the future of Branding, April 2005

Club of Amsterdam

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Branding as we know it is a thing of the past.

If you put on the right glasses, you will notice a paradigm shift:
– no more higher values
– no more standardizing and uniformity
– no more ‘buying associations and symbols’
– no more thing thinking

instead you will notice:
– movement and instability all over the place
– intuition and flexibility as survival tools
– personal guidance by agents
– qualitative and quantitative
– push and pull
– swarming techniques
– close to home solutions and many other dynamics Geursen

Some companies do get it. Big and small enterprises are experimenting with social media. They understand that branding is no longer about products. It is about developing relationships. Those that don’t get it, are simply wasting scare resources and shouting in the wind. Perhaps the future is millions of markets of dozens, instead of dozens of markets of millions.

Colby will pick her favourite successes and failures. Make sure your company doesn’t enter a new era it wasn’t expecting – history! Stuart

Welcome by our Moderator van der Goot, Executive Consultant and Founder, Perceive commercial management services
Part I: Geursen: Branding is something we did in flatland Stuart: The Evolution of Branding

Coffee break

Part II: Panel with the Speakers

and our Moderator van der Goot
The panel is followed by an open discussion.
Goos Geursen

He has been working in the field of marketing-communication for some twenty five years until 1999. Moved from there towards a new field – a fusion between coaching, training, communication, gaming and consultancy. He has started his own firm in august 2001: Goos Geursen Bedrijvigheden (‘Busynesses’). Building bridges, solution focus and energywork are personal themes which he has applied widely in his working life: e.g. the integration of disciplines; coupling left brain information and right brain creativity, integration the inside with the outside, the abstract and the concrete, etcetera. Some topics in his current work: inspiring people and widening their views, assisting in giving birth to real visions, making passions free and facilitating in a sense of self for both individuals, groups and whole organzations. Got noticed by announcing a revolution in marketing and advertising thinking of the next decades in his book “Tijdens de verkoop gaat de verbouwing gewoon door” (During sales renovation still continues). Early October 1994 he published: “Virtuele tomaten en conceptuele pindakaas” (Virtual tomatoes and conceptual peanut butter). This book offers the building blocks for the latest development into personal and interactive marketing and communication. His latest book “Wie zijn ik?” (Who are I?) continues this new paradigm into more personal and spiritual fields of business. Other books: “Emoties & Reclame (Emotions & Advertising) and “Een hazewind op gympen” (A greyhound wearing sneakers), a publication on concept development. He is a visiting lecturer at various universities and other institutes. He is married and has two grown-up daughters.
Colby Stuart
Creative Director, Quantum Brands

My talent lies in creative and strategic thinking and concept development, which allows me to untangle and explain even the most complicated concepts or identity systems (quantum entanglement, the study of consciousness, international corporate organizations). I also teach this at the graduate level in courses that I have developed from my core thinking – about transferring the knowledge behind quantum mechanics and pattern relationships to the business world – something I call Applied Connective Dynamics (eg. Brand, Identity & Concepts: their Human Organization, Creativity & Communication). I also train and coach others how to do this.

My favorite roles in my business life have been those where I lead creative processes and creative people. As an artist and a writer, I appreciate the talent and understand the drivers. As a business person, I understand that sometimes it requires a great deal of negotiation through a political landscape to land the creative work with clients and other more linear thinkers in an organization. This has always been a charming challenge to me.
Sjirk van der Goot
Executive Consultant and Founder, Perceive commercial management services

Sjirk van der Goot is Executive Consultant and Founder of Perceive commercial management services, the professional services agency that empowers its customers to be more successful with their customers, employees, business partners and shareholders by supporting:
1. the renewal and improvement of their commercial management strategy, process & behavior and
2. a professional introduction of their new brands, products and services in the market.

Perceive commercial management services provides research, advice, coaching, training, business development and interim management in the areas of branding, marketing, sales and communications.

Sjirk has 20 years professional experience in a variety of commercial, management and consulting roles at major multinational companies like Hewlett Packard, Time Warner, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and Cogent IPC.

He graduated in Communication and Law from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Next to his work for Perceive Sjirk is also a popular party DJ and resident lecturer at the HAN University in Arnhem and Nijmegen.

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