October 05, 2011 / The way we think about the future has immense influence and impact on both our professional and personal lives.
Madan is a consultant and author from Bangalore. He is the editor of the five book series: “The Asia Pacific Internet Handbook”, “The Knowledge Management Chronicles,” “AfricaDotEdu,” “World of Prover...
Madan is a consultant and author from Bangalore. He is the editor of the five book series: “The Asia Pacific Internet Handbook”, “The Knowledge Management Chronicles,” “AfricaDotEdu,” “World of Prover...
Club of Amsterdam: Industrialized countries generate more than 90 per cent of the world’s annual total of some 325-375 million tons of toxic and hazardous waste.
Hardy is a strong team builder, entrepreneur, accomplished scientist and visionary theoretical thinker with extensive people and public relation skills.
His new book is entitled “Consumptionomics: Asia’s role in Reshaping Capitalism and Saving the Planet.”
Club of Amsterdam: Sustainable area development needs to tackle the core environmental issues related to – amongst others – mobility, housing, consumption, connectivity.
Schloer Consulting Group is presently developing large scale interoperable electronic health records (EHR) systems specifically designed to assist in the delivery of patient-oriented, biometrically se...
Part academic, part consultant, of multicultural background, fascinated by Russia, the Arctic, Brazil, natural resources, demography, new spaces, Biotechnology, post-humanity and many many more issues...