the future of Fashion, January 2008

Club of Amsterdam

Lifestyle & Technology

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AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute
Amsterdam International Fashion Week
Innergy Creations

Fashion Global Influence
There is some uncertainty as to what constitutes fashion.
By definition fashion morphs every day. People change clothes, and clothes change people. Fashion reflects who we are, who we want to be. Influencing individuals and the world as a whole – a fashion statement can be just that, a form of language that acknowledges something larger within a culture. Everything goes in to the mix: culture, music, lifestyle, politics, beliefs, and even the weather. For example, which way the wind is blowing in Amsterdam, might determine the length of a women¹s hair, the style her skirt, or the height of her heels. Today, companies producing lifestyle products have the highest potential for successful strategies, particularly in the more affluent and value-driven geographic locations.

Fashion and Technology
The lines between these two continues to be blurred.
Global trends now emerge faster than ever before because of internet and text messaging. Shortcuts in transmission of ideas and concepts between individuals are bringing the next big thing to you in the space of seconds. For example, the latest iPod, an advanced cell phone set and a laptop are today as powerful symbols of fashion as clothing, footwear, accessories and cosmetics. Successful brands must start to balance the ‘be fashionable’ aspiration with today’s converging technology if they want to stay competitive in the industry and most important, relevant in the mind of consumers. Dokter, It fits! & PeclersParis
Fashioning the Future

In a society where borders are disappearing on almost every level, it is not sufficient to segment markets in consumer, style or fashion groups.
We mix: we jump from stylish to sporty, we compensate quick living with slow food and virtual life has become scarily real.

In an ever more complicated society, the fashion phenomena is not restricted to “Country Living” or “Modern Romance” anymore, nowadays we see a very sophisticated extract of the story told in cultural movements, art expressions, politics and science.

The Future of fashion is grand: it doesn’t only pilot the garment, home or cosmetics industry, it can also inspire banks, insurance companies or governments. McKee, Founder and Creative Director, CMK
Where technology ends and fashion begins.

In the last few years fashion brands and technology companies have been getting together on projects to position technology products into the fashion space.
With Apples IPod in a field all of it own, collaborations such as the LG Prada phone, Motorola’s Dolce and Gabbana RZR phone are first attempts to use licencing and product styling to brand technology as a fashion item.
Beyond pure endorsement branding, there has been no long-term strategies defined into how these two sectors can and could great new value propositions.
My presentation shows a few inroads and insights into how they could collaborate. Lehner, Recycling Designer, En-Fer
How can Eco-Design become fashionable?

First we clarify some of the concepts connected to “Eco-Design”, such as Recycling Design, Up-and Down-Cycling, Reuse, Material Recycling, Object Recycling, Function Recycling, Product Recycling, and Manufacture Recycling.
Examples from the past and from today show common points and differences between these approaches. Each of the pointed examples has a position on the scale of “Soft and Hard Eco-Design” which means the degree of accuracy from an ecological point of view.
Second, we discuss which of the showed products are already fashionable and which have the potential to become. Which are the factors rendering an object fashionable? Is there an ideal mix of ecological credibility, look, surprise, humour and quality?, international model, passionate about technology
the new market channels talks about new opportunities opening up through mobile gaming to promote your brand. New media opportunities to use search engines to get your message out there. building your brand with the latest web 2.0 and mobile technologies. web tv, mobile tv, and iptv–what does it mean for your brand visibility.

19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Veenhoff, Programme Director and co-founder of Amsterdam International Fashion Week

Part I: Dokter
, It fits! & PeclersParis
Fashioning the Future McKee, Founder and Creative Director, CMK
Where technology ends and fashion begins. Lehner, Recycling Designer, En-Fer
How can Eco-Design become fashionable?, international model, passionate about technology
the new market channels

20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Open discussion

Truus Dokter
It fits! & PeclersParis

After more than a decade of corporate experience working as styling manager for Dutch and International retailers/brands, for the last 10 years Truus Dokter has been working as an independent stylist and consultant with her company It fits!, also representing the international styling and fore-casting agency PeclersParis in the Netherlands and Belgium.
With these companies she can offer the spectrum from the first steps of the fashion mechanism of translating the time-spirit to collection development.

Cathal McKee
Founder and Creative Director, CMK

Cathal McKee is co-founder and Creative Director of CMK1. He has 20 years of experience working in the areas of design, branding, advertising and Internet. Graduating from Central St Martins in London and based in Amsterdam, Cathal advises high street and private label fashion brands strategically on improving their position, branding and communication towards customers changing needs. CMK1 is an creative agency that works for the fashion, beauty and technology industries.

Stefan Lehner
Recycling Designer, En-Fer

Stefan Lehner (1957) studied Philosophy and Mathematics in Fribourg, Switzerland.
During these studies, he started to develop chairs and tables based on a 4-dimensional mathematical structure – hypercube – and won a first prize in an Art and Design contest in Switzerland in 1986.

Fascinated by industrial scrap objects, he constructed beds, chairs, benches and lamps under the theme of “Object and Function Recycling”. First prize for a long chair made out of transport chains at Plum’art.

Another approach was made through a publicity project for Chesterfield. Collecting old cans, he produced 1000 Recycling ashtrays for trendy locations. These ashtrays were conceived to be stolen.

For Interior projects, he worked with car seats from Porsche and with airplane benches. Later followed the development of lamps, vases and racks by giving a second life to defect lamp bulbs and used shoeboxes.

Inspired by “Street Design” in Brazil, he is also working with PET bottles and drink packaging. He started a collection of amazing recycling objects from all over the world.
He aims to combine ecological claims, reuse of former functions, comfort and fashion. His atelier and showroom are now in Utrecht.
international model, passionate about technology is an american model from michigan. she is currently living in paris, france. Anina is passionate about technology and has been collaborating with Nokia Corporation for the last 1.5 years. More information can be found about her through articles written about her and her projects in the PRESS list on her blog: Her most visual project with Nokia Corporation is the website. Anina enjoys yoga, snowboarding, travel, art, cinema, music, and speaks 5 languages: english, german, italian, spanish, french, (and some japanese). She hand-coded her entire website & wap site.

James Veenhoff
Programme Director and co-founder of Amsterdam International Fashion Week
Head of brand development at moshi moshi inc (Blue Blood Brand jeans)

Concept developer and Freelance marketing consultant specialized in niche marketing, brand- and positioning strategy

Studied Anthropology and Business Administration

Hobbies are surfing, hockey, music and food

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