the future of Europe, May 2013

Club of Amsterdam

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The World Future Society
India House Foundation

by Winston Nanlohy

the future of EuropeStephen Aguilar-Millan, Director of Research, The European Futures Observatory, Director, The Greenways Partnership

the future of EuropeFernando Lanzer Pereira de Souza, Consultant, itim International

the future of EuropeWim J. de Ridder, Professor Futures Studies, University Twente, Founder & Director, Futures Studies Management Consultancy – FSM bv

“I believe a United States of Europe is the right vision to surmount the current crisis, but above all to overcome the failings of the Maastricht Treaty” – Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

“Without Turkey we can forget our ambition to be a global player in the future.”Günter Verheugen, former Commission Vice-President and enlargement commissioner.

Aren’t there plenty of reasons why we should celebrate the ‘Future of Europe’?
Out of the window with doom scenarios: Europe is a hotspot of excellence, ready to achieve new heights.

The future of Europe can look bright since it has what it takes to exploit its growth potential. Europe scores high on the ‘Four Ts’, which enable innovation and excellence: tax regime, talent, technology and track record.

Economy, entrepreneurship, social and cultural richness are the pillars of the new Europe. Diversity and a high-level of education provide the tools to successfully tackle the current challenges.

Olli Rehn, Commission Vice-President for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro said: “The ongoing rebalancing of the European economy is continuing to weigh on growth in the short term. The current situation can be summarised like this: we have disappointing hard data from the end of last year, some more encouraging soft data in the recent past, and growing investor confidence in the future.”

What are the characteristics of the future Europe? Will it stay a Union of Nation States? How will diversity strengthen Europe? What makes it competitive in the future? What global role is Europe going to play?

The speakers and topics are:

Stephen Aguilar-Millan, Director of Research, The European Futures Observatory, Director, The Greenways Partnership
Which Europe?

The model of the European Union that served it well for the first 50 years has come under a great deal of pressure since the onset of the financial collapse of 2008. There are those who take the view that now might be a good time to review that model before events impose changes to the EU. This session will trace the development of the EU model, consider how it could change, and how that will influence the future of Europe.

Which Europe by Stephen Aguilar-Millan Europe/Stephen Aguilar-Millan Club of Amsterdam Which Europe.pdf

Fernando Lanzer Pereira de Souza
, Consultant, itim International
The future of Europe is not rational!

Discussions about the future of Europe need to consider the influence of values and emotions and not only rational aspects. There are five value-clusters in Europe, an important component of identity. If we do not address that, political/economic proposals for an effective European Union are unlikely to be accepted.

The future of Europe is not rational! by Fernando Lanzer Pereira de Souza Europe/Fernando Lanzer Club of Amsterdam Future of Europe.pdf Europe/itim eu report.pdf

Wim J. de Ridder
, Professor Futures Studies, University Twente, Founder & Director, Futures Studies Management Consultancy – FSM bv
The future creates opportunities for a leading role for Europe

Precompetitive research in the main domains of the next technological evolution (cleantech, genetics and artificial intelligence) is globally managed by amongst others the International Technology Roadmap Semiconductors. This governance system is a blessing in disguise for Europe. Above, after 2020 singularity will be mainstream. The world is entering a period of technological creation of super intelligence. This innovation will disrupt many cultures in the world. Europe is in the best position to play a leading role as peacemaker in the next turbulent times.

The future creates opportunities for a leading role for Europe by Wim J. de Ridder Europe/Wim de Ridder Club of Amsterdam the future of Europe.pdf

Ali Tunga
, Chairman, Atayol Group, Turkey
Europe, Turkey, and the 21st century

Europe has gone in the past 200 years through many extensive transitions, but perhaps none of them has reshaped Europe as substantially as the one of the next 15 to 20 years. Europe’s financial, demographic and geopolitical challenges will force either a painful and confrontational adjustment, or the willingness to change, adapt and accept new opportunities and new geopolitical partnerships. This presentation will raise the issues, and present potential perspectives.

Europe, Turkey, and the 21st century by Ali Tunga Europe/Ali Tunga Club of Amsterdam the future of Europe.pdf

19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator Blokpoel, CEO, PerspeXo

Part I Aguilar-Millan, Director of Research, The European Futures Observatory, Director, The Greenways Partnership
Which Europe? Lanzer Pereira de Souza, Consultant, itim International
The future of Europe is not rational! J. de Ridder, Professor Futures Studies, University Twente, Founder & Director, Futures Studies Management Consultancy – FSM bv
The future creates opportunities for a leading role for Europe Tunga, Chairman, Atayol Group, Turkey
Europe, Turkey, and the 21st century

20:15 – 20:45
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.

20:45 – 21:15
Part II

Open discussion

Stephen Aguilar-Millan
Director of Research, The European Futures Observatory
Director, The Greenways Partnership

Stephen Aguilar-Millan is the director of research at the The European Futures Observatory and the longtime director of the The Greenways Partnership.

Stephen’s main focus is to use future business trends to develop a range of possible futures that assist clients to generate their preferred futures. His areas of specialization include financial futures, economic futures, geopolitical futures, strategic futures, and the future of the organisation. Current projects include:

  • The Next Golden Age Of Technology 2030-45
  • Wildcards For the UK National Ecosystem At Mid-Century
  • A Monetary System For The 22nd Century
  • Developing A New Economics
  • The Future Of The European Healthcare System

Fernando Lanzer Pereira de Souza
Consultant, itim International
Managing Partner, LCO Partners
Senior Consultant, The Oxford Group

Fernando Lanzer is a Brazilian living in Amsterdam since 2003, an international HR executive turned management consultant with a focus on Leadership Development and Managing Across Cultures. His clients are multinational organizations in Europe, Africa and Latin America. Mr. Lanzer also chairs the Supervisory Group of AIESEC International, the world’s largest student internship organization, based in Rotterdam. He is the author of many articles and of the book “Take Off Your Glasses” (2012).

Wim J. de Ridder
Professor Futures Studies, University Twente
Founder & Director, Futures Studies Management Consultancy – FSM bv

Wim J. de Ridder holds a chair in futures studies at the University of Twente, The Netherlands and a Pd.D. in economics. He has published a series of books and articles on long term developments in technology and economy. From 1983 through 2008 he was director of Society and Enterprise Foundation, futures research centre of the Dutch business community, The Hague. He is founder and director of Futures Studies & Management Consultancy. a professional member of the World Futures Society and founder and member of a Dutch network of Public Affairs directors.

International publications

  • Decision-making processes in cyberspace, published in: Cynthia G. Wagner (ed), World Future Society’s 2005 conference volume, Foresight, Innovation and Strategy: Towards a Wiser World, 2005
  • Corporate dealing with the network economy, published in Futures: Journal of policy, planning and futures studies, Elsevier, November/December 2006
  • Applying memes in Foresight, published in: Cynthia G. Wagner (ed), World Future Society’s 2011 conference volume, Moving from Vision to Action, 2011

Ali Tunga
Chairman, Atayol Group, Turkey

Ali Tunga was born in 1962 in Kayseri, Turkey. He is the Chairman of Atayol Group of Companies. Mr. Tunga holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physic Engineering. He is fully engaged with the energy business and the construction sector. He is the owner and founder of the Atayol Group of Companies with more than 1,500 employees headquartered in Istanbul since 1990. Some of the Group Companies are as follows:

Petco Energy Inc., as one of our group companies, operates, as investor or contractor, in the following fields: construction of power plants, cross border natural gas and oil pipelines and oil refineries, electricity distribution and generation and is fully engaged with natural gas and LNG importation activities and renewable energy Projects.

Atayol Construction Inc. and Star Walltech International LLC. operate as investor and contractor in construction sector in Turkey and abroad.

Global Nuclear Energy Generation Inc. offers a full array of engineering and consulting services applicable to each and everyday field of energy sector. The company cooperates with leading international companies, research and engineering institutions for purposes of technology transfer and advancement.

Annegien Blokpoel

CEO, PerspeXo

Annegien Blokpoel is founder and director of the independent strategy firm PerspeXo. She has worked in the fields of strategy, investor relations, communications, and structured finance at two AEX-listed companies, CF PwC and Merchant bank MeesPierson. Over more than 15 years she has assisted over 35 boards and directors in formulating and realising value strategies.

She holds degrees in economics and archaeology, and an MBA, having studied in Amsterdam and Jerusalem. She regularly acts as moderator and speaker at conferences and business schools.

by Jelena Sonja Popadic

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