Club of Amsterdam
Innergy Creations
Presentations and Annegien Blokpoel’s book as well as the book that was mentioned during the discussion:
Annegien Blokpoel, founder and managing director, PerspeXo click here
Justien Marseille, Futurist, Trend Analyst, The Future Institute click here
Ilja Linnemeijer, Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers click here
and Annegien Blokpoel’s book “Maak je bedrijf meer waard” (Increase the value of your company).
Annegien Blokpoel, founder and managing director, PerspeXo
Sharing or commoditisation, trends in finance
Tradional banking was for the privileged only, and in most countries it still is a premium good to be a bank’s client. The last few years have witnessed a commoditization of financial services. With the smart people and smart money of haute finance turning out not to be so smart – and loosing around 300 billion USD in just a few months time – this process might be accelerating and leading to the downgrading of financial services to a commodity good from their former position of a high quality premium good. With the transfer of the premium know how of the industry a host of smaller companies might be able to take advantage of this trend. Annegien Blokpoel will address in her presentation the changes in the financial industry and provide a window to potential scenarios for the global financial services industry
Justien Marseille, Futurist, Trend Analyst, The Future Institute
Will attention be the next currency?
The monetary system is losing its reliability. Currencies, money, shells or gold where invented to make transactions transparent and secure. It was needed to bridge time and distance, so that we could specialize and overcome scarcity. Because of the free exchange of knowledge on production, distribution and conservation, as well as the enormous overproduction of formally scarce goods the economic landscape will change dramatically. The future of money will not be the future of the dollar, the yen or gold, but the soundness and loyalty of the individual’s attention and loyalty given to organizations, systems, problems that have to be solved or their fellow individuals.
Ilja Linnemeijer, Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Virtual economies present real challenges
1. Give a snapshot/examples of Virtual Economies
2. Give a better understanding of how such Virtual Economies work
3. Line out certain specific challenges Virtual Economies bring
19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator
Bob Stumpel, Result Strategy, Cellspace, Xing, Ideabroker, LBI, GetMobile, TCS, Mendix, FON
Part I:
Annegien Blokpoel, founder and managing director, PerspeXo
Sharing or commoditisation, trends in finance
Justien Marseille, Futurist, Trend Analyst, The Future Institute
Will attention be the next currency?
Ilja Linnemeijer, Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Virtual economies present real challenges
20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.
20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Open discussion
Annegien Blokpoel
Founder and managing director, PerspeXo
Annegien Blokpoel (1966) is founder and managing director of PerspeXo. She has worked in the fields of strategy, investor relations, strategic communications and structured finance at MeesPierson (now Fortis), Fortis Holding, Corporate Express and as a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. She gained through these different positions experience in strategic decision making processes, capital market transactions and implementation of investor relations and communication strategies at (international) stock listed companies and SME’s.
She holds degrees in Economics, Business Economics and Archaeology and studied at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Jerusalem. Since 2007 she uses amongst other intervention techniques the method of result oriented coaching.
Annegien lectures on risk management, economic capital, asset management and positioning & branding at enterprises, business schools and financial institutions. She acts on a regular basis as moderator and speaker at international conferences.
Formerly she was board member NEVIR, board member and corporate secretary NCVB, audit committee member ABN AMRO Pension Fund and Treasurer of the IIRF. Annegien is currently Counsel to the NEVIR (Dutch Investor Relations Society) and since 2003 executive board member of the IIRF (International Investor Relations Federation).
Justien Marseille
Futurist, Trend Analyst, The Future Institute
Justien Marseille (1966) has been a professional trendwatcher since 1993 and has specialized is social economic changes in society. Her goal is to create useful visions, images and concepts that give us insight in what the future might look like.
“She inspires many people with her presentations, interviews and reports. She’s not the kind of trend analyst who will oversimplify a concept for the sake of ‘selling it’, never underestimating her audience and always enabling those who are eager to know how she has built her vision by generously sharing all she knows and sees.” – Annedien Hoen, innovative business coach, march 2008.
[Photo Copyright Speakers Academy / Rob Keeris]
Ilja Linnemeijer
Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Ilja Linnemeijer is senior manager in the audit practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers. His clients are mainly multinational companies with a specific focus on Software and Technology clients. Ilja is also specialized in the Gaming sector and has published several articles in the field of Virtual Worlds, Virtual Economies and Entertainment- and Serious Gaming. Ilja holds a Master degree in business economics and is a Chartered Accountant (RA).
Bob Stumpel
Result Strategy, Cellspace, Xing, Ideabroker, LBI, GetMobile, TCS, Mendix, FON
(in business since 1978)
Bob started his career as a copywriter and concept maker, later developing into a business strategist and consultant. He built two advertising agency groups in The Netherlands, developing both to a level of ‘biggest independent agency in the Benelux’, and then merging them into international agency networks. He is a long time pioneer in helping marketers to use or integrate new technologies, new media and new channels to enhance or revive more traditional marketing and communication routines.
Bob is a co-founder and board member of Result, an international growth consultancy, and a co-founder and managing partner at Cellspace, a radical marketing communications agency. Bob works or worked for clients like Nivea, Kimberly Clark, Courvoisier, Balantine’s, Mazda, Toyota, Lexus, Lotus, Robeco, Rodamco, Cisco, LogicaCMG, Microsoft, KPN, Sonera, Mindport, Irdeto, Compuserve, Sony, Philips, Cannon Films, Cannon Movie Theaters, UIP, Universal, Sony Music & Entertainment, VNU, Sanoma, RTL, several governmental bodies, and many NGO’s.
He’s a co-founder and board member of DDMA, the Dutch DMA. He recently launched Cellspace, his third marcom agency adventure.
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