
Burning Issues: Education

Peter spent many years in publishing before becoming Director of the Institute for Media and Information Management at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Since October 2010 he started his current assignmen...

The Transposon

The outbreak of the Manaus retrovirus was over and the government had lifted the emergency situation.

Joy Rides and Robots are the Future of Space Travel

Human space exploration has its roots in war. The Saturn rocket used to propel Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon was based on the V2 rockets developed by Nazi Germany to pummel London during ...

The Egg

A huge golden egg stood on the beach. Solitary. Majestic. It had no name, no history. No one knew how it had arrived there. The fairies brought it, said some. No, the devil replied others.

Oh, The Humanities! Why STEM Shouldn’t Take Precedence Over the Arts

As much trouble as the education industry is in, every state continues to witness the dissolving of the very funds intended to help it. Major cuts in education have been directed toward the arts and h...

Shaping our Future Evolution

If you start a discussion about human evolution, you are likely to end up talking about the past, about Darwin and the history of our evolution.

Will Green Buildings Help

Buildings, being major energy guzzlers, should be the prime concern of both individuals and the authorities. Only then, the concrete jungles of today have a chance to attractive greenhouses

Navigating the Transition

All the signs are that we are right in the middle of the transition from one global paradigm to another. The one we are leaving is often called “modernity”. The one we are entering does not yet have a...

Demography and Hegemony

The Super-Continent of Eurasia is a unique land mass including both Europe and Asia with Europe barely accounting for 20% of the land mass but the largest proportion of the land mass. With the excepti...