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Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2005, Issue 42

Content Services – a future in The Netherlands? News about the Future Next Event The Future of the European Union Summit for the Future: VideoRecommended Book Ocean Arks International Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club AgendaClub of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Services – a future in The Netherlands? Sjirk van der Goot, Executive Consultant and Founder, Perceive commercial management services Every person that has ever enjoyed the average service level in bars, restaurants and clubs in The Netherlands and particulary in Amsterdam will have experienced first handed that the Dutch personality and the Dutch mentality are not yet famous for their true service attitudes. Nevertheless some of us are learning rapidly that the service industry might be our only option left to generate at least some level of economic and social prosperity in The Netherlands in the years to come after the closing and/or outsourcing of almost all Dutch farming and manufacturing industries. Nowdays we hear a lot about the knowledge society and that The Netherlands should develop towards a knowledge society. But what is the value of this knowledge when we have no industries left to test the actual value of all our newly developed knowledge and to benefit from it when this knowledge really proves to deliver the added value and increased competitive advantage that we expect from it? And why should other countries be interested in our “non-tested” knowledge when they have the opportunity to test their own newly developed knowledge in their own industries on a day-to-day basis? Therefore the service industry might present a better alternative for future economic development in The Netherlands than the knowledge society does. Sjirk van der Goot is the moderator at our event about the future of the Service Industry: In this session we will look at three perspectives on the service industry in The Netherlands. Frank den Butter will look at the history of The Netherlands as a trade nation and point out how the Dutch might even strengthen their traditional position as global traders in our new world of globalization and rapidly evolving information & communication technologies. Bob Stumpel will look at the use of new technologies in the service industry so far and the lessons learned from these approaches. Buddy Kluin will show a video with various examples of customer services provided by mobile phone and then discuss the impact of mobile communications on the service industry, both business to consumer and business to business. After the coffee break there will be an open discussion about the future of the service industry in The Netherlands between the three speakers and all participants in the audience. News about the Future AquacultureAquaculture is the fastest growing food production system in the world and it accounts for approximately one-third of global fisheries landings. In addition to the production of fisheries products, aquaculture also consumes more fishmeal and fish oil than any other industry. Thus, the combined production and consumption of aquaculture accounts for about half of all fisheries’ production in the world. The rapid expansion of the industry has focused attention on the need for effective management strategies. Such strategies are needed to enhance the positive contributions that shrimp farming and other forms of aquaculture can make to economic growth and poverty alleviation, while controlling negative environmental and social impacts that may accompany poorly planned and regulated developments. Several hundred different species are farmed around the world both for sale on the international market and for subsistence food production. Global production of farmed aquatic animals and plants in 2000 reached 45.7 million metric tons with an on-farm value of $56.5 billion. Like agricultural farms, aquacultural farms range from small-scale operations for local food production to intensive, mechanized operations geared towards export. Farmed species that are traded in volume on the international market include oyster, tilapia, catfish, trout, mussels, and scallops. Shrimp and salmon, two of the most valuable species, are also traded widely. Concept-Foods“The food industry needs new shapes, new textures, new styles”, said Edouard Malbois, who heads the world’s self-proclaimed first designer food consultancy firm, Enivrance. “Our job is Imaginary Foods, a new discipline linking the real world and the world of fantasy.” Enivrance, which is developing designer foods for the likes of McDonalds, Lavazza and Barilla, and has worked with top stores such as Harrods of London and Galeries Lafayette in Paris, unveils its latest creations: The “Earth Egg” prototype has a crusty cereal-like shell with a green creamy substance posing as the white and soja-sprouts and other veggie featuring as the yolk. Next Event: Services – a future in The Netherlands? the future of the Service IndustryServices – a future in The Netherlands?Wednesday, February 23, 2005reception: 18:30-19:30, conference: 19:30-22:15location: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Prins Bernhardplein 200, Amsterdam [next to Amstelstation], free parking. Frank A.G. den Butter: The future of trade and servicesBob Stumpel: The anti-service paradox of the service industry’s interpretation of serviceBuddy R. Kluin: The Impact of Mobile Communication in the Service IndustryModerated by Sjirk van der Goot The Future of the European Union The Future of the European UnionBy Dr Patrick Dixon Try to imagine what historians will write about Europe in the year 2100. Did integration succeeed in preventing a Third World War – as was the hope of the founders of the European Union? How stable was the Union after expansion to include many former Eastern bloc nations? What was the outcome of major showdowns between The Federal States of Europe and America through 2020-2030? How did the Union cope with massive influx of foreign nationals? What happened to national parliaments, laws, markets, languages and cultures? Major challenges to the future of Europe lie ahead. If the great experiment succeeds, it will create an economic, political and military force to pose real challenges to the United States, with its enlargement to 25 countries and a population approaching 500 million. Expansion will add 23% to the EU’s land area and bring in 75 million additional citizens, with a combined economy of $9.3 trillion, approaching that of the U.S. The Most Likely Future for EuropeThe most likely scenario for the future of the EU over the next decade and a half will be slow but steady progress towards integration, held back by the rich diversity of cultures and economic situations. A Greater Europe cannot be built without strong EU governance and visionary leadership, yet these are the two issues which are notably missing at present. The European Parliament does not command the same sense of respect as national Parliaments, nor the connection with ordinary people. This is a serious problem. Who makes decisions in Europe anyway? Is it EU councils of Ministers who are appointed by their own governments? Is it elected representatives of the people (MEPs)? And that is the heart of the problem. […] Impressions from the Summit for the Future 2005 The Summit for the Future turned out to be a fantastic event. With delegates from than 30 countries, 22 partners, 40 high quality speakers – a great athmosphere producing inspiring discussions, interdisciplinary insights or simply energy for innovation! Recommended Book The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Culturesby Frans Johansson Why is it that so many world-changing insights come from people with little or no related experience? Charles Darwin, after all, was a geologist when he proposed the theory of evolution. And it was an astronomer who finally explained what happened to the dinosaurs. Frans Johansson argues that breakthrough ideas most often occur when we bring concepts from one field into new, unfamiliar territory. In this space – which Johansson calls “the Intersection” – established ideas clash and combine with insights from other fields, disciplines, and cultures, resulting in an explosion of totally new ideas. The Medici Effect – referring to a remarkable burst of creativity in Florence during the Renaissance – shows us how to get to the Intersection and how we can turn the ideas we discover there into path-breaking innovations. From the insight that created the first Cherokee written language to the ideas that enabled scientists to read the mind of a monkey – The Medici Effect is filled with vivid stories of intersections across domains as diverse as business, science, art, and politics. Johansson reveals the core principles – including breaking down associative barriers, routinely combining unlike concepts, and executing past your failures – that can enable individuals, teams, and entire organizations to create their own “Medici effects” in any arena of work and life. Frans Johansson is a writer, consultant, and entrepreneur residing in New York City. Ocean Arks International  Ocean Arks International “We work on the premise that it is possible to create a sustainable society in the early 21st century. Such a society would be embedded with an Earth stewardship ethic. We believe it is possible to reverse today’s loss of soils, forests and water quality as well as to slow or even arrest the wide spread loss of species.” Treating Wastes and Protecting WatersFor over a decade Ocean Arks International has been developing floating ecological technologies to enhance water quality and restore polluted bodies of water. These Restorer technologies can accomplish a variety of tasks in both natural and constructed bodies of water. They have the ability to purify wastewater, maintain pond health or restore stressed natural bodies of water. Recent developments include Restorers treating food-processing and agricultural wastes in constructed lagoons. Other examples include protecting and upgrading secondary drinking water supplies and reducing algae in brackish water. In natural ponds, they rejuvenate water badly impacted from landfill and septic tank lagoon wastes and reduce the impact of eutrophication, or nutrient enrichment. Applications in the developing world, particularly in urban areas, are endless. They have the capability, when integrated with other natural systems technologies, to treat sewage to advanced wastewater and water reuse standards. Impact on Water QualityRestorers support a wide spectrum of treatment processes and the organisms responsible for the treatment, creating an economical and effective system. They can reduce organic loading or Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), improve water clarity through Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reduction and lower fats, oils and greases (FOG) in the water. Ammonia, nitrate, TKN and fecal coliform levels are also reduced. They have the capability of removing pathogens, priority pollutants and heavy metals from the water. They also can decrease nutrient levels, including nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrification is enhanced and denitrification can be incorporated into Restorer designs. Restorers function in many ways like conventional waste treatment systems but also enhance the dynamic ecological cycles within the lagoons, ponds, lakes and canals in which they reside. Purified water can be polished for non-potable reuse such as irrigation, toilet flushing, agricultural wash down, industrial clean-in-place (CIP) routines or cooling tower influent.  The Water Stewards NetworkThe Water Stewards Network is our vehicle for disseminating the practices of water stewardship that can empower communities to retain, or regain, their autonomy and integrity amidst the tides of globalization. This grassroots initiative was launched in the summer of 2003 in response to the current state of global water politics. Corporations, international trade and development agencies, and governments are forcibly turning water into a commodity and placing its management in the hands of the free market. This approach is leaving a path of ecological, economic and cultural destruction in its wake. There is a mounting international campaign, however, rising in opposition to these trends in policy – peoples’ movements emerging from every region of the globe demanding that water remain in the commons as a human right. There is no doubt that we are on a sure path to a freshwater crisis in the near future. In order to turn this situation around it is imperative that we begin to implement sustainable solutions to our water problems immediately. The issue of corporate control is, of course, highly important, yet we feel the global dialogue is deficient in the area of alternatives. The Water Stewards Network is building and distributing a ‘toolbox’ of information on the many facets of water management that will enable people to take responsibility for the local water resources. We cannot wait for governments to come to agreement on the issues surrounding the privatization of ‘the commons’. The people of the world need to act now to ensure a water secure future. Advanced Farm EcosystemsAquaculture Research and Development: Our aquaculture program is centered on systems that are self-sustaining and do not rely on feeds containing ocean harvested fishmeal. The goal is to create efficient recirculating systems that produce high quality fish, shrimp and hydroponic produce without the need for energy intensive waste treatment. Mycology and Mushroom Research and Development: Our mycology and mushroom program is focused on the establishment of a comprehensive native culture library as well as the cultivation of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. The native culture library is used to match valuable species to available substrates, as a source of native biological material to remediate damaged ecosystems and to investigate unknown ecological and medicinal properties. Cultivation of mushrooms in the ecological food production system is accomplished using waste organic materials directly or in the form of compost. Neighboring industries, such as breweries, and farms supply suitable materials for mushroom growth. Club of Amsterdam Agenda Club of Amsterdam Season 2004/2005   .February 23, 2005 the future of the Service Industry .March 30, 2005 the future of Water .April 27, 2005 the future of Branding .June 1, 2005 the future of Robotics .June 29, 2005 the future of Philosophy Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club

the future of the Service Industry, February 2005

Club of Amsterdam Services – a future in The Netherlands? pdf version SupporterPricewaterhouseCoopers The future of trade and services Ever since the 17th century, known as its Golden Age, the Netherlands succeeded remarkably well in keeping its leading position in world trade. Even today a considerable part of its welfare stems from trade. In this context trade should be seen as exchange of property rights. Many people in the Netherlands earn, directly or indirectly, money by conducting and enabling such transactions in trade. A major part of the service sector is directly or indirectly engaged in facilitating and creating value in these trade transactions. On the one hand it is necessary to keep the costs of the transactions as low as possible: lower transaction costs lead to more trade. On the other hand it is obvious that the transactions should be profitable and create value. Globalisation and information technology bring about rapid changes in the way trade transactions take place. It creates new opportunities for trade and services. Therefore it is necessary that one should be aware of these changes and opportunities, and know how to react and invest in knowledge on transactions. For instance, formal barriers to trade, such as transport costs and import restrictions, will gradually disappear. It makes informal trade barriers such as cultural differences, legal infrastructure, rules and regulations of local governments, red tape and especially trust between trading partners of more importance. The more knowledge we have on these aspects, which are partly tacit knowledge, the better we can strengthen our position as traders. This is one of the main massages of the report on “The Netherlands as a trading nation” published by the Scientific Council for Government Policy in 2003. Prof. Den Butter was the director and initiator of that project of the council. Now he is engaged in founding the Amsterdam Trade University which is an institute of highest international standards for research and education in the fields of legal, technical, financial, cultural, administrative and business knowledge related to trade transactions. Frank A.G. den Butter The anti-service paradox of the service industry’s interpretation of service Many service providers have been heavily disappointed by CRM and other contact management technologies. Why? Because they hoped that they could reduce their service efforts. Where their motivation should have been to improve their service levels. Because that is what customers expect and demand nowadays. Bob Stumpel The impact of mobile communication in the service industry Buddy Kluin will discuss the impact of Mobile Communication on the business of a professional football club. He will show us “a day in the life of an Arsenal football supporter”. We will see Tommy Lee travelling from his home town to Leeds using his PDA. We will see how modern technology provides him with information, and also changes his life as a football supporter. Arsenal as a professional football club in England transformed their organisation and their business model to manage doing business in a new way. Today we are in Amsterdam, hometown of Ajax also a famous professional football club. Does modern communication technology also affect the business of Ajax? And their football fans, what’s in it for them? Buddy R. Kluin 19:30 Welcome by our Moderator Sjirk van der Goot, Executive Consultant and Founder, Perceive commercial management services 19:45 Part I: Frank A.G. den Butter: The future of trade and services Bob Stumpel: The anti-service paradox of the service industry’s interpretation of service Buddy R. Kluin: The Impact of Mobile Communication in the Service Industry 20:45 Coffee break 21:15 Part II: Panel with the Speakers and our Moderator Sjirk van der Goot The panel is followed by an open discussion. Frank A.G. den Butter Professor of Economics, Vrije Universiteit and former member of the Scientific Council for Government Policy Present affiliation: Professor of Economics, Free University (1988- ), Amsterdam, The Netherlands Major previous affiliations: Research Fellow Econometrics and Special Studies Department, de Nederlandsche Bank (1973-1988, from 1979 deputy director of the department); Director Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam (1989-1996); Vice Dean and Director of Research, Free University, Amsterdam Member of Scientific Council for Government Policy (at the Prime Minister’s Office; 1998- 2002), The Hague, The Netherlands; Chairman Royal Netherlands Economic Association (1997-2003); Founder and director of Applied Labour Economics Research Team (ALERT: 1988-2002); Head of Department of Economics, Free University, Amsterdam; Member Board European Association of Labour Economists (EALE); Member Social Economic Policy Committee of Social Economic Council (1992-2002); Consultant for OECD and Dutch Ministeries of Finance Ministries of Finance, Economic Affairs, Social Affairs and Employment, Spatial Planning, Housing and Environment, and Infrastructure. Major other present functions: Chairman Supervisory Committee Economic Institute for the Building Industry (EIB); Member of Central Statistical Committee (CCS), Member Royal Dutch Society of Sciences, Various other governmental and scientific committees. Major present research interests: Futures studies, interaction between policy and research, institutional organisation of policy analysis, applied labour economics, flow approach to labour markets, technology and employment, economic models of the environment, time series analysis, macroeconomic modelling, monetary economics. Publications include several books and articles in e.g. Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Applied Statistics, Empirical Economics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Economic Modelling, Journal of Policy Modeling, Environmental and Resource Economics, Social Indicators Research, Open Economies Review, Energy Policy, Economics Letters, De Economist, European Journal of Political Economy, LABOUR, Applied Economics, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. (1948; married, two children) Bob Stumpel (in business since 1978) Bob started his career as a copywriter and concept maker, later developing into a business strategist and consultant. He built two advertising agency groups in The Netherlands, developing both to a level of ‘biggest independent agency in the Benelux’, and then merging them into international agency networks. He is a long time pioneer in helping marketers to use or integrate new technologies, new media and new channels to enhance or revive more traditional marketing and communication routines. Bob is a co-founder and board member of Result, an international growth consultancy, and a co-founder and managing partner at Cellspace, a radical marketing communications agency. Bob works or worked for clients like Nivea, Kimberly Clark, Courvoisier, Balantine’s, Mazda, Toyota, Lexus, Lotus, Robeco, Rodamco, Cisco, LogicaCMG, Microsoft, KPN, Sonera, Mindport, Irdeto, Compuserve, Sony, Philips, Cannon Films, Cannon Movie Theaters, UIP, Universal, Sony Music & Entertainment, VNU, Sanoma, RTL, several governemental bodies, and many NGO’s. He’s a co-founder and board member of DDMA, the Dutch DMA. He recently launched Cellspace, his third marcom agency adventure. As an international account co-ordinator he is presently responsible for the roll-out of the successful social software provider Open Business Club ( in 6 countries, taking the role of country manager for OpenBC in The Netherlands. Buddy R. Kluin Co-founder and lead strategist, Y-now As of summer 2003 Buddy started Y-now, the network agency for rephrasing and implementing corporate, commercial and connected strategy. The business of Y-now value networks is making our clients more valuable. Y-now is founded on the principle that our clients should get delivered results – not just reports. We advice and guide senior management in the development of their business strategy. Given the complex environment in which most companies find themselves today, it is essential not only to formulate a good strategy, but first and foremost to implement it. To really make this work, it is important to implement change with the right speed. Going to fast, the organization will not be able to follow and adopt the changes. Moving too slowly, the momentum is lost and targets will not be achieved. We measure our success by our client’s results. For more than four years now, Buddy focuses on the opportunities related to the mobile & wireless medium. He helps his clients to master the complexities of using new technologies as a key enabler for competitive advantage in emerging ecosystems. The clients are able to make the best possible strategic decisions about their future needs and understand how to maximize the value of current IT operations. While implementing mobile & wireless technology he helps his clients to capture real and measurable advantage. Previous employment includes Capgemini, where he worked as a principal management consultant and Cambridge Technology Partners, where he has been responsible for the set up and expansion of the Digital Business Strategy Group in Europe acting as director. He and his DBS Group helped many companies using the Internet possibilities. At that time working in Boston (MA) he also gave lectures at Harvard Business School and MIT. Buddy brings more than 20 years of thorough industry experience. His experience stresses a unique combination of marketing & sales, management consulting, program- and change management covering several industries such as financial services, public service, telecommunications, the process industry, energy & utilities. Many assignments have addressed the overlap of Business- and Technology Strategy and Organisational Development. He has been particularly skilled at working with senior and executive management on complex business problems, and in facilitating complex organisational issues towards strategic decisions and directions. His extensive experience in managing complex projects, translates into a strong ability to assess and address organisational, human resource and management issues. He is a visiting lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, and as of the spring of this year Buddy will join the Asian Centre for Consulting Excellence in Singapore, acting as Executive Vice President Consulting. Buddy holds a MSc. in Psychophysiology from the Catholic University in Tilburg. Sjirk van der Goot Executive Consultant and Founder, Perceive commercial management services Sjirk van der Goot is Executive Consultant and Founder of Perceive commercial management services, the professional services agency that empowers its customers to be more successful with their customers, employees, business partners and shareholders by supporting: 1. the renewal and improvement of their commercial management strategy, process & behavior and 2. a professional introduction of their new brands, products and services in the market. Perceive commercial management services provides research, advice, coaching, training, business development and interim management in the areas of branding, marketing, sales and communications. Sjirk has 20 years professional experience in a variety of commercial, management and consulting roles at major multinational companies like Hewlett Packard, Time Warner, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and Cogent IPC. He graduated in Communication and Law from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Next to his work for Perceive Sjirk is also a popular party DJ and resident lecturer at the HAN University in Arnhem and Nijmegen.

Club of Amsterdam Journal, February 2005, Issue 41

Content Club of Amsterdam Community Projects News about the Future Next Event VISH&CHIPZ check out the Club of Amsterdam NanoWater Conference Impressions from the Summit for the FutureRecommended Book NanoRobotics Lab 2050 Future Shock Agenda Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Club of Amsterdam Community Projects Fernanda Ibarra, Member of the Club of Amsterdam Expert Group For the past decade rules have changed, little is predictable or repetitive, we have seen completely different organisational forms unfolding across space and time, we have come to the recognition that profound transformation is an imperative, a time of redirection, on all levels, from individuals to organisations to communities. We are leading to a state of consciously participating in a larger field for change, this shift is a collective phenomenon which is about collectively cultivating the capacity for this shift. In order to meet the challenges of managing in an increasingly technology-based economy, we are all considering ways to improve our efforts in a continual process to adapt to change, avoid imposing old frameworks on new realities and positively impact our communities and personal lives. For this purpose, the internet is clearly one of the technologies of choice, due to its potential in creating and nurturing social ties, which enable us to reach beyond towards a more genuinely integral and embracing culture of sustainability. In this context, the main source of value creation is shared knowledge and collective intelligence, not land, labour or capital. It is that shift in the basis of value creation, what propelled virtual communities in the limelight as collective players with largely untapped potential for radical innovation. Non-organisational online communities benefits and horizonsPower doesn´t longer reside primarly within organisations, but power resides in network relationships, so it is a whole new geometry of power we need to deal with. Business leaders around the world have identified that online community offers the most profound potential when communities inside an organisation are actively and deliberately brought together with external clusters of communities where conversations among people of different organisations and backgrounds may take place in one space. Club of Amsterdam Project’s purpose is to design, implement and facilitate a community of professionals with interest in the same domains, or fields, representing different firms or organisations, different sectors within a given field and often living in many different countries. The purpose of the Club of Amsterdam is to develop a ‘centre of gravity’, where knowledge can be shared between colleagues, meaning negotiated, awareness of the potential of collective intelligence developed and where an entirely new set of opportunities can emerge. The opportunity for being in real time contact with a network of constituencies, and for these, to be in conversation with each other, would give people the capability to sense and respond that conventional organisational structures cannot offer. Interacting with external communities helps filter out the noise and deal with information overload, bounce off new ideas, get knowledgeable feedback, and keep in touch with leading thoughts, techniques, and tools. Club of Amsterdam’s communities will facilitate professional exchange, allow members to establish a bond of common experiences and challenges online, and build networks of relationships which will be leveraged at offline events and meetings. In a bussinesswire article Martin Reuf, a faculty member from Stanford Graduate School of Business wrote an article called ‘What leads people to establish organisations that employ radically new routines’ where his overall recommendation is nothing groundbreaking – “Broaden your social horizons, and you might come up with the next crazy idea that sparks an industry” – in other words, expose yourself to more outside influences to inspire more “dynamic moments”. What is far more interesting however – is the difference that Ruef found in the effects of different depths of relationships. Using data from 766 entrepreneurs and Stanford Alumni, Ruef concluded that the most creative entrepreneurs spend less time than average networking with business colleagues who are friends and more time networking with a diverse group that includes acquaintances and strangers. Reuf explains: “Weak ties — of acquaintanceship, of colleagues who are not friends — provide non-redundant information and contribute to innovation because they tend to serve as bridges between disconnected social groups,” he says. “Weak ties allow for more experimentation in combining ideas from disparate sources and impose fewer demands for social conformity than do strong ties.” The knowledge economy presents an additional challenge. Knowledge markets are globalizing rapidly. What someone knows in Turkey could make or break your business in London. What a competitor’s team is learning in South America can be the undoing of your project in Massachusetts. For instance, a sales team at Siemens in Malaysia was able to get a large telecommunication contract because of the experience and material developed by their peers in Denmark. Success in global markets depends on communities sharing knowledge across the globe. Besides contributing to the success of organisations in global markets, these communities have another benefit. In the globalizing knowledge economy, companies are not just competing for market share. They are also competing for talent-for people with the expertise and capabilities to generate and implement innovative ideas. One company found that employees belonging to world-class communities of practice exploring cutting-edge issues were much more likely to stick around. Finding and keeping the right people can make a big difference in an organisations ability to become a leader in its market and to gain access to venture capital. Some results of belonging to non-organisational communities are: Increased compentency, better connected (contacts), increased visibility, increase capabilities and innovation in both individuals and their organisations. News about the Future Can Europe Build a NATO for Africa?Africa’s ongoing crisis — from the genocide in Darfur to civil conflicts in other countries — continues to defy easy solutions. Richard Gowan of the Foreign Policy Centre argues that the EU should partner with the African Union to provide security and stability. He outlines how an organization modeled on the role NATO played during the Cold War could get the job done for Africa. African Countries Sign Treaty to Protect Rain ForestSeven Central African countries signed a landmark treaty Saturday to establish cross-border partnerships to help save the world’s second largest rain forest.We are gathered here to ensure the preservation of a priceless heritage, the greatest wealth of the Congo Basin, the forest,” said Chirac, speaking to an audience in Brazzaville’s parliament house, where giant colorful paintings of elephants, cheetahs and monkeys hung from the vaulted walls. “The protection of these forests cannot wait.””You’re finally seeing a commonality in what people are saying that was unthinkable 10 years ago,” said Claude Martin, head of the World Wildlife Fund. “The leaders here are seeing how the exploitation of their forests will not contribute to their economies, poverty reduction and future prospects.” Next Event: Services – a future in The Netherlands? the future of the Service IndustryServices – a future in The Netherlands?Wednesday, February 23, 2005reception: 18:30-19:30, conference: 19:30-22:15location: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Prins Bernhardplein 200, Amsterdam [next to Amstelstation], free parking. Frank A.G. den Butter: The future of trade and servicesBob Stumpel: The anti-service paradox of the service industry’s interpretation of serviceBuddy R. Kluin: The Impact of Mobile Communication in the Service IndustryModerated by Sjirk van der Goot VISH&CHIPZ check out the Club of Amsterdam NanoWater Conference VISH&CHIPZ check out the Club of Amsterdam NanoWater Conference by Mathijs van Zutphen & John Grüter Nanotechnology is not some abstract sci-fi future fantasy. Nanotechnology is simply engineering on a scale slightly smaller than usual, and it can provide simple and useful solutions to very real problems that concern all inhabitants of this planet. One of the areas where nanotech can realize some breakthrough technical applications in the near future is the production of clean water, a scarce commodity already, water shortage is set to produce pressing problems in the near future. On this conference it became obvious however that solutions are at hand; effective, cheap, and available as we speak. On Monday September 30, 2004, The Club of Amsterdam and Cientifica together hosted the first international conference on nanotechnology and water “NanoWater”, at the RAI Congress Center in Amsterdam. Nanotechnology and water, an unlikely combination? Not really. In fact most of the technology presented at the conference can be defined as a solution to the following assignment: construct a really fine-grained way to sieve water. Water is the essence of life. Most water on this planet (>95%) is seawater. Most of the drinkable fresh water is frozen on the North and South Poles, and much of the remaining available fresh water is polluted or simply in the wrong place. 75% of global precipitation occurs in areas containing less then a third of the world population. With over 20% of the world’s population having no access to safe drinking water, there is a shortage of clean fresh water now, and as developing countries raise their standard of living, this shortage will increase. Global water consumption, doubling every 20 years, is increasing much faster than the population. So if you find a smart (and cheap) way to sieve out anything from micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses to salt ions, you solve a lot of problems for a great many people, and you can make a lot of money in the process. Research into nanotechnology is receiving significant government subsidies in the US and Europe, and the total global market for clean, drinkable water is an estimated 400 billion dollars annually. This is the theme of the day: nano filtration to clean up water. There are several competing methods for filtering water. Clean water is expensive in the third world, where, in real terms, people actually pay more money for clean water than citizens of developed countries like the USA. One of the bleak ironies of our modern world is that an essential product, virtually free to us rich citizens, is very expensive for the poor of the world. They pay up to 25% of their real income to have access to clean water. The first speaker is Kevin McGovern of McGovern Capital LLC. Mr. McGovern explains how his investment firm is trying to spearhead the nano revolution. One of his ventures, KX Industries, is producing nano-scale filters that will filter out items as small as bacteria and viruses, for the specific purpose of eradicating waterborne disease, one of the main killers in developing countries. The product is cheap, and effective; KX Industries has actually received an FDA approval for its filters as an antiseptic. It seems that the poorest, most destitute regions of our world will benefit from nanotech’s impact first. Are local conditions in developing countries changing their role from daunting problems to innovation drivers? “In some cases, Yes”, replies McGovern, who sees a huge market for KX Industries’ products in developing countries. The nano filters by companies like KX Industries are very likely to change that, by providing abundant, cheap water. One method is purely mechanical, meaning that a filter with cavities (“pores”) smaller than the undesirable particles can extract those. Aquamarijn Research BV, a Dutch firm, uses semiconductor production technology, where patterns are etched into thin wavers of silicon, to make filters. The pores of these filters are small enough to sieve out most particles and bacteria, but too large to extract viruses and synthetic pollutants like pesticides, but the development look promising. Another way to filter water is by reversing the naturally occurring process called ‘osmosis’. Osmosis occurs when a concentrated solution, a fluid like water with a large amount of other atoms or molecules floating around in it, is separated from a less concentrated solution (less atoms and molecules) by a semi-permeable membrane. Nature has a tendency towards equilibrium, so water is drawn through the membrane towards the side with the higher concentration. This reduces the difference in concentration between the two sides of the membrane. Reverse osmosis is the process whereby pressure is applied to a concentrated solution (dirty water), forcing the fluid through a very fine membrane, resulting in a (virtually) pure fluid. The pores in these membranes are so small that reverse osmosis can be used for desalination, i.e. turning seawater into drinking water, by taking out the salt. Reverse osmosis is slow and expensive, since applying the pressure requires large amounts of energy. Professor Raphael Semiat, Grand Water Research Institute of the Israel Institute of Technology, explains that significant cost reductions are being achieved in his research department. The latest desalination plant (in Ashkelon, Israel) produces drinking water from the Mediterranean basin at a cost of 50 dollar cents per cubic meter (1000 liter). It is also possible to use osmosis as a process of filtering polluted water. The US military has a plastic bag containing a sucrose solution separated from the outside world with a membrane. When this bag is submerged into any quality of water after 18 hours the concentrated solution in the bag will draw about 2 liters of clean water through the membrane. Since osmosis is only effective when you start from a concentrated solution, the end product is lemonade, not water, which is not always what you want. However, for military purposes (or camping and trekking) this is ideal since the process can provide a nutritional broth. The challenge to use osmosis to provide pure water is being met by the British research organization NanoMagnetics, which produces small magnetic particles encapsulated by natural enzymes that set the same osmotic process in motion, but in the end all particles can be taken out from the fluid by applying a simple magnetic field. Elegant and effective, NanoMagnetics now faces the task of up-scaling the production of these Nanomagnets. The effectiveness of filters is by and large a function of the size of the pores. Smaller holes mean better filtration. But that is not the only possible solution. Many particles, organic and synthetic, are sensitive to an electrical charge. Fred Tepper of the US company Argonide explains how his company has created a filter comprising oxidized aluminum nanofibers, on a glass fiber substrate. These alumina fibers are positively charged, which enables them to filter bio-organisms such as bacteria and viruses from the water flow. Even though the pores in this filter are relatively large, the end result is extremely effective, because the process provides a much higher flow rate than traditional membranes. The filter retains up to 99.999% of viruses, is in production as we speak, and can be used to clean water by applying muscle force. No extra energy needed, ideal for rural contexts. Filters based on nano-technology are a very practical application, providing a low-cost – less than $0,25 per liter – solution. As more people in the third world die for lack of clean water than from any other cause, nano-technology can be said to provide genuine benefit to mankind. Not just in the third world, but also in the developed world many situations exist where this type of technology can make a substantial difference. Impression from the Summit for the Future The Summit for the Future turned out to be a fantastic event. With delegates from than 30 countries, 22 partners, 40 high quality speakers – a great athmosphere producing inspiring discussions, interdisciplinary insights or simply energy for innovation! Recommended Book Doing Business in Emerging Europeby Francois-Serge Lhabitant, Yahia Zoubir The transformation which is unfolding in emerging European countries is a unique historic event. In several countries, the transition has been quite positive; most analysts anticipate continued real growth in the coming years. Doing Business in Emerging Europe is a user-friendly guide to doing business in Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and Ukraine. Brief overviews of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Macedonia, and Serbia/Yugoslavia are also included. NanoRobotics Lab  NanoRobotics LabMechanical Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Projects:Water WalkerA miniature water strider robotGoal: To develop a microrobot that can maneuver on water with power efficiency and agility.Approach: To understand the physics of water striders to model their characteristics of floating on the surface of water. We are using micro-actuators to simulate water striders’ movements. We are also investigating different materials to improve the robot’s ability to float on water.Benefits: Water strider robots will be small and relatively efficient. Because it is on the surface of water and light, the robot will be highly agile and can reach inaccessible areas for many different applications. Gecko Hair ManufactureSynthetic Gecko Hair Fabrication for Dry Adhesion Introduction: Nature can be an inspiration for innovations in science. One such inspiration is comes from the gecko lizard which can climb on walls and ceilings of almost any suface texture. Rather than using it’s claws or sticky substances, the gecko is able to stick to the walls through dry adhesion which requires no energy to hold it to the surface and leaves no residue. The dry adhesion force comes from surface contact forces such as Vanderwaals forces which act between all materials in contact. […]Goal: Develop techniques for producing synthetic gecko foot hairs with nano/micro hair heirarchy. Refine these techniques into processes which will alow for cost effective mass production.Benefits: The new synthetic adhesive will have countless uses from space exploration robots to surgical applications to post-it notes. This reusable, self-cleaning adhesive material can be thought of as a one sided velcro which can stick to almost everything. nanoFiber AssemblyCreating nanoFibers from polymers Goal: Fabricate 3D polymer micro/nano fibers and develop a network of such fibers.Approach: Besides imaging and characterization, proximal probes are used as three-dimensional (3D) nanoscale manipulation and manufacturing tools.Benefits: One of the most significant barriers for enabling the breakthroughs promised by nano-technology is mass production of nano-scale structures, devices, and systems. Therefore, novel manufacturing processes at the micro/nano-scale are indispensable for the commercialization of future nano-scale devices, circuits, man-made materials, sensors, etc. This micro/nano-fiber pulling technology would have wide applications in nano-circuit interconnects by using conductive nano-fibers, prototyping novel nano-electronic devices by using conductive/semi-conductor/non-conductive polymer fiber structures, 3D polymer fiber-based nano-actuators, photonic devices, novel bio-nano-sensors, smart materials, etc. 2050 Future Shock 2050 Future ShockBy Douglas Belkin, The Boston Globe Your sport coat is checking your pulse and blood sugar; your micro-compact car is communicating with retail stores and parking meters; and your medicine chest is reminding you to take a pill. Also, while entering the golden age of biotech, Boston is on the brink of class warfare.[…]With the mapping of the human genome, medicine will become increasingly preventative. David Elvin, a pediatrician who teaches at Harvard Medical School, says infants today are tested at birth for genetic diseases, but these tests primarily screen for ailments that appear in infancy and early childhood. Elvin predicts that in 10 to 15 years, children will be routinely tested at or before birth for the common diseases that tend to manifest later in life. If a child shows a predisposition to a disease, he or she could be treated with specific drugs before any symptoms occur. A child not prone to obesity but predisposed to lung cancer, Elvin says, might be told, “Don’t worry too much about Ben & Jerry’s, but don’t ever pick up a cigarette.”[…]But the biggest changes in what we wear will come from the technology we expect our clothes to contain. The technology we now carry we will eventually be wearing, says Ned Thomas, director of the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT. Clothes designed to protect, connect, and monitor the military will start emerging on the backs of special-forces soldiers in a decade and will filter down to police officers, extreme athletes, business executives, and finally, everybody else.[…]Expect to see implanted microchips become de rigueur. Sound spooky? Someday soon it won’t. The technology has existed for years and is starting to enter the marketplace. Last March, the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona started giving members the option of having a small chip implanted in their upper arm so they could pay for drinks without having to take a purse or wallet to the club. Club of Amsterdam Agenda Club of Amsterdam Season 2004/2005   .February 23, 2005 the future of the Service Industry .March 30, 2005 the future of Water .April 27, 2005 the future of Branding .June 1, 2005 the future of Robotics .June 29, 2005 the future of Philosophy Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club  

Club of Amsterdam Journal – Special Issue, January 2005, Issue 40

Content Club of Amsterdam Summit for the Future Speakers at the Summit Quotes from the Summit Exhibitions Music at the Opening Event Live Music Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club Upcoming Events partners Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Speakers at the Summit for the Future Quotes from the Summit for the Future 2005 Kevin Dean, Managing Director – Public Sector Healthcare, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems, Inc.: “The potential of e-health is therefore huge. At one point e-health touches active surgical intervention, with surgeons controlling robots over an IP (Internet Protocol) network to perform specialist operations on patients far away, thus scaling the specialist’s ability to provide care beyond their own hospital. At another point, e-health involves providing potentially millions of health professionals with ongoing education via online learning through video-on-demand and web-based interactive teaching. Still further are the use of smartcards, home monitoring and tele-consultations within the world of healthcare provision.” Tamsin Rose, General Secretary, European Public Health Alliance: “Europe’s population is older, but not healthier. Our lives involve living long periods with health conditions and illnesses. We depend heavily on pharmaceuticals and medical devices to survive, we pay 25 % of our income for healthcare costs. Mental health problems are widespread, suicide levels are high. Socio-economic inequalities reflect starkly in differences in longevity patterns. Scientists are in a permanent race to respond to mutating viruses and emerging new diseases. Mental health problems affect the majority of the population. – How likely is this scenario? What current trends were used to predict this situtation and what can we change?” Vladimir Petrovskiy, former Director-General of the UN in Geneva: “Promotion of the knowledge-based societies which should be conceives as plural, variable and open to democratic choices makes it necessary to answer the questions what is to be done and how. The European experience should be used together with the recommendation of the UN, UNESCO, ILO and other international bodies. Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are of particular importance.” Mathijs van Zutphen, philosopher, educator, artist and creator of VISH: “It is important to understand that our reality is constantly changing. The elements of success today may be the causes of failure tomorrow. We have to evolve as life itself does.” Thomas Schael , Management Consultant with Butera e Partners: “We have to understand that the traditional face-to-face work practice is decreasing. New ways of social interaction have to be put into place. Communities of practice become more important than before, allthough we cannot design and manage them like research teams in the laboratory. Mobility and cross-site teams generate new requirements for support technology.” Graham May, Futures Skills: “As we know from experience assuming that the future will be like the past is just that, an assumption; that may or may not be true. The negotiations over GATS make it abundantly clear that both the interpretations and the expectations of “free and fair” diverge significantly.” Natalie Yacheistova , Head of the Russian Trade Representation in The Netherlands: “Taking in mind the core role of innovation for the economic development and competitiveness, additional efforts shall be paid in Russia to the creation and well-functioning of high-tech technologies and knowledge society. But how, by which means can this goal be achieved?When analyzing the international experience in this area, it may be seen that the countries with the more effective knowledge sector – Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Japan, Denmark – have at the same time the highest international competitiveness. These countries are marked through high amounts paid for research, while the most part of these expenses is taken upon themselves by private companies.” Pascal Kerneis, Managing Director, European Services Forum: “EU Member States, companies and citizens (consumers and workers) must embrace the Internal “Single” Market to increase the cross-border supply of services between the 25 countries. The recent Proposal for a Directive on Services in the Internal Market encourages the EU member states cut “red tape” and facilitate the cross-border provision of services. Europe will certainly benefit from increased competition in the professional services. Mutual recognition of diplomas and qualifications and eliminating of corporatist rules should aid in this. We expect improvement in all aspects of business-related services (ICT, consulting, after-sale services, advertising, etc.) for its own sake and also for the knock-on effects these sectors add to the economy at large.” Tom Lambert, Chief Executive, Centre for Consulting Excellence: “People can be generous, but the total aid given by the rich part of the world to our poorer neighbours totals some $50bn annually. A considerable sum, but with 5 billion people living in the countries receiving this support this amounts to just ten bucks per person each year. It is hardly enough to make a difference. Trade can make that difference.” Valeri Souchkov, Director, ICG Training & Consulting: “The processes of automating of manufacturing and global outsourcing push European enterprises to seek new ways to sustain and increase their value and increase competitiveness rather than increasing production volumes and implementing cost cutting programs. It becomes clear that the future will be defined by those companies that would be capable of not only product manufacturing, but capitalize on creating and distributing Intellectual Property (IP). With strong historical and cultural traditions in science and technology, Europe still has a chance to become the world-leading “brain centre” which will focus on massive creation of high-quality IP in every branch of business.” Exhibitions at the Summit for the Future 2005 Agenda 21 and Rio + 10 Development Targetsby Bayer CropScience Who is prepared to read a document of several hundred pages if he or she does not have to for professional reasons? Hardly anyone. Nevertheless, the United Nations Program for Action for Sustainable Development in the 21st century – “Agenda 21” for short – is such an important document that as many people as possible should know its contents. For this reason, Manfred Kern, Head of Bayer CropScience Technology Communication, together with illustrator Peter Schäfer, has selected the principles and tasks most relevant for Bayer CropScience, e.g. effective and efficient management of resources or ICM (Integrated Crop Management) or green biotechnology. World Summit AwardThe World Summit Award will be present with its WSA Roadshow at the Summit for the Future as four categories of the World Summit Award are overlapping with the interest areas of the Summit: e-Business, e-Health, e-Entertainment en e-Science. The WSA Roadshow consists of 40 applications, which were selected for the UN Summit on the Information Society as best-practice examples of e-Business, e-Health, e-Entertainment, e-Science, e-Culture, e-Learning, e Government and e-Inclusion.The World Summit Award, a global project, held in the framework of the WSIS, seeks to demonstrate the benefits of the Information Society in terms of the new qualities in content and applications, by selecting, presenting and promoting the best products from all over the world with a special emphasis on bridging the digital divide.InfolutionINFOLUTION provides scalable knowledge management solutions that utilize the power of new semantic technology to enhance the performance and intelligence of enterprises. The solution seamlessly integrates into information domains, which allow customers to instantly source and manage any business critical information. Infolution is unique in that it processes, comprehends and retrieves concepts in the same way as humans do.With large and small clients including ABN Amro, The Boston Consulting Group, Dutch Policeforce and others world wide INFOLUTION has the products and the recognition to ensure higher return on information and investment from your corporate information. Visualisations by Job RomijnJob is an artist pursing the line between art and practicality. As he is an idea generator, he’s setting up a structure to enable him to live of his ideas. Music at the Opening Event Marcus WeissProfessor of saxophone and chamber music, Music Academy in Basel Switzerland Marcus Weiss is born in 1961 in Basel, studied saxophone with Iwan Roth at the city’s Music Academy, and subsequently with Frederick L. Hemke at the Northwestern University in Chicago. He received the Soloist Prize from the Swiss Musicians’ Association in 1989. He performed with various European orchestras and as a chamber musician with Trio Accanto and Xasax Ensemble. Georges Aperghis, Aldo Clementi, Beat Furrer, Stefano Gervasoni, Vinko Globokar, Manuel Hidalgo, York Höller, Toshio Hosokawa, Michael Jarrell, Hanspeter Kyburz, Helmut Lachenmann, Detlev Müller-Siemens, Giorgio Netti and Salvatore Sciarrino have written works specially for him. The recordings of some of them are available on cd. His discography also includes pieces by Schönberg, Berio, Webern, Wolpe, Cage, Scelsi, Netti, Ablinger and Sciarrino. Live Music   Russian singer Marynka Nicolai and her band ‘Some Lovely Girls’ perform during the Summit for the Future on Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon.   See also: Leisure Evening Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club Summit for the Future: Opening Event   Attent the  Opening Event of the Summit for the Future – meet with global thought leaders! Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 09:30-12:30Location: HES Amsterdam School for Business, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Recommended Book The Future of Musicby Dave Kusek, Gerd Leonhard For the next generation of players and downloaders, a provacative scenario from a music industry think tank From the Music Research Institute at Berklee College of Music, comes a manifesto for the ongoing music revolution. Today, the record companies may be hurting but the music making business is booming, using non-traditional digital methods and distribution models. This book explains why we got where we are and where we are heading. For the iPod, downloading market, this book will explain new ways of discovering music, new ways of acquiring it and how technology trends will make music “flow like water”, benefiting the people who love music and make music.Publication date: March 2005 Club of Amsterdam Upcoming Events Special Events January 26-28, 2005 Summit for the Future 2005 Club of Amsterdam Season 2004/2005 October 27, 2004 the future of ICT November 30, 2004 the future of Developing Countries February 23, 2005 the future of the Service Industry March 30, 2005 the future of Water April 27, 2005 the future of Branding June 1, 2005 the future of Robotics June 29, 2005 the future of Philosophy  .  Partners of the Summit for the Future

Club of Amsterdam Journal, January 2005, Issue 39

Content Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club News about the Future Summit Highlights Summit for the Future: Opening Event Recommended Book Digital music ‘niche’ market for foreseeable future, won’t replace CDs The new healthcare-ICT marketplace in England Upcoming Events Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Club of Amsterdam Open Business Club News about the Future Summary Of The World: Googlezon And The Newsmasters EPICBy “Robin Good” “By the year 2014, what I call newsmasters will be the most sought-after and highly rewarded professional media creators the world has ever seen. Newsmasters are an emerging group of news editors which utilize new tools and techniques to create unique content streams on specialized topics by tapping largely into the RSS content universe as well as in other openly reusable sources of news and information. In the fascinating scenario explored in this story, newsmasters will be the key news directors and producers of the future. They will be able to connect, filter and prioritize information for every media-consumer on the planet, using a single source of media content that contains everything that anyone could possibly ever want to know about. That single source is called EPIC: The ‘Evolving Personalized Information Construct’. A nation demands the right to existBy Rupert Cornwell The Inuit peoples of the Arctic have launched a dramatic legal action against America. The charge? That US emissions of greenhouse gases have made their very survival impossible. Their ancient way of life is in unprecedented peril. Their very land is melting beneath their feet. Even the endless night of the Arctic winter, which should be one of nature’s most immutable constants, may be changing. It too appears to have fallen victim of the abrupt warming of the global climate which almost every one on earth – apart from the government of the United States – believes is exacerbated by the polluting industries of the modern world. Summit Highlights  Pascal KerneisManaging Director, European Services ForumAn energetic advocate of services liberalisation on behalf of European firms. Summit for the Future: Trade / Service Industry Representing the interests of the European services companies in the GATS Negotiations The European Services Forum is an organisation representing the services sector across the European Union. ESF represents more than 80% of the European exporters of services in more than twenty sectors. World trade in commercial services accounts for about 25% of world exports, but services account for 60% of annual flows of foreign direct investment (FDI). More importantly, the services sector provides more than 60% of jobs in developed countries, and the trend is growing in the developing countries. To unleash its potential for growth, the services sector requires market access and national treatment within a clear regulatory framework; hence, the absolute necessity of substantial new commitments in the current WTO services negotiations in the framework of the Doha Development Agenda. The European Services Forum strongly supports and encourages the movement to liberalise service markets throughout the world and to remove both trade and investment barriers. However, it has to be clear that liberalisation needs to be accompanied by a good regulatory infrastructure that encourages transparency, competition and fairness.Pascal Kerneis will focus on:     increasing market access for European services companies outside the EU 25,allowing speediest movement of high skills business personnel that have to be able to go quickly to their subsidiaries or clients around the world,increasing the possibility in moving data on a cross-border basis in a legally secure environment.     All these three aspects might be accomplished through multilateral, regional or bilateral trade agreements by getting commitments in mode 3, 4 and 1 of the GATS.  Katie BeggPrincipal Lecturer, Institute of Energy & Sustainable Development, De Montfort University Summit for the Future: EnergyShe was an official expert on JI (Joint Implementation) and the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) under the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) from 2002-4 and has published widely in this area in peer reviewed journals, book chapters, and having co-edited 2 books (Flexibility in Climate Policy, 2001, Earthscan and The Business of Climate Change, 2004, Greenleaf).    Wim van de DonkChairman of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy.Professor, Faculty of Law, Tilburg UniversityAs chair of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, Wim van de Donk spends his time thinking ‘out of the box” and encouraging others to do likewise. Summit for the Future: Media & Entertainment A new Map & Compass Discussion about the future of Dutch media, both commercial and public, have lost their way. It has become focussed on issues affecting broadcasting, when the future will bring us many more platforms that traditional broadcasting. The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy will publish a report on its recommendations for the future at the end of January 2005. Wim van de Donk believes some fundamental changes in approach are needed in order to revitalize creativity and investment in Dutch media. This is important for the position of companies operating both in The Netherlands and in the rest of Europe.    Thomas SchaelResearch Manager, Institute irso (Istituto di Ricerca e Intervento sui Sistemi Organizzativi)Management Consultant, Butera e PartnersIndustrial sociologist, organisational designer and change management consultant. Summit for the Future: Science & TechnologyThe evolving workplace and the future of face-to-face Knowledge is inseparable from people and work is a form of social interaction. The place of work is only part location it is a venue and for work related communication and social interaction. What does this mean in the case of research and innovation? The laboratory of the future – is it a place or a shared state of mind?    Geoff RoystonHead of Operational Research, Department of Health, England Summit for the Future: Healthcare Dr. Geoff Royston has been responsible for a number of “futures” exercises in the health field and is particularly concerned with ensuring they add maximum value to organisational and business decision making. Summit for the Future: Opening Event Attent the  Opening Event of the Summit for the Future – meet with global thought leaders! Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 09:30-12:30Location: HES Amsterdam School for Business, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Recommended Book Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Centuryby Michio Kaku Take it easy: that’s Michio Kaku’s motto. Given the extraordinary advances science has thrown up in time for the millennium, the only way you could possibly fit them into a single volume is by a correspondingly massive simplification. Subtitled How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century and Beyond, Visions assumes that, by and large, scientists get to do whatever they like, that all technologies are consumer technologies, and that consumers welcome anything and everything science throws at them. Kaku gets away with this frankly dodgy strategy by dint of sheer hard work. He has based his predictions on interviews with more than 150 renowned working scientists; he integrates these interviews with a huge body of original journalistic material; and, above all, he roots that mass of information on an entirely reasonable model of what the purpose of science will be in the third millennium. Up until now, science has expended its efforts on decoding most of the fundamental natural processes – “the dance,” as Kaku puts it, of elementary particles deep inside stars and the rhythms of DNA molecules coiling and uncoiling within our bodies. Science’s task now, Kaku believes, is to cross-pollinate advances thrown up by the study of matter, biology, and mind – modern science’s three main theaters of endeavor. “We are now making the transition from amateur chess players to grand masters,” he writes, “from observers to choreographers of nature.” Then again, he also believes that “the Internet … will eventually become a ‘Magic Mirror’ that appears in fairy tales, able to speak with the wisdom of the human race.” Kaku, in short, deserves a good slapping – but he also deserves to be read. – Simon Ings Digital music ‘niche’ market for foreseeable future, won’t replace CDs Digital music ‘niche’ market for foreseeable future, won’t replace CDsby Leigh Phillips While digital music revenues will grow to be eight per cent of the total European music market by 2009, the CD will remain the bedrock of music sales, according to a new report by market analysts Jupiter Research. By 2009, the researchers forecast that digital music revenues will grow to €836m, up from €10.6m at the end of 2003, representing eight per cent of the total music market, and will be a significant alternate distribution channel. The report highlights a quadrupling in digital music revenues, from €10.6m in 2003 to €46.3m at the end of 2004, driven largely by new market entrants such as Apple’s iTunes Music Store and Napster, and by sales of digital music devices such as the iPod. However, despite the improved consumer choice these services bring, catalogue availability and prices remain inconsistent while incompatible audio formats add further confusion. The analysts also argue that the interoperability of audio formats and digital rights management would aid consumer adoption. The new healthcare-ICT marketplace in England The new healthcare-ICT marketplace in England: an overview of some recent trends In its two years of existence, the National Programme for IT in the NHS in England has been radically changing the way in which NHS organisations procure their ICT systems. It has, undoubtedly, achieved discounts on a scale previously unknown in NHS procurements, but the resulting new marketplace, at present, is almost universally considered bewildering. Rightly or wrongly, its controllers are perceived as ruthlessly pursuing the introduction of a ‘one-system-for-all’ policy, at all levels, and thereby reducing the number of suppliers from the current some 2000 to possibly less than 100 in the next two to five years. […] John Higgins, Intellect’s Director General, said: “The UK healthcare-IT sector has changed dramatically, and will continue to evolve, leaving many SMEs with some difficult times ahead. Intellect wants to ensure that UK healthcare-IT SMEs are able to make informed strategic business decisions about entering new markets and have all the support they need.” How research and innovation differ How research and innovation differBy Franco Malerba, TEARI PROJECTInnovation in servicesWhat about innovation in services? […] Similarly to high tech, or LMT sectors, services encompass a wide variety of sectors. As a consequence, a first step is grouping them in a taxonomy based on physical services (transport), human services (welfare state services- pensions, waste disposal services…) and information services (consultancies). In all three groups, adoption of information technology is very important. In addition, similarly to what experienced for LMT, a reverse product cycle may take place in that changes in existing processes (due to IT) lead later on to changes in service products (Barras,1986). However this has to be qualified because many innovations are non-IT based.In any case several service sectors have inertia and are slow in becoming highly innovative-a heritage form the past, because then firms did not pay that much attention to innovation strategies, nor had links with universities, government laboratories and so on. There are some exceptions: rail, broadcasting and telecommunication services (closely related to manufacturing). Also financial and retailing services (such as supermarkets) and business services (such as consultancies and training services) have been rather innovative. In general, from surveys one finds that service firms tend to stress human resources and acquisitions rather than formal R&D. When formal R&D is undertaken it tends to be done on a project basis rather than being organized through R&D laboratories. Technological innovation is not important but organizational innovation is. The sources of innovation are both within the firms and from interaction with customers. Innovation in supporting services such as knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) is becoming more and more relevant. KIBS are problem solvers and are very active in the innovative activities of their client firms and sectors: as coproducers of innovation (with the client), as orchestrators of innovation (contract R&D services), as orchestrator of innovation networks (developing long lasting collaboration between different firms) and as brokers to facilitate distributed innovation processes (mechanical test for companies). KIBS are different from research and transfer organizations which also supply services: they are more academic, have more applied research oriented projects and have a more public good type of functions – standards, metrics, awareness programs. Club of Amsterdam Upcoming Events Special Events .January 26-28, 2005 Summit for the Future 2005 Club of Amsterdam Season 2004/2005 October 27, 2004 the future of ICT November 30, 2004 the future of Developing Countries February 23, 2005 the future of the Service Industry March 30, 2005 the future of Water April 27, 2005 the future of Branding June 1, 2005 the future of Robotics June 29, 2005 the future of Philosophy  .  Partners of the Summit for the Future

Club of Amsterdam Journal, December 2004, Issue 38

Content Marja Toivonen: Future prospects of knowledge-intensive business servicesNews about the FutureSummit HighlightsSummit for the Future: Opening EventRecommended BookArctic Climate Change and Its ImpactsWhat is a Smart Community?MIT OpenCourseWareUpcoming Events Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Marja Toivonen: Future prospects of knowledge-intensive business services Marja Toivonen, Foresight Project Manager,Employment and Economic Development Centre for Uusimaa, Helsinki Future prospects of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) are arousing more and more interest as they have been argued to be an important part of the knowledge infrastructure in present economies. While serving numerous clients KIBS carry new ideas and best practice experience from one firm to another, and in this way they function as facilitators and disseminators of innovations. Studies indicate that KIBS themselves are innovative, too: the KIBS sector has been found to be one of the most innovative sub-sectors within the services. IT services, R&D services, technical consultancy, legal, financial and management consultancy, and marketing communications are typical KIBS industries. A futures perspective is essential from the viewpoint of innovation. KIBS have not, however, been systematically examined from this perspective. A recently published study by the author intends to fill the gap in its part. The study has applied the so-called foresight approach which, instead of predicting, focuses on understanding new phenomena and futures dimensions of on-going processes. The significance of historical analysis as a basis for foresight has also been stressed in the study: the study includes a review of the long-term development of KIBS. The study has mapped the future of KIBS both generally, and particularly from the innovation perspective. The general examination consists of analysis of driving forces, strong prospective trends and weak signals. Driving forces refer to those phenomena at the level of the entire economy that constitute the framework for the future of KIBS. Strong prospective trends and weak signals outline the internal development of KIBS: the main lines of development and unexpected outturns. In the analysis of innovation activities, new promising innovation opportunities, the generality of innovation activities, and new spheres of skills have been explored. Both literature and empirical material were used as information sources; the empirical material was collected in the Finnish KIBS sector by face-to-face interviews. Three driving forces particularly relevant for KIBS were identified: the development of information and communication technologies, networking and new business models, and the globalisation of the economy. The main lines of KIBS’ own development were crystallised in eight trends: increasing demand for KIBS together with emphasis on their qualified use, tightening linkages of KIBS to clients’ strategies, increasing importance of client-specific know-how, broadening of the service content, spreading of consultative working procedures, convergence among KIBS and between KIBS and other sectors, concentration tendencies, and diversification of international activities. The weak signals identified concern the emergence of KIBS specialised in coordination of services, strengthening of the position of KIBS over their clients, and the possibility that clients start selling their in-house services to each other. As regards KIBS’ innovation activities, an important finding was that promising fields for innovation also exist in the non-technological KIBS, which earlier have only been studied to a small extent. In the area of skills, KIBS face a challenge to reconcile very different, partly opposite, requirements; combining expertise and entrepreneurship can be mentioned as an example. News about the Future RealClimateRealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists. We aim to provide a quick response to developing stories and provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary. The discussion here is restricted to scientific topics and will not get involved in any political or economic implications of the science. Photovoltaic: Direct energy from the sun The name comes from the principle in which “photons” (units of light) fall on a cell, generating a “voltage”. Two projects on photovoltaic electricity production supported by the EU:An alternative to silicon (Project PROCIS): Researchers from Sweden, Germany, France and Switzerland have developed an efficient low-cost technology, using alternatives to silicon (CIS), to generate cheaper solar cell modules. This is the start of the next generation of cost-effective solar-module processing technology. “Roll-to-Roll” photovoltaic modules (Project H-Alpha-Solar): Silicon remains a key material in photovoltaic technology – but how to make it more flexible and cheaper? Researchers from France, Portugal and the Netherlands collaborated to develop new thin film technology which paves the way towards cost effective mass production of silicon-based solar energy devices. Summit Highlights  Stefan SchneiderChief International Economist, Head of Macro TrendsDeutsche Bank Research Summit for the Future: Trade / Service IndustryStefan Schneider works on trends in economics, society and technology which are relevant to the company and analyses international developments on the financial market. Key trends of the next decades – massive opportunities for the services industry     Enlarging scope of life – affluent people are getting older and more demandingSocial frictions will increase demand for security servicesKnowledge intensive production makes educational services keyStefan Schneider and his team identify future trends and analyse the investment implications they provide for Deutsche Bank and its clients.      Arnulf GrüblerIIASA – International Institute for Applied Systems AnalysisSummit for the Future: EnergyOne of the few who has studied energy systems over the last and the next 100 yearsThe Energy Challenges for the 21st CenturyThe talk will offer a truly long-term view that enables to identify the key energy challenges of the 21st century.The key challenges are in stark contrast to current trends and policy perceptions in the energy field and include: 1. We are not running out of energy resources but will run out of “environment”, i.e. of the assimilative capacity of the biosphere to accept vastly increased waste streams of energy production and use.2. The largest long-term future energy challenge lies in cities, in fact very big mega- even gigacities. Energy alternatives such as renewables as currently conceived offer no solution for the size and power densities characteristic of future hyper-urbanized areas particularly in the currently developing world. Radical new solutions are needed.3. The biggest mismatch between current and future energy systems is the art of the long-view and the resulting enormous demand for technological innovation and radical systems change that the future demand from us now and in the near-term already. This is in stark contrast to our present shortsightedness and unwillingness to develop and to invest in long-term options generations. The future will punish those that do too little too late, ignoring the challenges of the future.  Paul KafnoManaging Director, HD ThamesSummit for the Future: Media & EntertainmentWith a career in both commercial and public broadcasting, Paul knows how to use the right technology to share emotion. His productions have won a string of awards including Prix Italia, RTS, BAFTA, the Prix Gemini. Able to enthuse as well as amuse.Bye Bye Box? (or Is the Future Flat?)Europe’s television screens are getting bigger and flatter. What will we put on them? Programmes? Interactive games? More Hollywood? And from which tap – broadcast, broadband or disk? With an apparent profusion of choice, younger viewers seem too bored to watch, while the older ones claim they cannot find anything they like. With DVD triumphant, commercials easy to avoid and broadband steaming over the distant horizon, broadcasters are desperate to recapture their audience. So, will the future have us leaning back to yawn at the same old content or leaning forward to something exciting and genuinely new?And what might that something be? Paul Kafno explores the possibilities at Summit of the Future.  Bror SalmelinHead of Unit, New Working Environments UnitEuropean Commission IST ProgrammeSummit for the Future: Science & TechnologyResponsible for strategy planning and operations in the framework of the IST Research Programme.Technologies driving systemic innovation – The creative destruction of industry and enterprise eco-systemsThe organization of work is being changed by technologies that render geography irrelevant & computing ubiquitous. Technologies that facilitate communication, collaboration, mobility and knowledge sharing pervade the working lives of people. Technologies first applied in manufacturing – automation, work-flow and total quality are now routinely applied to research tasks. Radical change has happened to the way individuals organize their work, but the greatest change will be to the dynamics of teams and to the structure of organisations themselves. Kevin DeanDirector, Public Sector Healthcare, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Summit for the Future: HealthcareKevin Dean is one of IBSG’s senior Directors, and focuses on public sector healthcare, helping Customers to develop their strategies and implementation plans for networked health information management and technology.The hospital of the future Recommended Book Asia’s New Crisis: Renewal Through Total Ethical Managementby  Frank-Jurgen Richter, Pamela C. M. Mar. Foreword by Klaus Schwab This book is a timely and much-needed attempt to provide a new, unique, and non-condescending framework for recreating an ethical dimension to Asian business. This should be required reading for all Asian business school students in the hope that history will not repeat itself? – Ho Kwong Ping, Chairman, Wah Chang International Corporation Pte Ltd Everyone has something worthwhile to say about ethics. The difficulty is that words are not deeds. And words are rarely converted into action unless they are proselytized with zeal, carried with passion, sustained by conviction and fortified by faith. This groundbreaking work skillfully edited by Frank-Jürgen Richter and Pamela C.M. Mar provides compelling motivation to live a life that is formed by truth and gripped by integrity. – Dr. Y.Y. Wong, Founder and Chairman, The Wyuy Capital Group This is a timely volume. Its broad sweep reveals an entire region coping with an ethical void, one which has deepened since the Asian financial crisis. What sets this book apart is its vision for the way forward. The book brings together highly respected thinkers and public figures from throughout the region, energizing the discussion on the role of ethics in society and providing a sound basis for a new consensus. – David KP Li, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Bank of East Asia Ltd A stunning array of contributors only the World Economic Forum could pull together. Their case is powerful: without TEM (Total Ethics Management), you cannot grow. The time has now come to shift your attention from TQM (Total Quality Management) to TEM to tame Corporation. – Tomohiko Taniguchi, Editor-at-Large, Nikkei Business Publications This book could not be more timely. At a moment when public trust in the marketplace is near an all-time low, the authors’ work offers powerful insights into how the Asian social contract can be strengthened and renewed, drawing on the intellectual and philosophical traditions of the region itself. It is essential reading for anyone who is concerned about Asia’s future direction. – William J. Dobson, Asia Editor, Newsweek International An enlightening compass for all leaders who carry the promising Asian future on their shoulders. – Yoshiyuki Fujisawa, Chairman, Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co. Ltd This excellent book, I hope, will serve as a timely reminder that if Asia wants to be competitive and claim for itself a place in the mainstream of international business, it will need to make a conscious decision to put ethical governance in the driving seat. – Tunku Abdul Aziz, President, Transparency International Malaysia  Frank-Jurgen Richter, President, HORASISAs a seasoned advisor of several companies with global reach as well as of governments, Frank-Jürgen Richter has an unrivaled reputation for his ability to use distinctive scenarios on how to map the future. Prior to founding HORASIS Dr. Richter was Director of the World Economic Forum, in charge of Asian affairs.  Summit for the Future 2005: Trade / Service Industry Arctic Climate Change and Its Impacts Arctic Climate Change and Its ImpactsThe Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) represents the first effort to comprehensively examine climate change and its impacts in the Arctic region. The ACIA report focuses on impacts that are expected to occur within this century. The projected impacts described in the report are based on observed data and a moderate scenario of future warming, not a worst-case scenario. […] Eart’s climate is changing. with the global temperature now rising at a rate unprecedented in the experience of modem human society. While some historical changes in climate have resulted from natural causes and variations, the strength of the trends and the patterns of change that have emerged in recent decades indicate that human influences, resulting primarily from increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, have now become the dominant factor. These climate changes are being experienced particularly intensely in the Arctic. Arctic average temperature has risen at almost twice the rate as the rest of the world in the past few decades. Widespread melting of glaciers and sea ice and rising pennafrost temperatures present additional evidence of strong arctic warming. These changes in the Arctic provide an early indication of the environmental and societal significance of global warming. An acceleration of these climatic trends is projected to occur during this century, due to ongoing increases in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. While greenhouse gas emissions do not primarily originate in the Arctic, they are projected to bring wide-ranging changes and impacts to the Arctic. These arctic changes will. in turn, impact the planet as a whole. For this reason, people outside the Arctic have a great stake in what is happening there. For example, climatic processes unique to the Arctic have significant effects on global and regional climate. The Arctic also provides important natural resources to the rest of the world (such as oil, gas, and fish) that will be affected by climate change. And melting of arctic glaciers is one of the factors contributing to sea-level rise around the globe. Climate change is also projected to result in major impacts inside the Arctic, some of which are already underway. Whether a particular impact is perceived as negative or positive often depends on one’s interests. For example, the reduction in sea ice is very likely to have devastating consequences for polar bears, ice-dependent seals, and local people for whom these animals are a primary food source. On the other hand, reduced sea ice is likely to increase marine access to the region’s resources, expanding opportunities for shipping and possibly for offshore oil extraction (although operations could be hampered initially by increasing movement of ice in some areas). Further complicating the issue, possible increases in environmental damage that often accompanies shipping and resource extraction could harm the marine habitat and negatively affect the health and traditional lifestyles of indigenous people. Another example is that increased areas of tree growth in the Arctic could serve to take up carbon dioxide and supply more wood products and related employment, providing local and global economic benefits. […] Are These Impacts Inevitable?Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, which have risen rapidly due to human activities, will remain elevated above natural levels for centuries, even if emissions were to cease immediately. Some continued warming is thus inevitable. However, the speed and amount of warming can be reduced if future emissions are limited sufficiently to stabilize the concentrations of greenhouse gases. The scenarios developed by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) assume a variety of different societal developments, resulting in various plausible levels of future emissions. None of these scenarios assume implementation of explicit policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, atmospheric concentrations do not level off in these scenarios, but rather continue to rise, resulting in significant increases in temperature and sea level and widespread changes in precipitation. The costs and difficulties of adapting to such increases are very likely to increase significantly over time. […] What is a Smart Community? What is a Smart Community? A Smart Community is a community with a vision of the future that involves the use of information and communication technologies in new and innovative ways to empower its residents, institutions and regions as a whole. As such, they make the most of the opportunities that new technologies afford – better health care delivery, better education and training and new business opportunities. The Smart Communities Program is a three-year federal program created and administered by Industry Canada to help Canada become a world leader in the development and use of information and communication technologies for economic, social and cultural development. The program’s goal is to help establish world-class Smart Communities across the country so that Canadians can fully realize the benefits that information and communication technologies have to offer. The program sets out the following objectives: assist communities in developing and implementing sustainable Smart Communities strategies;create opportunities for learning through the sharing among communities of Smart activities, experiences and lessons learned;provide new business opportunities, domestically and internationally, for Canadian companies developing and delivering information and communication technology applications and services. Communities around the world are responding to the needs of their citizens by discovering new ways of using information and communication technologies for economic, social and cultural development. Communities and countries that take advantage of these new technologies will create jobs and economic growth as well as improve the overall quality of life within their communities. To ensure that these objectives are reached, the federal government has established four interrelated program components:Smart Communities Demonstration Projects are the central focus of the program. Selected through a nationwide competition, these communities — one in each province, one in the North and one in an Aboriginal community — will be chosen for their world-class visions and strategies on how to achieve economic, social and cultural improvements through the use of information and communication technologies. As such, they will become centres of expertise in the integration of information and communication technologies into communities, organizations and families. Smart Communities will also act as “learning laboratories” in which the innovative use of these technologies in community life and enterprise will be tested. The Smart Communities Resource Exchange will act as a clearing house of resources that help support the creation of Smart Communities across Canada as well as provide information on related best practices, applications and technologies. It will also provide resources related to broadband technologies, research studies, and funding programs as well as information on current broadband use and trends in Canada. MIT OpenCourseWare MIT OpenCourseWare MIT OCW is a large-scale, Web-based electronic publishing initiative funded jointly by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and MIT. MIT OCW’s goals are to: Provide free, searchable, access to MIT’s course materials for educators, students, and self-learners around the world.Extend the reach and impact of MIT OCW and the “opencourseware” concept. “MIT OCW would not be possible without the support and generosity of the MIT faculty who choose to share their research, pedagogy, and knowledge to benefit others. We expect MIT OCW to reach a steady – though never static – state by 2008. Between now and then, we will publish the materials from virtually all of MIT’s undergraduate and graduate courses.” “With the publication of 500 courses, MIT is delivering on the promise of OpenCourseWare that we made in 2001. We are thrilled that educators, students, and self-learners from all parts of the globe tell us that MIT OCW is having an impact on education and learning. We hope that in sharing MIT’s course materials, and our experience thus far with MIT OCW, we will inspire other institutions to openly share their course materials, creating a worldwide web of knowledge that will benefit mankind.” – Charles M. Vest, President of MIT Club of Amsterdam Upcoming Events October 27, 2004 the future of ICT .November 30, 2004 the future of Developing Countries .February 23, 2005 the future of the Service Industry .March 30, 2005 the future of Water .April 27, 2005 the future of Branding .June 1, 2005 the future of Robotics .June 29, 2005 the future of Philosophy Partners of the Summit for the Future 2005

Club of Amsterdam Journal, September 2010, Issue 130

Content Cybercrime or the end of scarcity? The future of hacking. Next Event Designer of the Future 2010 Visit to CERN Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Recommended book Recycled island World Social Science Report, 2010 Futurist Portrait: Patricia Aburdene Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. The term ‘hacking’ to most people refers to either Russian criminals stealing your creditcard or Chinese spies breaking into NATO. For those who call themselves hackers ‘hacking’ means the creative use of technology to do new and unexpected things. Thank old-media for this confusion. In our hight-tech society of 2010 the realities of internet crime, electronic warfare and using technology creatively are both much more mundane and sometimes much more spectacular than portrayed in movies such as ‘The Net’. Windows is still crap but people keep buying it while alternatives exist. Meanwhile Wikileaks manages to run circles around the mightiest military in the history of the planet but despite this the wars still go on. Hacking changes a lot, but not always were we expect it. What used to be the Star-trek communicator is called a smartphone now so the future of hacking might just be a lot more interesting than any old ’90’s science-fiction. Join our event about the future of Hacking, October 14th, 18:30-21:15! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Cybercrime or the end of scarcity? The future of hacking. by Arjen Kamphuis, Co-founder, CTO, GendoArjen is the moderator of the future of Hacking The term hacking (and hacker) means very different things to different people. Most will associate the term with computer-enabled crime; from Russian mobsters stealing western credit cards to spammers sending billions of unwanted email advertisements for Viagra to Chinese intelligence employees attempting to break into NATO computers. For those calling themselves hacker (or being called hackers by their peers) hacking just refers to the creative use of technology, any technology, to do new and unexpected things. These two very different meaning of the term continue to cause a lot of confusion in any discussion about it. This piece will expand on both the cybercrime and creative technology uses and see where they meet. The term cybercrime itself suggests that computer and the networks that connect them are a new phenomenon in the eyes of law-enforcement and the justice ministry. If a crime is enabled by a telephone or car this is not worthy or separate classification. But if a computer or the Internet is involved a crime quickly becomes a ‘cybercrime’. A recent BBC item [] mentions a big case were 45 million credit cards were stolen. The financial impact of this theft was either not known or not made public. The trouble with evaluating ‘cyber’-crime is both the scope of the subject and the lack of hard data. From copyright infringement via credit card fraud to child pornography (more accurately imagery of child-abuse) cybercrime is a field that encompasses a wide range of activities of varying seriousness and with very different levels of impact on the victims. Even moretroubling is estimating the effectiveness of law-enforcement do prevent or these crimes or at least bring to justice the perpetrators after the fact. Can this effectiveness be measured and if we can, is it worth logging everyone’s e-mail and cellphone communications to capture an unspecified number of thieves? Precisely because we lack clear information on both the scale of the problem and the effectiveness of the measures trying to cope with it there is no way of telling either way. Frans Kolkman (Head High Tech Crime Unit East-NL) will hopefully enlighten us a bit more. The much happier side of hacking is all the wonderful things people are doing with technology all over the world, taking it apart and making it do stuff the original designers and producers never imagined. Thanks to intrepid hackers computers have become utterly commoditized and all of us can get connected to the global Internet for 10 euros per month. This democratization of technology has spawned not only entire new industries but also new ways for people to communicate, organize and participate in global affairs whoever en wherever you are. Martijn Aslander (Life hacker) will talk with us about using all these tools to get more out of life. Before computers became small and cheap people calling themselves hackers were tinkering with all kinds of other hardware. Now computers, sensors and other components have become so cheap hardware hacking is becoming just as democratized as merely using a computer. Alper Çugun will give us an overview of the possibilities and perils of the digital world meeting the real world again. The first desktop factories, also known as 3D printers, for home use with use-at-home pricing are a reality today and over the next decade they will develop in the same way our commodore 64 developed into smart-phones and laptops. Cheaper and twice as powerful every 18 months. If we can all print our consumer goods at home, will anyone even want to steal anything? Of course someone will figure out a way to print an AK-47 (just for fun mind you!) and then things will get really interesting. Everyone having acces to technology has both benefits and problems; from youtube and wikileaks as new global media to road-side bombs detonated by cheap mobile phones and surveillance possibilities the Stasi could only dream of. In a world re-defined by technology everybody needs to become a little bit techno-literate. Ignorance of new possibilities will mean losing out on great opportunities for a better life and becoming a victim of those who would use the new tools for criminal or other badpurposes. Hackers might save the world, especially if every citizen adopts the hacker ethic of collaboration, free sharing of knowledge and an anti-authoritarian attitude to keep would-be stasi’s at bay. Next Event the future of HackingThursday, October 14, 2010Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam Frans Kolkman, Head High Tech Crime Unit East-NLThe future of Cybercrime and arresting Hackers Martijn Aslander, lifehacker, connector and resourcererHow to connect hacking with the possibilities of the network and information ageAlper Çugun, Intendant, Monster SwellCivic duty in a hyper-connected world Moderated by Arjen Kamphuis, Co-founder, CTO, Gendo In collaboration with Hogeschool van Amsterdam & Freelance Factory Designer of the Future 2010 MIT study finds no shortage of uranium for nuclear energy for decades, but more research is needed to develop improved fuel-cycle options. In 2003 MIT published the interdisciplinary study The Future of Nuclear Power. The underlying motivation was that nuclear energy, which today provides about 70% of the “zero”- carbon electricity in the U.S., is an important option for the market place in a low-carbon world. Since that report, major changes in the US and the world have taken place as described in our 2009 Update of the 2003 Future of Nuclear Power Report. Concerns about climate change have risen: many countries have adopted restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, and the U.S. is expected to adopt similar limits. Projections for nuclear-power growth worldwide have increased dramatically and construction of new plants has accelerated, particularly in China and India. This study on The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle has been carried out because of the continuing importance of nuclear power as a low-carbon option that could be deployed at a scale that is material for mitigating climate change risk, namely, global deployment at the Terawatt scale by mid-century. To enable an expansion of nuclear power, it must overcome critical challenges in cost, waste disposal, and proliferation concerns while maintaining its currently excellent safety and reliability record. In the relatively near term, important decisions may be taken with far reaching long-term implications about the evolution of the nuclear fuel cycle – what type of fuel is used, what types of reactors, what happens to irradiated fuel, and what method of disposal for long term nuclear wastes. This study aims to inform those decisions. For decades, the discussion about future nuclear fuel cycles has been dominated by the expectation that a closed fuel cycle based on plutonium startup of fast reactors would eventually be deployed. However, this expectation is rooted in an out-of-date understanding about uranium scarcity. Our reexamination of fuel cycles suggests that there are many more viable fuel cycle options and that the optimum choice among them faces great uncertainty – some economic, such as the cost of advanced reactors, some technical such as implications for waste management, and some societal, such as the scale of nuclear power deployment and the management of nuclear proliferation risks. Greater clarity should emerge over the next few decades, assuming that the needed research is carried out for technological alternatives and that the global response to climate change risk mitigation comes together. A key message from our work is that we can and should preserve our options for fuel cycle choices by continuing with the open fuel cycle, implementing a system for managed LWR spent fuel storage, developing a geological repository, and researching technology alternatives appropriate to a range of nuclear energy futures. Visit to CERN The Club of Amsterdam organises a visit to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. It will be a 1-day trip in January or February 2011.For more information, please send us an email Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog October 6: The GirlOctober 6: LifeOctober 6: The BirdOctober 6: Deep DivingOctober 6: ShadowsOctober 6: DarknessOctober 6: An ExecutionJune 16: LeadershipMay 14: Sustainable Technologies for the Next DecadeMay 10: What is the future of natural gas in Europe?April 8: The Dawn of the Intelligent Planet News about the Future Urban Mining “Urban mining processes have increased because of the desire to reuse any valuable commodities possible. Take a cell phone for example. Nearly all parts of the phone – plastics, glass, metals, battery and packaging – can be reused in some way.”Urban Mining is a term which stands for the re-use of urban waste (including sewage) in order to extract useful materials. “The industry is called “urban mining,” and in addition to recycling metal, glass and plastic, it could soon turn urban sewers into fertilizer mines.” Ocean Power BioPower Systems is commercialising ocean power conversion technologies. Through the application of biomimicry, we have adopted nature’s mechanisms for survival and energy conversion in the marine environment and have applied these in the development of our proprietary bioWAVE ocean wave energy system and bioSTREAM tidal energy system. These systems inherit benefits developed during 3.8 billion years of evolutionary optimization in nature’s ocean laboratory. Like their natural counterparts, the systems are designed to move and sway in tune with the forces of the ocean, and naturally streamline when extreme conditions prevail. This leads to lightweight engineering structures and lower costs. The bioWAVE and bioSTREAM are designed to supply utility-scale grid-connected renewable energy using efficient modular systems. These automated systems will be mounted on the seabed and operate beneath the ocean surface, out of view, and in harmony with the marine inhabitants that inspired their design. Recommended Book Live Hacking: The Ultimate Guide to Hacking Techniques & Countermeasures for Ethical Hackers & IT Security Expertsby Ali JahangiriDr. Ali Jahangiri, a world-renowned information technology (IT) expert, brings us the next must-have in IT training: Live Hacking, the definitive and comprehensive guide to computer hacking. Groundbreaking, insightful, and practical, this guide serves to inform IT professionals about and challenge existing conceptions of hacking, its victims, and its consequences, but with an eye to empowering prospective victims with the knowledge they need to thwart the criminal elements in cyberspace. Whether you work in a Fortune 500 company or if you’re just looking to protect your home office from hackers, this book will provide you with all the information you need to protect your valuable information. Live Hacking is straightforward, easy to read, and a reference that you’ll use again and again. It’s the kind of book you’ll want to keep in your back pocket! With a user-friendly writing style and easy-to-follow diagrams and computer screenshots Recycled Island  Recycled Islandby WHIM architecture Recycled island is a research project on the potential of realizing a habitable floating island in the Pacific Ocean made from all the plastic waste that is momentarily floating around in the ocean. The proposal has three main aims: Cleaning our oceans from a gigantic amount of plastic waste; Creating new land; And constructing a sustainable habitat. Recycled island seeks the possibilities to recycle the plastic waste on the spot and to recycle it into a floating entity. The constructive and marine technical aspects take part in the project of creating a sea worthy island. The main characteristics of the island are summarized: Realized from the plastic waste in our Oceans. This will clean our Oceans intensely and it will change the character of the plastic waste from garbage to building material. The gathering of the plastic waste will become a lot more attractive. The island is habitable, where it will have its value as land capturing and is a potential habitat for a part of the rising amount of climate refugees. The habitable area is designed as an urban setting. Nowadays already half of the World population lives in urban conditions, which has a huge impact on nature. The realization of mixed-use environments is our hope for the future. The island is constructed as a green living environment, from the point of view of a natural habitat. The use of compost toilets in creating fertile ground is an example in this. It is a self sufficient habitat, which is not (or hardly) depending from other countries and finds its own resources to survive. The settlement has its own energy and food sources. The island is ecologic and not polluting or affecting the world negatively. Natural and non polluting sources are used to let the island exist in harmony with nature. The size of the floating city is considerable in relation to the huge amount of plastic waste in the Ocean. The largest concentration of plastic has a footprint the size of France and Spain together. Starting point is to create an island with the coverage of 10.000Km2. This is about the size of the island Hawaii. The location is the North Pacific Gyre, where at this moment the biggest concentration of plastic waste is discovered. This is geographically a beautiful spot North-East to Hawaii. By recycling and constructing directly on the spot with the biggest concentration of plastic waste, long transports are avoided. Because of the floating character the position could eventually be altered. World Social Science Report, 2010 Social Sciences: 2010 World Report observes growth in emerging countriesThe social sciences, which were dominated by western universities for a long time, are gaining ground in Asia and in Latin America, according to a report by the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC), published jointly with UNESCO. Entitled “Knowledge Divides”, it is a worldwide status report about these disciplines. According to the study, North America and Europe still publish 75% of social science journals worldwide, with 85% of them partially or totally in English. A quarter of them are published in the United States. The disciplines that are the subject of greatest number of publications in the world are economics and psychology. Two-thirds of social science journals in the world are published in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. The UNESCO and ISSC report highlights contrasting developments in the different regions of the world. Social sciences are developing in countries such as China, India and Brazil. Thus, in Brazil, the number of social science researchers has practically tripled in the last ten years. In China, the Social and Human Sciences budget has increased by 15 to 20% a year since 2003. Despite this imbalance, the authors observe that the strongest growth in the number of articles published is in Latin America and Europe. On the other hand, the Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States have seen a sharp drop since the disappearance of the Soviet Union, due to the falling number of researchers and their ageing, while Russian universities struggle to attract new talent. In Sub-Saharan Africa, three quarters of publications in the field of social sciences are from a few universities that are mainly located in three countries; South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria. This situation can be partly explained by the brain drain, even if Africa is far from being the only region concerned. The authors thus note that one doctor of economics in three working in the United States and nearly one doctor of social sciences in five was born abroad. “As this report illustrates, social scientific knowledge is often least developed in those parts of the world where it is most keenly needed,” said UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, in her foreword to the text. “Social scientific endeavour is also poorer for its bias towards English and English-speaking, developed countries. This is a missed opportunity to explore perspectives and paradigms that are embedded in other cultural and linguistic traditions.” The authors observe that the world needs the social sciences more than ever, in order to confront the major challenges facing humanity, such as poverty, epidemics and climate change. Social sciences do not respond to these challenges as much as they should, mainly due to disparities in the research capacities of different countries. Several hundred social science specialists from all over the world have contributed their expertise to this report. Gudmund Hernes, President of the ISSC, François Héran, Director of Research of the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Adebayo Olukoshi, Director of the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (UNIDEP), and Hebe Vessuri, Director of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) are among the experts who presented the Report during its launch at UNESCO’s Paris headquarters today. “The social sciences have become truly global: they are taught almost everywhere. Their research results are widely disseminated,” stated Gudmund Hernes, President of the ISSC. However, he noted that they have been often criticized for their inability to foresee major events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 or the 2007 financial crisis. But for him, “to face actual and future challenges and effectively address global and local problems, more and better social science is vital – i.e. understanding how the world works from the ways humans interact.” Looking beyond the progress and deficiencies noted in the report, Irina Bokova stated that “the report reaffirms UNESCO’s commitment to the social sciences, and our desire to set a new global agenda to promote them as an invaluable tool for the advancement of the internationally agreed development goals.” World Social Science Report 2010 summary full report Futurist Portrait: Patricia Aburdene is one of the world’s leading social forecasters. For twenty-five years, she has been tracking how change impacts business. Through her books, talks and workshops, Patricia has helped thousands of organizations and millions of people make the most of social change and transformation. Co-author of the number one, New York Times bestseller Megatrends 2000, Patricia newest book is, Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism, a blueprint of the social, economic and spiritual trends transforming free enterprise. As the tag line promises, the book describes seven new trends that will transform how you “Live, Work and Invest.” Patricia was John Naisbitt’s collaborator on the publishing phenomenon Megatrends which topped charts in the U.S., Germany and Japan. She co-wrote the best-selling Re-inventing the Corporation and Megatrends for Women.Patricia has lectured throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, South America, Australia and the Pacific Rim. Clients include Adecco, the Professional Coach and Mentor Association, the Management Institute of New Zealand and the Consciousness in Business conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Click “Speaking” for an expanded list of clients).Patricia’s lifelong career in business journalism began at Forbes in 1978. As a Public Policy Fellow at Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, from 1993 to 1996, she explored emerging leadership models.Patricia Aburdene holds a BA in philosophy from Newton College of the Sacred Heart (now Boston College), an MS in library science from Catholic University and three honorary doctorates. In 1990, she was awarded the Medal of Italy for her interpretation of global trends. Patricia serves as an Advisor to Dallas-based Satori Capital, a social equity investor that specializes in Conscious Capitalist companies. Patricia lives in Boulder, Colorado and Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts. Having won global recognition as co-author of the Megatrends books, Patricia now inspires audiences with a concrete blueprint of how values and consciousness will transform business. Her most recent book is Megatrends 2010: the Rise of Conscious Capitalism.  Agenda Season Program 2010/2011 October 14, 201018:30-21:15 November 25, 201018:30-21:15   the future of HackingLocation: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam the future of HappinessLocation: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam January 20, 201118:30-21:15   the future of Financial Infrastructure February 17, 201118:30-21:15    the future of Services March 17, 201118:30-21:15    the future of Shell April 14, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Human Mind May 19, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Singularity June 23, 201118:30-21:15   the future of European Democracy

Club of Amsterdam Journal, October 2010, Issue 131

Content Web Hacking Incident Database Next Event The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Visit to CERN Club of Amsterdam blog News about the Future Recommended book Contribution to the “GLOBAL NGO FORUM FOR WOMEN BEIJING + 15” 145 new species described last year in the Greater Mekong Futurist Portrait: Jack Uldrich Agenda Club of Amsterdam SearchSubmit your articleContactSubscribe Welcome to the  Club of Amsterdam Journal. 30/09/2010 “There is a clear increase in the number of cyber crimes – from attacks against countries like Estonia in 2007 to more of an every day illegal activity, where felonies such as credit card thefts, money transfers, identity thefts, and industrial espionage is carried out by a new type of criminals. By using so called botnets, criminals can take control of computers all over the world. These stories seem like science fiction, but they are unfortunately the reality of an increasingly lucrative business”, said EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. Join our event about the future of Hacking, October 14th, 18:30-21:15! Felix Bopp, editor-in-chief Web Hacking Incident Database The Web Hacking Incident Database 2010Semiannual ReportJanuary to June 2010by Ryan Barnett, Fellow WASC officer A few Report Summary Findings – A steep rise in attacks against the financial vertical market is occurring in 2010, and is currently the no. 3 targeted vertical at 12 percent. This is mainly a result of cybercriminals targeting small to medium businesses’ (SMBs) online banking accounts. Corresponding to cybercriminals targeting online bank accounts, the use of Banking Trojans (which results in stolen authentication credentials) made the largest jump for attack methods (Banking Trojans + Stolen Credentials). Application downtime, often due to denial of service attacks, is a rising outcome. Organizations have not implemented proper Web application logging mechanisms and thus are unable to conduct proper incident response to identify and correct vulnerabilities. This resulted in the no. 1 “unknown” attack category. See Web-Hacking-Incident-Database The Web Hacking Incident Database Update for 2009 by Ryan Barnett at the OWASP AppSec DC Conf 2009 The Web Hacking Incidents Database — Ryan Barnett from OWASP DC on Vimeo. Next Event the future of HackingThursday, October 14, 2010Registration: 18:30-19:00, Conference: 19:00-21:15Location: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam Frans Kolkman, Head High Tech Crime Unit East-NLThe future of Cybercrime and arresting Hackers Martijn Aslander, lifehacker, connector and resourcererHow to connect hacking with the possibilities of the network and information ageAlper Çugun, Intendant, Monster SwellCivic duty in a hyper-connected world Moderated by Arjen Kamphuis, Co-founder, CTO, Gendo In collaboration with Hogeschool van Amsterdam & Freelance Factory The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle MIT study finds no shortage of uranium for nuclear energy for decades, but more research is needed to develop improved fuel-cycle options. In 2003 MIT published the interdisciplinary study The Future of Nuclear Power. The underlying motivation was that nuclear energy, which today provides about 70% of the “zero”- carbon electricity in the U.S., is an important option for the market place in a low-carbon world. Since that report, major changes in the US and the world have taken place as described in our 2009 Update of the 2003 Future of Nuclear Power Report. Concerns about climate change have risen: many countries have adopted restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, and the U.S. is expected to adopt similar limits. Projections for nuclear-power growth worldwide have increased dramatically and construction of new plants has accelerated, particularly in China and India. This study on The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle has been carried out because of the continuing importance of nuclear power as a low-carbon option that could be deployed at a scale that is material for mitigating climate change risk, namely, global deployment at the Terawatt scale by mid-century. To enable an expansion of nuclear power, it must overcome critical challenges in cost, waste disposal, and proliferation concerns while maintaining its currently excellent safety and reliability record. In the relatively near term, important decisions may be taken with far reaching long-term implications about the evolution of the nuclear fuel cycle – what type of fuel is used, what types of reactors, what happens to irradiated fuel, and what method of disposal for long term nuclear wastes. This study aims to inform those decisions. For decades, the discussion about future nuclear fuel cycles has been dominated by the expectation that a closed fuel cycle based on plutonium startup of fast reactors would eventually be deployed. However, this expectation is rooted in an out-of-date understanding about uranium scarcity. Our reexamination of fuel cycles suggests that there are many more viable fuel cycle options and that the optimum choice among them faces great uncertainty – some economic, such as the cost of advanced reactors, some technical such as implications for waste management, and some societal, such as the scale of nuclear power deployment and the management of nuclear proliferation risks. Greater clarity should emerge over the next few decades, assuming that the needed research is carried out for technological alternatives and that the global response to climate change risk mitigation comes together. A key message from our work is that we can and should preserve our options for fuel cycle choices by continuing with the open fuel cycle, implementing a system for managed LWR spent fuel storage, developing a geological repository, and researching technology alternatives appropriate to a range of nuclear energy futures. Visit to CERN The Club of Amsterdam organises a visit to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. It will be a 1-day trip in January or February 2011.For more information, please send us an email. Club of Amsterdam blog Club of Amsterdam blog October 6: The GirlOctober 6: LifeOctober 6: The BirdOctober 6: Deep DivingOctober 6: ShadowsOctober 6: DarknessOctober 6: An ExecutionJune 16: LeadershipMay 14: Sustainable Technologies for the Next DecadeMay 10: What is the future of natural gas in Europe?April 8: The Dawn of the Intelligent Planet News about the Future Renewables 2010 Global Status ReportIn 2009, for the second year in a row, both the US and Europe added more power capacity from renewable sources such as wind and solar than conventional sources like coal, gas and nuclear, according to twin reports launched today by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).Renewables accounted for 60 per cent of newly installed capacity in Europe and more than 50 per cent in the USA in 2009. This year or next, experts predict, the world as a whole will add more capacity to the electricity supply from renewable than non-renewable sources.The reports detail trends in the global green energy sector, including whichsources attracted the greatest attention from investors and governments in different world regions. Global Entrepreneurship and Development IndexSBA, USA released a new study that analyzes entrepreneurship at the global level using a new index called the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI). This index captures the contextual (qualitative and quantitative) features of entrepreneurship in 71 countries. Recommended Book Hacking Work: Breaking Stupid Rules for Smart Resultsby Bill Jensen and Josh Klein Why work harder than you have to? One manager kept his senior execs happy by secretly hacking into the company’s database to give them the reports they needed in one third of the time. Hacking is a powerful solution to every stupid procedure, tool, rule, and process we are forced to endure at the office. Benevolent hackers are saving business from itself.It would be so much easier to do great work if not for lingering bureaucracies, outdated technologies, and deeply irrational rules and procedures. These things are killing us.Frustrating? Hell, yes. But take heart-there’s an army of heroes coming to the rescue.Today’s top performers are taking matters into their own hands: bypassing sacred structures, using forbidden tools, and ignoring silly corporate edicts. In other words, they are hacking work to increase their efficiency and job satisfaction. Consultant Bill Jensen teamed up with hacker Josh Klein to expose the cheat codes that enable people to work smarter instead of harder. Once employees learn how to hack their work, they accomplish more in less time. They cut through red tape and circumvent stupid rules.For instance, Elizabeth’s bosses wouldn’t sign off on her plan to improve customer service. So she made videotapes of customers complaining about what needed fixing and posted them on YouTube. Within days, public outcry forced senior management to reverse its decision.Hacking Work reveals powerful technological and social hacks and shows readers how to apply them to sidestep bureaucratic boundaries and busywork. It’s about making the system work for you, not the other way around, so you can take control of your workload, increase your productivity, and help your company succeed-in spite of itself. Contribution to the “GLOBAL NGO FORUM FOR WOMEN BEIJING + 15” February 2010 By Rosana AgudoFounder of the NGOs Lur Gozoa and Mirra Yesterday was a sad day, a grey day, a day of desperation, an absurd day, a day to witness with clarity the chaos and the chains that bind us human beings, a day than made it enormously painful to remain seated and alert. Present were women from a diversity cultures, of many nationalities, with many problems, and many ways of understanding them, each one of us searching for a solution, demanding a formula to relieve our suffering, caused by something outside of ourselves. It was a day to express our dissatisfaction or our pain. Above all, it was a day to make demands. Long lines of women behind the microphones spoke of their unhappiness, their lack of trust, their pain, and their problems…. But, above all, what could be seen was the need, the enormous need, to identify a guilty party, and to access a channel by which to transmit our dissatisfaction and our suffering. As an example, for some women the guilty party was religion. If there were no religions, or, at least, if these were separated from the state, our problems would “almost” be solved. For others, it was the imposition of other cultures, supposedly the Western Culture, which believes it holds a monopoly on the meaning of progress, and that democracy is the panacea for solving the world’s problems. For others, the subject goes deeper, having to do with being respected as women, even among women; one demanded her right to be there and to be taken into account, refusing to allow her wheelchair to pose a handicap to her presence as a woman. But for all present and without a doubt, the patriarchy was the guilty party. The word sounded constantly in the auditorium, incarnating the powerful figure responsible for all our troubles. We don’t know our jailer and this gives him power. Men don’t know him either. They are just as trapped as we are, or more so, if that were possible, because some of them really believe that they are the patriarchs and act accordingly, they are the best instruments through whom the authentic patriarch works; these men make his most faithful servants. He flatters them and they become his marionettes, giving or withholding grace, and believing themselves to be the owners of the world. Other men believe they are his friend and that they are entitled to do what they will as long as the benefits, whatever form they take, increase the power of the one who is really in charge. Others fear the patriarch, and don’t dare to look him in the eye or to question his power. They prefer not to anger him. Some men rebel, but only a few; but the patriarch speaks to them and assures them that they are the chosen ones, the dominate gender of the dominate species. But who is this patriarch? What is the patriarchy? Has anybody seen “him” o “it”? To whom or to what are we placing our demands, presenting our petitions, asking for justice? When we women elaborate our final document for this meeting, incorporating our petitions, our demands or our solutions for a more just world for ourselves and our children, to whom are we going present it? Who do we want to listen to us, who do we want to plead our case in our campaign for justice and balance? The patriarch? The patriarchy? Its representatives? Its employees? Its servants? But I insist. We don’t know our jailer and this gives him power. He is hidden behind each one of us, and each of us has given him a name and a gender. He is hidden behind each culture and each has given him an identity. He is hidden in every stage of human history and every epoch has given him a name. He is hidden and takes on different forms depending on who is looking and when. He is the guilty one and this frees us from our own guilt, but, at the same time, he ties us to guilt because we generate guilty parties, we need guilty parties. Yesterday, among women, the guilty one was “the patriarch”, whatever that meant for each woman present in the auditorium, and surely, for each of us “the patriarch” had a different meaning, name, color, and even nationality. Curiously, however, the patriarch spoke through each of us; we spoke his language, the language that he taught us to speak. We are asking solutions from the same “character” that creates our problems in the first place, and the solutions he gives are solutions that perpetuate the problems. Sometimes we are captured by the fantasy that the patriarch is actually going to solve something, but this is precisely his strategy: he lives on by providing solutions for the very problems he creates and this allows him to continuously refine his machinery. He has us trapped in his game; he plays with us, increasing his power at a pace commensurate with the growing complexity of his machinery. And by his action, he saps our joy, passion, brilliance, color…. Please, we cannot allow him to speak for us or to speak through us. We must learn to recognize his game, and to detect his presence in our language that reveals what we are thinking, the content of our thoughts, our mental model, and the emotions that we receive and emit. The one we have named “the patriarch” or the “patriarchy” is none other than our mental model, our mind set. It is made up of beliefs and suppositions, about what is and what should be. It generates emotions according to whether or not the specified expectations have been satisfied, and according to whether or not our immediate needs are being attended to. In this way we adopt a behavior, in the form of laws, decrees, treaties etc. that seal once again the mental model, adding new ideas to the same mechanism. This is how the mental model evolves in refinement and complexity, becoming evermore clever. Powerful men (men are almost always the powerful ones), and the ones through which the patriarch works most visibly, know well the options at their disposal for flattering in some cases and for terrifying in others entire societies with the aim of tricking them or convincing them in order to protect the interests of the most powerful. Unwittingly, these men are being utilized directly by the patriarch, even though, as we have seen, they are convinced that they are the patriarchs. These men are the most enslaved of all. Their mental model is so closed by unquestioned laws, by inflexible structures and ways of doing things, and by addictions of every kind, that they dedicate their life to serving the mental model that gives them exactly what it needs to perpetuate itself. In the planet, a species is evolving by way of the mind, that is, the human species. Men and women are evolving by way of the evermore-refined machinery of our minds that creates networks of evermore-complex thoughts that create, in turn, more and more complex realities. In the end, the subtle and refined strategy of what we call “the patriarchy” is that, far from offering solutions in accordance with its capacity to create complex networks of problems, it takes away our ability to find solutions because it has determined, to complicate things even more, and taking into consideration that we are emotional creatures, to gives us the tool of guilt that we can pass around among ourselves such that he can enjoy himself at our expense. Therefore, as always, our expectations as to how our petitions should be attended depend directly on whether or not they coincide with the necessities of the mental model, of the patriarch. Our expectations as to how our petitions should be attended depend on whether or not the satisfaction of our demands is going to satisfy the patriarch’s own objectives. We can no longer depend on him. Empowerment doesn’t mean just acknowledging one’s own power, or reclaiming the right to exercise it. Empowerment also means putting this acknowledgment into action. When a woman is empowered, when a woman exercises her rights, in accordance with the circumstances of the moment, not as a demand but as the manifestation of her entitlement, when a woman becomes aware of her abilities as well as her limitations, she frees herself from conventional thought, the stomping ground where the patriarch roams freely without being seen or recognized, then she is free to act in a different way and to begin to elaborate her own strategy. For things to change, for the emergence of our own new strategy, we must change our mental model so that it doesn’t complicate life at a greater velocity than our ability not just to find the solutions but even to detect the problems. But before we can change something, we must first get to know it, to learn how it works. We can’t change what we don’t understand. Our future depends on our getting to know our mental model, how it creates our reality and our way of seeing the world. Our future depends on how we react to this new knowledge. It seems that we women are the ones who are best prepared to undertake this work. Having detected the “glass ceiling”, we can now convert this once invisible obstacle into a catapult towards freedom. But we must free ourselves and at the same time offers freedom. It is our destiny. We cannot free only ourselves, they, men must come with us as well. To liberate is the privilege of the liberated. Can we stop petitioning the patriarch and continue our “third liberation” with the strength of our empowerment and of our capacity for compassion and empathy? This third revolution or liberation will be a giant leap not just for women or for society, but for all of us as a species, with consequences we can’t yet imagine. This liberation from the oppressive mental model with its rigid dual reality, offers us a global awareness that, at present, we can only envision through our aspirations, which heretofore have only been expressed in the form of pleas for liberation from injustice. Let us dare to create our future and that of the generations to come from our vision, and from our maturity as human beings. Let us create networks from which we can unite and join forces towards our common aspiration. Let us also dare to overcome our common enemy, ourselves. Let us not defend ourselves against each other. We have the power to generate the next way of relating to each other as human beings, and as human beings to the Planet Earth and to all the life it shelters; we have the power to bequeath this new form of relationship to the generations of men and women that will inhabit the world we are helping to create. TTi-Tecnología para la Transformación Interior (Technology for Internal Transformation) 145 new species described in the Greater Mekong A seven meter tall carnivorous plant, a fish with vampire fangs, and a frog that sounds like a cricket are among 145 new species described last year in the Greater Mekong, reaffirming the region as a one of the most significant biological hotspots on the planet ahead of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan.New Blood: Greater Mekong new species discoveries 2009, reveals an average of three new species recorded by science each week including Asia’s only bald songbird the Bare-faced bulbul and the uniquely adapted Sucker-fish, which uses its body to sucker onto rocks in fast flowing waters to move upstream. “This rate of discovery is simply staggering in modern times,” said Stuart Chapman, Conservation Director of WWF Greater Mekong. “Each year, the new species count keeps going up, and with it, so too does the responsibility to ensure this region’s unique biodiversity is conserved,” he said. The report says while these discoveries highlight the Greater Mekong’s immense biodiversity it also pinpoints the fragility of this region’s diverse habitats and species. The likely local extinction of the Javan rhino in Vietnam is one tragic indicator of the decline of biodiversity in recent times. Other new species standouts that were discovered in this region that comprises Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the southern province of Yunnan in China include five new mammal species, two bats and three shrews, a poisonous pit viper and an entirely new genus of fang-less snake. The report highlights the opportunity for governments of the Greater Mekong to use financing through the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the global financing mechanism for the CBD, to leverage large-scale resources to conserve species, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems across the region. “Biodiversity is not evenly distributed around the globe. These new species are a timely reminder of the extraordinary biodiversity in the Greater Mekong,” said Mr Chapman. “Therefore a greater allocation of funds is needed to ensure these valuable ecosystems are conserved.” At the CBD, WWF will promote opportunities for the Global Environment Facility to provide financing for a trans-boundary programme in the Greater Mekong that recognizes the role of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. New discoveries in the Greater Mekong from WWF on Vimeo. Futurist Portrait: Jack Uldrich Jack Uldrich is a renowned global futurist, independent scholar, sought-after business speaker, and best-selling author. His books include the best-selling, The Next Big Thing is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Your Business, and the award-winning, Into the Unknown: Leadership Lessons from Lewis & Clark’s Daring Westward Expedition. His latest book is Jump the Curve: 50 Essential Strategies to Help Your Company Stay Ahead of Emerging Technologies. Mr. Uldrich’s other written works have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, The Futurist, Future Quarterly Research, The Wall Street Reporter, Leader to Leader, Management Quarterly, and hundreds of other newspapers and publications around the country. He is also a frequent guest of the media worldwide – having appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and National Public Radio on numerous occasions. In addition to speaking on future trends, emerging technologies, innovation, change management and leadership, Uldrich is a leading expert on assisting businesses adapt. He has served as an advisor to Fortune 1000 companies and is noted for his ability to deliver provocative, new perspectives on competitive advantage, organizational change and transformational leadership. Highly regarded for his unique ability to present complex information in an entertaining, understandable and digestible manner that stays with his audiences long afterwards, Uldrich has spoken to hundreds of businesses and organizations, including General Electric, General Mills, the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), Pfizer, Invitrogen, St. Jude Medical, AG Schering, Imation, Fairview Hospitals, Touchstone Energy, The Insurance Service Organization, The National Kitchen & Bath Association, The National Paint & Coatings Association and dozens more. Jack Uldrich is also known for his willingness to work with clients well in advance of his presentations in order to deliver highly tailored presentations that are guaranteed to help his clients not only profit today, but continue to prosper long into the future. Agenda Season Program 2010/2011 October 14, 201018:30-21:15 November 25, 201018:30-21:15   the future of HackingLocation: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam the future of HappinessLocation: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Singelgrachtgebouw, Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam January 20, 201118:30-21:15   the future of Financial Infrastructure February 17, 201118:30-21:15    the future of Services March 17, 201118:30-21:15    the future of Shell April 14, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Human Mind May 19, 201118:30-21:15   the future of the Singularity June 23, 201118:30-21:15   the future of European Democracy