with Adriaan Kamp & Miss Metaverse
Adriaan Kamp, Founder of Energy For One World, on the implications of the War in the Ukraine, the Geopolitics of Emotions and Halfway The UN 2030 Agenda – on Peace, Energy, Economies, Climate Change & Actions the realization of the UN SDGs.
Where are we in our Energy Realities, what lessons have we learned over a decade of Energy Transition, UNSDGs and Climate Action, and what are the present thoughts and opportunities for making a good future: Energy-Economies Free of Concerns.
What is going well? What deserves our attention? And where can we make the better interventions – coming monday morning – to make a great future.

Adriaan Kamp
Founder of Energy For One World
The Hague, Netherlands
Katie (Miss Metaverse™) King
Futurist and Content Creator
Thailand & Cary, North Carolina, USA
Felix B Bopp
Producer of The Future Now Showclubofamsterdam.com
The Future Now Show
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