Club of Amsterdam
A collaboration between Geelvinck Museum Hinlopen Huis and the Club of Amsterdam and supported by PerspeXo.
This discussion – part of the Club of Amsterdam event series ‘the future of … ’ – is a follow-up of the key-topic of the annual conference of ICOM / CIMCIM 2014 in Scandinavia, an expert meeting for museums with musical instruments. The results of this conference will be the starting point of this discussion in Amsterdam and is meant for an international public of experts and students alike in the field of music, museums and cultural heritage.
Presentations – audio & pdf Presentation by dr.h.c. J.A.W. Buisman at the ICOM CIMCIM conference August 23-31 2014 in the Nordic Countries
Concert with Michael Tsalka, Pianist and early keyboard performer 19:45– Part I
20:45 – 21:00 21:00-22:00
Annegien Blokpoel is founder and director of the independent strategy firm PerspeXo. She has worked in the fields of strategy, investor relations, communications, and structured finance at two AEX-listed companies, CF PwC and Merchant bank MeesPierson. Over more than 21 years she has assisted over 150 boards (of large stock exchange listed and entrepreneurs small companies) and directors in formulating and realising value strategies. She holds degrees in economics and archaeology, and an MBA, having studied in Amsterdam and Jerusalem. She regularly acts as moderator and speaker at conferences and business schools. Jurn Buisman Göran Grahn Göran Grahn (Sweden) has played the organ for 40 years and has studied with Ivar Rendahl, Rune Engsö and Montserrat Torrent. He has also studied harpsichord with Inger Grudin and Leif Grave-Müller. He has been organist in various churches around Stockholm and also active in early music as continuo player. Since 1980 he is curator at Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Främjande (Nydahl Collection) in Stockholm, and since 1990 organ consultant, specialized in organ restoration, in Sweden and the Baltic States. He is also Secretary of the International Society of Organ Builders. Giovanni di Stefano Dr. Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano studied musicology at the Universities in Palermo and Rome “La Sapienza” where he earned his Ph. D. with a dissertation on the history of the Tangentenflügel and eighteenth century pianos with similar actions. He is professor of Organology at the Universities in Palermo and in Florence and at the State Conservatory of Music in Palermo. His writings on the history and technology of musical instruments have been published on important international journals (Early Music, The Galpin Society Journal, Musique Images Instruments, Journal of the Violin Society of America), conference proceedings, museum catalogues, encyclopedias (The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Treccani). Michael Tsalka Michael Tsalka is an award-winning Israeli pianist and early keyboard performer. He performs solo and chamber music from the Baroque to the Contemporary periods on the modern piano, harpsichord, fortepiano, clavichord, square piano and positive organ. Michael Tsalka, who is the oldest son of Israeli writer Dan Tsalka, performs throughout Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, Asia, and Latin America. Recent engagements include the Boston Early Music Festival, the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing, the Bellas Artes Theater in Mexico City, the Hermitage Festival in St. Petersburg, and live performances for radio stations in Hong Kong, Chicago, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Jerusalem. |
Impressions Photos by Jonathan Mark, Critical Distance
Giovanni di Stefano, Curator of Musical Instruments, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Concert with Michael Tsalka, Pianist and early keyboard performer
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