the future of Google, October 2007

Club of Amsterdam

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Google News to publish agencies’ copy. The announcement that Google is to publish news content on its own site is likely to be met with some concern from the news industry, which has struggled to work out whether the web giant’s activities across video, advertising and book publishing are a threat or an opportunity. Google News business product manager Josh Cohen rejected the idea that the move would worry publishers.”The flip side is that there will be more room on Google News for more of their original content, which will be pushed higher up the results.“ –

News aggregators (such as Yahoo! News, Google News and Drudge Report), search engines and portals have long been the leading sources of traffic for news websites. Search engines, particularly Google, have grown in importance as sources of traffic for Broadcast Media and Print category websites. Print news websites received 29.7% more traffic from Google in March 2007 than in March 2006, and Broadcast Media sites received 35.9% more traffic from Google in the same time period. […] …, search engines are now more likely to be the first step for Internet users in their search for information about breaking events. – Hitwise

Given the ever increasing appeal of online video, and the need to translate this content into sales, Google-YouTube will impact every element of the industry. – Broadcasting & Cable

YouTube’s growth has not begun to slow yet this year. Hitwise traffic data shows that the market share of US visits to YouTube has increased by 70% when comparing January 2007 to May 2007 (this only includes site visits, not streams or streams from views on embedded videos). In comparison, the market share of visits to a custom category of 64 other video sites increased by only 8% in that period. As of May 2007, YouTube’s market share was 50% greater than those 64 sites combined. – Hitwise

“Broadband video commercials will experience their breakthrough in the coming years. This will create tremendous opportunities, but also threats, for old and new media companies. At the same time, search advertising will lose market share, which may pose a strategic challenge for Google, the Internet advertising market leader,” – Karsten Weide, program director, Digital Marketplace: New Media and Entertainment

19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Jones, University of Amsterdam

Part I: Rooijmans, Head of Search and R&D, ilse media de Vries, Business Consultant, Triple P Kamphuis, Futurist, Owner, KMPHS

20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Open discussion

Nils Rooijmans
Head of Search and R&D, ilse media

Mario de Vries
Business Consultant, Triple P

Mario de Vries (42) studied Law and started writing for the dubbing of cartoons for television at the age of 18. Many years he was responsible for the Dutch recordings of series like The Wizard of Oz, Tom Sawyer, Bugs Bunny, Yogi Bear and Little Mermaid. During this period he also produced commercials and corporate videos. In 1992 Mario became the secretary of the board and manager of the AFN. This federation of organizations in the audio visual industry was the leading association of audio visual companies in the Netherlands. A couple of years later Mario was asked by software company VDA to assist the roll out of their administrative solutions for broadcasters and publishing companies. The coming 5 years Mario would develop his skills and knowledge of information retrieval and content management. During the X-mas holidays in 2000 Mario was asked by Lost Boys in Amsterdam to prepare the MBO and commercial independency of its R&D department; later on resulting in being the managing director of Launchalot. The company played a leading role in the development of interactive rich media tools and applications. Launchalot won an Academy Award for best interactive television program in the Netherlands. To ensure further growth Launchalot integrated with Triple P’s print publishing company Mediasystemen in 2003. Mario now plays a leading role in the field of business development and consultancy for multi media companies. Triple P Cross media services acts as an enabler in markets where new ways of interactivity and cross platform publishing is key. The team ensures secure and highly available solutions for the distribution of fast growing multiple types of assets.

Arjen Kamphuis
Futurist, Owner, KMPHS

Arjen Kamphuis (1972) studied Science & Policy at Utrecht University and worked for IBM as Unix specialist, Tivoli consultant and software instructor. As IT-strategy consultant at Twynstra Gudde he was involved in starting up Kennisnet, the Dutch educational network. Since 2001 he is operating as an independant advisor of companies and governments. In 2002 he co-authored the unanimously accepted parlaiment motion to mandate open standards for all government IT.

Arjen divides his attention between IT-policy and the convergence of ICT, bio- and nanotechnology and it’s social and economic implications. His customers include: Shell, Unilever, Pfizer, Stork, and various hospitals governmental institutions and insurance companies. Arjen teaches technology policy at Nyenrode University and various other places

When not consulting Arjen is actively involved in digital civil rights, community wireless networks and the Opensource movement.

To get away from it all Arjen likes to sail big boats and climb even bigger mountains (but this should not be contrued as a freudian thing).

Simon Jones
Director, Human-Computer Studies Laboratory, University of Amsterdam
former Managing Director, M.I.T. Media Lab Europe

Simon Jones has been the Managing Director of M.I.T. Media Lab Europe. With 20 years of success in generating and deploying innovative R&D, Simon is a significant figure in the European Technology Landscape. His technical expertise, vision, experience, contacts and team-building skills marks him out as one of the few individuals able to drive innovative research teams in an international context.

In the mid-1980’s Simon was one of the first to emerge from UK universities with research skills in Microelectronics Systems Design. Five years after his PhD he was awarded a full Professorship at the UK’s largest Engineering Research Institution – Loughborough University, where he held the ARM/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Embedded Microelectronic Systems. He was also awarded at the age of 31 the British Association for the Advancement of Science ‘Brunel Prize’ awarded to ‘an outstanding academic in engineering under the age of 40’. Simon is a fluent German speaker with a degree-level qualification in German Language and Business. He was awarded in 1998 ‘The Siemens/German Research Ministry Research Chair’ at the Technical University of Dresden working that year with Siemens to advance new computer systems for the consumer electronic market and he continues to be well connected with European industry.

A period as Dean of Engineering and Design at the University of Bath, one of the top 5 universities in the UK, gave him valuable experience in the leadership of complex organisations.

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