With Rob van Kranenburg & Reto Brosi
“Rob van Kranenburg & Reto Brosi talk about the evolution of data gathering and management systems, the challenges of technological advancement and governance, and the potential of creating a European phone to regain control over personal data and services. They also explore the concept of disposable or pseudonymous identities, the importance of engineers in governance discussions, and the need for a working group on cybernetics to explore new governance models. Lastly, they touche on the concerns of intelligence agencies and the role of influential individuals in the digital world.
” AI summary by Zoom

Statecraft and Policymaking in the Age of Digital Twins
Digital Democracy and the Internet of Things
by Rob van Kranenburg
Rob van Kranenburg
Senior Policy and Communication Expert at Martel Innovate
Ghent, Belgium
IoT Council
Disposable Identities – blog
Reto Brosi
Efficient and effective ERM
Basel, Switzerland
Megrow Consulting GmbH
Managing Director
Felix B Bopp
Producer, The Future Now ShowFounder & Publisher, Club of Amsterdamclubofamsterdam.com
The Future Now Show
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