the future of Ideas – Intellectual Property, September 2005

Club of Amsterdam

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PricewaterhouseCoopers J. Koelman:
Open source software and software patents
The open source method of software development is becoming widespread. Recently, a proposal for a European regulation of software patents was rejected. Koelman will discuss the legal implications of these developments. Bousie:
Intellectual property and intelligent ownership
Intellectual property is all about property so it seems. In the entertainment industry for instance, companies consider music their property. Their emphasis is on them owning the products and owning the creators. Whether this is an intellectual way of behaving is questioned by Hans Bousie. Regardless of whether the balance between ownership and exploitation leans towards one side or the other, the creative industry is bound to suffer. Pahlson-Moller:
Trends in IP Offshoring
A recent study by Evalueserve highlights the fact that there will be an increasing unmet demand in IP requirements in Europe over the next five years, hampering innovation and pushing up costs for European companies. This shortfall can be met, in part, by outsourcing IP services to third parties in low-cost locations, such as India, in three different models: 1. Third-party vendors providing services directly to companies in Europe, 2. European law firms outsourcing work to the same vendors or 3. European companies setting up own IP units in India. Currently, offshore capabilities include patent searches, drafting and background research; litigation and final filing are still carried out onshore in Europe. Cost savings possible from outsourcing this work are substantial. However, there are varying degrees of risk and reward for each model that should be considered before entering in an offshore relationship.

Short presentation by Hoolahan
File-Reg International provide and online system to prove who was the first to create and/or are the legal owners/developers of a particular work since they registered the ‘intellectual property’ at a certain moment in time.

Welcome by our Moderator Bolick, CEO, Dmarc8 International
Part I: J. Koelman, Associate Professor, Computer/Law Institute (CLI), Vrije Universiteit: Open source software and software patents Bousie, Owner, Bousie advocaten: Intellectual property and intelligent ownership Pahlson-Moller, Managing Director – Omnisource International; Client Executive – Evalueserve: Trends in IP Offshoring
Short presentation by Hoolahan, CEO, File-Reg International

Coffee break with drinks & networking

Part II: Panel with the Speakers

and our Moderator Bolick
The panel is followed by an open discussion.
Kamiel Koelman
Associate Professor, Computer/Law Institute (CLI), Vrije Universiteit

Kamiel J. Koelman is an associate professor at the Computer/Law Institute (CLI) of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. His main field of expertise is on the intersection of technology and the law, particularly intellectual property law. He has published numerous articles on issues such as ownership of electronic rights, multimedia licensing, online intermediary liability, open source software, hyper linking, privacy in the context of digital rights management systems, copyright law and economics, software patents, the changing position of collecting societies under anti-trust law and the protection of technological measures. Additionally, he produced reports both for European projects and the World Intellectual Property Organization. He is a member of the board of editors of the main Dutch law journals on copyright (AMI) and computer law (Computerrecht) and a regular speaker on national and international conferences. Before he joined the CLI he was employed by the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam, where he received his doctor’s degree.
Hans Bousie
Owner, Bousie Advocaten

Bousie advocaten is a niche-firm that specializes in media- and entertainment law. It was established in 2003 by Hans Bousie and is now led by him and Sander Dikhoff. They have managed to assemble a group of 10 A-list entertainment lawyers, well trained in various specialised and/or large law firms, they now found “the” connection. The firm’s field of focus include media, motion pictures, music, book publishing, theatre, games, art and fashion. Since 2003 it has become the leading specialised firm in media and entertainment law in the Netherlands. The firm prides itself in its expertise on intellectual property law, with a strong focus on copyright law and trademark law. The firm also has a very strong base in competition law, information technology law, corporate law, and telecommunication law.
Hedda Pahlson-Moller
Managing Director – Omnisource International; Client Executive – Evalueserve

Hedda Pahlson-Moller is Managing Director of the Outsourcing/Offshoring consultancy, Omnisource International, and serves as the Benelux Client Executive for Evalueserve – a global knowledge services company providing customized, multi-lingual Business Intelligence (Business Research, Market Research, Investment Research and Data Analytics) and Intellectual Property research services to leading edge clients worldwide. Evalueserve has a team of 850+ professional researchers based in its operations centers in Gurgaon, India and Shanghai, China.

Hedda has a B.A. from Brown University (USA), a Masters in Political Science from Lund University, and is completing an executive MBA program from Copenhagen Business School. As a dual Canadian/Swedish citizen, Hedda has lived around the globe and worked for the Swedish Embassy and the Japan Development Bank in Tokyo, the US Chamber of Commerce in Berlin, the Centre for Science and Environment in India and spent 4 years at Hewlett-Packard in Brussels and Grenoble.
Brian Hoolahan

CEO, File-Reg International

Brian Hoolahan is founder and CEO of File-Reg International, specializing in the online registration of Intellectual Property other then patents or trademarks. The system is used to prove the origin and time of existence of concepts, designs, R&D etc at the push of a button. Apart from the File-Reg system being used by third party companies as a ‘branded’ system by i.e. lawyers, legal advisory services for business and media, the service is also being implemented into schools of Higher Education to help combat IP theft and create awareness among students in regard to IP protection of their work. Prior to founding File-Reg Brian Hoolahan was for many years a producer for Dutch national broadcasting companies.
Marc Bolick
CEO, Dmarc8 International

Marc runs Dmarc8 International, a company specializing in providing marketing and business development services to high growth, technology-based companies. Prior to Dmarc8 he co-founded MobiQuis, a company providing infotainment services to the mobile telecoms industry. Prior to this, he spent nine years at General Electric and two years at Nucletron/Delft Instruments in marketing product management positions in the medical devices sector. Marc received his MBA from Rotterdam School of Management and his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University (USA).

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