Lead Article How ‘living architecture’ could help the world avoid a soul-deadening digital future by Tim Gorichanaz, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Article 01 Cooking on Biogas by Gardenerd The Future Now Show Digital Fitness How we work isn’t working. What now? with Martijn Aslander Article 02 WorldRiskReport 2022 Focus: Digitalization News about the Future > The Green Office Movement > OrganiCity Article 03 Synthetic futures: my journey into the emotional, poetic world of AI art making by Mitch Goodwin, Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne Recommended Book Hacking Digital: Best Practices to Implement and Accelerate Your Business Transformation by Michael Wade, Didier Bonnet, Tomoko Yokoi, Nikolaus Obwegeser Article 04 Aletsch Glacier: View from Eggishorn by ETH Zurich Climate Change Success Story AI & Climate Change Futurist Portrait Benjamin Talin CEO & Founder of MoreThanDigital Tags: Aletsch Glacier, ARCHITECTURE, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Imagination, Biogas, Biogas Cooking, City Authorities, Climate Change, Data, Digital Fitness, Digitalisation, Easycracy, Food Waste, Innovation, Lifehacking, Office Welcome ![]() Felix B Bopp Website statistics for clubofamsterdam.com January 2021 – October 2022: Visits: 885,000 Visitors: 190,000 Benjamin Talin: It all began with the frustration that there was no neutral and easily understandable content for entrepreneurs when it came to the much talked about word “digitisation”. So his goal was to provide as many people as possible with the knowledge of what digitisation is and how they can do it themselves. Benjamin Talin firmly believes that the majority of entrepreneurs who have not yet done anything are simply afraid of doing something because of ignorance, because knowledge is the basic building block for change. From this goal, the platform MoreThanDigital.info was created. Originally still with focus on Switzerland, it was then soon widely spread and many readers read the simple contents also from Germany and Austria. So in July MoreThanDigital.info was born to provide information in the DACH area, for everyone who needs answers in the digital area. Michael Wade: I’m often asked ‘what is the next big thing in digital?’ My answer is not a technology, but the intersection of digital, ethics, and sustainability. To navigate this next big wave we have produced a report in conjunction with the Swiss Digital Initiative. Lady Gaga: “I know a Renaissance is coming, and the wrath of pop culture will inspire you and the rage of art will empower you.” |
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