The highest in hierarchy should be the one who can listen the best. A real Socratic governed organization has a leader who constantly knows to put the best question at any situation. Crafting the question is a discipline that can fortify communication processes. In general the Socratic method as a process catalyst, has a communicative power in making communities (comunicare). Even within old contexts the Socratic dialog creates an open innovative space where brains can connect and the hidden intelligence of all participants can be brought to light! On the content side the Socratic method works as an icebreaker: it can open very fixed lines of thoughts. Breaking the ice is not only a rational process, the space you reach is also a emotional ad a psychological space; crucial for creative thinking. To come to a really strong fundamental reflection on any thing; about energy, about security, about biking, about wine drinking, about moving or even about going to the lo, you have to rethink the simple concept in all its presumptions and assumptions. The detective work of examining the real impact of these concepts can lead to real innovations. Every side step or idea or hesitation of some of the participants can lead to a new insight. To neutralize classical scientific barriers or classical abstract languages hurdles, the chair has to be a practical philosopher who is capable to oversee the whole language game of science and the connection with simple clear formulations. So you need trained academic philosophers prepared to the job. The automatic selection of sophisticated concepts or so endogen concepts can block a complete opening to new horizons. You can see this by realizing that our horizons are created by common sense concepts, we repeatedly use. So to create new horizons (which are new paradigms) we have to make new basic concepts. These two ways (creating another context, using philosophical critical tools) make Socratic innovation a rich but complex tool for strong innovation. It transforms the company for one day in a collaborative think tank and the method is able to produce practical intelligence that is created by all in a hyper collaborative effort! Summary Socratic innovation can deliver “deep dives” at any depth! In Socratic innovation we go radically to the roots of our activities, our concepts and our fixed assumptions. The classical Socratic approach has four characteristics: – Knowledge can be pursued, and can lead to an understanding of what is true – The search for true knowledge is a co-operative enterprise – Questioning is the primary form of education, drawing out true knowledge from within rather than imposing knowledge from outside. – Knowledge must be pursued with a ruthless intellectual honesty. ((from Creative and Critical Thinking Vol 4.1, Robert Fisher, Brunel University, England) You can see very clearly that these classical approaches are very relevant in our actual social driven society. With Socratic innovation you will go to the deep truth about your real capacity (also you will become very honest with your self), together with all your workers you will make an intelligent effort to develop practical knowledge that will help create new horizons. Finally it will be a value driven approach were the knowledge about the real scope of the experience is central. Furthermore there is no selling of a product: in dialog with your stakeholders AND clients you develop the new experiences. This is perfectly fitted to the world of social media in which collaboration, consumer intelligence, co-creation, shared intelligence and value sharing is crucial.’ Social media is content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content. It’s a set of technologies, tools and platforms facilitating the discovery, participation and sharing of content. It is transforming monologues (one to many) into dialogues (many to many) and the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers.” (Wikipedia) It is no longer push we can exercise, you have to listen to your clients, talks with them ad then cooperate with them. You even have to invest into free exchange of information or knowledge that is valuable for your potential clients. Most important is that you give truthful information, that you understand the needs of the client and that you can react in a personalized way. Furthermore you will engage in a sustainable dialog with your client in which you cannot hide secrets or at least have to be open. Then probably you will be joining hands in making products, services and application. In the innovation methodology of Humberto Schwab there are different key elements built in one Socratic chain: Value creation. Appreciative inquiry. Socratic dialog and future scenarios. Next Event the future of ServicesServices as part of products Thursday, February 17, 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15 Location: Het Bethaniënklooster, Barndesteeg 6B, 1012 BV Amsterdam [Next to Nieuwmarkt] The speakers and topics are Pieter Jan Stappers, Professor, Chair of Design Techniques, TU DelftFuture of Services – Future for Designers? Iskander Smit, Strategy Director, Info.nlA future of impulse driven and hyper personalised services Lorna Goulden, Lead Creative Director, Philips DesignConsequences of The Internet of Things from a design perspective Daniel Erasmus, Owner, The DTNScenarios for a Society driven by Services Moderated by Kwela Hermanns Desert Greening Permaculture in Landscape and SocietyAs the basis of permaculture is beneficial design, it can be added to all other ethical training and skills, and has the potential of taking a place in all human endeavors. In the broad landscape, however, permaculture concentrates on already-settled areas and agricultural lands. Almost all of these need drastic rehabilitation and re-thinking. One certain result of using our skills to integrate food supply and settlement, to catch water from our roof areas, and to place nearby a zone of fuel forest which receives wastes and supplies energy, will be to free most of the area of the globe for the rehabilitation of natural systems. These need never be looked upon as “of use to people”, except in the very broad sense of global health. The real difference between a cultivated (designed) ecosystem, and a natural system is that the great majority of species (and biomass) in the cultivated ecology is intended for the use of humans or their livestock. We are only a small part of the total primeval or natural species assembly, and only a small part of its yields are directly available to us. But in our own gardens, almost every plant is selected to provide or support some direct yield for people. Household design relates principally to the needs of people; it is thus human-centered (anthropocentric). This is a valid aim for settlement design, but we also need a nature-centered ethic for wilderness conservation. We cannot, however, do much for nature if we do not govern our greed, and if we do not supply our needs from our existing settlements. If we can achieve this aim, we can withdraw from much of the agricultural landscape, and allow natural systems to flourish. Recycling of nutrients and energy in nature is a function of many species. In our gardens, it is our own responsibility to return wastes (via compost or mulch) to the soil and plants. We actively create soil in our gardens, whereas in nature many other species carry out that function. Around our homes we can catch water for garden use, but we rely on natural forested landscapes to provide the condenser leaves and clouds to keep rivers running with clean water, to maintain the global atmosphere, and to lock up our gaseous pollutants. Thus, even anthropocentric people would be well-advised to pay close attention to, and to assist in, conservation of existing forests and to assist in, the conservation of all existing species and allow them a place to live. We have abused the land and laid waste to systems we never need have disturbed had we attended to our home gardens and settlements. If we need to state a set of ethics on natural systems, then let it be thus: Implacable and uncompromising opposition to further disturbance of any remaining natural forests, where most species are still in balance; rehabilitation of degraded and damaged natural systems to stable states; Establishment of plant systems for our own use on the least amount of land we can use for our existence; and Establishment of plant and animal refuges for rare or threatened species. Permaculture as a design system deals primarily with the third statement above, but all people who act responsibly in fact subscribe to the first and second statements. We believe should use all the species we need or can find to use in our own settlement designs, providing they are not locally rampant and invasive. Before and after photos of previous Jordan project ‘Greening the Desert – the Sequel’ When there’s no soil, no water, no shade, and where the sun beats down on you to the tune of over 50°C (122°F), the word ‘poverty’ begins to take on a whole new meaning. It is distinct and surreal. It’s a land of dust, flies, intense heat and almost complete dependency on supply lines outside of ones control. This is the remains of what was once called the ‘fertile crescent’. It is the result of thousands of years of abuse. It is a glimpse at a world where the environment – whose services provide for all human need – has all but completely abandoned us. This is a glimpse at the world our consumer society is inexorably moving towards, as our exponential-growth culture gorges itself at ever-increasing rates. The original Greening the Desert video clip has been watched hundreds of thousands of times and has been posted to countless blogs and web pages in the datasphere. Although only five minutes long, it has inspired people around the globe, daring the lucid ones amongst us, those who can see the writing on the wall, to begin to hope and believe in an abundant future – a future where our survival doesn’t have to be based on undermining and depleting the very resources of soil, water, phosphorus, etc. that we depend on. The work profiled in that clip demonstrates that humanity can be a positive element within the biosphere. Man doesn’t have to destroy. Man can repair. In the clip at top I introduce you today to Greening the Desert II. I shot the footage for this video last month (October 2009) and edited it on location in the Dead Sea Valley in Jordan – the lowest place on earth, at 400 metres below sea level. Much of it was shot in or near the village of Al Jawfa where I stayed, which is effectively a Palestinian refugee camp that has morphed over the decades since 1948 into something resembling a functional small town. It was first shown to delegates of the ninth International Permaculture Conference (IPC9) in Malawi, Africa at the very beginning of November and is now being released for general consumption. The video will take you to the original Greening the Desert site, letting you see its present condition after six years of neglect when funding ran out in 2003. You’ll also be introduced to our new project site – the Jordan Valley Permaculture Project, aka ‘Greening the Desert, the Sequel’ – and see some of the spin-off effects within Jordan from the influence of the original site; promises of much more to come. The work we’re undertaking in Jordan is in accordance with what we call the ‘Permaculture Master Plan‘, where the project’s future is assured through funding from running educational courses. Project sites thus become self-sufficient, and self-replicating. Through this work we envision thousands of educational demonstration sites worldwide – all inspiring and teaching communities around them how to begin to tackle at root the massive challenges we now face after decades of short-term profit-based thinking has all but ‘consumed’ our planet and dismantled the social constructs that the human race has always depended on for its survival. Through this work we see desertification stopped in its tracks, and reversed. We see this century’s dire water issues getting resolved. We see productive work for millions in bypassing the irrelevant efforts of our ‘leaders’, to instead build a new kind of culture – a culture based on cooperative effort and learning. It’s a culture where its members have regained a sense of their place in creation, where they become land-based stewards of remaining resources; creating a culture where we at last find ultimate satisfaction – promoting and building peace and low-carbon, relocalised, community-based prosperity. We have many such ‘Master Plan’ projects in various stages of development worldwide, and a steady stream of enquiries from people around the globe wanting to get involved and help widen this cooperative network. Perhaps it’s time you took a look at Permaculture? After all, do you have something more worthwhile to do? The Personal Futures Workbook by Verne Wheelwright Exploring and preparing for your futureWhat is a personal future? As we interpret personal futures here, they are explorations of the potential futures of one individual, but only the futures that directly involve that individual. You will be learning about the futures that relate directly to you and your family. What should you be able to expect from studying about your future? The approach you will take with this workbook consists of three steps:1. Build a framework of information about your life.2. From the framework information, explore your future with scenarios.3. From the scenarios, develop a vision, strategies, and action plans for your future. You will use the same methods that have been practiced by futurists for decades all over the world. At the end of this process you should have an overview and a vision for your life, specific plans for the next stage of life, and contingency plans to deal with unexpected changes. Here are the steps that you will be following in this workbook as you prepare for your future: Personal ResearchLife stagesPersonal domains and driving forcesLife eventsYour plans, goals and values Personal ScenariosDevelop a scenario matrixExamine the driving forces in your lifeCreate four scenariosPersonal Strategic PlanningCreate a vision for the next stage of your life.Develop strategiesDevelop action plansDevelop contingency plansAnd the final step..… Live your plan! Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog January 1: On the meaning of wordsNovember 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future. News about the Future Europe can be marine biotech leaderThe Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (ESF) says in its latest report that Europe can take the leading role in marine biotechnology by 2020. Latest data show that the marine biotechnology market is valued at EUR 2.8 billion, and has the potential to grow up to 12% each year if industry and academia cooperate. The ESF experts say Europe’s four seas and two oceans offer diverse conditions of temperature, pressure, light and chemistry, from shallow coastal waters to the deep ocean. The changes that allowed myriad marine organisms to thrive in these conditions led to a living library of diversity that is both unexplored and underexploited, the ESF’s Marine Board says. Marine biotechnologists can use these resources to develop new products and services, and in turn help bring solutions to the table as regards challenges that affect our planet, including offering a sustainable supply of food and energy and new industrial materials and processes, and developing new drugs and health treatments. ‘Marine biotechnology not only creates jobs and wealth, it can also contribute to the development of greener, smarter economies,’ explains Lars Horn of the Research Council of Norway and Chair of the Marine Board. ‘Japan, China and the US are already investing heavily in marine biotechnology. If we fail to act, Europe will lose out.’ Global Employment Trends 2011: The challenge of a jobs recoveryThe annual Global Employment Trends (GET) report provides the latest global and regional estimates of employment and unemployment, employment by sector, vulnerable employment, labour productivity and working poverty, while also analysing country-level issues and trends in the labour market. Taking into account macroeconomic trends and forecasts, the GET includes a short-term outlook for labour markets around the world. The report finds that there were around 40 million more working poor at the extreme US$ 1.25 level in 2009 than would have been expected in the absence of the global economic crisis. An estimated 630 million workers (one in five workers in the world) were living with their families at the extreme US$ 1.25 a day level in 2009. Globally, an estimated 1.53 billion workers were in vulnerable employment in 2009, which corresponds to a vulnerable employment rate of 50.1%. European Values Study The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values. It provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe. It is a unique research project on how Europeans think about life, family, work, religion, politics and society.The European Values Study started in 1981, when a thousand citizens in the European Member States of that time were interviewed using standardized questionnaires. Every nine years, the survey is repeated in an increasing number of countries. The fourth wave in 2008 will cover no less than 47 European countries/regions, from Iceland to Azerbaijan and from Portugal to Norway. In total, about 70,000 people in Europe will be interviewed.A rich academic literature has been created around the original and consecutive surveys and numerous other works have made use of the findings. In-depth analyses of the 1981, 1990 and 1999 findings with regard to Western and Central Europe, and North America reinforced the impression that a profound transformation of modern culture is taking place, although not at the same speed in all countries. Cultural and social changes appear dependent upon the stage of socio-economic development and historical factors specific to a given nation. The new 2008 wave will provide further insights in this matter. Recommended Book Designing for the Digital Age: How to Create Human-Centered Products and ServicesBy Kim Goodwin Whether you’re designing consumer electronics, medical devices, enterprise Web apps, or new ways to check out at the supermarket, today’s digitally-enabled products and services provide both great opportunities to deliver compelling user experiences and great risks of driving your customers crazy with complicated, confusing technology. Designing successful products and services in the digital age requires a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in interaction design, visual design, industrial design, and other disciplines. It also takes the ability to come up with the big ideas that make a desirable product or service, as well as the skill and perseverance to execute on the thousand small ideas that get your design into the hands of users. It requires expertise in project management, user research, and consensus-building. This comprehensive, full-color volume addresses all of these and more with detailed how-to information, real-life examples, and exercises. Topics include assembling a design team, planning and conducting user research, analyzing your data and turning it into personas, using scenarios to drive requirements definition and design, collaborating in design meetings, evaluating and iterating your design, and documenting finished design in a way that works for engineers and stakeholders alike. Global Food and Farming Futures Global Food and Farming Futuresby the Government Office for Science, LondonHow can a future global population of 9 billion people all be fed healthily and sustainably? The Foresight project Global Food and Farming Futures explores the increasing pressures on the global food system between now and 2050. The Report highlights the decisions that policy makers need to take today, and in the years ahead, to ensure that a global population rising to nine billion or more can be fed sustainably and equitably. The Foresight report makes a compelling case for urgent action to redesign the global food system to meet the challenge of feeding the world over the next 40 years. The Project analysed five key challenges for the future: A. Balancing future demand and supply sustainably – to ensure that food supplies are affordable.B. Ensuring that there is adequate stability in food prices – and protecting the most vulnerable from the volatility that does occur.C. Achieving global access to food and ending hunger – this recognises that producing enough food in the world so that everyone can potentially be fed is not the same thing as ensuring food security for all.D. Managing the contribution of the food system to the mitigation of climate change.E. Maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services while feeding the world. The Project has involved around 400 leading experts and stakeholders from about 35 countries across the world. Drawing upon over 100 peer-reviewed evidence paper commissioned by the Project which can be accessed in full here (hyperlink). The Project was sponsored by the UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Department for International Development (DFID). Acasa look to print new homes in the developed world ACASA seeks to produce cheap, high-quality homes in the developing world. Instead of building a house brick by brick, the ACASA team proposes automating the process and “printing” concrete walls. The technology for such an endeavour is already in place. Based on the work of Behrokh Koshnevis at the University of Southern California, Rapid Automated Manufacturing (also known as Contour Crafting) is capable of building a 1000 ft² home in approximately one day. Advances in robotics and materials science suggest that future developments in this technology will include interior surfaces and furnishings. This project was launched at the inaugural year of Singularity University. Over one billion people worldwide reside in substandard housing facilities, live in temporary shelters for displaced populations, or have nowhere to call home. Imagine if we could alleviate today’s global housing crisis using new, automated construction technologies. Our team is designing a business plan to leverage advances in rapid 3D additive manufacturing technologies in order to construct affordable, customizable housing for the developing world. This low-cost, environmentally sustainable solution has the potential to create a powerful new paradigm for improving housing construction using local resources. We are exploring innovative financial models to support an R&D incubator that will produce exponential gains in bringing these next-generation technologies to market. We will commercialize these emerging technologies through strategic partnerships with industry leaders, international development organizations, and local communities. Futurist Portrait: Ian Pearson “Anyone can predict stuff, but only a few get it right”“Just occasionally, everyone else is wrong!” Ian Pearson has been a full time futurologist since 1991, with a proven track record of around 85% accuracy at the 10 year horizon. He has delivered keynote presentations at over 1000 conferences, company away-days, PR events and workshops. He previously worked for BT, where he invented text messaging in 1991 and later established their futurology presence. He acquires basic data from conferences, reading and talking to engineers and uses this to feed his thinking about all aspects of the future. Ian’s brief now covers technology impacts in almost every major field over the 5-20 year timeframe. “I work as a Futurologist. I study the future. My day to day work with Futurizon involves tracking developments across the whole field of technology and society, figuring out where it is all going next, and how that will affect our everyday lives. I take account of as many technology and social factors as possible. My main tools are: a strong background in science and engineering, trends analysis, common sense, reasonable business acumen, knowing when to listen to other people, and a whole lot of thinking. I usually get it right, but since the future is never totally predictable, I sometimes get it wrong too, about 15% of the time. But I specialise in doing long term stuff, so I have a lot of fun. I hope to be retired before anyone can prove me wrong. …” Agenda Our Season Program 2010/2011 February 17, 201118:30-21:15 March 17, 201118:30-21:15 April 14, 201118:30-21:15 May 19, 201118:30-21:15 June 23, 201118:30-21:15 February 4, 2011    the future of ServicesServices as part of productsLocation:Het Bethaniënklooster, Barndesteeg 6B, 1012 BV Amsterdam the future of ShellLocation: Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam, Grasweg 31, 1031 HW Amsterdam the future of the Human MindLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of SingularityLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of European DemocracyLocation:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE) The Club of Amsterdam visits CERN in Geneva, SwitzerlandFULLY BOOKED!  

Club of Amsterdam Journal, March 2011, Issue 136

Content Energy 2020 Next Event Solowheel Visiting CERN Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future The Global Transformation of Healthcare Recommended book Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication LED teeth Futurist Portrait: Richard Worzel Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. The world is starting a shift towards a new, low-carbon energy future. But it will take several decades to get there. Shell is taking steps today to help build the energy system of tomorrow: producing more cleaner burning natural gas; working to deliver advanced fuels and lubricants and lower-carbon biofuels; and building a capability in carbon capture and storage.…. interested in knowing more …. join us next year at the event about the future of Shell – Thursday, 17 March! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Energy 2020 Energy 2020 – A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energyBy EU Directorate-General for Energy The Communication defines the energy priorities for the next ten years and sets the actions to be taken in order to tackle the challenges of saving energy, achieving a market with competitive prizes and secure supplies, boosting technological leadership, and effectively negotiate with our international partners. “Europe’s energy sector is on the threshold of an unprecedented period of change. Secure energy supplies and affordable prices are crucial for our growth, job creation and quality of life. There is no time to waste if we are to ensure a brighter future for our energy market.” – Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy Citizens’ summaryWHAT’S THE ISSUE?The EU committed to cut its greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change. The energy system must become low-carbon. Dependence on imports of oil and gas is growing. The EU needs to save energy and find new energy alternatives and to produce more of its own energy. Energy prices are rising. Citizens and businesses are entitled to have access to affordable energy. WHO WILL BENEFIT AND HOW?All citizens will benefit from lower greenhouse gas emissions, more secure and affordable energy if strategic decisions and measures are taken now to save energy, invest in lowcarbon energy alternatives and build intelligent and diversified energy networks. The development of new energy alternatives will sustain Europe’s competitiveness in growth and job-creating new industries. Saving energy will lower the energy bill for industries and households; it will lower the level of investments needed to replace aging capacity and infrastructure and it will increase our energy security. WHY DOES ACTION HAVE TO BE TAKEN BY THE EU?EU countries’ energy interdependence is growing. National energy decisions have an impact on other countries. Energy security needs a European policy on security of energy supply, the development of infrastructures and relations with transit and producing third countries. Policies for the development of renewable energy and research on new technologies are more efficient if coordinated at European level. The continental energy market offers much more efficiency and economies of scale. Energy infrastructure modernisation is needed to integrate growing renewable energy, increase energy security and develop intelligent networks. EU coordination is needed to fix priorities, facilitate financing and speed implementation. WHAT EXACTLY WILL CHANGE?The strategy will drive major efforts in:energy market regulation, grid management and the security of energy systems; technical innovation and investments; education and incentives for domestic and business consumers to save energy, reduce wastage and switch to low-carbon technologies and fuels. WHEN IS THE PROPOSAL LIKELY TO COME INTO EFFECT?The strategy will be implemented until 2020. Several major proposals will be made in the coming months:A Communication on the development of energy infrastructure in November 2010; An Energy Efficiency Action Plan in February 2011; A Roadmap towards a low-carbon energy system by 2050 in May 2011; A Communication on external energy policy in June 2011. […] ConclusionsThe EU is on the threshold of an unprecedented period for energy policy. Energy markets have been largely cushioned from the effects of global market turbulence in recent years as a result of liberalisation, ample supply and production capacities and adequate import possibilities. However, dramatic changes are afoot. Energy prices will be affected by the huge need for energy sector investments, as well as carbon pricing and higher international energy prices. Competitiveness, security of supply and climate objectives will be undermined unless electricity grids are upgraded, obsolete plants are replaced by competitive and cleaner alternatives, and energy is used more efficiently throughout the whole energy chain. Member States and industry have recognised the scale of the challenges. Secure energy supplies, an efficient use of resources, affordable prices and innovative solutions are crucial to our long-term sustainable growth, job creation and quality of life. Member States have agreed that these challenges will be tackled most effectively by policies and action at EU level, by ‘Europeanising’ energy policy. This includes directing EU funding support towards public priorities that markets fail to meet and which bring the most European value. The new EU energy strategy will require significant efforts in technical innovation and investment. It will foster a dynamic and competitive market and lead to a major strengthening of institutional arrangements to monitor and guide these developments. It will improve the security and the sustainability of energy systems, grid management, and energy market regulation. It will include extensive efforts to inform and empower domestic and business consumers, to involve them in the switch to a sustainable energy future, for example by saving energy, reducing wastage and switching to low-carbon technologies and fuels. Investments in low-carbon energy production will be further encouraged by market-based instruments such as emissions trading and taxation. The new strategy will take the first steps towards preparing the EU for the greater challenges which it may well have to face already by 2020. Above all, it will ensure better leadership and coordination at the European level, both for internal action and in relations with external partners. The global energy system is entering a phase of rapid transition with potentially far-reaching implications that will unfold in the next decades. Europe has to act before the window of opportunity closes. Time is short. Thus, the Commission will present most of the proposals to achieve the 2020 goals in the coming 18 months. Discussion, adoption and implementation will be needed quickly. In this way, the EU will be better able to put in place the building blocks for the 2020 outcome – standards, rules, regulations, plans, projects, financial and human resources, technology markets, social expectations, etc. – and prepare Europe’s citizens for the challenges ahead. Due to the long lead-in times for energy system changes taking action today does not guarantee that the structural changes needed for the low-carbon transition will be completed in the period to 2020, which this strategy covers. It is therefore necessary to look beyond the time scale of the present strategy to ensure that the EU is well-prepared for the 2050 objective of a secure, competitive and lowcarbon energy system. The Commission will therefore follow up this strategy with a complete roadmap for 2050 which will set the measures covered in this paper in a longer-term context and consider further, complementary steps. Photos courtesy of© Alexander Kirch/© Tomas Bercic/ Next Event the future of Shell Building a low-carbon energy futureThursday, March 17, 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location: Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam, Grasweg 31, 1031 HW AmsterdamThe event is supported by Shell Please bring your ID and non-Dutch visitors your passport! The speakers and topics are Andrei Kotov, Commercial Adviser Global LNG, Shell Upstream Internationalthe future of Gas Guus Berkhout, Professor of Geosciences, Professor of InnovationNew Business Framework for the Energy Industry Bill Spence, Manager Strategic Issues, Shell Upstream InternationalEnergy Scenarios & the future of Shell The event is moderated by Adriaan Kamp, Owner, Kamp Beheer Solowheel We’ve reinvented the wheel. Solowheel is the smallest, greenest, most convenient People Mover ever invented. Gyroscope technology is behind this new self-balancing electric unicycle that is more compact and fun to ride than any folding electric bike! Externally, the Solowheel consists of a wheel and two foldable foot platforms. Internally, the inner workings of the Solowheel use gyro sensors, a 1000-Watt motor and a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. All this technology is housed under a visually appealing, slim case with leg pads and a handle for easy carrying. 100% battery operated; leaning controls your speed. Lean forward to go forward and backward when you want to slow down. The highly efficient lithium ion battery recaptures energy when going downhill or slowing down. It has a two hour battery life and can be fully recharged in only forty-five minutes. The Solowheel is easy to learn. Because of the gyro-sensors and left and right steering capability, you can literally step on and go. The Solowheel is very portable and weighs only twenty pounds. This allows you to carry your wheel with you: into a store or restaurant, on an elevator, into work, to the movie theatre, onto a bus or train, or into your classroom. Transportation that provides users with an easy, uncomplicated, straightforward ride is the goal of the Solowheel. So get on and get going wherever you are! Visiting CERN The Club of Amsterdam visits CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. We would like thank everybody that made this memorable event possibleand a special thank you to Dr. Sergio Bertolucci and Dr. Herman ten Kate! Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog January 1: On the meaning of wordsNovember 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future. News about the Future Flexible Organic Microprocessor European researchers from Imec in Leuven, Belgium, unveiled the world’s first microprocessor made with organic semiconductors. The 4000-transistor, 8-bit logic circuit has the processing power of only a 1970s silicon chip and executes commands at about 6 instructions per second but it is flexible allowing uses in flexible displays, or as sensors wrapped around food, pharmaceuticals or in industrial or science research as intelligent sensors. The 25-micrometer-thick chip uses a polyethylene naphthalate plastic substrate covered with a 25-nanometer-thick gold layer that forms the circuit, with an organic dielectric, covered also by a second gold layer, topped off by the organic pentacene semiconductor. Taking the technology to market will require some work but the researchers expect the chip costs to be around a tenth of similar (rigid) silicon circuits. Photolithographic printing techniques are used to make the layers, and controlling layer thickness and relative layer positioning will be important. 2011 Horizon ReportThe annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the NMC’s Horizon Project, a research-oriented effort that seeks to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have considerable impact on teaching, learning, and creative expression within higher education. The Global Transformation of Healthcare By Hardy F. Schloer, Schloer Consulting Group “In an allegorical sense, we have created finely sculpted vessels and sharpened iron tools, and we leave them sitting idly by, holding tightly to our crude sticks and stone aged rocks! This is the state of information technological in the arena of modern global health care. It the intention of SCG to pick up those tools and use them. The welfare of the human race may depend upon it.” Singapore, Tuesday 01:45 A.M.Adib bin Rashed is from Dubai. He has recently moved to the country of Singapore on business, and has decided to enrol himself in the country’s state of the art, electronic, patient-focused, healthcare system, provided by the Schloer Consulting Group’s Healthcare Systems. One night, while Adib is up working late on his laptop to finish a presentation, his new Iphone beeps, signaling the arrival of a new text message. He is curious about who would be trying to reach him at such a late hour. He soon realized that the message is from the Singaporean Healthcare Systems. The message was generated in the central 24-hourHealthWatch Diagnostic Supercomputer Center. The message says: Important HealthSystems Alert!Alert level – high.PAMA Code: ES007767473-006…Consult Dr. Alfred Cheng (555-….)Or contact another HealthSystems doctor near you!Secure INFO at HYPERLINK “http://www….Worried by the abrupt message concerning his health, Adib immediately wants to call his physician, Dr. Cheng, but realizes that is three in the morning, and as he has just moved to the region a few months ago, and still brushing up on his Chinese and Malaysian speaking skills, he feels distraught. Making matters worse, he is not familiar with any other doctors in Singapore. However, the high-alert message is very disconcerting, and he understandably wants to know the premise behind this late-night message. Remembering that he is a member of the patient-focused Healthcare Systems, an on-line electronic health maintenance platform, he uses his laptop to connect to the Internet and log-on to his secure personal HealthSystems profile. Once logged in, he discovers a personalized message, clearly stating that one hour and five minutes ago, an important research team at a medical University in Singapore had recognized a new scientific study, reviewed in the United States and released earlier by the Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany. The study referred to important high risk conditions consistent with Adib’s past medical records, on file with the HealthSystems Data and Diagnostic Center. Through his secure personal HealthSystems profile, there was a clear message explaining that the prescription medication Adib had had been taking for the past four years, given to him by his doctor in Dubai, together with a heart condition diagnosed by another doctor only two years in later in Abu Dhabi, could cause severe, and even life-threatening sideeffects, including heart failure. The warning stated that based on his age, dose of medication, and the extent of the indicated heart condition, that the risk of side effects was high and that his prescription should be reviewed, and almost surely changed. Neither, the doctor in Dubai, nor the doctor in Abu Dhabi had ever communicated with one another about their patient, Adib. And as both had treated him for very different concerns, it is easy to see that neither was aware of the other doctor’s diagnosis or prescription, and neither was aware of the newly discovered risk of side effects. Adib himself not in contact with either doctor, since he had moved from the region. It is quite possible that both doctors in Adib’s life, considering their hectic schedule, even remember treating him. Luckily for this man, both of the physicians in question had been operating with electronic medical records, and had recorded their medical findings, treatment, and the prescriptions Adib was taking into the global HealthSystems Online Medical Record System. Meanwhile, the world over, millions of other doctors and pharmacists had done the same thing with the information of million, if not billions, of patients. These reports were documented directly from their office, fully automated, without any extra effort by either doctor. They were done right from their examining room through the HealthSystems online patient management system. When Adib filled his prescriptions, the system noted in his file that he was still taking the prescribed drugs, and through his pharmacist, it learned his new address and telephone number. While Adib was checking his on-line healthcare messaging system, the HealthSystems Supercomputer Center was simultaneously, and with great precision, using its watchful “eyes” to mine and sift through terabyte-sized databases. That night, just like every night, the system re-examined scores of past and present medical records, from hundreds of millions of patients all over the world. A component computer system reexamined each patient’s unique record, matching him or her with the latest findings of the global community’s medical research, and updating each record against state-of-the-art diagnostic capabilities. The next day, Adib makes it his highest priority to visit Dr. Cheng, his physician in Singapore, to go over this disturbing alert. When he arrives to the office, the receptionist smiles, and shows him how to use a fingerprint scanner on the counter to “sign in.” Adib places his index finger on the scanner, and seconds later she says, “Good morning, Mr. bin Rashed. Dr. Cheng will be with you in just a few minutes. While Adib waits, his medical records are automatically retrieved from the HealthSystems Supercomputer Center. Almost instantaneously, these important records are sent to Dr. Cheng’s office computer, where they are decrypted according to Adib’s biometric identification (in this case, his fingerprint). The nurse only had to read the screen to know the patients name, as well as other administrative data. The medical information is routed to the doctor’s computer in the examining room. By the time Adib and Dr. Cheng meet face to face, the practicing physician already knows an incredible amount of important information about his worried patient. He has, for example, already seen the disturbing warning message sent to Adib, and since it is the first time that Dr. Cheng has been informed of this contraindication study, he takes a few moments to access an on-line summary of the finds, checking some references. Then, via an automated decision-support system, Dr. Cheng can click a “suggested treatment” button to open a window with test procedures and treatment suggestions that are tailored especially for his patient Adib. This intelligent data determines whether there is an enhanced risk, and whether the prescriptions can be modified to remove this risk. In this sense, an amazing thing has transpired. Before Adib has even come into the examination room, Dr. Cheng knows a great deal about his medical history, and the nurse is already setting up equipment for blood tests to streamline the visit. During the course of the physical examination, the doctor explains the situation to Adib, who feels a great sense of relief, knowing that he is receiving the best possible care, and that his healthcare system truly analyzed a life-threatening risk before it was too late. The doctor is also able to use the system’s for possible supporting dietary recommendations and natural remedies, as well as safer pharmaceutical medicines for Adib. He decides that in this case, a different pharmaceutical option is necessary, and he prescribes him with a safer remedy, and encourages him to return for follow-up tests within the month. During the course of the following month, the watchful eyes of the HealthSystems Supercomputer center will make it a priority to follow carefully the progress of Adib’s condition. The system will be gathering more information from patients all over the world with the same indications as Adib, making this data available for analysis, comparison, and further evaluation of current practice. The system has organized a clinical study, based on the published data, for a condition that was unknown thirty days ago, and under the supervision of monitoring physicians, the data it generates can be used by other doctors to improve the care that they can provide. The entire aforementioned analytical and messaging process, with the exception of the physician supervision, transpired without any human intervention. The process is made possible through a centralized set of powerful computers that have the data storage capacity to unify all globally available medical knowledge. This system also has the analytical capacity to produce reliable intelligence about the actual patient records of member physicians. This process is enacted in real time, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. The same day that he met with Adib, Dr. Cheng will meet with many other patients. Each one of these patients will have their records registered and evaluated by the same centralized systems of supercomputers. For most of them, Dr. Cheng will enter a tentative diagnosis, and the system files it in their records. For a very few of them, the system will return information to the physician suggesting that certain features of their records do not support the diagnosis, leading Dr. Cheng to judge how certain he is of his conclusions. He is an excellent doctor and a specialist in these cases. In all cases but one, he is very sure of his conclusions, so he lets the HealthSystems system know. The system uses this to learn, adding the information from Dr. Cheng’s diagnosis to its database, supported by all the patient records. In the one remaining case, Dr. Cheng re-examines the clinical data, and orders a new test to differentiate one condition suggested by the HealthSystems computers to the condition he had diagnosed. In this sense, the doctor himself is able to educate himself on emerging intelligence in the field of medicine. If the aforementioned scenario sounds like a futuristic scene from a science fiction movie, think again! Each and every piece of the intricately orchestrated scenario described above, can be created with the tools and technologies available to the human global community today. The needed technical facilities are available. The networks exist. Supercomputers are fast enough today to process literally billions of patients in parallel, just as described in this story. Databases are powerful enough today, to carry the complete medical history of every human living on this planet, together with every bit of medical knowledge that has been developed in the past 5000 years, both preventive and reactive. The advanced technology industry has the know-how for creating software that can deal with complex information. Medical diagnostic software has been available and operating for thirty years. We know how to organize clinical studies, and we know how to combine the results of multiple studies. We know how to send notifications, how to encrypt and decrypt information using biometrics, and we know how to protect the privacy of patients in the process. But somehow, despite all this knowledge, the human global community is still relating to healthcare with a stone-aged approach. We are still practicing the recording and application of medicine at technological levels that are far behind almost any other branch of science or industry. Doctors still routinely write down important medical information about their patients with pencil and paper, where it rots and molds in the paper archives of a thousand disconnected places. This information is not helpful to the medical community, not available for researchers, and not particularly helpful to the patients. In an allegorical sense, we have created finely sculpted vessels and sharpened iron tools, and we leave them sitting idly by, holding tightly to our crude sticks and stone-aged rocks! This is the state of information technological in the arena of modern global health care. It the intention of SCG to pick up those tools and use them. The welfare of the human race may depend upon it. Every member of the medical community, from the practicing clinical physician, to the researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and government representatives, knows that clinical studies are expensive. They are expensive to organize and they are expensive to conduct. And yet, in the face of this huge expense, the medical community routinely discards nearly 100% of all collected information regarding patient care and treatment. This was perhaps necessary in the past, when the cost of storing, transferring, and transforming information was high, but within the context of existing technology, it is both irresponsible and foolish today. Every clinical practitioner knows that the clinical practice of medicine is not a science. Each patient is unique, with a different genetic makeup, and a different environment. There are therapies that work for some will not work for others. On the other hand, every clinical practitioner has to know and stay current in clinical science. Today the standard clinical tool for clinical scientists is the double-blind study, using as large a population as possible to measure the safety and efficacy of one or more drugs or treatments. The clinical results are published, and after a period that may take several years, they work their way into clinical practice. But the double-blind study is not the only reliable statistical technique. Consider, for example, that neither physics nor astronomy is done with double-blind studies. The double blind experimental design is one that is imposed by the current medical model, and not one imposed by science or technology. Consider also, for example, that a double blind design adds absolutely nothing to a computer analysis. One computer will absolutely analyze data the same way another one will. Computers are not “hopeful” of one outcome or another. Therefore, at a minimum, computers can reliably conduct studies of medical effects in populations even though the computers “know” the patients’ complete histories and current treatment regime. What is required here is a new model that is entirely within our existing information processing and statistical technologies. It is not just medical research that is lagging far behind its potential. Equally important are the tremendous expenses in health care. These are mushrooming at rates that have long since passed sustainability. Governments and insurance providers have long begun to cut services and levels of treatments. People are living longer, and there is no sign that these trends will change. If the quality of medical services is improving at all, it is only because certain technological innovations, including a better understanding of chemistry and genetics, keeps advancing. But costs are increasing at a faster rate, and patients are being asked to carry a rapidly expanding financial burden. This includes paying for larger insurance premiums, paying more health care and retirement taxes, and bearing the burden of excluded conditions and treatments. This is unfair to all; to the patients, to the medical community, and to financial providers such as insurance companies and governments that bear the costs of both research and treatment. It is also irresponsible, since this current explosion of cost is unsustainable even in the near term. We must recognize that the entire field of medicine is standing on a crossroads. But there are good solutions. Technology is available to bring the quality of service to levels consistent with the 21st century rather then the 19th. We can give Adib his morning email message, with the support system described, in less then three years. That is, we could have the entire system in place and operating by the end of the first decade of the 21st century. When we do, the cost of health care and the cost of health research will be dramatically reduced. With our modern global system, Adib will not be diagnosed in time. He could die, or could develop a chronic condition that requires intensive treatment, resulting from a lack of knowledge. Even more problematic is the scenario if we consider that there are 6.5 billion people like Adib, and none of them will receive centralized diagnostics in time to treat them. We have statistical expectations of millions of future cases of sick and disabled people that will leave the productive working process of society because our lack of coordinated information and treatment, causing a devastating economic impact. When people leave the workforce, taxes decrease. When they become permanent patients, health care spending increases. The costs of not using technological solutions for known problems are staggering, and the costs of the solutions are, by comparison, tiny. Medicine must make several important transformations to come to levels that are appropriate for today’s state-of-the-art technology. The following presents five specific areas in which tools are available today, where using those tools could result in a much better quality of life for both doctors and patients: Firstly, medicine must continue to develop better patient records systems.Practitioners in the medical field must continue to centralize patient information, and engineers must make tools available to make this process inexpensive and easy, as well as reliable. This is the first and most important step. Currently, tools are available for reliable automatic translation between different languages (such as Chinese, Arabic, English or Spanish), working most efficiently on what a computer scientist would call “structured data.” Patient records are an example of structured data, that is, data whose content is very largely determined by its syntax. In the field “Patient Age”, for example, we do not expect to find “Dubai” or “Table top”. We expect to find a number greater than zero and less than a few hundred. Dealing with data of this kind is not hard, and we know how to do it. Second, all doctors treating a patient should have access to the patient histories they need.This means that the patient histories should be stored digitally, and should be in standard forms that doctors can understand. This will have the additional benefit that information need not be duplicated over and over. For example, tests are sometimes applied to patients (at great expenses to the insurance providers) that could be avoided if the results of previous tests would be preserved and centrally accessible to all doctors that come into contact with the same patient. Third, privacy is a paramount concern.This is a problem capable of technological solutions. We know, today, how to solve this problem. We solve it routinely in governments, using encryption and certificates, and we solve it routinely in the financial industries, in banking and insurance, and we can solve it in medicine. Not only the doctor, but also the patient himself should have access to all his own information at one central place of secure and reliable storage. Today, in some countries, medical information is the property of the doctor, or the insurance company, or some other industry. In the opinion of the author, this is wrong-headed, as the information should be the property of the patient, with access granted by regulation to medical providers who require it, and information of different sorts, at different abstractions, available to payers and others. All of this can be arranged easily in a modern world were everything is networked together through the Internet. Advocates for privacy and security should know that data security is very good these days, and that techniques are available in the biometric area that could easily make it better. In fact, data would be much more secure at centralized encrypted systems that can only be accessed through biometric keys, similar as described in our example above, then how it is practiced today. A well-designed privacy system is critical to the organization of information. Fourth, it is important to realize that modern doctors are not magical shamans possessing all the knowledge and all the answers to all the questions.Medicine is a complicated field, combining human skills with medical science. Medical science gets exponentially more complex as new knowledge is developed everywhere 24 hours a day. Many aspects of environment, drug development, specializations, as well as many other elements, have made it very difficult for any doctor to know the right path of action all the time. It was once estimated, that a doctor would have to read 92 hours per day at the rate of 8 words per second, just to keep up with the constant development of medical knowledge. He would have to do so 365 days in the year. Obviously, this is not possible. Doctors and patients alike deserve much better tools, better information, better real-time diagnostic help, to allow them to do a much better and much more efficient job at healing patients. It is absolutely possible, by today’s technological standards, to supply a webbased interface to every doctor, anywhere in the world, no matter how remote. This would allow a doctor record all his patient related information in a central global database, and would provide access a centralized global diagnostic system in real time, giving the most current and most accurate information possible. Fifth, we must use such tools to not only curtail the constant increases of costs in the health care field, but more importantly, we need to lower costs.Other, less expensive approaches, seek to bring the rate of increase of costs down. I would suggest otherwise. We need to advance this goal towards bringing costs down to the levels of the 1970s. We achieve this goal, while simultaneously increasing the level of service by orders of magnitude. From a technologist’s point of view, this is entirely possible. Cost can and must come down in the near term. When we consider that a huge part of health care costs are the result of needing prescription drugs, and that the major factor in the cost of prescription drugs results from the high costs of research, and specifically, from clinical trials, we realize that we can dramatically improve results in this area while dramatically decreasing costs, merely by recognizing a new valid statistical model, based on much, much more information. We have been solving greater technological problems in other fields for decades. Military and financial systems are good examples in how the world of technology has transformed the respective fields into technological masterworks. Military forces can destroy the entire globe, or they can send one small missile into one window of one apartment half a world away. In manufacturing, we can (and do) make airplanes as large as buildings. We also move individual atoms, one by one, on a scale of some billions of times. Society has created this situation by resolving to solve certain problems, and to funnel spending into these areas. Should a problem arise in the military science, manufacturing, or finance industry, solutions are found often within days of the problem being stated. That same level of technological response is also available in the medical field, but somewhere somebody needs to make the first step to begin such urgently needed transformation. How can we move beyond the impasse of this technological stalemate? It appears to me, that we need the political will and the uncompromising courage of governmental decision makers to begin such much-needed transformation. Technologists have to sit down with representatives of government and the medical community to take the first steps in the implementation of modern technology based health care. We can do this. We, the technologists, have the tools for health care, but it will take the blessing and leadership of inspired governmental decision-makers to begin the process. So, here is my personal cry for help and participation on behalf of patients, the medical community and the technologists: Government, please, lets not wait any longer! We can’t bear the burden of your indecision any longer. We must act now; today, right here. Don’t wait for anyone else to do it. Take ownership of the problem. Take leadership and act on your responsibilities. Give your voters what they expect and deserve. Make the first step, and all will follow. Doctors, don’t accept second best any more. We have the tools to deliver to you, today, medical information technologies, reliable studies, treatment methods, communications tools, and of course, payment systems, that will enhance the quality of your lives and your patients. These tools are available to the military, to the financial industry, and to manufacturing. It is completely unacceptable, and even immoral, that they should not be used to improve. Recommended Book Introduction to the Global Oil & Gas Business By Samuel A. Van Vactor To the casual observer, the oil business seems constant and unchanging. The familiarity of the oil industry’s retail outlets masks extraordinary changes in how the industry engages in its four primary sectors of activity: finding and producing crude oil, transportation, refining, and marketing. In his new book, noted energy economist Dr. Samuel A. Van Vactor chronicles the oil industry’s transformation over the last century and discusses the future of an industry that has been pronounced dead or dying by its critics on numerous occasions since the early development of coal and the steam engine. New professionals, industry executives, government officials, and academicians will find Introduction to the Global Oil & Gas Business to be a concise introduction to the industry and an invaluable source of information. Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication – A Synthesis for Policy Makers A UNEP Report A Summary of the ConclusionsInvesting just 2% of global GDP into ten key sectors can kick-start a transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy. The new UNEP report demonstrates that a transition to a green economy is possible by investing 2% of global GDP per year (currently about US 1.3 trillion) between now and 2050 in a green transformation of key sectors, including agriculture, buildings, energy, fisheries, forests, manufacturing, tourism, transport, water and waste management. However, such investments must be spurred by national and international policy reforms. Conducted by global experts and institutions from both developed and developing countries, this timely report confirms that under a green economy scenario economic growth and environmental sustainability are not incompatible. On the contrary, a green economy creates jobs and economic progress, while at the same time avoiding considerable downside risks such as the effects of climate change, greater water scarcity and the loss of ecosystem services. Greening the economy not only generates growth, and in particular gains in natural capital, but it also produces a higher growth in GDP and GDP per capita. Under the GER modeling exercise, a green investment scenario achieves higher annual growth rates than a business as usual scenario within 5-10 years. This economic growth is characterized by a significant decoupling from environmental impacts with the global ecological footprint to biocapacity ratio projected to decline from a current level of 1.5 to less than 1.2 by 2050 – much closer to a sustainable threshold value of 1 – as opposed to rising beyond a level of 2 under business as usual. Global demand for energy rises somewhat but returns to current levels by 2050, which is about 40% less than what is expected under business as usual thanks to substantial advances in energy efficiency. A green investment scenario is projected to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions by about one-third by 2050 compared to current levels. The atmospheric concentration of emissions should be held below 450 ppm by 2050, a level essential for having a chance to limit global warming to the 2°C threshold. A green economy values and invests in natural capital. One-quarter of the green investments analyzed – 0.5% of GDP (US $325 billion) – is allocated to natural capital sectors: forestry, agriculture, freshwater and fisheries. Value added in the forest industry rises by about 20% in 2050 as compared to business as usual. Investments in green agriculture ranging from US $100-300 billion per year over 2010-2050 would lead over time to rising soil quality and increasing global yields for major crops, representing an improvement of 10% above what is possible with current investment strategies. Increased efficiency in agriculture, industrial and municipal sectors would reduce demand for water by about a fifth by 2050, as compared to projected trends, reducing pressure on groundwater and surface water in both the short and long term.A green economy can contribute to poverty alleviation. There is an inextricable link between poverty alleviation and the wise management of natural resources and ecosystems, due to the benefit flows from natural capital that are received directly by the poor. It is particularly important in low income countries, where ecosystem goods and services are a large component of the livelihoods of poor rural communities and provide a safety-net against natural disasters and economic shocks. In a transition to a green economy, new jobs will be created, which over time exceed the losses in “brown economy” jobs. This is particularly notable in the agriculture, buildings, energy, forestry and transport sectors. However, in sectors whose capital is severely depleted, such as in fisheries, greening will necessitate the loss of jobs and income in the short and medium term in order to replenish natural stocks and prevent a permanent loss of income and jobs. It may also require an investment to re-skill and re-educate the workforce. Prioritizing government investment and spending in areas that stimulate the greening of economic sectors is on the critical path. Reforming costly and harmful subsidies in all sectors will open fiscal space and free resources for a GE transition. Removing subsidies in energy, water, fisheries and agriculture sectors, alone, would save 1-2% of global GDP a year. Fisheries subsidies, for example, estimated at around US $27 billion a year, result in more damage than long-term gains to national economies and social welfare. Price and production subsidies for fossil fuels collectively exceeded US $650 billion in 2008, and this level of support discourages the transition to renewable energies. Using instruments, such as taxes, incentives and tradable permits to promote green investment and innovation is also essential, but so is investing in capacity building, training and education. Strengthening international governance and global mechanisms that support a transition are important. The UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Summit) in 2012 will be an opportunity to set a new direction for a more sustainable, secure and just world. The scale of financing required for a green economy transition is substantial, but an order of magnitude smaller than annual global investment. In this regard, it is worth noting that the 2% of global GDP modeled in the report is a fraction of total gross capital formation – about 22% of global GDP in 2009). This amount can be mobilized by smart public policy and innovative financing mechanisms. The rapid growth of capital markets, the market’s increasing interest in green initiatives and the evolution of alternative instruments, such as carbon finance and microfinance, are opening up the space for large-scale financing for a global economic transformation. However, these amounts are still small compared to total volumes required, and urgently need to be scaled up. The move towards a green economy is happening on a scale and at a speed never seen before. For 2010, new investment in clean energy was expected to reach a record high of US $180-200 billion, up from US $162 billion in 2009 and US $173 billion in 2008. Growth is increasingly driven by non-OECD countries, whose share of global investment in renewables rose from 29% in 2007 to 40% in 2008, with Brazil, China, and India accounting for most of it. It is expected to generate as much growth and employment – or more – compared to the current business as usual scenario, and it outperforms economic projections in the medium and long term, while yielding significantly more environmental and social benefits. However, such a transition to a green economy will not be without its risks and challenges – from “greening” traditional brown sectors to meeting rapidly changing market demands in a carbonconstrained world. Therefore, world leaders, civil society and leading businesses must engage collaboratively to rethink and redefine traditional measures of wealth, prosperity and well-being. What is clear is that the biggest risk of all would be to continue with the status quo. LED teeth LED teeth are the latest trends to hit Japan. The new fashion accessories were originally created as an experiment by two Japanese designers and are now being used in a commercial advertising of Japanese clothing store, Laforet Harajuku. The LED insert, which can be affixed to your teeth like a mouth-guard, lights up when you smile. Japanese schoolgirls have gone crazy over the LED mouth-guard, which is being advertised as a ‘party in your mouth.’ There is a wireless hand-held computer that is available which can control the LED teeth. This means you can make them blink or change colour – from a lurid green to a blinding red. Motoi Ishibashi, one of the designers involved in the project, explained in a blog post that the original idea for the LED smiles came after he saw a video last year of LED Throwies, which are little lights that can be affixed to a magnet and thrown on metal surfaces. They are like lighted graffiti. Ishibashi and Daito Manabe, the other designer and technologist on the project, are offering workshops in Japan to show people how to build their own LED smiles. Futurist Portrait: Richard Worzel Richard Worzel: “I am a futurist, and a professional member of the World Future Society. I make my living by helping corporations and industry associations plan intelligently for the future. I focus on North America, but deal with global issues. My Client list includes companies like Ford, IBM, Bell Canada, Xerox, Nortel, and Lucent Technologies.” How do you anticipate the future? There are several specific future studies techniques, which will only be touched on here. An environmental scan is just that: watching what is happening elsewhere to see if it has relevance to you and what you do. Hence, for instance, social trends often start in northern Europe before reaching North America. Within North America, they often start on the west coast, frequently in the San Francisco area. Scenario planners dissect the future into major forces, then try to decide how each force might change the status quo. Their ultimate objective is to produce from two to five different scenarioes that they feel portray the major possibilities for the future, along with the “tell-tales” or early warning indicators, that will help you decide which future is likely to come to pass. There are other tools as well that are less widely used, from complexity theory to Delphi techniques. However, at the end, all of these have one central shared feature: those who use any of these techniques must be well-informed about what is happening now, and they must be able to think clearly and coherently about what the next logical consequences might be. Therefore, the simple answer to “How do you do it?” is: learn widely, and think well. It must be pretty easy talking about things that might happen 20 years from now. Who’s going to remember? Since I’m not trying to predict the future, I don’t worry about whether people remember what I said 20 years ago (although I’ve done pretty well, looking back). Instead, I hold myself to a higher standard: when I’m finished speaking with you, have I changed the way you perceive the future, think about the future, and prepare for the future? If so, then I’ve done my job, whether it turns out 20 years from now that I was right. You should be able to tell when I walk out of the room whether I did my job. It’s a subjective measure, and it’s your call Agenda Our Season Program 2010/2011 March 17, 201118:30-21:15 April 14, 201118:30-21:15 May 19, 201118:30-21:15 June 23, 201118:30-21:15   the future of ShellLocation: Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam, Grasweg 31, 1031 HW Amsterdamthe future of the Human MindLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of SingularityLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of European DemocracyLocation:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE)  

Club of Amsterdam Journal, April 2011, Issue 137

Content Human mind Next Event Brazil Automotive Forecast to 2013 Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future The State of the World’s Children 2011 Recommended book SOCAP Europe Futurist Portrait: Michael Anissimov Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. Ever since humans became aware of their mind, they have been questioning its origin. Is the mind part of the physical body, or does it exists by it’s own? New developments within the neurosciences address this matter in a way that will very likely change our view on ourselves and the world for good. The discovery of mirror neurons provides a neurological basis for social behaviour and it might even give an explanation for the explosive evolution of culture amongst human beings. Will these developments lead to the conclusion that we are all nothing but very complicated computers in the end, which can be replaced by robots? And where does this leave philosophical concepts as consciousness, free will, morality and art for instance? …. interested in knowing more …. join us at the event about the future of the Human Mind – Thursday, 14 April! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Human Mind Brain Anatomy and Function. This 3D animation shows the anatomy and function of the brain using color coded areas. Consciousness, Creativity & the Brain In this University of Washington program, award-winning writer, director, and producer David Lynch discusses his films and his 30-year relationship with Transcendental Meditation, and its role in his creative process. He is joined by physicist John Hagelin, who was featured in the documentary ‘What The Bleep Do We Know?’ and neuroscientist Dr. Fred Travis, Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management. The program is sponsored in joint partnership by the College of Arts and Sciences and the University of Washington Alumni Association. Brain Development UCSD Cognitive scientist Joan Stiles reveals the latest understandings about the intricate relationship between biology and external influences in the development of the brain. Consciousness, Qualia, and Self Dr. V.S. Ramachandran, Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition at UCSD, discusses consciousness, qualia, and self. Next Event  the future of the Human Mind Thursday, April 14, 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam The speakers and topics are Luc SalaPersonality types and your brain Humberto Schwab, Philosopher Human mind is more body Maurizio Zollo, Bocconi Dean’s Chaired Professor in Strategy and Corporate Responsibility, Bocconi University; Program Director, Neuroscientific Foundations of Strategic DecisionsStrategic management and neuro-sciences Moderated by Adda van Zanden, Actress Exhibition by Maartje van Buuren Brazil Automobile Forecast to 2013 Brazil is one of the fastest growing automobile manufacturing markets in the world. Driven by the strong domestic demand and tax reforms implemented proactively by the government, the country’s automobile sector has been reporting positive growth rates, despite a slowdown in the overall automobile industry across the world. Moreover, the country is far ahead of its regional counterparts, i.e. Argentina and Mexico, and produced around 3.64 Million automobiles (excluding motorcycles) during 2010. However, the industry was dominated by the passenger cars segment. According to the research report “Brazil Automobile Forecast to 2013”, despite the recent economic crisis, sales of passenger cars and LCVs in Brazil are anticipated to post a CAGR of over 10% and 20% respectively during 2011-2014. The passenger car segment will continue dominating the overall market sales by the end of the forecast period, owing to the relatively low penetration rate of this segment in the country. Flex-fuel vehicles remain the most accepted vehicle segment among Brazilians due to their multi-choice of refueling system. With supportive government regulations on biofuel usage, sales of flex-fuel vehicles have been registering blistering growth rates for the past few years. This segment accounted for nearly 81% of the total automobile sales in 2010, and the share is anticipated to rise further in future. Although Brazilian automobile industry faced decline in exports due to the appreciation of the Brazilian currency in 2008, it boosted the automobile imports. The research indicates that the industry has been feeling marginal effects of the worldwide economic crisis, however the future remains bright in the long term. Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog March 24: Socratic InnovationJanuary 1: On the meaning of wordsNovember 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future. News about the Future Brain – the ‘task machine’ The portion of the brain responsible for visual reading doesn’t require vision at all, according to new research presented in the journal Current Biology. Scientists came to this conclusion after brain imaging studies of blind people as they read words in Braille showed activity in precisely the same part of the brain that lights up when sighted readers read. They said their findings challenged the textbook notion that the brain is divided up into regions that are specialised for processing information coming in via one sense or another. ‘The brain is not a sensory machine, although it often looks like one; it is a task machine,’ says Dr Amir Amedi, senior lecturer at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Brussels wants no oil-fuelled cars in cities by 2050 The European Commission plans to step up its battle against oil-fuelled cars, and is drawing up strict targets to halve their urban usage by 2030 and “phase them out by 2050,” according to an EU road map on transport to be published on Monday (28 March) and seen by EurActiv. These objectives will play an instrumental role in achieving the more comprehensive target of cutting CO2 emissions from transport by 60% by 2050. Currently, a quarter of EU greenhouse gas emissions come from transport. The Commission is therefore proposing an ambitious plan which eyes significant reductions of emissions especially in road transport, while it intends to increase rail traffic, on the grounds that is by far cleaner and more environment-friendly. The Commission plan targets mainly urban and road freight transport. The objective of car-free cities by mid-century is to be pursued through fiscal measures, promotion of alternative transport systems, and building of the necessary infrastructure to move to a widespread use of electric and clean cars. The State of the World’s Children 2011 by UNICEF The State of the World’s Children 2011: Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity examines the global state of adolescents; outlines the challenges they face in health, education, protection and participation; and explores the risks and vulnerabilities of this pivotal stage. The report highlights the singular opportunities that adolescence offers, both for adolescents themselves and for the societies they live in. The full report can be downloaded click hereToday’s youth faces an increasingly uncertain world where climate change, rapid urbanization, the economic recession and rising unemployment pose unprecedented challenges. There are 1.2 billion adolescents across the world, nine out of ten of these young people live in developing countries. Millions are denied their basic rights to quality education, health care, protection and exposed to abuse and exploitation. Recognizing the need to turn this vulnerable age into an age of opportunity, UNICEF has dedicated it flagship publication State of the World’s Children 2011 to adolescents. This video highlights the importance of investing in adolescents for breaking the cycles of poverty and inequity. Recommended Book Emerging Mindby Vilaynur Ramachandran This is a scintillating introduction to the latest thinking on the brain and the mind by the world’s leading expert. Neuroscience can now begin to unlock the key to the self. Our knowledge of the brain has progressed so rapidly that it will change the way we think of ourselves as human beings. It will change our notion of understanding. This is a revolution which will have impact on all our lives. Neuroscientists are gathering new empirical evidence about consciousness and human nature; they are picking up where the great earlier thinkers like Freud, Darwin, Charcot and others began. This evidence begins to give substance to some of the grand statements and intuitive leaps made in the nineteenth and early twentieth century about the nature of the self. SOCAP Europe Europe’s first impact investing conference comes to Amsterdam May 30th – June 1st, join Europe’s key social impact innovators in Amsterdam at SOCAP/Europe, Europe’s first impact investing conference at the intersection of money and meaning. SOCAP/Europe will kick off with an opening night reception followed by two days of deep-dive sessions into the social enterprise space. Convening at the historic site of the first stock exchange, Beurs van Berlage, SOCAP/Europe gathers leading investors, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, government funders, and innovators for a dynamic conversation. Together we will explore models, form partnerships and fund innovative solutions to the world’s great challenges. Speakers include Marilou van Golstein Brouwers (Triodos Bank), Jean-Phillipe de Schrevel (Blue Orchard), HRH Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme (INSID), Matt Flannery (Kiva). Futurist Portrait: Richard Florida Richard Florida is author of the global best-seller The Rise of the Creative Class and Who’s Your City? a national and international best seller and book of the month. His new book, The Great Reset explains how new ways of living and working will drive post-crash prosperity. He is author of The Flight of the Creative Class and Cities and the Creative Class. His previous books, especially The Breakthrough Illusion and Beyond Mass Production, paved the way for his provocative looks at how creativity is revolutionizing the global economy. Florida is a regular correspondent for The Atlantic and a regular columnist for The Globe and Mail. He has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Economist, and The Harvard Business Review. He has been featured as an expert on MSNBC, CNN, BBC, NPR and CBS, to name just a few. Richard has also been appointed to the Business Innovation Factory’s Research Advisory Council and recently named European Ambassador for Creativity and Innovation. Florida’s ideas on the “creative class,” commercial innovation, and regional development have been featured in major ad campaigns from BMW and Apple, and are being used globally to change the way regions and nations do business and transform their economies. Florida is one of the world’s leading public intellectuals on economic competitiveness, demographic trends, and cultural and technological innovation. International diplomats, government leaders, filmmakers, economic development organizations and leading Fortune 100 businesses have benefited from his global approach to problem-solving and strategy development. He is one of the world’s most sought after speakers on global trends, economics, prosperity, competitiveness and growth. Combining in-depth analysis, cutting-edge trends, a fascinating personal story, and just a touch of self-deprecating humor, it’s no wonder Florida was recently named one of Esquire Magazine’s Best and Brightest, alongside luminaries such as Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Sachs. Richard Florida’s Who’s Your City? Agenda Our Season Program 2010/2011 April 14, 201118:30-21:15 May 19, 201118:30-21:15 June 23, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Human MindLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of SingularityLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of European DemocracyLocation:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE) Past Season Events 2010/2011     Oct 14, 2010: the future of HackingNov 25, 2010: the future of HappinessJan 20, 2011: the future of Financial InfrastructureFeb 17, 2011: the future of ServicesMarch 17, 2011: the future of Shell  

Club of Amsterdam Journal, May 2011, Issue 138

Content A Measure of Machine Intelligence Next Event Aquarius – undersea research laboratory Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future EU Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015 Recommended book Creative Company Conference Futurist Portrait: Michael Anissimov Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. According to the Singularity Institute, (technological) singularity is the technological creation of smarter-than-human intelligence. So simple the definition may look like, it signals the end of 5 million year human evolution with the emergence of super intelligence as a result of exponential technological development. Although different technologies are also suggested, artificial intelligence and brain interfaces are thought to be the likely ones that would first match the level of acceleration necessary to provide such an enormous change. With approximately 100 billion neurons, human brain easily surpasses today’s computer forces. However, this does not change the fact that human brain has only tripled its capacity during the entire evolution while the computing benchmarks increase exponentially, doubling every one or two years. This information hypothetically provides us necessary variables to create a timetable for closing the distance of capacity between the human brain and the foreseen technologies. The arrival to such a threshold will create a loop, or an explosion like the big bang some would say (Ray Kurzweil), which, in turn, will make it possible for instance artificial intelligence to improve its own source code, automatically capsizing the superiority of human intelligence as we have known. …. interested in knowing more and sharing thoughts and ideas…. join us at the event about the future of the Singularity – Thursday, 19 May! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief A Measure of Machine Intelligence By Peter Cochrane, Cochrane Associates UK PROLOGUE In 1997 Gary Kasparov and the world of chess was outraged when he was defeated by Deep Blue (IBM). This was a long awaited epoch; the time when man would be outclassed by machine in a game seen as intellectually superior and beyond the reach of a mere ‘clockwork’ mind. At the time sound-bites included: ‘something strange is going on; it didn’t play a regular game of chess; it didn’t play like a human; it didn’t play fair’ etc. [1]Interestingly, no one asked the most important question; how did Deep Blue win – what was the magic here? [2] The key was a new intelligence – a powerful computer that didn’t, or couldn’t, think like us. It brought something new – a new dimension, a new way of thinking and problem solving – and one devoid of emotion. That was the prime value – a new approach – and it is also the key contribution on offer from all Artificial Intelligence(s) (AI).AI was mired by controversy from the outset. [3] Unreasonable expectations, exaggerated claims, broken promises, and delayed deliverables are but a few damaging manifestations of a singular problem; a lack of understanding of complexity coupled with an inability to define and quantify intelligence. [4] To a large degree expectations were set by the depictions of Hollywood with humanoid intelligences comparable or exceeding ours. [5][6] Futurists have also been guilty of using questionable assumptions that led to graphs of the following form: Fig 1: Typical prediction curve for machine intelligence REALITY CHECKIndustry and commerce now depend upon AI for the control of engines, elevators, logistics, finance, banking, production robotics, and networks. [6] Surprisingly then, we still lack a complete understanding of what intelligence is, and how to quantify it, [7] and that HAL9000 (2001) conversation with a machine still seems a distant dream. [5]However we are constantly surprised by AI systems and the answers they contrive. On many occasions we lack the facility to fully understand, but that does not preclude us using the results! [8] Moreover, we have gradually realised that the solution of industrial, scientific and governmental problems will continue to defy human abilities, whilst AI will continue to improve as it evolves to embrace larger data sets and sensor networks. On the creativity front we have seen many of our key electronic and system inventions enhanced (or bettered) by AI, and in some quarters machine based contributions outweigh that of humans. [8] In fact the machine I am typing this article on has chips that owe more to machine design than any human contributor, and we might expect this disparity to expand further. [9][10]Our system of mathematics is a key limiter as it constrains our analysis and design of systems with large numbers of feedback/forward loops. [11] Machines know no such constraints and utilise designed and parasitic loops to advantage in a way we do not fully understand. It should come as no surprise then that we cannot fully describe and understand many key electronic elements, or indeed the non-laminar flow of fluids and gasses have to be modelled by machine. FACILE DEBATESo far the march of AI has transited several hotly contested stages, with a few more to go:1) Machines can’t think!2) Machines will never be intelligent and creative!3) Machines will never be self-aware!4) Machines will never have imagination!5) Machines will never hypothesise or conceptualise!6) Machines will never be more intelligent than us!Such arguments seem to be born out of ignorance, fear, religious belief, limited imagination and vision, but not of scientific thinking. For sure (1 & 2) above have been surpassed, [9][10] whilst (3) is currently being contested and challenged by combinations of AI and sensors. To some extent (4 – 6) remain the ‘Holy Grail’ and seem to be prospects that upset far more people than (1 – 3). They also remain some way off, but are more likely to happen than they did 20 years ago! [12]An obvious question is; why should intelligence be sacrosanct and exclusive to carbon based life systems, and why should we and other animals be so special that only we can develop self-awareness and problem solving abilities including the creation of tools? A dispassionate analysis would seem likely to come down on the side of AI! This situation almost mirrors medieval times when clerics and scholars (may have) debated [13] the number of angels on a pinhead! The fundamental problem is that we cannot describe, define, or quantify any of the fundamental aspects of the argument. [14][15] In short we have no meaningful measure of intelligence! So, a more pragmatic approach is to ignore all debate and get on with developing systems, observing their actions, and trying to understand the fundamentals – whilst periodically addressing the core question; what is intelligence, and can it be quantified? THINKING DIFFERENTThere are two ‘wisdoms’ from my student days I periodically recall. The first came from an engineering academic with a long and distinguished industrial career. His words still ring in my ears: “Mr Cochrane, whilst it is acceptable for the mathematicians, physicists and theorists to declare that there is no solution, we in engineering enjoy no such luxury. We always have to find a solution”! The second came from a mathematician with years of industrial experience. Prophetically he said: “Before you even start a problem it is worth thinking what form the answer might be, and what would be reasonable”.For me the past 40 years has seen these maxims go from strength to strength as ‘simple-minded’ linear assumptions have given way to an increasingly complex and connected world where non-linearity dominates and chaotic behaviours are the norm. [16] THE CHALLENGEIt was pure serendipity that a customer problem coincided with my efforts to establish some means of quantifying intelligence. The dilemma came in the form of an engineering challenge to compare AI systems contesting for deployment in an industrial application. Just how do you judge the efficacy of complex, and very large, AI systems?Fortunately, previous work on a similar problem had prompted the question; what would be involved in the quantification and comparison of ‘intelligent systems’ and what form might the answer take? So, I had also established that I was alone, without books or published papers offering any depth or glimmer of a solution. I was in new territory – with plenty of opinion and few facts or tried and tested methods offering any real value.At a modest estimate there are over 120 published definitions of intelligence penned by philosophers and theorists. [14][15] Unfortunately, none provide any real understanding or an iota of quantification. And the long established IQ measure by Alfred Binet (1904) is both a flawed and a singularly unhelpful idea in this instance. [17] The limitations of the approach were detailed by Binet, but ignored by those eager to apply the IQ concept in its full simplicity and meaningless authority! [18]A commonly used engineering comparison involves counting the number of processors and interconnections, and using the product as a single figure of merit. This is often combined with Moore’s Law projections to justify claims of exponential growth. [19] But this ‘product method’ seems far too simplistic to be meaningful and certainly does not reflect any notion of intelligence. In fact, machine intelligence estimates on this basis would suggest HAL9000 (2001) should be alive and well, but clearly he is not! [5] A SUBSET OF WHAT DO WE KNOW FOR SURELike a lot of simple organisms our machines focus on limited sub-sets of problems and unlike us are not ‘general purpose’ survivalists. We (homo sapiens) appear fairly unique in the combination of our mental and physical abilities – bipedal with binocular vision, apposing digits, and very broad mental powers that facilitate language, communication, conceptualisation and imagination. Whilst other carbon species have far bigger brains, better sight and hearing (and other senses), they lack the critical combinations we posses, and so do all machines to date. [20]From an engineering and theoretical basis it seemed reasonable to start at a very simple level, to try and build a model that would be both applicable, give useful results, and might then expand to the general case. Leveraging the thoughts of others on ‘thinking, intelligence, and behaviour’ we can glean interesting pointers by considering:1) Slime moulds and jellyfish (et al) [21][22] exhibit intelligent behaviour without distinct memory or processor units. They have ‘directly wired’ input sensors and output actuators – ie they chemically sense, physically propagate and devour food. Of course a proviso is that we neglect the delay between sensing and reacting as a distinct memory function, and the sensor-actuator as a one-bit-processor on the basis of being so minimal as to be insignificant. This turns out to be a good engineering approximation based on the processing and memory capabilities of far more complex machines and organic systems. Reproduced with the kind permission of Mike Johnston and Paul MorrisFig 2: Slime mould & jellyfish exhibit intelligence without a brain2) In the main our machines have memory and processing maintained as distinct, entities – FLASH, RAM, HD, but this is seldom so in organic systems where there tend to be distributed and share functionality. [23] But again this assumption of separation suffices for the class of machines being considered. Reproduced with the kind permission of Richard Greenhill and Hugo EliasFig 3: A modern robotic hand with separate sensors and actuator functions3) It turns out that whilst intelligent behaviour is possible without memory or processor, this is not true of simple sensors and actuators combined. This was recently writ large by a series of experiments on human subjects. Place a fully able human in an MRI scanner, ask then to close their eyes and imagine they are playing tennis, and their brain lights up. Now repeat that experiment with comatosed patients of many years and the same result is often evident! [24][25]So these poor victims have an input mechanism that is functional, but no means of communicating with the outside world. To the casual observer, and until very recently to the medical profession, they have appeared brain dead, mere inanimate entities, living and breathing, but non-functional!4) Colonies of relatively incapable entities such as ants, termites, bees and wasps poses a ‘hive/swarm intelligence’ that is extremely adaptive, and capable of complex behaviours. [25] Moreover, whilst the ‘rules of engagement’ of the individuals might be easy to define, the collective outcome is not! Another key feature is the part played by evolution over millennia, and the honing to become fit for purpose. Unlike us, Mother Nature optimises nothing and concentrates on fit for purpose solutions. This makes her systems extremely resilient with a high percentage of survivability overall as she is also impartial to the loss of a colony or indeed a complete species no longer suited to a changing environment. [26] Reproduced with the kind permission of HumanroboFig 4: Designed and optimised for a single purpose5) Our final observation is that all forms of intelligence encountered to date invoke state changes in their environment. A comparison of such change can be an expansion or compression of the quantity of the information or state. For example; the answer to the question ‘why is the sky blue?’ would contain a far more words and perhaps some diagrams, whilst the reply to ‘do we know why the sky is blue’ would be a simple yes! KEY ASSUMPTION & DEFINITIONSBased upon we actually know it seems entirely reasonable to assume an entropic measure to account for the reduction or increase in the system state, before and after, the application of intelligence. [27] We therefore define a measure of comparative intelligence as: (1)Applied Intelligence = The Change in Entropy = Ia = MOD{Ei -Eo} WhereEi = The input or starting entropyEo = The output or completion entropyWe take the Modulus value here as we are using the ‘state change’ as our measureEntropy = E = The amount of information to exactly define systems state And for the purpose of an efficacy measure we include the ‘time to complete’ component in the form of machine cycles (N) or FLOPs (Floating Operations): (2) For the purpose of modelling we adopt a simple system representative of engineering reality, and Fig 5 shows the relationship between Sensor (S ), Actuator (A ), Processor (P ) & Memory (M). Here it is assumed that sound, light, vibration/movement or chemicals activate the sensor and the signal si is fed to the actuator, processor and memory. The processed output of each is then fed to the actuator. We note that in many biological systems other loops feed signals back to the sensor – typically to adjust the sensitivity, or in anticipation of the actuator response, or indeed a memorized event sequence – in our case the eyes are a prime example where we continually adjust their sensitivity. However, for our immediate purpose, and the sake of clarity, it is easier to leave this aspect out of the analysis. The sum of all the processed signals results in an output from the actuator (sound, light, movement or chemicals) that influences/changes the environment. And so the ‘looped process’ continues. To help visualize this consider a robot picking up and disposing of a plastic cup or playing a game of chess by physically moving the pieces. All movement would be iterative and determined by the perceived incremental scene – a moment and movement at a time. At this point it is worth noting than numerous configurations of simpler and more complex kinds are possible. Many of these have been modelled, including multiple sensors and actuators, distributed processing and memory, with far more feedback and feed-forward loops. All have resulted in very similar outcomes. Fig 5: Assumed System Configuration(3)We can now derive a transfer function of the form: h = a(1 + m + p1 p2 + p2 m p1 ) s(4)By consolidating the weighted memory and processing elements as opposed to their complex operators, this further reduces to: h = SA(1 + M[ 1+ P ] + P )(5)Now, taking (by orders of magnitude) the dominant terms: ENGINEERING LICENCEIn the general case it is impossible to define the complex nature of the operations performed by S, A, P, M. All we can say is that they change the state of information and action according to the complex operators s(t), a(t), p(t), m(t) in sympathy with the clock cycle of the machine. In very specific situations these states can be described, but in general they cannot. For the purpose of creating a comparative intelligence measure we thus skirt this limitation by applying ‘weighting values’ denoted as: S = Sensor, A = Actuator, P = Processor, M = Memory. ENTROPY RULES!Using entropic change (1-2) as the defining property of intelligence, and the dominant terms, a reasonably general formula results from our analysis: (6) (7)Whilst the relative intelligence is given as:From (7) we can now confirm two essential properties by inspection:6) With zero processor and/or memory power intelligence is still possible7) With zero sensor and/or actuator power intelligence is impossibleThis is entirely consistent with our (organic) experience and experimental findings [24][25]. And further, it flies in the face of the conventional wisdom of those that worry about ‘The Singularity’ – the point at which machines take over because they outsmart us. [19][28] They assume that intelligence is growing exponentially by way of the product PM and Moore’s Law, [29][30] whilst (7) shows it is logarithmic.Fig 6: A spread of published (P.M ) based predictions v our logarithmic modelSo, if we see 1,000-fold increase in the product of Processing and Memory (P.M product) intelligence increases by a factor of only 10. Hence a full 1,000,000 increase sees intelligence grow by a just 20-fold. This is far slower than previously assumed and goes some way to explain the widening gap between prediction and reality!A further important observation is that sensors and actuators have largely been neglected as components of intelligence to date, but it is seems (7) they play a key part in the fundamental intelligence of anything! Without them there can be no ‘evident’ intelligence. MORE THAN A LEAP OF FAITHIf we make a couple of ‘big’ assumptions to further approximate the intelligence formula we can make some further interesting observations. We start by assuming that:PM >> 1 and AS PM >> 1(8)Equation (7) then becomes: If we now observe that the progress of Actuators, Sensors, Processing Power and Memory technology is exponential with time ~ eat, est, ept and emt, then the growth in intelligence derived from equation (8) looks like this: (9) Intelligence Rate of Growth ~ k.a.s.p.t This (9) implies that machine intelligence is growing linearly with time. So the obvious question is; what happens when a large number of intelligent machines are networked? If there are sufficient, and their numbers grow exponentially, then, and only then, will we see an exponential growth in intelligence. FINAL THOUGHTS What does all this mean? With the arrival of low cost sensors and their rapid deployment on the periphery of networks, and robotics, we are really much closer to achieving truly intelligent entities than ever before. Couple this with the creation of addressable databases and learning systems, then the opportunity for ‘intelligent outcomes’ is racing ahead. But for singular machines, it is a ‘logarithmic or linear race’ and not exponential! Only if we network vast and exponentially growing numbers of machines will we see the previously assumed (and feared) exponential intelligence outcome.Biological hardware and software is adaptable and evolves by mutation, and our machines can now do that too! But, biological systems are ‘born’ into a supporting ecology and the process has very definitely been from the simplest to the most complex over millennia. Our machines on the other hand are being born into an ecology that is being built top down in a few decades! Will this work as a complete support system? We don’t know – yet!We see ‘life’ exhibiting emergent and adaptable behaviours ‘fitting into a mature world’ and competing for survival. Our systems are mostly designed to be task specific with an assured place in the pecking order. At this time we do not fully understand the implications for machine intelligence, but it is clear that it is important, and we are beyond the ‘genesis point’ with machines designing (in part and in full) other machines. In the next phase they will also be interacting with their biological counterparts and learning from them.So far professionals have argued about what is and is not intelligent, and the analysis presented goes some way to provide a reasonably quantified judgement. Leaving aside all other issues and arguments it would appear that the arrival of a more general purpose intelligence is only a matter of when, and not what if. And there is only one questions left to ask; will we be smart enough to recognise a new intelligence when it spontaneously erupts on the internet or within some complex system? Next Event the future of the Singularity Thursday, May 19 , 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam The speakers and topics are Frank Theys, philosopher, filmmaker and visual artistChanged attitudes on ‘human enhancement’ since the turn of the millennium. Yuri van Geest, Head of Emerging Technologies, THNK, the Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership.Singularity – The Biggest Tech Wave is Here Arjen Kamphuis, Co-founder, CTO, GendoThe Singularity – Fantasy, threat or opportunity? Moderated by Peter van Gorsel, Educational Business Developer, University of Amsterdam / UvA/HvA Aquarius – undersea research laboratory (Credit: NOAA) Aquarius is an underwater ocean laboratory located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The laboratory is deployed three and half miles offshore, at a depth of 60 feet, next to spectacular coral reefs. Scientists live in Aquarius during ten–day missions using saturation diving to study and explore our coastal ocean. Aquarius is the world’s only operating undersea research laboratory. Aquarius is owned by NOAA and is operated by the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Since 1993, the Aquarius undersea lab has supported over 90 missions, producing some 300 peer-reviewed scientific publications along with numerous popular science articles, educational programs, and television spots. The Aquarius Reef Base is also supporting one of the longest running and detailed coral reef monitoring programs in the world, an ocean observing platform, and surface-based research in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In Science Started in 1994, scientists have established a coral reef and fish monitoring and assessment program to investigate change in the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary and better understand the impacts of climate change, human influences, natural variability, and the effectiveness of marine reserves. Early results show the better condition of deep reefs as compared to those in shallow water. Continued studies will provide managers vital information in their efforts to protect Florida’s valuable reefs through ecosystem-based management and restoration strategies. Discovery of internal waves regularly impinging on reefs, bringing a 10 to 40-fold increase in natural nutrients, which is much greater than previously published estimates from nearshore pollution sources. The first descriptions and identification of a disease pathogen that devastated large hard corals in the Florida Keys, including important information about the distribution, abundance and potential causes of black-band disease. In another study a conclusive link to terrestrial runoff was discovered in a disease that killed large numbers of an ecologically important coral species throughout the Keys and Caribbean. New understanding of the magnitude and importance of sponge filtering on a coral reef; findings show it to be 10 times greater than measured in a laboratory setting and having an important influence on water quality. Used undersea drilling techniques to improve our understanding of the history of reef growth in Florida. Discovered the importance of water flow in coral feeding and have provided surface support for long-term coral spawning studies. Improved our understanding of herbivore interaction and influence on the coral reef ecosystem, this is important as fish and algae populations change on reefs worldwide. Testing of a new underwater spectrophotometer and some of the first underwater measurements made of UV light. Creation of a linked ocean observing system consisting of buoy, seafloor, and water column sensors providing real-time data (temperature, salinity, waves, currents, fluorescence and more) to scientists and the public via the Internet. In Safety and Technology Excellent safety record; regarded as a model for standards and training by Navy saturation diving program. Since Aquarius operations began in Florida in 1993, technology has continually been upgraded and remains state-of-the art in saturation diving for ocean science. Barge tending the habitat was replaced with high-tech Life Support Buoy (LSB) and mission control relocated to shore base. Communications system upgraded to allow broadcast quality video and audio feed from Aquarius and nearby work sites to shore, winning a national business award. Internet access and video conferencing made available to Aquarius. Addition of umbilical diving capabilities with communications and helmet cameras. Robotic undersea vehicle piloting capabilities from inside the habitat. Upgraded to diver-controlled tank fills at waystations positioned up to 1000 feet away from Aquarius. Ocean observing platform established with connection to shore and Internet, sensors powered by wind generator and solar panels; only ocean observing site with adjacent seafloor lab and in situ service for over 280 days per year. Partnership with NASA to train astronauts and develop technology for lunar exploration, communications, and base construction. Partnership with Navy to train divers and develop technology for future saturation systems. In Education and Outreach Hundreds of graduate and undergraduate students have assisted in research during Aquarius Reef Base missions and surface diving operations. Web site established and upgraded, including live web cams, new design underway, receives about 50,000 visits per mission. Two Jason Project missions, reaching over 1,000,000 students in the U.S. and across the world with live broadcasts, specially designed curriculum, and enabling student aquanauts to visit the undersea lab. Television programming on National Geographic, Discovery, ABC News 20/20, NBC Today Show, CNN, Learning Channel. Public-oriented articles in Scientific American, Weekly Reader, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Geotimes and more. Numerous presentations done at national events, aquariums, schools, science centers and museums; some with live links to aquanauts living underwater. Student writing contest, scouting programs, summer internships In Partnerships100s of partnering institutions since 1993 including: NOAA: Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, National Marine Sanctuary Program, and NOAA Southeast Fisheries Other federal programs: NASA, Navy, USGS Academic institutions: In Florida (UM Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, NOVA Southeast U., FAU FSU, FIO, FIT, HBOI, University of Tampa, USF), North Carolina (UNC Chapel Hill), and nationally (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Stanford University,, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Georgia Institute of Technology, SUNY-Buffalo, CSU, University of South Carolina, WHOI, UC – Berkley) Private foundations – Living Oceans Foundation, Emerson Foundation, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, The Nature Conservancy Industry – Harris Corporation, Motorola, United Space Alliance Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog March 24: Socratic InnovationJanuary 1: On the meaning of wordsNovember 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future. News about the Future Projekt Zukunft (Project Future) — a Berlin Senate Initiative Projekt Zukunft is an initiative for structural change in Berlin as an information and knowledge society. The goal is to develop the city into an internationally recognized, competitve and attractive location. Projekt Zukunft supports the up-and-coming branches of the media, IT and creative industries, interlinking them with scientific, political and management structures. Through strategies, initiatives and projects, public-private-partnerships, events, information campaigns and publications, Projekt Zukunft supports technological, economic and societal innovations, and enhances the general conditions of the city’s growth areas. Projekt Zukunft’s broad service portfolio makes it the city’s largest communications and support network.The initiative is financed through funding from the state of Berlin and the EC (European Regional Development Fund) as well as from contributions from the network partners, such as other administrative departments, institutions and enterprises. Earth Plastic Earth Plastic is a breakthrough material that is biodegradable, recyclable and made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic. Unlike traditional plastics which never biodegrade, Earth Plastic contains a proprietary blend of additives that enables microorganisms to break down the molecular structure of the plastic into humus-like material that is not harmful to the environment. Products made with Earth Plastic material have the identical look, durability, shelf-life and function that you’d expect from a traditional plastic product, but are also earth-friendly since they are biodegradable and recyclable. EU Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015 The Strategy for equality between women and men (2010-2015) was adopted on 21 September 2010. Inequalities between women and men violate basic Human Rights. They also impose a heavy toll on the economy and represent an underutilisation of talent. Economic and business benefits can be gained from enhancing gender equality. The Strategy for the period 2010-2015 builds on the experience of the Roadmap for equality between women and men (2006-2010). It is a comprehensive framework committing the Commission to promote gender equality into all its policies. The strategy highlights the contribution of gender equality to economic growth and sustainable development, and support the implementation of the gender equality dimension in the Europe 2020 Strategy. The thematic priorities are based around the “Women’s Charter”: equal economic independence for women and men; equal pay for work of equal value; equality in decision-making; dignity, integrity and ending gender violence; promoting gender equality beyond the EU horizontal issues (gender roles, legislation and governance tools). It follows the dual approach of gender mainstreaming and specific measures. For each priority area, key actions and detailed proposals for change and progress are described in an annex to the communication. The new Strategy will aim at strengthening cooperation between the various actors and improving governance. It will lay the ground for future cooperation on gender equality with Member States, as well as with the European Parliament and other institutions and bodies, including the European Institute for Gender Equality. Eurobarometer survey: Gender equality in the EU in 2009 .A survey on perceptions and experiences of Europeans with regard to gender equality was conducted between September and October 2009. The results were published in March 2010. 62 % of the respondents believe that gender inequality is a widespread phenomenon. However, their perception of the extent of gender inequality increases with age: the young generation (15-24) tends to regard gender inequality as less widespread than the older age group (55+). Violence against women and the gender pay gap are considered as the two top priorities for action selected by Europeans from a list of options: 62 % for violence against women and 50 % for the gender pay gap, and a large majority of Europeans think these issues should be addressed urgently (92 % for violence against women and 82 % for the gender pay gap). Most of the respondents think that decisions about gender equality should be made jointly within the European Union, 64 % believe there has been progress in the past decade and over half are aware of the EU’s activities to combat gender inequalities. Recommended Book Human Enhancement By Julian Savulescu, Nick Bostrom To what extent should we use technology to try to make better human beings? Because of the remarkable advances in biomedical science, we must now find an answer to this question.Human enhancement aims to increase human capacities above normal levels. Many forms of human enhancement are already in use. Many students and academics take cognition enhancing drugs to get a competitive edge. Some top athletes boost their performance with legal and illegal substances. Many an office worker begins each day with a dose of caffeine. This is only the beginning. As science and technology advance further, it will become increasingly possible to enhance basic human capacities to increase or modulate cognition, mood, personality, and physical performance, and to control the biological processes underlying normal aging. Some have suggested that such advances would take us beyond the bounds of human nature.These trends, and these dramatic prospects, raise profound ethical questions. They have generated intense public debate and have become a central topic of discussion within practical ethics. Should we side with bioconservatives, and forgo the use of any biomedical interventions aimed at enhancing human capacities? Should we side with transhumanists and embrace the new opportunities? Or should we perhaps plot some middle course?Human Enhancement presents the latest moves in this crucial debate: original contributions from many of the world’s leading ethicists and moral thinkers, representing a wide range of perspectives, advocates and sceptics, enthusiasts and moderates. These are the arguments that will determine how humanity develops in the near future. Creative Company Conference A chance to show how much you really like the future Creative Company Conference near Amsterdam invites you to spend a day surrounded by leading US, European, and Dutch creatives. We really mean ‘surrounded’: On our CCC Experience Floor top speakers will give workshops, trainings and meet you and your business challenges in person. Highlights include Silicon Valley expert and best-selling author Sara Lacy (Tech Crunch), Stanford University, Beijing Design, Van den Ende & Deitmers Venture Capital, Local Intelligence Berlin and Lost Boys. What’s your name? Add it to CCC 2011! Futurist Portrait: Michael Anissimov “Hello and welcome. I’m Michael Anissimov, a science/technology writer and consultant living in San Francisco. I have a deep interest in the future of science and technology, and see technology as creating as the board on which social and political games are played. There are two particular technologies which will have a radical destabilizing effect on the globe once they pass certain progress thresholds – molecular nanotechnology (MNT) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). These technologies are likely to be deployed sometime between 2020 and 2040, and if we don’t handle them with the utmost caution, they could cause disaster. Accordingly, much of the material you will find on this site is devoted to presenting evidence in favor of this view, and encouraging the reader to get involved in the ongoing ethics dialogue or even active support of research. I’m interested in many other topics, like arms control and foreign policy, but my focus on MNT and AGI is what distinguishes me from most people you’ll run across. Like so many other techie hipsters nowadays, my personal philosophy is transhumanist. My background: in 2002, when I was a senior in High School, I co-founded the Immortality Institute, a life extension organization that today includes hundreds of paying members and an active online community. In 2006 I founded the Accelerating Future blog, which gets over 70,000 unique visitors per month and has been featured on G4TV,, and the front page of Digg and Reddit. I’m currently Media Director for the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Fundraising Director, North America for the Lifeboat Foundation, and am involved in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. I’ve given talks on futurist issues at seminars and conferences in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Palo Alto, and at Yale University.” Technological Singularity The Singularity and its Importance Agenda Our Season Program 2010/2011 May 19, 201118:30 – 21:15 June 23, 201118:30 – 21:15   the future of SingularityLocation: HTIB, 1e Weteringplantsoen 2c, 1017 SJ Amsterdam the future of European DemocracyLocation:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE)Past Season Events 2010/2011     Oct 14, 2010:the future of HackingNov 25, 2010:the future of HappinessJan 20, 2011: the future of Financial InfrastructureFeb 17, 2011: the future of ServicesMarch 17, 2011: the future of ShellApril 14, 2011: the future of the Human Mind

Club of Amsterdam Journal, June 2011, Issue 139

Content DemocracyNext EventAbout Wilderness: The Idea and the SpaceClub of Amsterdam blogNews about the FutureWorld Ocean Review Recommended BookOrganic architectureFuturist Portrait: Prabhu GuptaraAgenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. As the beauty is in the eye of the beholder democracy has many possible definitions. One may say it was a result of a process of reconciliation between the aristocratic ruling class and its subjects from the beginning of the industrial revolution. Clearly, recognizing the rights of people’s decision making instead of oppressing them proved to be a more efficient tool of governance. To keep the safety of the mass production at the industries’ factories and the necessity of a consistent environment for “the free flow of goods”, monetary stability and exchange ability became more important than imposing the direct power of the ruling class. However, democracy has not only failed to prevent big wars and general justice it has become insufficient as a rule of principle at the age of information as systems became rather complicated for having a deep knowledge in many different fields. The vote for the late 300 page EU constitution draft was too much a demanding task to go through, let alone studying and understanding the details of the text. The same applies to numerous other issues awaiting ruling from our democracies. The technical difficulty of getting people’s attention and asking them to focus on many issues than one can handle at a life time while the world is already an increasingly challenging place for earning one’s living and even survival, is it reasonable to expect a fair judgement from the majority to make the best decisions for the future? Are European Democracies fit for dealing with the challenges ahead? Do we need new tools? New decision making processes? Or do we need to radically renew our approach? …. interested in knowing more and sharing thoughts and ideas …. join us at the event about the future of European Democracy – Thursday, 23 June! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Democracy Social networks impact on democracy, dictatorships and freedom of informationBy Patrick Dixon, Chairman of Global Change Ltd. DemocracyBy Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project Democracy as a Condition for Philosophy. 2006By Alain Badiou, French Philosopher Democracy: Rhetoric and RealityBy Noam Chomsky, American Philosopher Participatory Democracy: What prospects in Europe? Next Event the future of European Democracy Thursday, June 23, 2011Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE)The conference language is English. The speakers and topics are Ben Crum, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The essence of democracy and the challenge of internationalizationMaurice de Hond, Dutch pollster and entrepreneur Hardy F. Schloer, Owner, Schloer Consulting Group, Democracy is dead, as we know it! Moderated by Kwela Sabine Hermanns About Wilderness: The Idea and the Space By Arnab B. Chowdhury, Prarthana Kalaskar, Rémi Boutinet Arnab is founder of Ninād – an Integrality-centered network that ideates Knowledge Management strategies to help entrepreneurs and organisations to become nimble and dynamic. Prarthana and Rémi are core members of IndiaThinks – Ninad’s research arm, which focuses on strategies that unite Knowledge-Business-Consciousness in harmony. Historically, the word Wilderness has derived from the notion of wildness or that which is not controlled by humans. The word’s etymology is from the Old English wildeornes, which derives from wildeor or wild beast (from wild + deor beast, DEER). In European culture, the word first appears in medieval Bibles, in reference to arid, uninhabited lands that were often a sign of God’s displeasure. The traditional Judaeo-Christian view has been that it is right and proper, in the eyes of God, to transform the wilderness and make it bloom. At the same time, wilderness was seen as a place to cleanse the soul. Hermits retired to the wilderness to become closer to God. Eastern cultures had an even stronger tradition of contemplation and meditation in natural places.1 In America, wilderness areas are defined as a place “where man himself is a visitor who does not remain”. 2 Wilderness is also considered to be a human construct. It is a recovery of a memory of spaces in nature before humans changed it to suit their needs; a pristine, sacred nature, undisturbed by any human activity. Late 20th century saw changes in this vision of Wilderness and humans seemed to have found their place in nature in a peaceful co-existence. The World Wilderness Congress is the longest-running and one of the most prestigious international environmental forums in the world. The World Wilderness Congress of 1998 held in Bangalore, India, introduced the concept of wilderness areas in Asia, where before no such wilderness protected areas existed. Reintroduction of the Cheetah in India and a discussion of marine wilderness protected areas was a result of this meeting that had 700 delegates from 30 nations voicing their concerns.3 Wilderness then is an idea, a feeling experienced by humans as being with nature and not disturbing it; and geographical spaces that are specially set aside for nature and which humans merely visit but neither occupy or use for personal benefit. Locating Wetlands in Laws and PoliciesIndia’s National Environment Policy (2006) states that apart from forests, India’s freshwater resources comprise the single most important class of natural endowments enabling its economy and its human settlement patterns. The fresh water resources comprise the river systems, groundwater and wetlands. Each of these has a unique role, and characteristic linkages to other environmental entities —- Wetlands, natural and manmade, freshwater or brackish, provide numerous ecological services. They provide habitat to aquatic flora and fauna, as well as numerous species of birds, including migratory species’ —- A holistic view of Wetlands is necessary which looks at each identified Wetlands in terms of its causal linkages with other natural entities, human needs, and its own attributes. The Report of the National Forest Commission (2006) recommends that a National Wetland Conservation Act should be framed with the following: Inclusion of all types of wetlands (freshwater, coastal, marshes, swamps, mangroves, waterlogged areas) in the land use classification in the country should be done.A National Wetland Biodiversity Register should be started.An inventory of ‘user groups’ also should be prepared while collecting information for the biodiversity register. It should also list out the priorities of the communities on particular wetland resources.To establish a National Wetland Inventory and Monitoring Programme and a National Wetland Information System and therefore, to develop a sustained and serious programme for monitoring wetlands.The economic evaluation of wetlands must be computed and it must be integrated with National Resource Accounting.Wetland productivity studies on a long-term basis by identified organizations from different parts of the country need to be undertaken.This would bring out indisputable data on wetland productivity, which is many times more than that of other ecosystems. Moreover, it would be an excellent tool to check the wetland ecosystem health.At the policy level in India there is the Wild Life Protection Act 1972, Forest Conservation Act 1980 and National Forest Policy of 1988 and a host of rules formulated under these acts are implemented by the Forest Department. The states in India have their own State Forest Policies. There is an independent Ministry of Environment and Forests with its minister holding a cabinet rank at the Union Government level. The call is now for a Wetland Conservation Act from lawyers, environmentalists, activists, Green organisations and people dependent on wetlands Conservation of water bodies. The scheme on conservation and management of wetlands was initiated in 1987 India is also a signatory to the Ramsar Convention. The ‘Convention on Wetlands’, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 158 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1758 wetland sites, totaling 161 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. Ramsar Convention is the only global environment treaty dealing with a particular ecosystem. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was developed as a means to call international attention to the rate at which wetland habitats were disappearing, in part due to a lack of understanding of their important functions, values, goods and services. Governments that join the Convention are expressing their willingness to make a commitment to helping to reverse that history of wetland loss and degradation. Ground Reality — The case of recreating wilderness in an urban wetland So many laws, rules, recommendations and for all these years … what is the ground reality? “I have worked like there is no tomorrow!” says Mr. Joss Brooks the chief “knowledge architect” of the Tholkappia wetlands, in the south Indian city of Chennai. These wetlands were recovered from the filth laden dumping grounds of what was once the Adyar River that flowed across Chennai and emptied into the Bay of Bengal. A serene 58 acres of land now present an occasion to recover a not-so-distant memory of a forest along the banks of the river. For this project, Joss is a government contractor, but sees himself ‘a gardener from in the international township of Auroville’, who created in 1973 the Pitchandikulam Forest a bio-resource centre in the bioregion of Auroville. The beauty of the Tholkappiar Eco Park project has been a revelation to one and all: as one retraces the steps taken to address causes one ends up finding more inclusive and holistic solutions. At a cost of 22 million USD, the government of Tamil Nadu has committed to work backwards and clean the entire Adyar River, about 358 acres of area, which means resolving a lot of issues of all those who in one way or another use the river for domestic or commercial purposes. In Joss’s own words, “This goes to show that if there is a political will and community support and good budgetary provisions, it is possible; it is not easy but it is possible and that is a good sign. The word ‘Innovation’ interests all and a change of mindset, to understand that things can be done and therefore be done, is new level of being on a collective level”. According to India’s National Forest Policy (1988), all urban areas should have 33% of their land under forest cover by 2012. The best efforts of the forest department notwithstanding, Chennai the capital of Tamil Nadu, south India, remains the least green metro in the country, with a green cover extending to just 9.5% of its geographical area in the city limits. In this backdrop the creation of the Tholkappiar Eco Park has a special significance, it is already fulfilling the role of an urban forest area in not just providing a beautiful aerial view of the city but by playing a key role in maintaining the environmental balance and supplying good quality oxygen to a polluted city. Human trails are light footprints by students who come to study nature or simply “be” in nature. The Department of Environment (Tamil Nadu) holds interactive training programme for school students. Joss’s involvement in this project began in 2004 as the founder of Pitchandikulam Forest — a Conservation site within the Auroville International Township. Auroville was invited to come to the middle of Chennai to help restore the estuary, starting with the Adyar Creek (Adyar Poonga). Joss grew up in the Australian state of Tasmania, a place full of wild natural beauty and wide open empty spaces. After living in Europe and Africa he came to Auroville in 1970 to participate in the early pioneering work of the newborn community. In 1973 he established the community of Pitchandikulam dedicated to restoring the eroded 60 acres of Auroville Green Belt land to its former green cover. Now it is a vibrant forest with more than 600 species of plants, many with medicinal value. In 1993, associating with the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) he developed the medicinal plant conservation Park at Pitchandikulam. In 2002, the Nadukuppam Environment Education Center was founded in a village 30 km north of Auroville in order to spread the restoration ecology message into the Auroville bioregion. In 2004, Pitchandikulam Forest Consultants was created to implement restoration work in other areas of Tamil Nadu including the city of Chennai. The actual work on the Adyar Creek began in 2008 and Joss brought with him his rich experience of “recreating” natural ecosystems, and an aspiration for deep harmony between man and nature. Wilderness and Sacredness – Nature in the City Joss has revived the cultural sanctity of Nature with modern, rigorous scientific studies and innovative practices through all his initiatives at Auroville and it is this experience that he brought with him as he set to restore the wetlands in the urban area of Chennai. For Joss, the transition between Auroville to Adyar Poonga is like integrating the rural into the urban and it is here that his uniqueness is best expressed. Revival of Sacred Groves: Stretches or fragments of forests protected by the local or the visiting community with reverence and respect which is traditionally accorded to the Divine. One of the most important functions of the sacred groves was that it was a repository for various medicinal plants. The groves supplied humans with replenishable resources like fruits, honey and dry fallen wood. The groves also had natural ponds and streams, and when embanked met the water needs of the communities in the neighbourhood. Contemporary sacred groves serve as biodiversity hotspots, often house plants and animals that have become extinct in neighboring areas. They can help with genetic diversity and ensure flourishing of such species. Sacred groves in urban areas act as “lungs” of the city. Wilderness is about letting Nature heal herself. Scientific study and field experiments in regeneration of indigenous plant species native to a particular geography: Pitchandikulam is a peaceful sanctuary of a self-generating forest where over 800 species of plants can be found in the sanctuary forest, grasslands and ethno medicinal gardens. With 60 other in situ and ex situ conservation areas, Pitchandikulam Forest is part of the Medicinal Plant Conservation Network. This network implements detailed programs of botanical and social documentation as well as conservation and planting initiatives. There is a stress on reviving traditional health systems. Pitchandikulam Forest planted more than a 100 thousand native species of plants and trees in the Adyar Poonga. Thanks to a bountiful monsoon, the Poonga resembled a wild scrub forest in less than two years. Creating a Knowledge base that includes the local community, its belief systems and practices, and village elders as an important resource of information, insight and wisdom and disseminating this knowledge. Since the tsunami, Auroville has been monitoring the survival of some of its coastal plantations where many Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF) species have been tried. It has been observed five months after the wave that some 90%, 120 species, have survived. This information is invaluable in the planning process for future plantations. The Tholkappiar Eco Park has several elements to sensitize visitors to the environment. It has four primary zones. The first is the Arrival and Orientation Zone, which will provide safe arrival areas for visitors and at the same time ensure minimal disturbance to the rest of the park. The second is the Interactive Learning Zone with interpretive education gardens, learning areas and an Environmental Education Centre. The third zone is the Nature Interpretation Zone, which has a natural trail with occasional viewing points for people to experience the various ecosystems of the Coromandel Coast. The largest zone is the Silent Zone, which is not accessible to the public. Sustainable technologies: Where possible, the use of sustainable technology is embedded in all activities. Examples of such technology can be found at Nadukuppam Environment Education Centre where an integrated water sanitation system has been developed, solar technology and organic agricultural activities are demonstrated. By providing working examples of sustainable technologies the task of encouraging communities to implement them becomes a lot easier. The Tholkappiar Eco Park is a green and plastic free zone where solar panels light up the street lights. The small canteen at the entrance serves organic food. An important aspect of conservation is the water management plan — Water from collection tanks spread out in the park will be pumped using solar pumps. The park will generate its own water from storm water collection and treatment of sewage and grey water from surrounding urban areas using innovative engineering technology, effective micro organisms and special fountains that aerate and energize tired and polluted water. The purification and reactivating of this essential element of life will be a key principle of the park. Nature will be allowed to work herself out in decontaminating ground water and soil. With vigorously growing health plants, the air has been rid of foul smells that existed earlier. Training the young generation of students and volunteers: The vision is to set up an environmental education centre with the aim of restoring biodiversity in the Poonga through student and community participation. The Environmental Education Centre then becomes a point for community involvement in integrated training. Teaching the necessary skills to bring biodiversity back to the land are researched and taught involving the community, particularly school children. The aim is to show visitors the wonder and importance of ecological diversity; communicate scientific studies and research into indigenous fauna and flora; raise awareness of local environment issues; and inspire people to engage in the process of restoration and preservation of the environment. It will introduce visitors to the basic principles of ecology with an emphasis on coastal ecology and watershed rehabilitation. These programmes will help to nurture a deeper appreciation and reverence for living things and natural systems. Visitors will become familiar with plants and animals native to Chennai and learn about their interrelationships and how human activities affect them. A profound level of Collaboration from the polity, economy and society: In case of Auroville, collective responsibility and community living are at its foundations. Adyar Poonga Ecological Restoration Project, Chennai – Part 1 & 2 With the granting of a two-year maintenance contract Pitchandikulam Forest Consultants is looking forward to a similar model and spirit of governance to take shape for the Tholkappiar Eco Park. Urban forests and wetlands can become an ‘essential infrastructure’ in city planning and budgetary allocations. The notion of urban forests is not new in India nor is the idea of Wilderness; India has had its ‘Aranyas’ (forests and wilderness where man could contemplate on his essence and of that of the universe). Transcending piecemeal environmental remedial measures as well as deep ecology, “if this project works then it is a reminder that wilderness can be … even inside the city; it brings back a memory, a collective memory and a conviction. It shows how urban wetland could be cleaned up. The park is not about entertainment or making a profit. It is about pulling out something different, about making a big shift and a place to dream, to imagine. People have forgotten to imagine … to imagine … so important to imagine, not to be scared of imagining”. As we celebrate the World Environment Day on 5th June, the news that Bolivia has enshrined natural world’s rights with equal status for Mother Earth has clearly turned the spotlight again4 on “Wilderness” as a global issue that needs to be addressed sensitively and urgently; followed by Ecuador, which changed its constitution to give nature “the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution”. 5 “Ley de Derechos de La Madre Tierra” in Spanish (Law of Mother Earth)The legislation in Bolivia creates 11 distinguished rights for the environment:They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered. Equador:“It establishes a new relationship between man and nature, the harmony of which must be preserved as a guarantee of its regeneration.” Still some way to transit from Human Rights to Rights of Nature and essentially to a harmony, goodwill and collaboration between all! 1 and and Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog March 23: Socratic InnovationJanuary 1: On the meaning of wordsNovember 30: The happy organisation – a deontological theory of happinessNovember 26: Utilitarianism for a broken future. News about the Future Toyota FriendToyota Friend is a private social network for Toyota customers and their cars. Toyota Friend will be powered by Salesforce Chatter, a private social network used by businesses, and will be offered, first in Japan, initially with Toyota’s electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles due in 2012. CEO Marc Benioff said: “Toyota and share a vision to take the auto industry into the future. Social and mobile technologies will transform the car ownership experience, and we are excited to be Toyota’s partner in this transformation.” NeuroheadsetBased on the latest developments in neuro-technology, Emotiv has developed a revolutionary new personal interface for human computer interaction. The Emotiv EPOC is a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset. It uses a set of sensors to tune into electric signals produced by the brain to detect player thoughts, feelings and expressions and connects wirelessly to most PCs. World Ocean Review In this first “World Ocean Review”, we present a report on the state of the oceans which will be followed by periodic updates in the future. Our aim is to reveal the consequences of intense human intervention for the ocean realm, including the impacts of climate change. We already understand some of the effects, but many unanswered questions remain. What is certain, however, is that human society must change its behaviour with the goal of achieving sustainable interaction with the environment and the oceans in particular. The ChaptersThe world oceans, global climate driversThe oceans cover around 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. They thus play an important role in the Earth’s climate and in global warming. One important function of the oceans is to transport heat from the tropics to higher latitudes. They respond very slowly to changes in the atmosphere. Beside heat, they take up large amounts of the carbon dioxide emitted by humankind. How climate change alters ocean chemistryMassive emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere have an impact on the chemical and biological processes in the ocean. The warming of ocean water could lead to a destabilization of solid methane deposits on the sea floor. Because of the excess CO2, the oceans are becoming more acidic. Scientists are making extensive measurements to determine how much of the humanmade CO2 is being absorbed by the oceans. Important clues are provided by looking at oxygen. The uncertain future of the coastsIt is now accepted that global warming will result in a significant sea-level rise in future, with many low-lying coastal areas around the world being lost to the sea over the coming centuries. The wealthy industrialized countries will be able to defend themselves from the encroaching waters for a time, albeit with massive technological effort. In the long term, however, they too will have to withdraw back from the areas under threat or, alternatively, adapt to rising water levels. Last stop: The ocean – polluting the seasHuman society inevitably generates immense amounts of waste arising from the production and utilization of food as well as industrial and consumer goods. A considerable amount of this waste eventually ends up in the oceans. Fortunately, the pollution from oil has been decreasing in recent years. But the increasing load of nutrients and pollutants and general littering of the oceans are a growing cause for concern. Climate change impacts on marine ecosystemsThere can be no doubt that climate change will alter marine life. Changes in ecosystems usually have multiple natural causes, but increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and global warming are now playing a critical role. The extent of the coming disruption to biotic communities is unknown. Exploiting a living resource: FisheriesFor decades, the catch from the world’s fisheries steadily increased – with the result that many fish stocks are now classified as overexploited or depleted. Failed fisheries policies and poor fisheries management are to blame for this situation. Short-term profits appear to take priority over the development of a low-impact, sustainable fisheries sector that will remain economically viable in the long term. Marine minerals and energyOur appetite for energy and mineral resources seems insatiable. As landbased resources become increasingly scarce, those in the oceans are attracting greater interest. The fuels and ores in the deep sea are particularly tempting. But wind and wave power could also meet a proportion of our energy needs. Maritime highways of global tradeThe volume of maritime traffic increased significantly over recent decades, but the global economic crisis brought the industry to its knees. Now there are promising signals for a recovery, however, nobody knows what the future holds for the process of globalization, the global imbalances still linger on and the world of finance continues to be in a fragile state. The growing threats of piracy and terrorism could also compromise shipping. Medical knowledge from the seaMarine organisms such as bacteria, corals and sea sponges contain thousands of interesting substances that could provide us with the medications of the future. Some of these agents have already been approved as drugs. Research on primordial organisms can reveal both how diseases occur and how they can be treated. Before the treasure trove beneath the sea can be claimed, however, some legal issues must be resolved.The law of the sea: A powerful instrumentToday, a raft of international treaties determines which state has jurisdiction over coastal waters and the seabed and where a country’s fishing fleet may legally operate. However, the extraction of mineral resources from the ocean floor and climate change are confronting the international law of the sea with new challenges. Balancing the protection of the marine environment with intensive use of the oceans is also a difficult task. Recommended Book Democracy: Crisis and Renewal (Big Ideas) By Paul Ginsborg Despite the global expansion of democracy, a looming threat has appeared in the countries that claim to love it most: declining electoral turnout, diminishing faith in political institutions and the growing gap between the political class and those who elect them? Historian and commentator Paul Ginsborg goes back to first principles and examines anew a concept that we once fought for in this brilliant and bold new diagnosis of our political system. Political parties have lost swathes of members and effective power is ever more concentrated in the hands of their leaders. Behind these trends lie changing relationships between economics, the media and politics. Electoral spending has spiralled out of all control, with powerful economic interests exercising undue influence. The ‘level playing field’, on which democracy’s contests have supposedly been fought, has become ever more sloping and uneven. In many democratic”countries media coverage, especially that of television, is heavily biased. Electors become viewers and active participation gives way to mass passivity. Can things change? By going back to the roots of democracy and examining the relationship between representative and participatory democracy, political historian Paul Ginsborg shows that they can and must. Organic architecture Organic architecture is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world through design approaches so sympathetic and well integrated with its site that buildings, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated composition. The term organic architecture was coined by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959). Falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright History Project Organic Architecture S3238821 Futurist Portrait: Prabhu Guptara Professor Prabhu Guptara (born 1949 in Delhi, India) is an authority on the impact of technology on globalization, on strategy, on knowledge management, on corporate social responsibility, on comparative and cross-cultural ethics, and on management and leadership issues. Professor Prabhu Guptara is Executive Director, Organisational Development, Wolfsberg (a subsidiary of UBS – one of the largest banks in the world). He is also Freeman of the City of London and of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, and Chartered Fellow of the of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; he is also Fellow: of the Institute of Directors, of the Royal Commonwealth Society, and of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts Commerce and Manufactures; and has supervised PhD research at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) as well as to be Visiting Professor at various Universities and Business Schools around the world. Earlier roles include: a Governor of the Polytechnic of Central London, Member of the Council of the British Institute of Management, of the International Federation of Training & Development Organisations (IFTDO), of the Association for Management Education and Development (UK), of the South East Regional Council of the Confederation of British Industry. Judge, 1988 National Training Awards, 1980 Commonwealth Poetry Prize, 1990 & 1991 Deo Gloria Prize for Fiction; Chair of the Panel of Judges, Deo Gloria Prize 1992 & 1993. Experience with an enormous range of organisations including: Akzo Nobel (Netherlands), the Associated Banks Institute (Germany), Barclays Bank (UK), British Petroleum (UK), the Council of Europe, Cultor (Finland), Deutsche Bank (Germany), Groupe Bull (France), Federation of Finnish Engineers (Finland), the International Management Association of Japan, Kemira (Finland), Kraft Jakob Suchard (Switzerland), Leadership Academy (Finland), Nokia Telecommunications (Finland), Novo Nordisk (Denmark), Sedgwick International Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers (UK), Singapore Institute of Management, Sonatrach (Algeria), Sun Alliance (UK), UNCTAD, Valeo (France), and so on. Why are loans bad for the poor? Agenda Our Season Program 2010/2011 June 23, 201118:30 – 21:15   the future of European DemocracyLocation:, Veemkade 267, 1019 CZ Amsterdam (Ship SALVE) Past Season Events 2010/2011     Oct 14, 2010:the future of HackingNov 25, 2010:the future of HappinessJan 20, 2011: the future of Financial InfrastructureFeb 17, 2011: the future of ServicesMarch 17, 2011: the future of ShellApril 14, 2011: the future of the Human MindMay 19, 2011: the future of Singularity