the future of Success, April 2007

Club of Amsterdam

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Supporter Neta, Founder, Open Circles Academy: Beyond Success

In the last couple of decades success became the ultimate goal. In the 1980’s that meant a mad rush to gain power, prestige and financial wealth. But despite this focus on individual success, the millennium closed with a general sense of discontent, as if our collective spirits were crying out, “Is this all there is?
If this is success, why don’t I feel more fulfilled, more alive, more successful?”

We are starving for something more, something beyond success as we move into the future. We no longer want to simply make a living; we want to make a difference – to make contributions that extend well beyond ourselves. We desperately want our children to inherit a much better world than our parents left to us.

Yet, despite a growing hunger for hope, possibility and belief in our own potential – we encounter a daily reality filled with anxiety, aggression and doubt.

In this evening I would like to challenge some of our deeply ingrained cultural beliefs that subtly and constantly reinforce our fears while taking away our power. The most important is our belief about success itself.
Although we give sometimes lip service to the importance of participation, effort, and improvement in defining success – deep down, most people still evaluate their success by external measures (such as “what people think of me” or “did I reach my goals”).
As long as we believe, even slightly, that success is determined externally, we open the door for a paralyzing fear of failure. We place ourselves at the effect rather than at the cause of our experience.

In our society we have set things up so that very few people win while everyone else “loses”. As long as this definition of success and failure remains dominant in our culture – blame, conflict, irresponsibility and victim mentality will flourish. But when we change this foundational belief at a root level, we will gain back our power as creators. Wursten, Managing Partner, ITIM International: The Meaning of Success in Different Cultures

19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Heida, Promedia, Member of the Club of Amsterdam Round

Part I: Neta, Founder, Open Circles Academy: Beyond Success

20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Wursten, Managing Partner, ITIM International: The Meaning of Success in Different Cultures

… followed by an open discussion.

Nisandeh Neta
Founder, Open Circles Academy

Nisandeh Neta is the founder of Open Circles Academy – a personal development and leadership training company based in the Netherlands. Since 1995, over 30,000 people have come from all over Europe to attend his life-changing seminars and learn his principles of personal and professional success.

Nisandeh Neta is a prolific writer. He published 3 books and hundreds of articles on creating success and happiness. His latest book, Elements of Success was endorsed by many of the world’s top authorities on success, such as Stephen Covey (author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and Brian Tracy (author of The Psychology of Achievement).

Nisandeh Neta is considered to be one of the most exciting presenters in his field. His high-energy, cut-to-the-chase, yet heartfelt style keeps the audience captivated. He teaches using “breakthrough” techniques and experiential “accelerated learning” technologies – so that participants learn faster, remember more and achieve maximum results. The change in people is immediate and permanent.

Huib Wursten
Managing Partner, ITIM International

Huib Wursten, born in 1942, is one of the managing partners of ITIM International. He is specialized in advising companies and supra-national organizations in how to manage global teams. He is experienced in translating the international and global strategies and policies into the practical consequences for management. Since 1989 he has been working in this field with a variety of Fortune top 1000 companies. Huib graduated from the University of Amsterdam in educational psychology (M.A.)

His main clients in the business sector are IBM, 3M, McCain, Nike, Quest, Telenor, ABN AMRO bank. Since 1994 he conducts courses at and gives advise to the IMF in Washington and since 2000 to the European Central Bank. He has advised the Russian administration on the influence of culture on political and economic behavior.

He has written an award winning paper which was published for “Nyfer”, a Research Institute related to Nijenrode University (Mental Images. The influence of culture on (economic)policies) (1997).

Homme Heida
Member of the Club of Amsterdam Round Table

Homme Heida is a generalist by heart, who worked as a journalist for several mass media like Algemeen Dagblad, Tros Aktua and publishing group VNU. After ten years he started his own bureau Promedia: company journalism, which slowly changed into business journalism. Now back again with larger media, he is editor-in-chief of Global Dutch, a magazine for Dutch entrepreneurs, who are active in foreign countries.

Homme Heida has a continuing interest in a more philosophical approach of ‘being there’. His views on the future are very much based on new technologies. “Humans change only slowly by evolution. Technology will speed it up”, he argues. His credo is: ‘living body and soul’, which means to him a sportive challenge as well as an intellectual one. From the Amsterdam marathon till the Club of Amsterdam.

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