Club of Amsterdam
Summit for the Future Report 2005
Bayer CropScience
HES Amsterdam School of Business
École Polytechnique, Paris
Medical Faculty, University Basel
Media Academie, Hilversum
Corvinus University of Budapest
musik.woche with musik.lounge
The Association for International Broadcasting
Fuel Cell Markets
Medical Knowledge Institute
The World Future Society
Health Management Forum
Shaping Tomorrow
European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL)
World Summit Award
World Futures Studies Federation
Gemeente Amsterdam Economische Zaken
Embassy of Switzerland in The Hague
Opening Event
Winning the Future
by Tom Lambert
Asia is making massive strides and cannot be ignored – let me concentrate on the tiger rather than the cubs. The questions, risks and challenges that we face are very real. Perhaps we should return to the attitudes and courage of our not too distant ancestors that understood that nothing worth doing is without risk and, knowing the risks, opened the known and newly discovered world to trade. The countries of Europe have an entrepreneurial past second to none. With the clearest understanding that we can develop in a volatile situation perhaps we can regain some of the spirit of our forebears. Given that we must start somewhere – let us look at the challenges that may face us in China and determine if we have the sheer guts that it will take to deal with them.
Tom Lambert
Chief Executive, Centre for Consulting Excellence
Professor of Consultancy, Rushmore University
Recently a list of “The Obvious Experts” in the field of consulting, training and conference speaking was published in the United States. Tom Lambert was the sole European listed. This speaks volumes for his global reputation.
Known to the American business press as the “world’s friendliest guru” Tom Lambert is an international author, broadcaster, consultant, trainer, conference speaker, businessman and business journalist. In Europe, America and Southern Africa his books and seminars have led him to be known to the quality business press as “the consultant’s consultant”. Corporate clients who use his skills and knowledge in the hush-hush field of market dominance know him as the one consultant who can be trusted not to drop names of clients. Chief executives who benefit from his mentoring services expect and receive the same level of confidentiality. He has built his global reputation and status by practising what he preaches. He is recognised globally for his insights into strategic and tactical action, particularly in the field market dominance. He is an advocate of “cut to the chase” consultancy and speedy but sustainable results for clients.
Tom devotes much of his busy professional life to researching what the highest earning consultants actually do to build and sustain their professional practices. He shows professionals from all disciplines how to use unique approaches to no cost marketing to earn the high income that their expertise warrants.
Recognised internationally as the leading business authority in ensuring that what is learned in training programmes is transferred to the workplace, Tom has an unparalleled reputation for changing behaviour at every organisational level.
Tom is also a professor and an international member of the faculty at Rushmore University in the USA teaching masters and doctoral post-graduate students.
Tom is CEO of the international Centre for Consulting Excellence (CfCE) a professional body launched by leading academics and businesspeople in the UK, USA and Australia with links to the ASEAN Region, Middle East and the EU. The CfCE is an organisation that works with business and academia to ensure the highest standards of consulting and interim management – and fee income that makes those standards essential – are sustained in a highly volatile and competitive business environment.
Recently a list of “The Obvious Experts” in the field of consulting, training and conference speaking was published in the United States. Tom Lambert was the sole European listed which speaks volumes for his global reputation.
“I have known for over a decade that over your shoulders lives one of the best Western minds ever. (If I were to write World you would dismiss my contention, so I´ll play it cautiously!).” – Dr. Cesar Diaz-Carrera – Founder and President of the Institute for the Development of Creativity (IDEC)
International Recognition
Tom has been the recipient of numerous business honours. He was awarded the appellation Certified Professional Consultant for “unique and outstanding contributions to the profession” as well as having been the first European to have held the accreditation Certified Professional Consultant to Management from the USA. He has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management and had the honour of being the first Fellow of the International Institute for the Development of Creativity. He has served the Strategic Planning Society as a regional committee member, has been a full member of the Transpersonal Psychology Association and is currently a Member of the Society of Authors. He has been invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts (Founded in London in 1754) and The Executive Club of Chicago. He has managed consultancies, large and small in Europe and the USA.
He has lectured at Universities in the USA, South Africa and Great Britain and has coached MBA, Ph.D and DBA students worldwide.
Author of: “High Income Consulting”, “The Power of Influence”, “Key Management Tools”, “The Big Book of E-Commerce Answers”, “Key Management Solutions”, “E-Market Dominance”, “Making Change Pay”, “High Value Consulting”, “Key Management Questions” (September 2002), and “21st Century Consulting” (An “e” professional development guide)
Knowledge-Based Society as a Way to Peace, Stability and Well-Being
by Vladimir Petrovskiy
The knowledge-based society in Europe set by the European Council as a strategic goal for 2010 should serve as an inspiring example for all the countries in our world.
The basic aim of such society to provide sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion is inseparable from the maintenance of strategic security in a new interdependent and multicultural world.
Promotion of the knowledge-based societies which should be conceives as plural, variable and open to democratic choices makes it necessary to answer the questions what is to be done and how. The European experience should be used together with the recommendation of the UN, UNESCO, ILO and other international bodies. Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are of particular importance.
The promotion of the knowledge-based society in the world demands a responsible constitutional democratic governance both at national and global level. The task of such governance is to make the effective decisions and put them into practice through coherent and systematic approach to facilitate developing the potential of each individual and bringing human beings together to adapt themselves jointly to rapid and accelerating pace of changes in the world.
Vladimir Petrovskiy
former Director-General of the UN in Geneva
Professional Titles
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary since 1980
Professor of International Relations
Public Service
Senior Research Fellow, UNITAR, Geneva
Consultant to the Russian Council of Federation, Moscow
Head of the Center for Politico-Diplomatic, Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Chairman of the NGO Association “Comprehensive Dialogue Among Civilizations” (CDC), Geneva
Chairman of the Board of Foundation “Dialogue among Civilizations”, Amsterdam
Chairman of the Board of Maecenas World Patrimony Foundation, Geneva – Amsterdam
Member of the Board of Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis Foundation, Amsterdam
Under-Secretary-General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament
Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General to the Conference on Disarmament
Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Libya
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Albania
Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, United Nations, New York
Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Libya
Representative of Russia to the NATO Council of Cooperation
First Deputy Foreign Minister of the USSR
Executive Secretary of the OSCE Conference on the Human Dimension
Deputy Foreign Minister of the USSR
Head of USSR Delegations to the United Nations General Assembly, UNESCO, IAEA,UNEP, and various European fora, including the CSCE
Head of International Organizations’ Department, Foreign Ministry of the USSR
Member of the USSR Foreign Ministry’s Collegium
Secretary-General of the USSR Delegation to the CSCE, Geneva
Chief Counselor, Head of American Division of the Policy Planning Department, Foreign Ministry of the USSR
Political Affairs Officer, Chief of Unit, United Nations Secretariat, New York
Second Secretary, Office of the Foreign Minister of the USSR
Attache, Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations, New York
Other Professional Activities
Frequent guest lectures at universities, Foreign Police Associations and World Affairs Councils in the US and Europe
Formal Education
Doctorate in History, Institute of international Relations and World Economy, 1975
LL.D, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1962
MA, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1957
Significant Publications
Foreign Service of Great Britain, 1958
Diplomacy of 10 Downing Street, 1964
Foreign Policy Thinking in the United States: Theories and Concepts, 1976
Doctrine of National Security in the US Global Strategy, 1980
Dialogue for Peace. Participation of the USSR in Multilateral Diplomacy, 1980
Disarmament: Concept, Problems and Mechanisms, 1983
Security in the Era of Nuclear and Outer Space Technology, 1985
Numerous booklets and articles on foreign policy issues
Order of the Red Banner of Labor, 1988 (USSR)
Order Badge of Honor, 1975 (USSR)
Order ‘For Merits’, 2001 (Poland)
Various Russian and foreign medals
Numerous Academic Awards
Professional Memberships
Board, Reseau universitaire international de Geneve (RUIG)
International Institute of Strategic Studies, London
Academy of Military Service, Moscow
International Information Academy, Moscow
Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship, Moscow
Russian Academy of Astronautics, Moscow
Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Lessons from the Future: Creating the Knowledge Society
by Glen Hiemstra
Change the form of information, the speed of information transmission, and the level of access to both creating and consuming information, and you will change society. In his keynote to the Summit for the Future 2005, Glen Hiemstra, Founder of and professional futurist from Seattle, Washington, will examine the dynamics creating a new kind of society. This will be an insightful exploration of the powerful and sometimes surprising dynamics taking us through a techno-social-economic revolution. The most potent technology developments underlying this revolution go beyond information technologies and encompass nanotechnology and the coming energy transformation. The techno-social-economic revolution, underway for perhaps thirty years and now more than half-way finished, is changing the basic pillars by which we organize life, including the job, the home, retirement, government, and education. Along the way old orders die and new orders emerge, and through this process old Europe may emerge renewed while the new world, America, may struggle to maintain leadership. At the same time, resistance to the future emerges and plays out on the global stage. The entire presentation is framed in the context of three questions about the future, what is probable, what is possible, and what is preferred.
Glen Hiemstra
Leading Futurist from Seattle, Washington
Glen Hiemstra has been listening professionally and then sharing compelling lessons from the future for two decades. The Founder of, Glen is a highly respected consultant and speaker for business, government, and associations.
Those who hire him are looking for an engaging program on the long range future for their business, conference, enterprise, or community. They are seeking a program that has a lasting impact. They are seeking a program that changes things for the better. They are seeking a response like this one from an audience member in 2003…
“This is the most excited I have felt about the future since [I heard] Gene Roddenbury way back in graduate school.”
What kinds of clients have experienced impacts like this? Examples include Microsoft, Adobe Systems, Attachmate, Boeing, Northern Telecom, Burlington Northern, Weyerhaeuser, Hewlett Packard, Regence, Premera, U.S./Mexico JWC, Swedish Medical Center, Seattle Sonics & Storm, Wonderware, Ernst & Young, PaineWebber, APAX Partners, Costa Rica Hotel Association, and Tulsa 2025. Television projects have included Technical Advisor to Steven Bochco Productions for the development of a pilot set in the year 2069, advising Universal Pictures on the new CBS series, Century City, set in the year 2030, and Technical Advisor to 20th Century Fox Television for the revival of the series, Lost in Space..
Glen is the co-author of Strategic Leadership: Achieving Your Preferred Future, and is an expert in Preferred Future Planning. Prior to going into business in 1987, Glen was an award-winning educator, selected Most Influential Professor at Whitworth College. Glen is a Visiting Scholar at the Human Interface Technology Lab at the University of Washington, which works on virtual and augmented reality technology.
At, you can read Glen’s newsletter, FuturistNews, along with a wide variety of information about the future. Glen is often cited as a resource for articles about the future, for example in Scenario & Strategy Planning, The Futurist, the Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Report, the Los Angeles Times, and the Detroit Free Press.
The way it is…is not the way it will be. Glen’s presentations offer insight into surprising developments shaping the 21st Century, and then go beyond that to the deeper challenge of understanding our new world and creating our preferred future. The hallmark of Glen’s speaking is the dynamic connection he makes with his audience. His message is clear and heartfelt. His style is crisp, warm and engaging. People feel hope and begin to move in new directions, as a lasting impact is created which goes far beyond the initial experience.
Glen was educated at Whitworth College, the University of Oregon, and the University of Washington. Glen lives in Kirkland, Washington with his wife Tracie. Three college age and adult kids drop in from time to time. Tracie and Glen began a new entrepreneurial venture in late 2003, Bella Rose Fine Gifts & Furnishings, in Seattle’s “Madison Valley” neighborhood.
Preferred Futures
by Wendy Schultz
Reaching our full potential – as a civilization, society, organisation, or community – requires goals that challenge us to exceed that potential. Unfortunately, in this most instrumental of ages, daydreaming is unfashionable. An educational system inherited from the industrial era teaches us to keep our attention on the task at hand; the drive for upward mobility focuses our creativity on immediate problem-solving and practical matters of management. The age of deconstruction awards more points to critiques than to castles in the air.
Given these barriers, little wonder that people are uncomfortable with the verbs “vision,” “imagine,” “dream.” If not for the cases cited in recent leadership and management literature which underscore the utility of vision for motivating exemplary performance, it would be difficult to convince professionals to engage in visioning. Yet it is something humans do naturally, that in fact we must be trained not to do. Reinstating visioning as a powerful creative tool is simply re-balancing our internal environment: giving equal pride of place to intuition and imagination next to logic and calculation. Envisioning a preferred future requires them all.
Wendy L. Schultz
Futurist, Infinite Futures
Futurist and Spirit of the Summit
Dr. Wendy L. Schultz is Director of Infinite Futures: Foresight Research, Training, and Facilitation, with over two decades of foresight practice from Honolulu to Helsinki, and Brisbane to Budapest. She earned her Ph.D. in Alternative Futures at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, working for five years forecasting global natural gas markets at the East-West Center, and for over ten years as a researcher, foresight process designer, and project manager at the Hawai’i Research Center for Futures Studies. From 1996 to 2004 she served as visiting faculty with the Masters program in Studies of the Future at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, developing the introductory seminar, the qualitative methods seminar, and the facilitation practicum as part of overall curriculum redesign. Awarded a Fulbright grant in 2001, she spent six months as a lecturer and researcher with colleagues at the Finland Futures Research Centre.
Her current research and speaking topics include an overview of trends and emerging issues of change drawn from current work assembling a baseline environmental scan for the UK Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra); the future of microsensors and RFID as tools, toys, and toxins (also drawn from current work at Defra); the future of learning and higher education (presentation at the World Future Society 2004 in DC); the future of space exploration (from essays drafted for Space 2100 (Popular Science) and The Catalog of Tomorrow (TechTV and Que)) and the future of undersea exploration (The Catalog of Tomorrow); and the future of libraries, archives, and media storage (keynotes for the Special Libraries Association and the American Library Association); among others. With regard to foresight concepts and methods, her speaking and training covers an overview of futures studies and foresight; a history of foresight and futures studies; a consumer’s guide to common foresight tools and techniques; a holistic approach to environmental scanning; and scenario building for strategy and enhanced creativity; and leadership and vision.
Wendy currently resides in Oxford, England, where her partner lectures in Korean Studies at Oxford University. In between research projects, keynotes, lectures, and workshops, she is writing an introductory work on foresight concepts and methods, with an accompanying facilitator’s guide for trainers and facilitators. Wendy is a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation, and a member of the Association of Professional Futurists.
Visualisations by Job Romijn
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