Aiming to encourage those who are struggling to move forward in life, Ram Gidoomal shares stories that demonstrate the difference made by a can–do attitude, by a spirit of generosity and by prioritizing relationships. Through all these, he shares the secrets of living a life that marries deep compassion with success, a generous life that reaps unexpected rewards.
A rich boy turned refugee tells the story of coming full circle to succeed in ways beyond his imagination.
Born into a family that had recently fled British India during the partition of India and Pakistan, Ram’s early life in Mombasa seemed charmed with wealth and success. However, losing all of this overnight through a second deportation, this time from Kenya to the UK, he saw the course of his life change beyond recognition.
Despite having had his dreams and plans ripped away from him, Ram worked tirelessly, fighting to overcome every obstacle, and finally succeeded in gaining back wealth and reputation. However, on reaching his late thirties, an unusual day trip in Mumbai changed his life forever, transforming him from someone enriching himself and his shareholders to someone enriching the world. And this time, the change was his choice.
Aiming to encourage those who are struggling to move forward in life, Ram shares stories that demonstrate the difference made by a can–do attitude, by a spirit of generosity and by prioritizing relationships. Through all these, he shares the secrets of living a life that marries deep compassion with success, a generous life that reaps unexpected rewards.
Credits Ram Gidoomal London, United Kingdom Chairman, Cotton Connect Ltd Chairman of South Asian Development Partnership and Allia and Future Business Ltd
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Board Member, Member Audit and Risk Committee and Remuneration Committee London & Manchester
Thank you Prabhu Guptara!
Katie (Miss Metaverse™) King Futurist and Content Creator Cary, North Carolina, USA
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