
Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2007

by World Economic Forum Highlights Switzerland takes the leading position in the TTCI rankings. Switzerland is an extremely safe country, with excellent health and hygiene indicators, as well as ...

Futurist definition

Futurist (definition): (Twelve) Types of Futures Thinkingby: Acceleration Studies Foundation, Understanding the nature, common pitfalls, and limits of human inquiry can help us avoid classic traps and...

Pro-active Meeting Assistants: Attention Please!

by Rutger Rienks, Anton Nijholt, Paulo Barthelmess Introduction Meetings are often inefficient. Starting with probably the first meeting ever held by humans, people have looked at techniques and proto...

The Future of Business Meetings: Applications for AMI Technologies

by Christine Perey People, processes and technologies we use in business meetings are continuously changing in order to increase efficiency in the workplace, or enhance meeting productivity. How can t...

The Statu(t)e of Liberty. Spatial Location as a Blueprint of Evil

by Markus Miessen The United States became engaged in two distinct conflicts, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in Iraq. As a result of a Presidential d...

Corporate Governance – the controlled way to success

by S. Chakraborty, P. Batheja, H. Pahlson-Moller Evalueserve is Knowledge Partner of the Summit for the FutureSummary In the wake of large-scale financial failures such as those of Enron and Worl...

Innovation as Risk Taking

by Evalueserve A special Summit for the Future Report by B Vijayalakshmi, Hedda Pahlson-Moller, EvalueserveApril 10, 2006 Innovation: The DNA for Growth You can’t solve a problem on the same lev...

China’s Future, Your Strategy

by Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future 9th March 2006The Asian Development Bank has forecast that China could be the world’s largest economy as early as 2025. Given an event horizon of less than 20 years, ...

UN Global E-government

by United Nations Readiness Report 2005 From E-government to E-inclusion Executive Summary An imperative of development today is to employ information and communication technologies (ICTs) to level th...

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