Club of Amsterdam
Phase one of the digital revolution ended.
What is phase two going to bring?
The conference presentations by
Erik L.J. Klein Nagelvoort: Co-author of the EU report “Rethinking The European ICT Agenda“, August 2004
Peter R. Luiks: *.powerpoint [743KB]
“… There are several countries that are very successful with their creation and implementation of ICT. The few that were investigated in this study: Korea, India, China, USA and Japan all outperform the EU in many respects. These countries have bold initiatives and dare to improve their position in the field of ICT with proactive industrial policies.
Europe too can be successful. Present policies are very useful but not instrumental enough to enable Europe to catch up with other economic powers. We have to reconsider the present policies to identify the issues that are obstructing further progress and consider further the breakthroughs that could be achieved. …” [ Erik L.J. Klein Nagelvoort, Co-author of the EU report “Rethinking The European ICT Agenda”, August 2004]
“The future of ICT, myths, musts, directions, constraints and global reality driving all events here.
Today, as never before, we are bombarded, confronted, and overwhelmed by change. From technology, to work skills, to social environments, it never seems to stop. Is the tail wagging the dog here in ICT, or are we still capable to master its future….” [ Peter R. Luiks]
“…Overwhelmed by a growing workload and endless flow of content, executives today are forced to choose between providing volume, speed or quality. Some succeed at generating content quickly, but at the expense of accuracy or regulatory compliance. Others take time to ensure a higher degree of quality, but in doing so impede time-to-market, giving the competition a significant head start. The competitive need to get the best of all worlds is driving the ICT market to realise that a fundamental shift in infrastructure is needed in modern content systems. Everyone will be affected, but how can we achieve the goals while minimising disruption and costs? …” [ Ben Urbina]
Welcome by our Moderator Karel van der Poel, Co-founder, CEO, Mirror42
Part I:
Erik L.J. Klein Nagelvoort, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Peter R. Luiks, CEO/COO, International Business Liaisons, Advisory Board, International Centre for Consulting Excellence
Ben Urbina, Business Development Manager, XMetaL Group, Blast Radius, EMEA
Coffee break
Part II: Panel with the Speakers
and our Moderator Karel van der Poel, Co-founder, CEO, Mirror42
Erik L.J. Klein Nagelvoort
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Erik is fully dedicated to Technology, Infocom and Entertainment & Media clients (TICE) and served clients such as Cisco, Nokia, Ericsson, Getronics, NCR (Technology), KPN, Vodafone, TMN Portugal, Swisscom, Sonofon, Orange Switzerland, UPC, Telefonica, BT (Infocom) and Dutch Zip Code Lottery, Endemol, Sanoma (Entertainment & media).
Main areas of professional focus are:
Performance Improvement;
ICT-strategy and ICT effectiveness studies
Erik is the Lead partner for all PwC’s Revenue Maximizer (Revenue Assurance) and Cost Minimizer solutions in EMEA (Europe Middle East & Africa) Theatre. Furthermore is Erik the Ducth Infocom Lead partner, responsible for all services (Assurance, Advisory, Corporate Finance and Tax) delivered to this industry.
Co-author of the EU report “Rethinking The European ICT Agenda”, August 2004
Peter R. Luiks
CEO/COO, International Business Liaisons
Advisory Board, International Centre for Consulting Excellence
Peter is a recognized global leader and visionary in global knowledge broking and high level business development. He has provided a broad range of management and consulting services for more than 15 years to corporations, industries, multinationals, defense contractors, consultancy groups and other related organizations. As early as 1984 he began concentrating on improving knowledge broking services as consultative selling aids. He was instrumental in the early developments for today’s high level global industrial automation systems. He spearheaded Project Design and Manufacturing Automation. He served as a global corporate executive for several industrial and manufacturing automation companies. In 1987 he became an expert in Computerized Combat Command Control and Intelligence (C4I) defense systems related Contracted Research and Development (CRAD) programs in a Tempest B2 ultimate High-Tech classified environment in Germany and the USA.
He facilitated and managed the model evolution of the open standard integration, the OSI-stack for heterogeneous interoperability software in LAN, WAN, ICT and Telecom infrastructures and the Web enabled Internet applications as we know it today. He is in the forefront of business and automation development as well as global management assistance that encompasses interdisciplinary new business assets, continuing (Computer Assisted Research Engineering) CARE and sensitivity to the classic industries and their conventional needs, technical as well as managerial. His focus is always on providing the best services in strategic planning and corporate positioning, collaboration, marketing studies, organization and productivity, corporate governance and customer relationships. He is an expert high level process consultant with extensive experience in facilitating programs and task forces to build consensus and develop shared visions for board level executives and other management collaboration, joint venture and merger situations.
Luiks is an experienced key note speaker and facilitator and has addressed numerous management organizations on trends and global issues. He has particular expertise in integrating strategic management components. He has spoken before universities, NATO, defense and manufacturing associations, including Global Leadership Forums, the Global ICT Congress, the American Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Academy for International Marketing, the University of Georgia Technology Institute, the California Defense Association, AFCEA, China International Trade and International Commerce (CITIC), which he helped to be founded in 1985, the Asian Marketing Association. His published articles include “Repositioning the Organization,” in Executive Excellence, “CIM a problem of Topology” in Business Week, “Concurrent Design and Manufacturing”, “Turning Corporate Innovation into a Creative Alliance” in Telco Competition Asia, and “Redefining the Organization” in Manufacturing and Design Weekly. Amongst other he was the founder and facilitator of the International Business Brokers League.
In 1992 he co-founded International Business Liaisons Inc.- IBL out of Hong Kong, the first global knowledge broker company of which he was CEO for the initial 7 years. For more than ten years he was one of the key knowledge brokers, where he served on hundreds of global knowledge broker missions, board level advisor ships and was leading several of the global highest level projects in the Air Framing Industry, Micro Electronics, E-Business, Utilities, Airlines, Procurement, Banks, Trading Organizations, Defense related High Tech, Consumer Electronic Companies, Telecom, Micro Electronics, Leading edge technology and ICT. He also has been a principal associate and technology advisor to many Venture Capitalists in the world. With Computervision, ICS Interlink and International Business Liaisons he held positions as Executive Vice President for the US, Asia – Pac Rim and Europe and acted as CEO, COO, CIO, CCO, CMO and CTO.
(Source: Forbes 5000 CEO Club)
Ben Urbina
Business Development Manager, XMetaL Group
Blast Radius, EMEA
Ben Urbina is Business Development Manager for the XMetaL Group for the EMEA regions, where he provides XML Systems Consultancy services to global organisations, and facilitates the growth and cross-pollination of a global partner network of ICT and Content Solutions and Tool providers.
His primary focus is developing relationships with partners, systems integrators, customers, and ISV’s working in content creation and management solutions, to maintain the long-standing position of the XMetaL group as thought and technology leaders in this space.
Prior to becoming Partner and Business Development Manager with Blast Radius XMetaL, Ben was Professional Services Manager for XML Content Solutions for Corel. He has held a number of business development, technical services, and sales positions where he was able to develop his technical expertise in am efficiency-driven business context.
Ben is the XMetaL Group’s technology spokesperson for Europe, Middle-East and Asian markets.
Karel van der Poel
Co-founder, CEO, Mirror42
Karel van der Poel is a serial entrepreneur and has 9 years of experience in the technology and innovation industry.
Karel van der Poel is co-founder and CEO of Mirror42. Mirror42 is the leading enterprise software provider fin the IT activity monitoring and IT governance market.
Karel van der Poel also founded the consulting company Blue-Nova in June 2002. Blue-Nova explores the possibilities of new technology for its customers, and specializes in aligning business strategies with IT strategies. Clients are blue-chip companies, technology companies and research institutes.
In 1999 he was part of the initial management team that started GorillaPark, a European business incubator focusing on early stage technology companies Karel served as Vice President Strategy and Research of GorillaPark and was responsible for the investment strategy and chairman of the investment committee.
From 1997-1999, Karel served as Business Intelligence Manager and World Wide Product Manager Next Generation Products at HP OpenView Software Division; a 1 billion dollar software operation within Hewlett Packard Company.
He started his career in 1994 as a technology researcher at Prolin Automation B.V. based in the Netherlands. In 1997 HP OpenView acquired Prolin. He worked as a technology and market researcher for Meta Software Inc based in Cambridge Mass, USA in 1996.
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