the future of Green Architecture, May 2014

Club of Amsterdam

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A collaboration between Geelvinck Museum Hinlopen Huis and the Club of Amsterdam.


Fenneken Anneveld-van Wesel, Independent Architecture & Planning Professional modern technique and sustainability are important for the preservation of historic buildings.

Gijs Hoen, Project Leader, Stadsherstel Amsterdam
Monumental buildings: possibilities for a sustainable future

Paul de Ruiter, Paul de Ruiter Architects a CO2-neutral society

Mathias Lehner, founding partner, lehner gunther – Biodiversity Design leading to more Quality of Life for all Species


by Noor Wouterse, PerspeXo

Fenneken Anneveld-van Wesel, Independent Architecture & Planning Professional
Why modern technique and sustainability are important for the preservation of historic buildings.

Gijs Hoen, Project Leader, Stadsherstel Amsterdam
Monumental buildings: possibilities for a sustainable future

Paul de Ruiter, Paul de Ruiter Architects
Towards a CO2-neutral society

Mathias Lehner, founding partner, lehner gunther
NEXTCity – Biodiversity Design leading to more Quality of Life for all Species Anneveld-van Wesel, Independent Architecture & Planning Professional
Why modern technique and sustainability are important for the preservation of historic buildings.

Huis Schouwenburg was restored in 2008-2012. The preservation of the house was combined with the introduction of modern measures of sustainability. The presentation shows the situation before and after restoration, the choices made during the process and the results. It describes the use of sun energy and energy from biomass, insulation and application of wall heating. Hoen, Project Leader, Stadsherstel Amsterdam
Monumental buildings: possibilities for a sustainable future

Dutch monuments are often very power consuming. New buildings have to be less power consuming, monumental buildings are not forced to get better results. Still there’s a lot to gain. Not only for buildings that are being restored, also buildings in use can be adapted for a more sustainable future. de Ruiter, Paul de Ruiter Architects
Towards a CO2-neutral society

The transition to a CO2-neutral society calls for new partnerships that transcend the boundaries of sectors and chains. We cannot wait until 2050 as the Dutch government is aiming for a climate-neutral economy: we are in need of a CO2-neutral society tomorrow. As architects we can pave the way for making possible what appears impossible and develop unexpected and pioneering solutions: inspired collaboration produces innovative architecture. Lehner, founding partner, lehner gunther
NEXTCity – Biodiversity Design leading to more Quality of Life for all Species

Ever more people leave nature and the countryside in order to live in the city. Unexpectedly biodiversity in the city grows, too. In fact there is a new kind of city coming into existence where humans, animals and plants live together and are able toe profit from each other: the Next City. More biodiversity is an opportunity for more Quality of Life in the city: better (micro) climate, more conscious exchange with the urban environment and higher real estate value.

19:00 – 20:15
Introduction by our Moderator Yousif, Presenter at the Dutch public broadcaster NTR

Part I Anneveld-van Wesel, Independent Architecture & Planning Professional
Why modern technique and sustainability are important for the preservation of historic buildings. Hoen, Project Leader, Stadsherstel Amsterdam
Monumental buildings: possibilities for a sustainable future de Ruiter, Paul de Ruiter Architects
Towards a CO2-neutral society Lehner, founding partner, lehner gunther
NEXTCity – Biodiversity Design leading to more Quality of Life for all Species

20:15 – 20:45
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:45 – 21:15
Part II

Open discussion

Fenneken Anneveld-van Wesel
Independent Architecture & Planning Professional

Fenneken Anneveld-van Wesel was born in Amsterdam in 1954.
She studied Architecture and building techniques at the Delft Technical University
From 1980 until 1995 she worked for Architectenassociatie. This company designed and realized hospitals and research laboratories for several universities in Amsterdam Utrecht and Eindhoven.

In 1994-1996 she attended a postdoc study in Museology at the Reinwardt academy.
2000-2008 she worked as a free-lance architect for mainly medical projects.
In 2008 she and her husband bought Landgoed Huis Schouwenburg.
The restoration (2008 – 2012) of Schouwenburg was awarded by the Nationaal Restauratiefonds in 2011 with the “restoration compliment” for sustainability.

Gijs Hoen
Project Leader, Stadsherstel Amsterdam

Gijs Hoen (1974) is working for Stadsherstel since 2001. Started as a city architect and help for several parts of the organization, he is now specialized in restoration. A lot of his work concerns houses in de center of Amsterdam, mostly used for dwellings.

Paul de Ruiter
Paul de Ruiter Architects

In 1990 Paul de Ruiter (b. 1962) completed his studies at the Technical University of Delft (Netherlands). Two years later he started his research concerning energy efficient buildings. Before founding his own office in 1994 he worked with leading architectural offices in Canada, Australia and the Netherlands. From its very start Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter is keen on doing research to design buildings and towns in which people feel comfortable and safe, without prejudicing the environment and economic feasibility. Architecture should serve people and humanity – that is the real basis for effective innovation. Besides his design activities Paul de Ruiter works at a doctoral dissertation on climate active facades. He gives lectures, writes articles for professional journals and teaches at the Dutch Technical Universities. Paul de Ruiter is committed to several institutions that aim at a sustainable society.

Mathias Lehner
Founding partner, lehner gunther

Mathias Lehner (Austria, 1972) is co-founder and director of the design and consultancy agency lehner gunther in Amsterdam. He is an architect specialized in the communicative, business and social aspects of architecture and works within an international professional network. Together with Maike van Stiphout (DS landscape architects) he has set up in 2013.

He lectures at the Academy of Architecture and the University of Applied Science. Next Mathias is on the board of the association Architectura et Amicitia and of the UNESCO ranked art institution Kunstfort. In the past he was head of the architecture centre Podium next to Schiphol and architect at Petra Blaisse’s Inside Outside.

Tarik Yousif
Presenter at the Dutch public broadcaster NTR

Tarik Yousif is a multi-tasker in every sense of the word. He is a journalist / presenter working for the Dutch public broadcaster NTR. He is creative director of Creative Urbans a multidisciplinary architectural institute. He is also managing director of AAT, a conceptual development agency on the intersection of arts and technology, and finally he is a much sought after chairman of conferences and debates in which he is a gentle yet disruptive force. Finally, he is the headcoach of his son’s hockey team, to which he dedicates a mere 10 hours per week.


by Noor Wouterse, PerspeXo

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