Club of Amsterdam
What influence will the crises have on financial services and products?
Maarten Mol, COO, Commercial & Merchant Banking, ABN AMRO
Earning Trust
Bouke de Vries, Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Rabobank Nederland
Strengths of the cooperative model – a more effective value proposition for clients?
Dave Rietveld, Manager Innovation, Equens
Transparency of financial settlement – rethinking the value proposition of institutions
Hans Hintzen, Hintzen Legal Services
The Ratio of Leverage
John Grüter, Owner, Digital Knowledge
In 2008, the unthinkable happened. Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Banks had to seek shelter with governments. In 2010, the unthinkable happened again. Local European economies were based on bubbles. Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland. What or who can we trust?
The financial infrastructure is intrinsically based on trust, between clients, financial institutions and governments. No trust, no financial infrastructure. Bail out by governments, the World Bank, the IMF, but can we still trust them to do so?
Perhaps we should think differently. Perhaps we should look for ways to boost robustness of the financial infrastructure. Increase transparency. Take away the need for intervention. Infuse loyalty into clients. How to seduce them? Products and services differentiation, mutual value. Client-side risk management. Interaction based on relationship, not (simple) products.
So, what will future financial products and services look like? Will they be more transparent? Will they allow clients to accurately manage risk? Will they return serious value for the relationship? Will competition between financial institutions force a long-term relationship focus?
Concept by John Grüter, Owner, Digital Knowledge
Maarten Mol, COO, Commercial & Merchant Banking, ABN AMRO
Earning Trust
Can supervisors earn trust for banks? Can regulators earn trust for banks? Have the forces that caused the loss of trust fundamentally changed? How even is the playing field? What a bank can do to regain trust.
Bouke de Vries, Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Rabobank Nederland
Strengths of the cooperative model – a more effective value proposition for clients?
In his presentation Bouke will focus on the case of the Rabobank in the credit crisis and the future of cooperative banking: “Before the financial crisis, cooperative banks were sometimes seen as stable but rather boring. But several studies have shown that the cooperative model has weathered the storms better than most. For instance, Rabobank did not need state support during the crisis. What is the reason for this relatively strong performance? What are strengths and weaknesses of the cooperative model? And what does the future look like?”
Dave Rietveld, Manager Innovation, Equens
Transparency of financial settlement – rethinking the value proposition of institutions
Increasing electronification and standardisation of the payments intrustry enables all users to gain control of their own financial processes. Global transfer and settlement of funds within minutes without any hidden process steps, unclear predictability or hidden risks are becoming standard for everybody. Information is widespread available due to internet and standard payment infrastructures which increase transparency and confidence in the financial systems. On the other hand, due to these developments, banks might lose their unique selling points (trust, exclusive knowledge, exclusive networks) to other parties. Financial institutions are forced to rethink the value that they want to deliver to their clients. This presentation gives some insight in recent and current market developments, which will definitely trigger and expedite that rethinking.
Hans Hintzen, Hintzen Legal Services
The Ratio of Leverage
How it begun, and the impact of the financial crisis on the infrastructure of financial markets and of the financial services industry from a legal perspective.
19:00 – 20:00
Introduction by our Moderator
John Grüter, Owner, Digital Knowledge
Part I:
Maarten Mol, COO, Commercial & Merchant Banking, ABN AMRO
Earning Trust
Bouke de Vries, Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Rabobank Nederland
Strengths of the cooperative model – a more effective value proposition for clients?
Dave Rietveld, Manager Innovation, Equens
Transparency of financial settlement – rethinking the value proposition of institutions
Hans Hintzen, Hintzen Legal Services
The Ratio of Leverage
20:00 – 20:30
Coffee break with drinks and snacks.
20:30 – 21:15
Part II:
Open discussion
Maarten Mol
COO, Commercial & Merchant Banking, ABN AMRO
Maarten started his career as a consultant at KPMG after domestic and international banking traineeships at ABN AMRO and Chase Manhattan. In 1988, he moved to Bank of America in the Treasury and Electronic Banking Department and was head of International Product Management Global Payments Services in the UK. Maarten rejoined ABN AMRO in 1997. Since then, he has had various positions in international sales and product management of the transaction banking businesses of ABN AMRO, among which head Working Capital Netherlands. From 2005, Maarten has been responsible for the full transaction banking business in the Netherlands across private, retail, corporate and wholesale clients. He briefly enjoyed the position of CEO Transaction Banking at Fortis Bank. Maarten is now responsible for the Chief Operating Office of commercial and merchant banking clients at the new ABN AMRO.
Bouke de Vries
Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Rabobank Nederland
Drs. Bouke de Vries, Senior Economist at the Economic Research Department of Rabobank Nederland. He is the head of the financial sector research team. Currently one of the projects the Economic Research Department is working on is a scenario study. In this study four possible futures for the world (economy) in 2030 are explored, in which themes as food security, biofuels, the market economy and the financial sector are integrated.
Hans Hintzen
Hintzen Legal Services
Hans Hintzen is a specialist in the field of banking and securities law. He begun his career working as a lawyer with Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam, after which he spent over 8 years working as an Interim Legal Counsel for a variety of banks and financial institutions, among which Rabobank International, ABN AMRO Bank, ING Bank, AEGON, SNS REAAL, NIBC Bank and Staal Bank. Hans specializes in Financial Services Regulation, Legal Aspects of Debt Capital Markets, Derivatives, Corporate Finance, Structured Finance, Securitizations and Investment Management.
John Grüter
Owner, Digital Knowledge
Business Architect, Knowledge Management Specialist, Business Developer, Systems Thinker, IT Generalist & Change Agent
Digital technology is rapidly transforming our society, our business practices and lives. Technology is a driver, but not the real issue. Adoption by individuals, companies and governments is far more important. But how can we manage the technology, the adoption process and the effect on our businesses and private lives, without getting lost in that change?
Business Architecture; Knowledge Management; Process and Services Innovation; New Business Development; Product Management
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