the future of Drugs & Pharma, April 2006

Club of Amsterdam

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Supporter Coers, Algemeen directeur, Meducom:
Developing new drugs in a nutshell

Drugs are expected to be effective and safe and therefore undergo a long and thorough development process before they are released onto the market. Consequently, only few years of patent protection often remain. In addition, even blockbuster drugs are not immune to being withdrawn from the market due to negative findings (for example: cerivastatin (Lipobay/Baycol; Bayer), rofecoxib (Vioxx; Merck)). To deliver the highest quality within these time limits clearly puts enormous pressure onto the clinical development of drugs. This presentation briefly introduces into these dynamics and will also shed light on expected directions of drug development. El Sheikh, Scenario Planning, The Pharmaceutical Strategist:
“Evolutionary Medicines”
Discerning the Future of Drugs through the Lenses of a Novel Evolutionary Paradigm.
Evolution is the current fantasy in science and leading biologists claim that nothing makes sense in medicine except in the light of the theory of evolution.

Human evolution is now linked to technological evolution. A man penicillin interaction is superior to a man in the face of a streptococcus bacterium. A man smallpox vaccine interaction is superior to a man in the face of a smallpox virus.

This presentation will try to shed some light on the future direction of drug development through the lenses of an evolutionary paradigm.

Welcome by our Moderator Langezaal, Managing Partner, Synmind BV

Part I: Coers, Algemeen directeur, Meducom:
Developing new drugs in a nutshell El Sheikh, Scenario Planning, The Pharmaceutical Strategist:
“Evolutionary Medicines”
Discerning the Future of Drugs through the Lenses of a Novel Evolutionary Paradigm.

Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

Part II: Panel with the Speakers and our Moderator Langezaal

Wilko Coers
Algemeen directeur, Meducom

Dr. Wilko Coers is the founder and managing director of Meducom, a specialised bureau providing tailored high-quality services in the field of medical education and medical communication ( Meducom thereby significantly improves internal support and external perception of products, activities and portfolios of companies and organizations in the medical sector.

Wilko Coers is a person of many abilities and combines over ten years of academic medical research with years of experience in the (international) pharmaceutical and (strategic) medical communication business.

In brief, he studied medical biology at the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) where he graduated in 1989 in oncology and molecular biology. Next, he went to the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) for his PhD in medicine, studying the etiology of chronic renal diseases. His interest in chronic diseases was successfully expanded into the area of chronic pulmonary diseases (asthma and COPD) and organ rejection after transplantation. In the search for new challenges, he switched in 1998 to the clinical research department at Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD; the Netherlands). At Merck, he managed phase II-IV clinical trials various areas, such as cardiology, HIV-AIDS and rheumatoid arthritis. In 2001, he accepted a position of senior medical advisor at Excerpta Medica (Elsevier BV), a global agency providing strategic medical communication and marketing services to the international pharmaceutical industries. At Excerpta Medica, he was not only responsible for the area of psychiatry and neurology, but maintained his expertise in the areas of kidney diseases, cancer and immunology to acquire new business. Upon reviewing his career in 2004, he decided to create his own company, to not only maximize the benefit of combining his broad (international) experiences, but also to be able to determine his own strategy.

Ahmed El Sheikh
Scenario Planning, The Pharmaceutical Strategist

Ahmed is a senior partner at The Pharmaceutical Strategist, a forward looking think tank focused on scenario building for the life science industry.

Cees Langezaal
Managing Partner, Synmind BV

Kees Langezaal, born in 1949 is managing partner of Synmind BV and Red To Red BV. Within Synmind BV his focus is on knowledge management. At Red To Red BV his attention is on logistic affairs.

Kees is specialized in advising industrial, governmental and hospital organisations on logistic affairs. He is experienced in the set-up and implementation of national, international and global logistic strategies into practical straightforward projects. Since 1988 he has been working as project/ interim manager in this field for Cap Gemini and Atos Origin with a variety of Fortune top 1000 companies. Kees graduated from the Technical University of Delft as a mechanical engineer (Ir.).

His main clients in the business sector are Philips, Air Products, Solvay, Ciba Geigy, Yamanouchi, Merck, Medco, Roche, Unilever, ASML, Ahrend, ECT. Since 1995 his focus is on the combination of information and physical and patient logistics.

Before his career as project/ interim manager he was Head Logistics at the Min. of Defence and consultant at Van Gend en Loos.

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