by Rosana Agudo. Vision & Life Coach
In the year 2020, “The Year of the Great Pause”, human beings, in search of Unity in Diversity as the main global aspiration, found that the planetary crisis, the COVID 19 virus, not only affected human beings without distinction of race, gender, social class… but also made us aware that it was a virus that affected the HUMAN BEING, not as a plural concept, but as the unity we represent, as the species that represents the mind, the thought on the planet, the HUMAN archetype. That of which the great Masters speak to us, “The Only Son of God”, “The One”, “The Buddha” …….
That year, we discovered that we represent the One, who we are, because we are not really separated. We understood that everything the Human Being had created is the representation of what it is, the step-by-step narration of its existence, the need to tear away the veil of ignorance and fear and to discover what we are and what we represent in the world of the reality we live. Our cells remembered their immortality and ceased the insanity of destroying their host, the body of the human being, instead they began spreading their discovery of light and the mutation of the human began to become conscious.
We realized that if we were able to understand, retrospectively, our evolution as a species, if we had become aware of this, and had accepted it as a reality, we were at the historical point where it was important to help our evolution in a voluntary way, it was the great Adventure of Our Time, and we were going to participate.
In the year 2020, “The Year of the Great Pause”, the Human Being became aware that the global crisis was due to a great planetary evolutionary crisis, led by the thinking species. The entire planet was preparing to offer the necessary resources to that species and a critical mass of humans was able to see and understood that the contagion not only served in terms of disease, but was also necessary for the transmission of confidence and certainty. Great pressure on the different forms of human unity, on the means of production, agriculture, energy… spread and created great confusion; these were the years of “post-truth” due to the great differences among social classes and fear of the future, of the new.
Little by little, the binary dimension of our mind opened up and diversity stopped being a theoretical concept of the binary, contradictory and dual thinking mind. The disruptive went viral and gave way to a great surge of creativity and made the species support each other and understand themselves as responsible partners in a new form of planetary association.
Diet was one of the first changes experienced. The body of the more evolved Human Being could no longer digest certain foods, depending on which, and especially those of animal origin. Non-exploitation began to include not only fellow human beings but also other evolving species; collaboration was the key.
On the other hand, Democracy, having regressed towards “Democracism”, took a step forward and diverse national confederations began to be established. Nationalisms ended and Unity in Diversity emerged. The Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity finally acquired their broadest and deepest spiritual dimension. A new Human organization, more in line with the aspiration of a more evolved being, was gradually installed.
In short, these were very difficult and complex times for understanding and implementing, mainly because the mind we were accustomed to for working, thinking and therefore building our reality, no longer served us, we could only make versions of the known, versions that quickly became useless vanished like sand between the fingers.
Only the certainty of our Unity as cells of the great ONE, the Human Being, the Only Begotten, helped us to move forward, with iron will. The seed of our continuity in life without limit, as creators in time and space, in this body made of time, like everything created, everything we can comprehend and understand, that seed was already buried in fertile soil and brought forth wonderful human beings.
These, equipped with Strength, Clarity and Beauty, were pioneers, great sculptors of reality, gave unexpected, multidimensional forms to all matter. They created the symphony of the World in which all species had their own score and we played together, at first a little distorted, but then in a majestic way.
We, the children of those pioneers, little by little we were building the societies of Unified Consciousness once we were acquiring consciousness of our temporal matter in its form, but knowing that our primordial substance, pure consciousness vibrating, is eternal, infinite, multi-diverse, all vibration ……
All this came in that Year of the Great Pause, and for those who heard, the Great Adventure of Our Time began, it began to come true.
Time became Art, because we understood that this, our body is made of Time, and Consciousness.
Rosana Agudo. © Mayo 2020
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