the future of Urban Mobility, January 2014

Club of Amsterdam

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– TelePresence EXchange International


Wim Korver, Head of Research & Development Unit, Goudappel Coffeng
The 21 century: the end of the car mobility as we know it

Robert Dingemanse, Co-founder and CEO, PAL-V
Flying cars, how will it affect future mobility?

Nick Cohn, Senior Business Developer, TomTom
TomTom on Urban Mobility: The Future is Now

Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future Research
Global Forces Shaping Urban Mobility

Efficient transportation and mobility are essential to make a city competitive and appealing. Current business models offer alternative and new mobility solutions, such as car or bicycle sharing and new leasing mobility offerings, electric vehicles, autonomous driving, talking cars, micro mobility or integrated mobility.
What future impact have key global mega trends on Urban Mobility?
What are the major challenges in balancing economic needs and environmental policies?
What role can innovation play or what innovation is needed?

The speakers and topics are

Wim Korver, Head of Research & Development Unit, Goudappel Coffeng
The 21 century: the end of the car mobility as we know it

Car use growth is coming to a hold. In several western countries car use is stabilizing or, especially among younger age groups, even decreasing. At the same time new urban mobility concepts are popping up: Car2GO, peer-to-peer networks leading to less car ownership, large investments in cycle lanes in large metropolitan areas like London and New York and a rebirth of urban rail systems (transit oriented developments). Are we experiencing the end of car mobility?

Robert Dingemanse, Co-founder and CEO, PAL-V
Flying cars, how will it affect future mobility?

Flying cars, a dream that already exists since the car was developed. Why did it take so long to be developed? What were the barriers? What will they offer? What has changed and how will its arrival within the next years change mobility? These are a number of questions that come to mind around this theme. This presentation will give answers to these and other questions. It will also trigger the imagination because we are just at the start of this industry it still hard to see what is beyond……………………

Nick Cohn, Senior Business Developer, TomTom
TomTom on Urban Mobility: The Future is Now

Over the last few years, new technology has started to change the way travelers make decisions about how and when to make trips. The adoption of navigation by millions of travelers worldwide was the first step. The second step is the development and use of real-time information about travel conditions, which was first the domain of ‘road warriors’ but is quickly becoming a standard way of smarter driving as well as mode choice. Initially, these traveler-based tools competed or even conflicted with government-based traffic management. However, these two worlds are now merging, as they should: everyone wins. A vehicle- or traveler-based information system is helping cities make better use of existing infrastructure while providing individuals with trip advice that is tailored to their specific route, time and destination. The collective effect will be to reduce investment costs in infrastructure while increasing overall travel time savings, reducing fuel costs and therefore reducing our urban carbon footprints.

Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future Research
Global Forces Shaping Urban Mobility

Rohit has been leading a major EU study exploring major scientific, technological, economic and environmental forces, ideas and developments shaping the next forty years. In this session he will highlight a timeline of critical developments that could have a direct impact on the technologies, business models, physical infrastructures and social mechanisms that will shape the future of urban mobility. He will highlight critical challenges and choices that will emerge for citizens, mobility providers, investors, policy makers, planners and the emergency services.

19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Romijn, bedenker, brainstormer, problem solver, artist. Club of Amsterdam Round Table.

Part I

Wim Korver, Head of Research & Development Unit, Goudappel Coffeng
The 21 century: the end of the car mobility as we know it

Robert Dingemanse, Co-founder and CEO, PAL-V
Flying cars, how will it affect future mobility?

Nick Cohn, Senior Business Developer, TomTom
TomTom on Urban Mobility: The Future is Now

20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:30 – 21:15
Part II

Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future Research
Global Forces Shaping Urban Mobility

Open discussion

Wim Korver
Head of Research & Development Unit, Goudappel Coffeng

Wim Korver (1962) studied transport economics at the Free University Amsterdam and is head of the Research & Development unit at Goudappel Coffeng since 2005. Before that he was head of the department traffic and transport of TNO Inro. His experience encompasses a broad spectrum within the transport field. He specialises in the relationship between air quality and (road) transport, technology and transport policy and ex-post evaluation studies of transport policy measures. He participated in numerous European research projects. The last years he is mainly active on sustainable mobility issues.

Robert Dingemanse
Co-founder and CEO, PAL-V

Robert Dingemanse is co-founder and CEO of PAL-V Europe NV, the company behind the PAL-V ONE, a unique flying car in development for the commercial market. The first flight of PAL-V’s proof-of-concept prototype occurred in 2012. Prior to PAL-V, Dingemanse co-founded Redesign Partners, which specializes in changing companies and start-ups in situations where new technologies and new regulations are altering the traditional rules in a value chain. On behalf of Redesign Partners, he acted as business development manager and CEO of companies in the fields of construction, energy, telecom, and transportation.

Nick Cohn
Senior Business Developer, TomTom

Nick Cohn is an expert on traffic and mobility. For the last 7 years he has been working at TomTom, advising governments and policy-makers on new solutions to growing global traffic congestion problems which result in billions of dollars of economic cost and environmental damage. He was educated at the University of Washington and University of Pennsylvania on Economic Geography and Regional Science. In his 25 years of experience in travel behavior and transportation, he has advised countless policy-makers, governments and technology partners on cost-effective and powerful tools for tackling congestion. Recently he lectured a group of international transportation experts on how to better manage traffic without building new road infrastructure.

Rohit Talwar
CEO, Fast Future Research

Rohit is a global futurist, strategy advisor and award winning speaker noted for his humour, inspirational style and provocative content. He advises global firms on how to survive, thrive, spot and manage emerging risks and develop innovative growth strategies in the decade ahead. Profiled by the Independent Newspaper as a top ten global future thinker, his interests include technology in business and society, emerging markets and embedding foresight in organisations. Rohit helps clients understand how mega trends, emerging ideas, new business models, and disruptive developments in science and technology could impact individuals, society, business, industries and government. He currently leads studies on transformative drivers of change for the next decade, science and technology developments over the next forty years, impacts of emerging technologies on the legal sector, human enhancement and the Shadow Economy.

Job Romijn
bedenker, brainstormer, problem solver, artist
Club of Amsterdam Round Table

Job Romijn is an innovative mind with an eye for improvement. Not caring too much about a career or money he leads an interestingly unconventional life. He helps others with ideas and observations.
Job Romijn is an unconventional innovator with a steep learning curve. This leads him to interesting observations and results in loads of ideas. He uses his abilities in brainstorming, testing and improving, with a current focus on websites.
Job Romijn is Job Romijn.
Job Romijn is quite a nice guy, albeit with some issues. Instead of solving his issues, he tries to use them and adapts his life accordingly.
His current business is testing the user experience and usability of websites.
He is a generalist with a broad education: a masters degree in high voltage engineering, conceptual art and applied creativity.
After brain activity he finds relaxation underwater in freediving.

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