The Future Now Show


The Future Now Show February 2019 Change withHumberto Schwab What coding is for the digital world is Socratic Design for the real world, we analyze and change our ecology of mind. The Future Now ShowC...

the future of Europe

The Future Now Show February 2019 withHumberto Schwab moderated byMarleen Stikker What coding is for the digital world is Socratic Design for the real world, we analyze and change our ecology of mind....

AI and Business

with Maarten Stol Artificial Intelligence hype and showcases the real business value that’s already emerging from AI applications across sectors. Maarten shares real life insights.

Breaking the laws of thought

with Mathijs van Zutphen The world is changing fast, but is it getting better? We all want the same things… Mathijs van Zutphen argues that the obstacle to the real breakthroughs we need is our ...

The Truth Engine

with Peter Cochrane All civilisations live or die by the quality of their fundamental truths. Governments, legal systems, commerce, industry, engineering, science and education are built on verifiable...

Preferred Future

with Glen Hiemstra “At our primary emphasis has always been on creating the “preferred future.” Thus, we have developed methods to push alternative future scenarios toward a preferr...

Fashion Technology

with Anina Net Anina Net is a former international model now based in San Francisco and Beijing with 10 years’ experience creating a bridge between the east and west, fashion and tech.Based on permane...

City Futures in the Asia Pacific

with Shermon Cruz “Cities have emerged as change agents towards sustainable futures. Discussion about its size, food routes, transportation, health, climate change and community resilience has s...

Intuition / Life Energies

with Peachie Dioquino-Valera “Scientists have always said: “In our physical plane, we have only discovered the tip of the iceberg.” When labels such as: “Esoteric Psychology...