the future of Consciousness, January 2007

Club of Amsterdam

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EnlightenNext Amsterdam
Christian Vogler Pieper, Trainer, Coach, Teacher
Cultural development and the development of man as a new more conscious being have to go hand in hand.

Everything we become conscious of is interpreted through our cultural perspective; the values and beliefs of our culture. So whatever we experience is mediated by culture.

One of the models that provides insight in the evolutionary process of cultural development is Spiral Dynamics. Using this model we can recognize where a culture is on the evolutionary ladder of value systems that every culture went through or will have to go through in order to reach a higher stage of development. Looking at Dutch culture in this way shows the stifling individualism, that is such a high value in our culture but of which we are now starting to recognize it is also making further development impossible, individualism will have to be transcended and included.

  • Arjan Kindermans, EnlightenNext Amsterdam
    Transcending and including individualism, how do you do that?

    Arjan Kindermans will briefly explain Andrew Cohen’s groundbreaking philosophy of Evolutionary Enlightenment which explains the way to a new culture; what do individuals have to do to be available for the development of consciousness and what happens collectively when this new culture emerges, what is it, how does it work? And finally, how does this collective experience become a developmental stage? Pór, Founder, CommunityIntelligence Ltd.
What Color is Your Collective Intelligence?

Collective intelligence (CI) is the capacity of human communities to evolve towards higher order complexity and harmony, through such innovation mechanisms as differentiation and integration, competition and collaboration. Communities have different forms of CI in different developmental stages. A form of CI is wiser, more evolved than another if it’s driven by an authentic, collective self, rather than a collective ego. Get smarter about telling the difference because CI is both outside and inside you. Learn how to upgrade yours.

19:00 – 20:00
Welcome by our Moderator Heida, Promedia, Member of the Club of Amsterdam Round Table

Part I: Pieper, Trainer, Coach, Teacher
Cultural development and the development of man as a new more conscious being have to go hand in hand. Kindermans
, EnlightenNext Amsterdam
Transcending and including individualism, how do you do that? Pór, Founder, CommunityIntelligence Ltd.
What Color is Your Collective Intelligence?

20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:30 – 21:15
Part II: Panel followed by an open discussion.

Mauk Pieper
Trainer, Coach, Teacher

He studied Political and Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.
Over the last 14 years he was a student of Ted Wilson, spiritual teacher and founder of Centrum Venwoude. Mauk Pieper is trainer, coach and teacher for the last ten years.

Arjan Kindermans
EnlightenNext Amsterdam

Arjan Kindermans (1961) has been a student of Andrew Cohen since 1995 and has led EnlightenNext Amsterdam since 2001. As one of Cohen’s close collaborators, Kindermans has presented numerous lectures and seminars on Evolutionary Enlightenment and has facilitated numerous workshops on Enlightened Communication.

Kindermans is an actor and drama teacher as well as a corporate trainer, and he has participated in corporate-culture change projects with over two hundred organizations in the last twenty years. He graduated from acting school in 1984 and has had major roles in several Dutch movies, over fifteen TV series, and more than twenty theater productions.

Kindermans is cofounder of the Center for Human Emergence Netherlands.

George Pór
Founder, CommunityIntelligence Ltd.

George Pór is a social architect, executive mentor, techno-communitarian visionary, and cartographer of our Emerging Planetary Reality. He has been a researcher, student and facilitator of collective intelligence since the Movement of the 60’s and the human potential groups of the 70’s, to the first virtual communities of the 80’s and the organizational learning/transformation movement of the 90’s. His interest in CI stems from his passion for a future, in which our capacity to reach our highest potential is strengthened by all human institutions. George served as a Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD, and currently, a Research Fellow at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. He is the Chairman of CommunityIntelligence Ltd and is publishing the Blog of CI.

Homme Heida
Member of the Club of Amsterdam Round Table

Homme Heida is a generalist by heart, who worked as a journalist for several mass media like Algemeen Dagblad, Tros Aktua and publishing group VNU. After ten years he started his own bureau Promedia: company journalism, which slowly changed into business journalism. Now back again with larger media, he is editor-in-chief of Global Dutch, a magazine for Dutch entrepreneurs, who are active in foreign countries.

Homme Heida has a continuing interest in a more philosophical approach of ‘being there’. His views on the future are very much based on new technologies. “Humans change only slowly by evolution. Technology will speed it up”, he argues. His credo is: ‘living body and soul’, which means to him a sportive challenge as well as an intellectual one. From the Amsterdam marathon till the Club of Amsterdam.

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