with Peter Cochrane “5G looks set to deliver more change into the mobile space than anything that has gone before. It is clear that 5G marks a new era in the evolution of wireless, but only if w...
with Philippe Gerwill “Philippe Gerwill talks mainly about digital transformation, focusing on how to use technology to better serve humanity and not the other way around. He illustrates his tal...
with Cristiana Benedetti Fasil “The demographics of Africa are unique. Sixty percent of the population is below 25 years old. However, millions of youth lack employment and educational opportuni...
The Future Now Show June 2020 The Corona Challenge withElisabet Sahtouris Have you noticed how well our Earth is doing with all us humans locked up? Can it be that this terrible time of human suf...
with Rob van Kranenburg The COVID19 virus exposes not only the fragility of an economic system that cannot go on hold for even a fews months, the inadequacy of governance tools and the lack of faith o...